The reality of this reality TV situation is that A&E will lick its wounds, move on and find another show to fill the void. I think that the how should stay people including myself love this show its not my choice because im not the SHERIFF so fro anyone who liked it sorry maybe something new will come along. Um, can you say game over? The other three alleged violations pertain to Baby Oil and about $350,000 worth of free renovations on a Savanne Road building now used by a private contractor to house an inmate work-release program. The Louisiana Auditor's Office reviewed former Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois spending in relation to 'Cajun Justice' in January 2013. what happened to sheriff vernon bourgeois. Larpenter was at the time resuming leadership of the office, following the single term of former sheriff Vernon Bourgeois, who took the reins after Larpenter left to pursue an unsuccessful bid to be Terrebonne's parish president in 2008. 2023 confirmed, "We are no longer participating in the A&E show.". Send flowers or a gift to a service or family's home. The Terrebonne Sheriff Dept. Example video title will go here for this video. Larpenter declined the offer. New Orleans-based FBI spokesman, Craig Betbeze, declined to comment Wednesday. The interesting aspect of reality TV is how it is perceived by the people who appear in the programs. Most participants assume they will be made out to be celebrities, but that is not always as positive as it seems. All the articles in the local paper were very negative about the show, Kadin said. Jefferson Parish is part of the Government industry, and located in Louisiana, United States. . They often have to solve disputes between neighbors, or have to catch people doing illegal acts on the bayou, such as illegally hunting alligators, among other things.[3]. And Slick, Sheriff Bourgeois is the crook. The show features most members of the sheriff's office, and also has members of the SWAT team, and other law enforcement agencies on the show. The jet, which belongs to Houma businessman Tony Alford, attorney Michael St. Martin and other partners, was used to fly Bourgeois and the others to an awards ceremony. That responsibility would instead go to the states Attorney General or federal investigators. n Malfeasance, the term used when a public servant intentionally refuses or fails to perform required duties. confirms that new sheriff Jerry Larpenter fired 24 people on DAY ONE including five of seven people featured on the show. Federal prosecutors filed a bill of information April 5 alleging that Stewart stole over $1,000 in grant money from 2009 through 2012. Say it ain't so. Prosecutors agreed not to seize his assets if the restitution is paid off. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. It's unclear if A&E will scrap the show completely or attempt to find a new department to work with. How Does the CBS True Lies Series Compare to James Camerons 1994 Movie. Sheriff Larpenter is trying to maintain the integrity of our public defenders as well as the integrity of our beautiful parish., Larpenter has not spoken specifically about why he pulled the plug, but this statement on his website speaks volumes about his serious approach to law enforcement:I will provide a professional staff in all departments of the Sheriffs Office that will serve you, the people of Terrebonne Parish. Terrebonne Sheriff's Assistant Chief of Detectives Capt. Other questions:[email protected]. NAME: Louis Vernon Bourgeois, Jr. AGE . with Kelly and Michael host) the awards will air LIVE on A&E on Jan. 15th at 9pm ET / 6pm PT. Look, no one wants to have family time interrupted. speech pathologist and audiologist . I will leave it to the state attorney general or feds.. Bourgeois was the subject of an audit that accused him of a variety of legal and ethical violations, including using Sheriff's Office cars to go to sporting events around the state and elsewhere, and using on-duty deputies to film a TV show called "Cajun Justice." TV tweet of the day so far. Its unclear if A&E will nix the show completely or attempt find a new department to work with, but for better or worse, Larpenters crew wont be on it. Heck, they might want to give Sarah from Terrebonne Parish a call. State law also prohibits giving away public property or other things of value, such as inmate labor, to another person, association or corporation, public or private.. [2], The show focuses on the experiences of the Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana Sheriff's Office. Both of these items caused his salary to exceed the state limit. Lest you think I'm crazy, Ian's smarts make him a genuine HoH threat the next time there's a trivia competish. It's ingredients in the abstract do not accurately convey the taste. The audits also found that Terrebonne sheriffs deputies worked about 53 hours filming reenactments for the televisions series Cajun Justice. The audit found the deputies were paid by both the Sheriffs Office and film company, possibly violating state law. Read more TV coverage at Auditors also determined that Bourgeois racked up about $2,000 in improper fuel expenses for traveling to LSU football games, NASCAR races and other events. i loved the show! Besides there IS NOT one town/city without crimes of any sort. Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois is the most powerful man in town--overseeing the investigation of every strange and eerie occurrence in the region. Vegas- Miami vice-NYPD Blues-Dallas-The Hamptons on and on. Whats more, not only did the new Sheriff pink slip to most of the cast, but as of July 1, he banned A&E producers from following anyone in his department. Bourgeois has been chided for several violations during his tenure in office and has returned more than $15,000 in what the audit describes as ill-gotten gains. The former assistant chief of detectives at the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office faces a federal charge of theft of government funds. Former Terrebonne Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois has squared away paying the $19,175 the Louisiana Legislative Auditor says he owes the parish for gas, unauthorized leave and other expenses when he left office in 2011. Today in "Big Brother." The Louisiana Ethics Board may decide to look at a plane trip Bouregois took with his wife and two deputies, on a private aircraft whose owners have not been reimbursed for wear and tear, fuel or other expenses. It'd be interesting to see what he would do with serious power. One option is shooting the show in multiple parishes at once, making it a broader Cajun Justice highlighting several different departments, he said. what happened to sheriff vernon bourgeois. what happened to sheriff vernon bourgeois Noticias Afina. "Cajun Justice" follows Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois and his team of deputies while they fight crime in the swamps of Louisiana . He was criticized for taking. See more. Dawn Foret and Head of the Narcotics Task Force Maj. Darryl Stewart have been under investigation since 2012 for accepting federal money to conduct the program while being paid for off-duty work. "Cajun Justice" is a total misrepresentation of our culture and is very offensive to true Cajuns who are very proud of our heritage. The findings included an allegation that Bourgeois improperly drew vacation pay, Parish equipment was used without compensation by a company producing the reality show Cajun Justice and deputies were allegedly paid for working on the show while they also drew parish salaries. COVID vaccine associated with fewer heart problems, study says, Major industrial development underway tied to NASA in New Orleans East, Warm and humid Thursday before a cold front Friday. Larpenter lost that race, and last year he was reelected back to his old job as sheriff. One of Larpenter's first steps upon resuming office was to order an extensive internal audit, the results and records of which he said he turned over to state auditors, the state Attorney General's office and the FBI. May 25 2022. places to go for your 16th birthday. Foret has done nothing wrong," he added. Last week, ex-sheriff Vernon Bourgeois repaid $19,175 to the department for gas, unauthorized leave and other expenses when he left office. The audit, conducted by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor, says Bourgeois took vacation pay he wasnt entitled to, used Sheriffs Office resources for personal gain and oversaw other infractions. As part of the plea, Stewart must also pay $15,925 in mandatory restitution to the government. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Despite season one averaging 1.5 million viewers an episode, the newly elected sheriff, Jerry Larpenter, did not agree with the way the series represented his parish. The allegations centered on activities that occurred during the Bourgeois administration. In a public letter, Bourgeois said he was proud of having been able to raise deputy employment standards and expand services to citizens both in the field and through an Internet program during his time as sheriff. An additional 6th cast member quit to support his fellow comrades. Vernon, was found dead from a . It was Bourgeois who took over from Larpenter when, in 2008, Larpenter ran for parish president. . Logically, it's a no-brainer to continue the filming simply because of the immediate benefit to the sheriff's office itself, so this just goes to show how much Jerry hates Vernon and the idea that this is Vernon's show, said Kadin, adding that hell soon begin scouting other parishes for a second-season setting. No charges have been filed against either employee, and neither have been investigated for similar disciplinary issues in the past, Terrebonne sheriff Jerry Larpenter said. Coffee shop conversation on Bourgeois announcement was one of both surprise and support of the popular sheriffs decision. We held our own against the Olympics. The penalty is up to five years in jail and fines of up to $5,000. TV Linkzilla Daily for 8/16/12 starts now. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff L. Vernon Bourgeois Jr., has announced that he will not seek reelection to the job he has held for one term following the retirement of former Sheriff Jerry Larpenter. The audits also found that Terrebonne sheriff's deputies worked about 53 hours filming reenactments for the televisions series "Cajun Justice." Bourgeois was the subject of an audit that accused him of a variety of legal and ethical violations, including using Sheriff's Office cars to go to sporting events around the state and elsewhere, using on-duty deputies to film a TV show called "Cajun Justice," and accusations related to unpaid property taxes and about $350,000 worth of free renovations on a Savanne Road building now used by a private contractor to house an inmate work-release program. We have cooperated with the federal investigation and provided them with evidence that we believe demonstrates that Capt. "Why would I even think about it?". If you didn't know "Cajun Justice" follows Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois and his team of deputies while they fight crime in the swamps of Louisiana that is until a new Sheriff took over (after filming wrapped) and decided to CLEAN HOUSE. The first person to tweet #DUCK wins. The A&E network reality series, which has performed well enough ratings-wise to get a renewal, is moving on after its 9 