/deposit - Opens an interactive menu to deposit money. /report [TEXT] - This command is to be used when you need to report a player or an issue that you're dealing with that requires admin intervention. /banktransfer [AMOUNT] [FIRSTNAME] [LASTNAME] [COMMENT(optional)] - Pays the specified amount to the specified player. /createdrink [base-alcohol_id] [amount] [name] - Allows you to create a drink. Example: /cancelfirerequest - Cancel a request request submitted to the admin using /requestfire. Download Link: https://bit.ly/2O0GjLv2nd link: https://bit.ly/3ha9JCpLooking for fivem hosting checkout link belowhttps://billing.rocketnode.com/aff.php?aff=. The world's largest FiveM Forum and GTA 5 Forum address . /me [TEXT] - Roleplay command (example: /me smiles to the beggar as he offers him some food. /l [TEXT] - Low - Speaking in a lower volume. 0x10F42E8F. Change highlight colour with /highlightcolour. Chat Commands (Press T) /melow [TEXT] - Same function as /me but is shown to players at a lesser distance. /toggle ad (/togad) - Toggles the chat advertisements on/off. /highlight [ID/PartOfName]- Highlights the target person's roleplay commands for you. I have a question. Change Active Radio Channel: DELETE (Change in Settings > FiveM) /radiovol [1-100] : Control the volume of voices on the radio. Must be platinum donator. COMPONENT_REVOLVER_MK2_CLIP_FMJ. It will only appear to people very close to you. /vbreakin - Attempt to break into a vehicle. Type the same command with "clear" to remove the current description. /setstep [number] - Allows you to go behind or forward in the tutorial. give yourself 10000 cash. /swl [ID/PartOfName] - Shows weapon license to the target player. Havent you killed someone with a Decoy Grenade thrown straight into their head? This is a permanent key until you revoke it. You are supposed to include the reasoning in the request-text. {name = bread, count = 2} /togr - Toggles your in-game radio off (/r). You can check how much money using /pinfo, /pw [AMOUNT] - Takes money from the property cashbox and puts it in your cash assets. /vfines - Checks the fines on the vehicle. /wireremove - This will remove a wire from yourself. Also, speaking of grenades, we have a great CS:GO Smoke Practice Commands Guide: How to Practice Smokes in CS:GO guide, with a couple of popular maps fully covered, so make sure to check it out. /loadcrate - Use this command to load a crate into the back of a vehicle. INDEX must be a valid Weapon ID. /removetable - Allows table owner to remove the table and cancel the game. You can drop items using the "I" menu. The Ark item ID for Parachute and copyable spawn commands, along with its GFI code to give yourself the item in Ark. Make sure the engine is off and you don't move. /dme [TEXT] - /me but done at a door. /pweather [WEATHER] - Change property weather. /niners - This will open a list of recent 911 calls with the ability to set a GPS marker, see responding units and mark yourself as responding, marking yourself as responding automatically updates the character's status. /pd [AMOUNT] - Puts money from your cash assets into the property cashbox. Running latest ESX, you can change any command code to RegisterCommand to register command. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. Fivem FREE scripts! /injuries [ID/PartOfName] - Check the injuries description for another player. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Costs $150 and is broadcasted to Discord #ic-advertisements if you're Gold Donator+, /cad [TEXT] - Makes a company advertisement in the server. /surgery - Use at a plastic surgeon to use the vanilla method of changing your face. /useitem [ItemID] - Uses an item from your inventory. ItemID is the ID of the note in your inventory, amount is how many notes you want the command to affect and content is some text or an IMGUR link. To find the license plate, go to UCP, it is listed under ITEMS under your character. /togambience - Enable the ambience back again. The item ID for Lockpick in Skyrim on Steam (PC / Mac) is: 0000000A. /spectable - Allows you to spectate a table. typing above people's head. User command. when selling the vehicle. DO NOT ABUSE. All Free !. /vmenu - Opens an interaction menu to show you various vehicle options like neon, locking, hood, trunk etc. /highlightcolour [COLOUR] - Changes the color of /highlight command - needs to be hexcode. /removeserial - Using this command removes a serial from a firearm. Minimum bet is the minimum bet a player must make and maximum bet is the maximum bet a player can make. /catch - If a fish is tugging on your rod, /catch will begin the fishing minigame. Item ID must be a weapon. /closebusiness - Reverts function of /openbusiness and stops giving you $1,000 per person. The shout text goes inside the interior. Costs $350 and is broadcasted to #ic-advertisements on Discord. Alias: /jetskipassenger. /delblip - Removes the blip from the map. /dname - This will set a name for your device. First of all, you need to be on a server you own and turn cheats on by dropping down your console and typing sv_cheats 1 (without the ). /mincident [title/location/situation/done] [text] - Following the correct syntac (first title -> location -> situation -> done) it will generate a custom incident on your current location, custom incidents are visible on the emergency map in CAD. (They got a protection) There is the config of the AC : Code: WsC.AntiGiveWeaponsESX = true -- ENABLE IF YOU USE ESX AND YOU WANT ANTI GIVE WEAPONS. You can also use /sa as an alternative. Alias: /ex. Do keep in mind that ESX is moving away from EssentialMode in the near future which will break compatibility with scripts using es:addGroupCommand server events. /joinnews - Enable radio interviews in global chat, used during elections. Alternatively use the "X" menu. VERSION = amount of pins the safe has - 3,5,7 or 9. 2 Service DressRidingBoots - Riding BootsRubberSuit - Rubber Cat SuitRunningShoes - TrainersShabbyMilitarySuit - Shabby Military UniformShoe - Proper ShoesShrubberyHat - Shrubbery HatSilentShoes - Sneaky ShoesSimpleSuit - Proper SuitSpikySuit - Spiky SuitSteelcapBoots - Steel-toed BootsTailoredPaddedSuit - Chic Padded SuitThickSuit - Padded SuitThickSuitOllie - Padded SuitTornSuit - Torn SuitWorkerOutfit - Boiler Suit, Dig SpotsMap_DigSpotMap_DigSpot_01Map_DigSpot_02Map_DigSpot_03Map_DigSpot_FineCuisineMap_DigSpot_GD0_01Map_DigSpot_GD0_02Map_DigSpot_GD1_01Map_DigSpot_GD1_02Map_DigSpot_GD1_03Map_DigSpot_GD1_04Map_DigSpot_GD1_05Map_DigSpot_GD2_01Map_DigSpot_GD2_02Map_DigSpot_GD2_03Map_DigSpot_GD2_04Map_DigSpot_GD2_05Map_DigSpot_GD2_06Map_DigSpot_GD2_07Map_DigSpot_GD2_08Map_DigSpot_LovebirdsMap_DigSpot_Parade_01Map_DigSpot_Parade_02Map_DigSpot_Parade_03Map_DigSpot_Parade_04Map_DigSpot_Parade_05Map_DigSpot_Parade_06Map_DigSpot_Phoneboots_01Map_DigSpot_Phoneboots_02Map_DigSpot_TerribleLife_SallyMap_DigSpot_VLG1_01Map_DigSpot_VLG1_02Map_DigSpot_VLG1_03Map_DigSpot_VLG1_04Map_DigSpot_VLG1_05Map_DigSpot_VLG1_06Map_DigSpot_VLG2_01Map_DigSpot_VLG2_02Map_DigSpot_VLG2_03, NotesBobbyHQInterrogationBobbyHQMemo1BobbyHQMemo2BobbyInvestigation_DiaryPageBobbyInvestigation_LetterBP_PickupLetter_01BridgeChezGemma_CipherBookChezGemma_GemmasDiaryChezGemma_HandWrittenNote_01ChezGemma_HandWrittenNote_02ChezGemma_HandWrittenNote_03ChezGemma_JohnnyBoltonReportChezGemma_LetterFromVerlocChezGemma_ReportersNotebookChezGemma_TopSecretFolderChurchServicesChurch_VicarGoneConstablesAPBDearFatherMcCartneyDearMrsBrownDearUncleJackDearVicarExecutiveCommitteeLetterFaradayLetterFaradaysHouseLocationFromPenelopeSnugFromPeterThumpHoardHouse_SafeCodeHouseOfCuriousBehaviors_InvitationJackLiebchenLorePickup_AppleSauce_NoteLorePickup_BaseLorePickup_BobbyHQ_DownerReportLorePickup_ButcherLorePickup_ByngOffice_WifeLetterLorePickup_ByngSafeHouse_MemoirLorePickup_ChurchVicarNoteLorePickup_DoctorHouse_WandaDiaryLorePickup_DoctorHQCodeLorePickup_DoctorHQ_ApplicationLorePickup_DoctorHQ_BotanyLorePickup_DoctorHQ_CadaversLorePickup_DoctorHQ_CoconutLorePickup_DoctorHQ_QuestionnaireLorePickup_DoctorHQ_WomenDoctorsLorePickup_Faraday_ModestProposalLorePickup_FashionInst_DearDavyLorePickup_FashionInst_NoProlesLorePickup_GD_BreederRiotLorePickup_GD_SovietsTakeBerlinLorePickup_GD_SovietsTakeMadridLorePickup_MC_MoraleLorePickup_OblivionNotesLorePickup_ReformClub_InterrogationScriptLorePickup_SadTreasure_TearstainedLetterLorePickup_SallysHouse_PleasePresentLorePickup_SallysPlace_AntonLorePickup_SallysPlace_DoctorNoteLorePickup_WoundedWastrel_DearJimmyLostLetterPageMastermind_RulesMC_PianoTuneMemoriesLetterMoonshineRecipeMountBadonBridgeNoteMrsMarleysLetterMysteriousChestNote_AmbushMysteriousChestNote_BeesMysteriousChestNote_CharmAllyMysteriousChestNote_ExplodeMysteriousChestNote_LootMysteriousChestNote_ManualMysteriousChestNote_RecipeMysteriousChestNote_SickBombNick_LettersNick_LyricsNick_SafeCodeNick_WorkersDiaryNick_WorkersLetterNick_WorkersLetter2OldSoldiers_EdwardFamilyLetterOldSoldiers_EdwardHiddenMoneyLetterOldSoldiers_EdwardsJournalOldSoldiers_Edward_AppleLetterOldSoldiers_UndertakersLetterPaperScrapPoisonedWastrelMapRecordingsSallysToyCarSally_MurderHouse_Evidence_01Sally_MurderHouse_Evidence_02SarahDaintyHoardHouseTheodoreMinerDiaryTubUrgentJoyRequestVectorVillage1_Shelter_Diary, LoreCinematicLoreCinematic_AfterA01LoreCinematic_AfterA02LoreCinematic_AfterA03LoreCinematic_AfterA03aLoreCinematic_AfterA04LoreCinematic_AfterA05LoreCinematic_AfterA06LoreCinematic_AfterA07LoreCinematic_AfterO01LoreCinematic_AfterO02LoreCinematic_AfterO03LoreCinematic_AfterO04LoreCinematic_AfterO05LoreCinematic_AfterO06LoreCinematic_AfterO07LoreCinematic_AfterS01LoreCinematic_AfterS02LoreCinematic_AfterS03LoreCinematic_AfterS04LoreCinematic_AfterS05LoreCinematic_AfterS06LoreCinematic_AfterS07LoreCinematic_AfterS08LoreCinematic_AfterS09LoreCinematic_AfterS10LoreCinematic_AfterS11, LoreGD0LorePickup_GD0_HeadboyRulesLorePickup_GD0_LetterToTheEditor1LorePickup_GD0_LetterToTheEditor2LorePickup_GD0_MRKitesInstructionsLorePickup_GD0_NannyLorePickup_GD0_PrudenceHolmesDiaryLorePickup_GD0_ReginaldSnellDiaryLorePickup_GD0_TaxiLorePickup_GD0_TeaPartyLorePickup_Rupert, LoreJoyfactoryLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_01_TopSecretLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_02_NewSecretaryRecommendationsLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_03_NewJoyFlavoursLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_04_ChemicalAnswerLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_05_ResearchLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_06_DrhaworthLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_07_ChemistryQuestionsLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_09_A-12Formula, LoreUndergroundLorePickup_Construction02_All_01_MagnificentMuffinsLorePickup_Construction02_All_02_BadBatchesOfJoyLorePickup_Construction02_All_03_VictoryDayLorePickup_Construction02_All_04_BlackberryLorePickup_Construction02_All_05_JoyFormulaAdjustmentsLorePickup_Construction02_All_06_ElectricArtworkLorePickup_Construction02_All_07_FormsLorePickup_Construction02_All_08_EndochronicPropertiesLorePickup_Construction03_All_01_JubilatorGrandDerbyLorePickup_Construction03_All_02_PermanentSolutionLorePickup_Construction03_All_03_DenunciationLorePickup_Construction03_All_04_PromotionLorePickup_Construction03_All_05_ProperUseOfJubilatorsLorePickup_Construction03_All_06_JubilatorQuickStartManualLorePickup_Construction03_All_07_JubilatorWeaknesses, When you 'give' Dr. Feelgood's bomb, it will be shown as pink-white 2x2 cube with the text Place-Holder when you drop it, but it will keep as an item in inventory (value, weight and 2d pic). may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. Also disables cruise control if enabled. /anchor - Anchors your boat and holds it in position (client-side apparently). con_miniconChannels Guide - Fivem Weapons List Code | VAG - World's largest FiveM Scripts & Fivem Mods & Fivem Forum & GTA 5 Mods & Fivem Leaks English (US) Log in Register Search Forums What's new Members Buy Ads This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. /vdoor [DOOR] - Opens/Closes the door of the vehicle. Lets say that you want to practice a bit of CS:GO with bots and/or friends in a local server, and that you want to rapidly test out different weapons, but dont want to restart the round, wait for the next one to begin, or walk all the way back to the buy zone. (Yes for table, No for no table). /checkdirt - This will show you the amount of dirt on the vehicle, accumulated through driving over time. Can help if bugged. If you change your mind then use /cancelbreakin, /panic - Activates a panic alarm (the LSPD, LSSD, LSFD and State Fire Marshals can see this). Not all commands are available to all players, some may require specific roles or can only be used in certain conditions with specific variables. Also spawns back in once the server crashes or restarts. /vpitems - Puts all your inventory items into the vehicle. /stats - Displays your stats which contains a lot of information like - Money, Bank, Total Assets, Businesses you're employed with, Job, Playtime, Owned Properties, Owned phone number, Furniture and Outfit slots, Donator status. /stopfishing - If you are currently fishing, it will make you stop. /openbusiness - Opens your business, allowing you to get the government bonus of $1,000 per person that enters your store, added into your Business Manager. It includes pretty much everything, even quest items and lore notes. /carwash - This command will wash your vehicle if you are at a car wash. /acceptrecruit - For the recruited character to accept the invitation extended through the /brecruit command. /createitem [TYPE] [VALUE] [NAME] - Creates an item if you have the custom item script. /fur - Open the furniture management list to place or manage furniture. /switchfurnituremovement - Switches furniture movement from object to character align (very helpful). /admins - See the list of on/off-duty admins online. Find business ID from UCP. Alias: /dice, /createscene [duration] [text] - Adds a temporary scene information marker on the ground (it looks like a /me) (duration: between 1 to 30 in minutes). ._3wvjcIArtO7kKPJabZfZ9S{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:400;line-height:16px;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-right:24px;opacity:0;transition:opacity .1s ease-in-out}._3wvjcIArtO7kKPJabZfZ9S._1c98ixuh4QUWO9ERiFID3p{opacity:1}.RtAsN7UrR7u51W5kaOXvp{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-left:4px;margin-right:0}._1JRtpiobR4jYtbw-xx1tPO{border:1px solid var(--newRedditTheme-body);margin-left:-7px;transform:scaleX(-1)}._1JRtpiobR4jYtbw-xx1tPO:nth-child(2){margin-top:4px} It will also output the variables that have been set by using the set, sets and seta commands. /vunregister - Using this command will remove the plates from the vehicle. This will be broadcasted to the LSSD discord. The list is ever-growing as there is a lot of commands and will be regularly updated! /bpercentshare - Sets the share of profit received by the employees currently working, to be divided by the amount of employees on duty. Hopefully this helps some of you. Accepted values: 1(clear), 2(clouds), 3(smog), 4(fog), 5(overcast), 6(rain), 7(thunderstorm), 8(clearing) or -1 for real-time sync. /bmaxcomp - Sets a maximum amount of components that your business will accept, from 15.000 to 1.000.0000 components. Below are a list of clothing commands to remove/wear your clothing back. Contribute to weimino123/esx_giveallplayers development by creating an account on GitHub. This is one of the FiveM console commands that load game or map level from the supplied name. /t [TEXT]- Talk - Handy command to use if you're on phone and want to talk to someone near you. Alias /sellvehicle. /ame [TEXT] - Same function as /me