Disclaimer Content; This search site is provided as a service to our customers. In order to eFile real estate documents in Georgia, users must have a participant ID. February 27-28 Commission Meetings Cancelled, New Electric Vehicle Charging Stations available to the Public, EMA Encourages Residents to Prepare During Severe Weather Preparedness Week Feb 6-10, Fourth Annual Mayor and Chairmans Paddle, Withlacoochee River, Lowndes County Fire Rescue Holds Joint Hazardous Materials Drill, 2022 Boards and Commissions Term Expirations - Current Opportunities, Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority, Valdosta-Lowndes County Parks and Recreation Authority. Phone: 662-494-4893
West Point, MS 39773
Box 1387
In an effort to provide ease and convenience, the Lowndes County Superior Court Clerks office, in conjunction with the Georgia Superior Court Clerks Cooperative Authority, has developed an online electronic filing portal. Phone: 662-329-5919
This office was established in 1996. Box 1033
Lowndes County Courts Justice Court Justice Court Hearings Cases that may be heard in Justice Court include: Civil actions $3,500 and under Felony preliminaries Fish and Wildlife citations Highway patrol citations Marriage ceremonies Misdemeanors occurring outside municipal limits About Lowndes County has three justice court judges. The Chancery Judge or Chancellor generally hears cases without a jury. Phone: 662-494-4893
You may obtain county records by contacting the Office of the County Clerk by phone, 229-671-2400, or email [email protected].
The relative fractional part is the fractional Its . Phone: 662-329-5919
Older minutes may be found by searching the Document Center. The February 27, 2023 Work Session and the February 28, 2023 Regular Session Commission meetings have been cancelled. Welcome to the Lowndes County, Mississippi Chancery Clerk's online records search. Go to http://efile.gsccca.org and register to begin the eFile process. Box 1387
Phone: 662-323-6765
"Agencies" Subject To the Open Meetings Law: "Agencies" Subject To the Open Records Law: As used in the open records law, the term "agency" or "public agency" or "public office" has the same meaning and application as provided for in the definition of the term "agency" in paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of the Code Section 50-14-1 and additionally includes any association, corporation, or other similar organization which: Anyone wishing to request information from Lowndes County may do so verbally, via email or by using the open records request form. Phone: 662-329-5919
The law prohibits the Circuit Clerk from giving legal advice. Visit the Lowndes County Circuit Clerks Search Page. P.O. Columbus, MS 39703
Citizens may also register to receive meeting agendas and approved minutes as soon as they are published to this site, by enrolling in Notify Me. If you have a question regarding the availability or format of information, please contact the Lowndes County Clerk for more information. Learn about the judge of the State Court. Lynn Connor
Lowndes County Magistrate Court. Lynn Connor
Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority, Valdosta-Lowndes County Parks and Recreation Authority. District Attorney. Southern Judicial Circuit Forms and Information. Box 1033
Phone: (334) 548-2547. Lowndes County Court Records are public records, documents, files, and transcripts associated with court cases and court dockets available in Lowndes County, Mississippi. (O.C.G.A. Martinez, Melody Dwynne, et al. Juries are permitted only in paternity cases and will contest or as an advisory jury not binding on the Chancellor. Other Duties of the Clerk.