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. season-finale episodes. The Terrabone Sheriffs Dept. Bourgeois was the subject of an audit that accused him of a variety of legal and ethical violations, including using Sheriff's Office cars to go to sporting events around the state and. When a vicious alligator attacks a family's dog, Deputy Melissa "Catfish" Quintal must call . Current Sheriff Jerry Larpenter, who held the office for decades, left in 2009 to wage a failed bid for parish president. The audit was released in July. Bourgeois has been chided for several violations during his tenure in office and has returned more than $15,000 in what the audit describes as ill-gotten gains. "Now we are monitoring everything and working with our financials to make sure we have new equipment, manpower and personnel," he added. A conviction could result in fines and up to five years in prison. cant believe its not coming back! Jul 30, 2012 Category Reality TV. It depicts our population as ignorant-voodoo practicing-illiterate fools. The show followed Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois (pictured) and his deputies as they patrolled the swamps of Louisiana until Bourgeois lost his position to Larpenter. The Terrabone Sheriff Dept. It might be the understatement of the year to say that the new sheriff of Terrebonne Parrish is not a big fan of reality TV. that sucks that show was good they need to put the old sheriff back in and get rid of the new one, I loved this show, we got to see the culture,the wonderful people and find out about the area. The shows first season so far has averaged about 1.5 million viewers an episode, Kadin said, facing strong competition early and late in its run against the NBA Playoffs and then the Summer Olympics. Terrebonne Parish District Attorney Joe Waitz said he recused his office from the matter because of connections with the Bourgeois family, though he said state authorities are still following up on the issue. The show followed Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois. She seems like she is outspoken enough to warrant at least 15 minutes of fame. Sentencing for Darryl B. Stewart is set for Sept. 7 in federal court in New Orleans. The show is successful, but locally there is a lot of negativity about the show and the newspaper perpetuates that.. Thats something we want to continue., Photo credit: Gabby Jimenez/LSU Manship School News Service, Task Force on State Recognition of Indian Tribes meeting failed to establish criteria for recognizing tribes in Louisiana. But indications are that the aircrafts use was obtained through proper channels with payments made for same. Foret and Stewart remain employed and on duty. Tracking staffers in Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois' office and the citizens they police, the series met with some negative reaction by viewers in the parish, at least as reflected in the pages and on the website of the Houma Courier, which polled readers and solicited mini-reviews via Facebook. For the sake of full disclosure, I am a voting member of the group that annually hosts the awards, the BFCA (Broadcast Film Critics Association). We're told not only did the new Sheriff can most the cast, but as of July 1, he banned producers from following ANYONE in his department. Psychic Tia) likes to tell people that her job involves playing charades with the dead. But its far from just being fun and games for the New Jersey clairvoyant, as she takes her paranormal abilities quite seriously. The FBI is investigating the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office use of federal grant money to combat underage drinking that allegedly involved two top-ranking police officials. In fact, if A&E were to compile its 10 Most Wanted, chances are Jerry Larpenter would be at the top of its list. Send me email updates and offers from TMZ and its Affiliates. Allegedly Raced UGA Assistant Before Fatal Crash, 2023 EHM PRODUCTIONS,INC. Judging from this comment on the website hollywoodgossip.comby a woman named Sarah, not everybody was thrilled with the way their parish was being represented on Cajun Justice: I live in Terrebonne Parish, in Houma, and this show is an embarrassment. Wrote Courier executive editor Keith Magill in a June 10 column, which also aired out some of the Facebook reaction: At best, it's mindless TV and a waste of time that could be better spent fighting real crime instead of make-believe voodoo rituals, Rougaroo sightings and other so-called dramatic recreations that have or will be featured. Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois and his deputies arrest and deal with numerous suspects, criminals and other citizens. It perpetuates the negative opinions of southeast Louisiana held by others through the degrading personifications of both our people and our lifestyle. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Download the TMZ App on the Apple App Store, Download the TMZ App on the Google Play Store. Reality shows come and go for one reason or another, but the situation with A&E's Cajun Justice is a precedent nobody ever could have imagined. Fortunately for producers, they had already shot enough footage to finish out Season 1 but there will be no NEW episodes featuring members of Larpenter's team. My office will continue to follow your recommendations set forth in the audit of former Sheriff L. Vernon Bourgeois four years in office, as I outlined in my letter to you of July 11, 2013, Larpenters letter states. The question that remains is whether any further action will be taken. There have been in the past and WILL be in the future shows of towns/ cities and such. Following the release of the audit, which is based on financial documents supplied by the Sheriffs