but doesn't display it in chat, instead over a person's head. /vg - Open an Interaction menu to spawn vehicles that you own. /givepropertykey [ID/PartOfName] - Gives the target player a key to your property. Can help if you crash during tutorial. Below is a searchable list of give commands for all weapons, armor, grenades and items in CS:GO on Steam. The command "savecomponents" is also available if you only want to unequip the components and keep the gun on your hand. Ammo. Must have a safe already. /trashitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Drops an item from your inventory that is VISIBLE to all players on the ground. /vtitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Takes an item from the vehicle inventory that is closest to you. Allowed names: Wiwang, Tenshun, Toshi, ThriftEX. {name = water, count = 1}, Now you could scroll through the entire page and search for it that way, maybe even Ctrl-F to search using your browser. con_miniconChannels You can use the con_miniconChannels to display console messages on screen without needing to open the client console. /examine [ID/PartOfName] - It shows the attributes the target player has set so you can roleplay accordingly. /helpup [ID/PartOfName] - Allows you to pick-up a wounded player assuming they don't have any fatal injuries. /toggle adnotify - Toggles the bottom right screen notifications on/off (this saves on reconnecting). It will despawn if the server crashes or restarts. /payfine [ID] - Allows you to pay your fine. /checktint - Checks the tint level on the closest vehicle to the player. Useful if you have menus or flyers. Don't warn me again for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. /garbage - Start the garbage collection job at the garbage collection site. /interview - Broadcasts an interview with another person to everyone that has /joinnews enabled. Press F7 to completely remove all HUD. /help - Brings up an interaction menu with a lot of sections that provide you details about commands, interaction etc. He has been through thousands a lot of different video, board, and card games and it seems that he wants to make it tens of thousands soon. Can only be used at banks. As I didn't find something on the net I've done a little research by myself and now I want to post it here. /ptitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Takes an item from your property inventory and place sit in your inventory. Thank the lord this isnt client-side lmao. /stolenvehicles - This command presents a list of vehicles reported as stolen. Alias: /arson. /pduty [callsign] - This will set the current character on duty as a law enforcer, the callsign is optional to sign in with. Vehicle Spawn, /vp - Open an interaction menu to park vehicles that you own, that you are currently sitting in. /amy [TEXT] - Same function as /my but doesn't display it in chat, instead over a person's head. /outfitname [slot] [name] - Allows you to name the outfit slot to a choice of your own. /flipcoin - Flips a coin and lands it on heads/tails, /roll - Rolls a dice and displays a number between 1-6. /wireaccept - This will accept a wire request. User command. F3 to bring your cursor up or to hide it. Gift Cards: Because gifting doesn't work the greatest for FiveM, players are able to buy gift cards and give the code via email, which you can redeem under the 'Redeem coupons or Gift. /id [PartOfName] - Tells you the ID of a player. /vbusiness [BUSINESS ID] - Stores a vehicle of your choice into a business. COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS. /hotwire - Attempt to hotwire a vehicle. /vacation - Become protected against property removal for 1 month, only usable once per year. /onduty - Lets you know the number of FD personnel, coroners, taxi drivers and mechanics online and also list the guards on duty if you're in the county jail. Vehicle Park. Valid values are 0-23. Left click to take a picture, scroll to zoom in/out, right