County Court Judges hear civil actions from $3,500 to $200,000, as well as civil appeals from the Justice and Municipal courts. If you need a copy of a record that is on the website, but you are not able to print, staff can help with that as well. Box 684 Columbus, MS 39703 Phone: 662-329-5800 Fax: 662-328-5895 Madison County Chancery Court Clerk Ronny Lott P.O. 50-18-70(a)). Columbus, MS 39703
Box 1033
Phone: 662-494-4893
Copy and paste this code into your website. P.O. Lowndes County Calendar Call - February 15, 2023 Announcements shall be submitted no later than February 10, 2023 Court Administrator for Judge Coleman
Lowndes County-2nd Judicial Circuit of Alabama Location: Lowndes County Courthouse Address: 1 South Washington Street, Hayneville, AL 36040 Phone: (334) 548-2252 Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM, M-F Circuit Clerk, Ruby Jones-Thomas Honorable Presiding Circuit Judge, Cleveland Poole Address: 700 Court Square, Room 9, Greenville, AL 36037 Phone: (334) 382-3621 If you are looking for a record and don't find it on the website, please call 229-671-2400. Lowndes County is in the 16th district. You may also register to vote at the drivers license office, health department or department of human services. The Probate Court of this county handles all traditional probate matters only. In order to eFile real estate documents in Georgia, users must have a participant ID. 1 S. Washington St. Hayneville, AL 36040. In order to eFile real estate documents in Georgia, users must have a participant ID. Welcome to the Office of the County Clerk, it is our goal to provide citizens with accurate, up to date information regarding the daily operations of Lowndes County government. Columbus, MS 39703
To register for the participant ID, go to www.efileregistry.org and register. Address. This being the case, there could be a slight delay in verbal requests in the event a written request is made. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Courts in Lowndes County maintain records on everything that occurs during the legal process for future reference, including appeals. Whether you are interested in filling out an open records request, attending a public meeting, reviewing official action taken by the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners, a group presentation, or facility tour, our staff looks forward to any opportunity to demonstrate what sets Lowndes County apart from the rest. (O.C.G.A. Open Government Symposium Presentation (PDF). County ordinances that are most frequently referenced are available on the website's homepage by clicking the county ordinances button. West Point, MS 39773
Please note that the Open Records Act provides for the production, inspection and duplication of existing records; however, it does not allow for the creation of documents, files, spreadsheets, etc. Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30-4:30. Both the presentation and a valuable resource for navigating open records procedures in Georgia are posted below for your convenience. Every state department, agency, board, bureau, commission, public corporation, and authority; Every county, municipal corporation, school district, or other political subdivision of this state; Every department, agency, board, bureau, commission, authority, or similar body of each such county, municipal corporation, or other political subdivision of the state; Every city, county, regional, or other authority established pursuant to the laws of this state; and, Any nonprofit organization to which there is a direct allocation of tax funds made by the governing authority of any agency as defined in this paragraph and which allocation constitutes more than 33 1/3 percent of the funds from all sources of such organization; provided, however, this sub-paragraph shall not include hospitals, nursing homes, dispensers of pharmaceutical products, or any other type organization, person, or firm furnishing medical or health services to a citizen for which they receive reimbursement from the state whether directly or indirectly; nor shall this term include a sub-agency or affiliate of such a nonprofit organization from or through which the allocation of tax funds is made. Box 1349 Valdosta, GA 31603 Phone: 229-333-5127 Fax: 229-333-7637 Directory Quick Links Pay Your Ticket Access to Civil Information Electronic Court Offerings View All Court Calendars Pay Your Ticket Box 1679
Lowndes County Circuit Clerk Contact Information. If you are looking for court records related to criminal, civil, divorce or child custody matters, please contact the Clerk of Superior Court at 229-333-5127. Fax: 229-671-3442. Phone: 662-323-6765
san bernardino superior court case search; private label pet products australia; . Welcome to the Office of the County Clerk, it is our goal to provide citizens with accurate, up to date information regarding the daily operations of Lowndes County government. Every state department, agency, board, bureau, commission, public corporation, and authority; Every county, municipal corporation, school district, or other political subdivision of this state; Every department, agency, board, bureau, commission, authority, or similar body of each such county, municipal corporation, or other political subdivision of the state; Every city, county, regional, or other authority established pursuant to the laws of this state; and, Any nonprofit organization to which there is a direct allocation of tax funds made by the governing authority of any agency as defined in this paragraph and which allocation constitutes more than 33 1/3 percent of the funds from all sources of such organization; provided, however, this sub-paragraph shall not include hospitals, nursing homes, dispensers of pharmaceutical products, or any other type organization, person, or firm furnishing medical or health services to a citizen for which they receive reimbursement from the state whether directly or indirectly; nor shall this term include a sub-agency or affiliate of such a nonprofit organization from or through which the allocation of tax funds is made. Columbus, MS 39703
P.O. Lowndes County Chancery Court Clerk Cindy Egger Goode P.O. By using this service, in any form, the user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County and anyone involved in storing, retrieving, or displaying this information for any damage of any type that may be caused by retrieving this information over . (O.C.G.A. Circuit judges are elected for four-year terms.
1 North Washington Street. It is the intent of Lowndes County to provide citizens with documents managed by their local government. If you need legal assistance, you should see an attorney. Storage and funding prevent all Lowndes County records from being posted electronically. County Court County Court Hearings Cases that may be heard in County Court include: Civil action appeals from Justice Court Civil actions between $3,500 and $200,000 Criminal appeals from Municipal and Justice Court Eminent Domain About County Courts exist in 19 counties, with a total of 23 judges.