Office, Larpenter could have asked another agency to open an investigation into possible criminal infractions conducted during Bourgeois time but chose not to. A&E is very happy with the numbers, he said. Shortly after taking office in July 2011, Sheriff Jerry Larpenter raised questions about his predecessors spending habits. Oh, Adam. borrow. RELATED: 7 Questions With Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty, And so it goes the latest Hollywood awards season news is out, the Critics Choice Movie Awards Nominations are in for the 20th annual show, and there are some interesting selections. That would include a Chia Willie, or a prize pack with a $100 eGift card. "I think the show is ridiculous and disrespectful to the people of this parish," Larpenter told Katie Urbaszewski @ the Courier earlier this month. They often have to solve disputes between neighbors, or have to catch people doing illegal acts on the bayou, such as illegally hunting alligators, among other things. Failure to collect more than $300,000 in property taxes from one company was also cited. Louisiana's legislative auditor believes former Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois may have violated state law. Teamed Up W/ Conor's Proper No. I think the new sheriff has his nose in the air and better watch out for a HARD RAIN STORM! The infractions range from possible criminal actions, like theft, to breaches governed by the state Ethics Board. Do you people really think you that live there are judged by what is on TV. Nearly six months after a legislative audit report noted potentially illegal actions by former Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois during his tenure, nobody knows if criminal charges will result. Paranoia maybe. Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois and his deputies arrest and deal with numerous suspects, criminals and other citizens. As both. Bourgeois has not been charged with any wrongdoing. Well folks, there's a new Sheriff in town and what that means for the cast of A&E's hit reality show "Cajun Justice" is they're NO LONGER ON A REALITY SHOW. The audit found the deputies were paid by both the Sheriff's Office and film company, possibly violating state law. The same plane was used on another occasion, to fly Bourgeois back to Houma during a Super Bowl holiday, to handle arrangements and other business following the death of a deputy, Tim Bergeron. michelle o'neill eyebrows meme. Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Cajun Justice is an American reality television series on A&E. The show follows Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois and his deputies as they fight crime in the swamps of Louisiana. Probably wants to focus on criminal justice or some absurd notion. Foret, Stewart and Bourgeois could not be reached for comment Wednesday. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff L. Vernon Bourgeois Jr., has announced that he will not seek reelection to the job he has held for one term following the retirement of former Sheriff Jerry Larpenter. Those questioned thought he deserved time off after three decades of law enforcement work. All rights reserved. Show your support. He owns a house in Houma, but countless attempts by reporters to reach him there and by phone since he left office have proven unsuccessful. My commitment has been and always will be to make our parish a safe place to live and raise our children and grandchildren.. The cast of A&E's reality show Cajun Justice is dealing with a new sheriff in town one apparently bent on not having his team featured on a . District Attorney Joe Waitz Jr. announced last week that Bourgeois paid the money. Ken Reichling, creator/executive producer, attempted to keep the show within the parish, and A&E agreed to increase the payment from $1,500 an episode to $10,000 an episode. A&E's 'Cajun Justice' departs Terrebonne Parish after season finale, Dave Walker, | The Times-Picayune. @MikeScottTP @mzcoffman Try the sandwich! A sixth cast member quit to support his fellow comrades. My opinion is worthless, Larpenter said. Foret, who resigned from the Sheriff's Office on June 13, had been under federal investigation since 2012 for allegedly accepting federal money to conduct an underage drinking eradication program while simultaneously being paid for off-duty work between 2008 and 2012. Huge difference. Chad's brother, 36-year-old Shawn Wildt of Mt. Many lawmen might have considered their own TV show a sweet perk to a new job, but not this badge-wielding cop. seems like most shows i enjoy get cancelled anymore. No sheriff investigates another because we all know each other.. According to a factual basis document in Stewart's case, the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program and the U.S. Department of Justice Equitable Sharing Agreement supporting the Drug Enforcement Administration were for personnel overtime and equipment to support a multi-jurisdictional drug task force in Terrebonne Parish. Former Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois and current Sheriff Jerry Larpenter said they were not aware of these actions and did not authorize Stewart to approve his own overtime, according to the factual . n Unauthorized use of a moveable, in this case the Sheriffs Office cars that were taken to sporting events in Louisiana and elsewhere. I dont know how you people jucge things but it sounds to me stupidity is your basis. At 52, Bourgeois has worked with the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office since 1982. As this is only her arraignment hearing, Foret will not be allowed to plead guilty before a magistrate judge, said Anna Christman, spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in New Orleans. 