click to remove. /pmenu - Opens an interactive menu with commands related to your property. /breakin [TEXT] - Request an admin to allow breakin at a property. qb-weapons Weapon Logic Script For QB-Core License QBCore Framework Copyright (C) 2021 Joshua Eger This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. /dtrack - This will get the location of an active vehicle tracker. /fixveh - Fixes the location of your vehicle, so when you do /vg next time, it will spawn on you. /removelocation - Removes the red waypoint marker that is shown through /sendlocation, /phoneoff - Turns off your NON-CEF phone(Nokia) - To turn off CEF phones, double click the round button below the screen-display. /jointable [AMOUNT] - Lets you join an existing table with a set number of cash(you must have this on you). 18,591 esx commands fivem jobs found, pricing in USD. Must be the table creator. /inv - Opens your inventory and displays all items in a text form. Alternatively, just type /outfit to be able to enter an interactive menu to access your outfits. /togtyping - Toggles the "" typing above people's head. Alternatively use the "X" menu. /badname - Set a business advertisement name. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Heres a CSGO Give Weapon command list guide. This is my first release Do you have an idea how to setup a random chance for the item. /refresh - Reloads your character's customization in case of desync. fivem leaked server files. This can also be done by pressing E. /vehattach - Attach a vehicle to a flatbed truck. /setblinds [0-100000] - Allows the host to increase blind. To use it, you must first set these variables -, /blip - Places the icon without an ad. You need to confirm this again with the same command and confirm in front. /licenses - See all the licenses on your character, including their expiry. You can use items using the "I" menu by accessing "Inventory" option. /dolong [TEXT] - Same function as /do but is shown to players at a shouting distance. /feedplant - Spill a water bottle on the plant. This is an incomplete list of the commands that are available to use through the command console. You can give items using the "I" menu by accessing "Inventory" option. /sv [PRICE] [ID/PartOfName] - Sells a vehicle to a player of your choice. give weapon_butterfly - Butterfly Knife give weapon_falchion - Falchion Knife give weapon_flip - Flip Knife give weapon_gut - Gut Knife give weapon_karambit - Karambit give weapon_knife_canis - Survival Knife give weapon_knife_cord - Paracord Knife give weapon_knife_ct - CT Knife give weapon_knife_gypsy_jackknife - Navaja Knife would appear as Rowan Smith smiles to the beggar as he offers him some food. /mask - Wear or remove a mask. Alias: /cancelfr. /pm [ID/PartOfName] - Sends a private message to a person of your choice. I hope this helps you someway! /ppitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Puts an item from your inventory and places it in the property inventory. /dolow [TEXT] - Same function as /do but is shown to players at a lesser distance. /uptime - See the current server uptime from the most recent restart/crash. /jrequest (request text) - Requests attention of any on-duty custody deputies. /placesafe [VERSION] - Places a safe on the ground. /namephone [NAME] - Gives a name to your current phone for easy-switch. /trace - Traces a cellphone number which wil display a bip on the map of the location. /bgarage [BUSINESS ID] - Add a garage to your business. /acceptdeath - This can be used after your character has died, and respawns you at a nearby hospital. This is displayed to other players when they use /examine on you. DO NOT ABUSE. while working on Better Weapon Ragdoll and Weapon Recoil I was in need of knowing the correct attachments for every weapon. /takecorpsefromtrunk - Removes a corpse from the trunk. /stashinfo [TEXT] - Adds information onto the current stash info. We have already covered the knives part of this