County Treasurer. West Point, MS 39773
Link. This being the case, there could be a slight delay in verbal requests in the event a written request is made. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. The February 27, 2023 Work Session and the February 28, 2023 Regular Session Commission meetings have been cancelled. Find contact information for the Juvenile Courts judge. April Edwards
Open government is a priority for Lowndes County officials and staff; public records belong to the public. Popularity: #1 of 2 Clerk Offices in Valdosta #1 of 3 Clerk Offices in Lowndes County #86 of 233 Clerk Offices in Georgia #2,988 in Clerk Offices Lowndes County Clerk Contact Information Address and Phone Number for Lowndes County Clerk, a Clerk Office, at PO Box 1349, Valdosta GA. We hope that you find this service to be beneficial as the Lowndes County Superior Court Clerks office continues to explore and implement new ways to improve services delivered to the citizens of Lowndes County. P.O. Court order required if the male applicant is below 17 and female applicant is below 15, $37 (cash only and must have correct change) filing fee at the time of application. The Circuit Court tries felony criminal cases and civil actions involving issues of $200,000 and above.
If you are looking for court records related to criminal, civil, divorce or child custody matters, please contact the Clerk of Superior Court at 229-333-5127. Lowndes County maintains four years of minutes on the county's website. Return to current year. Judgment Roll. Court Administrator for Judge Coleman
The Circuit Clerk is also the registrar of voters, assists in conduct of all county, state and national elections and issues all absentee ballots. 50-14-1(a)(1)(A)through(E)), has a membership of ownership body composed primarily of counties, municipal corporations, or school districts of this state or their officers or any combination thereof; and, derives a substantial portion of its general operating budget from payments from such political subdivisions. Please note that the Open Records Act provides for the production, inspection and duplication of existing records; however, it does not allow for the creation of documents, files, spreadsheets, etc. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. In accordance with state law, prior to any regularly scheduled meeting of the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners, a representative of the clerk's office will notify Lowndes County's legal organ, the Valdosta Daily Times. Magistrate Court Magistrate Courts replace the Justice of the Peace, and a variety of other small claims courts. Civil actions between $3,500 and $200,000, Criminal appeals from Municipal and Justice Court. To register for the participant ID, go to www.efileregistry.org and register. The Office of the County Clerk is responsible for Lowndes County's compliance with open meeting requirements and open records requests. The Chancery Judge or Chancellor generally hears cases without a jury. Starkville MS 39760
In order for staff to be clear regarding the information that is being requested, it is recommended that requestors utilize the Open Records Request form. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. The physical address of the Lowndes County Circuit Court Clerk's Office is: Circuit Court Clerk's Office. They try misdemeanor criminal appeal cases, in addition to serving as the Youth (juvenile) Court. Often, records requested are already available on the county's website and staff is happy to direct you.
Lowndes County Courts Chancery Court Chancery Court is a separate court of equity.
Court Administrator for Judge Kitchens
P.O. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. 50-18-70(a)). You may obtain county records by contacting the Office of the County Clerk by phone, 229-671-2400, or email [email protected]. The Circuit Court tries felony criminal cases and civil actions involving issues of $200,000 and above. Lowndes County Courts Circuit Court Circuit Court Cases Heard Cases that may be heard in the Circuit Court include: Civil action appeals from County Court Civil actions over $200,000 Felonies About Mississippi has 22 Circuit Court Districts with 49 judges. Phone: 662-329-5919
Lowndes County Court Records Search ; Courts Nearby. In order to eFile real estate documents in Georgia, users must have a participant ID. The information is uploaded to this server frequently but may lag behind actual activity at the courthouse. Health Department. Lee S Coleman
Fax: 662-245-4632
Starkville, MS 39760
West Point, MS 39773
Court Administrator for Judge Kitchens
View the location and contact information for each district. Lee S Coleman
Open government is a priority for Lowndes County officials and staff; public records belong to the public. Phone: 662-323-6765
Chancery Court is a separate court of equity. Go to http://efile.gsccca.org and register to begin the eFile process. This is distinguished from the law court or circuit court in Mississippi. Citizens Wishing to Be Heard Resolution (PDF), 2022 Boards and Commissions Term Expirations - Current Opportunities, Lowndes County Probate Court Closed for Lunch Beginning March 1, February 27-28 Commission Meetings Cancelled, Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority, Valdosta-Lowndes County Parks and Recreation Authority. Involving issues of $ 200,000 and above only in paternity cases and civil between... As a service to our customers giving legal advice frequently referenced are available on the County 's with! Issues of $ 200,000, criminal appeals from Municipal and Justice Court ; public records to! Documents managed by their local government, Mississippi Chancery Clerk & # ;. 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