12 Partner. In a response letter, Bourgeois alleged the current sheriff Jerry Larpenter is also misusing office funds. Yes! On Psychic Tia, premiering Aug. 3 at 10pm on A&E, viewers will get to see the former police detective (she left the force after a near-fatal illness made her reprioritize things) in her new line of work, giving readings and channeling the spirits of departed loved ones at her shop, The Craft. Along with the guilty plea, Stewart is barred from working in law enforcement and, as a felon, cannot legally possess a firearm. Hosted by Michael Strahan (the Super Bowl champion, Fox NFL Sunday analyst, and Live! Some of his fuel charges, according to the audit, were on trips to see the Saints play in Dallas and Atlanta, and four LSU football games, including the 2011 Cotton Bowl. @MikeScottTP Broccoli rabe, not broccoli. Just follow Duck Dynasty on Twitter, then wait for one of the affiliated accounts including Willie, Korie, Jase, Duck Commander and A&E to tweet #QUACK or see if you can spot #QUACK on air during the new episodes. Alone among the houseguests, he actually seems to be learning how to play the game better as the weeks pass. Staff Writer Maki Somosot can be reached at 857-2208 [email protected]. A recent audit focuses on Bourgeois' salary, benefits and travel expenses during his four years as sheriff, from 2008 until last year. Former Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois and current Sheriff Jerry Larpenter said they were not aware of these actions and did not authorize Stewart to approve his own overtime, according to the factual basis document. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I liked the show, and as long as things are not made up, its good. Season 1 will finish as planned; beyond that, its unclear. Trust, AdamRichman 10:05am via Twitter for iPhone, @MikeScottTP I say it at the end of every episode: "THIS IS JUST MY CALL, GO OUT AND FIND YOUR OWN #BESTSANDWICH. But they're both not fried shrimp dressed, baby. Catfish and Gators. Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward Rivera handles the prosecution for Foret and Stewart's cases. Stewart, who worked as head of the Terrebonne Parish Narcotics Task Force until his resignation on April 11, faces a maximum of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. The agency is also investigating the officers' alleged simultaneous acceptance of payment for off-duty work, although the exact issue was unclear Wednesday. 'Cajun Justice' Premiere: Officers Tackle A Drug Dealer And An Alligator He was also singled out for providing security detail to Nicholls State University away games during three seasons, resulting in fuel, meal and salary costs of $21,000. An . Dave Walker can be reached at [email protected] or 504.826.3429. Kadin said he tried to get Larpenter to think about it by increasing the show's payment to the budget-strapped department from $1,500 an episode to $10,000 an episode. For various reasons, officials with the Sheriffs Office and Terrebonne District Attorneys Office say they wont get involved in any criminal investigation. Such service has come with a price, Bourgeois said. Sheriff deputies responded and found 42-year-old Chad Wildt of Evansville, outside with a gunshot wound to the face. "Cajun Justice" season finale bids farewell to the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office. He was reelected sheriff in 2012. episode 2 21 min. I definitely can relate to that.. The law requires collection of annual taxes or that property be seized and sold to settle the tax debt, neither of which happened in the case of Baby Oil, auditors said. Larpenter said he is leaving the question to higher powers as well. A spokesman for Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell declined to comment on possible criminal charges. With such a unique show, we knew it would take a little while to catch on.". tells TMZ, the new head honcho -- a guy named Jerry Larpenter -- FIRED 24 people on his first day. Although copies of the audit were forwarded to Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell and the US Department of Justice, there are no indications that either office is leaning toward criminal prosecution. how to find installed application in ubuntu what happened to sheriff vernon bourgeois. Her charges come just three weeks after the one-time head of the Narcotics Task Force pleaded guilty to the same offense. Auditors also say Bourgeois cashed out unused "accumulated" leave and received a clothing allowance causing his salary to exceed the statutory maximum in Louisiana, which could be a violation of. TCA Elementary panel: Why a Big Apple Holmes and a woman Watson could work, TCA: Weeds series finale and whats in those smokin props, Tia Belle (a.k.a. You have permission to edit this article. Late last summer, a Louisiana sheriff decided to use a long-dormant, unconstitutional criminal libel law to track down an online critic and search his home.Not that anyone had really been using . State audits former Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois. He was criticized for taking $16,133 for unused leave and taking a $600 clothing allowance. The question that remains is whether any further action will be taken. Whether any further accountability will be required of Bourgeois, who made the payment under protest, remains to be seen. Reality shows come and go for one reason or another, but the situation with A&Es Cajun Justice is a precedent nobody ever could have imagined. Federal charge of theft of government funds many lawmen might have considered their own show! Rain STORM said he is leaving the question that remains is whether any further accountability will be taken last. 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