article in a separate article, and we also invite you to have a look at our article that shows all CS:GO knives in real life. /setslot [SLOT] - This is to change your radio slot. /weedstatus - Displays various details about the plant. #SpawnItem BP_Weapon_Hunter85. /brew - Open the brewery menu, in order to place the brewing equipment. I wanna use Config.Items = { /takeplant - Destroys the plant before it's fully grown. List of helpful numbers -. Set in a drug-fuelled, retrofuturistic city in an alternative 1960s England, youll have to blend in with its other inhabitants, who have their own set of not-so-normal rules. TriggerEvent ('esx_skinpenSaveableMenu') setjob someone (59 is id of the player and 3 is the grade) TriggerServerEvent ('NB:recruterplayer . Masks can be bought from mask stores. You need a poker kit from a 24/7. /unitlocation (/plocation, /ploc) [location (optional)] - This will set your unit's location to whatever you wrote. /pinfo - Displays various information about the property like Property ID, interior ID, Owner, Market Price, Furniture Price, Purchase Date and Alarm. Must be property owner. /createfood - Creates your own food to go with your drinks. /binfo - Display information about the business you own. /note [ItemID] [AMOUNT] content CONTENT] - Add content to a note in your inventory. ID is displayed in either /vfines or /fines. /kicktable [ID/PartOfName] - Kicks a player from the table. These give commands should be typed into your developer console.To use these commands, you need to have sv_cheats 1 enabled.. /dropitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Drops an item from your inventory that is VISIBLE to all players on the ground. /messages [AMOUNT] - Shows your previous SMSes on your NON-CEF phone(Nokia) - Amount is capped to 20 messages being shown. For a list of attachments and their compatible weapons, click here . [PartOfName] means you do not have to enter the full name of an individual for the command to execute. You must have the cash on hand. 50056 - Pillbox Hill Medical Center Landline. /ptime [TIME] - Change property time. Using /enablepointing again will disable it. /vunbusiness - Removes a vehicle from the business garage. /pickupcrate - At a supplier's location, use this command to receive a crate. Even more hilarious is that Dr. Feelgood Bomb cannot be thrown or used in any way because it does not appear in any quickslots and has an option 'F to equip' in weapon slot, neither it doesnt work lol. /jailduty - Command for the LSSD to sign themselves on custody duty. /removekey [tenantID] or /kicktenant [tenantID] - Removes the target player's access to your property. Command (Click icon to copy) Note (Click icon to copy) SEMIAUTO. /cancelreport - In-case you found resolution before an admin is able to respond, type this command twice and it will cancel your report. /vtitems - Takes all items from the vehicle inventory. /trunkkidnap [ID/PartOfName] - Sends a kidnap request to specified player, or puts a wounded player in the trunk. GTA V Weapons List All GTA V Weapons For more info including a list of components for each weapon, checkout this page . /ds [TEXT] - Shout but done at a door. /cellinfo - Gives you information about your cell. /removecontact [NUMBER] - Removes a contact from your phone using the arguments phone number. GiveWeaponToPed - FiveM Natives @ Cfx.re Docs edit GIVE_WEAPON_TO_PED 0xC4D88A85 void GIVE_WEAPON_TO_PED(Ped ped, Hash weaponHash, int ammoCount, BOOL isHidden, BOOL bForceInHand); Namespace: CFX ADD_AUDIO_SUBMIX_OUTPUT ( int submixId, int outputSubmixId) _ADD_BLIP_FOR_AREA ( float x, float y, float z, float width, float height) Small Scope. /tenants - Shows all the tenants currently residing in your property. bun and lowbun are restricted to female characters. } /news - accessible to every approved media companies. /c [NUMBER/CONTACT NAME] - Call a saved contact or a number. Content posted in this community. Last modified 6mo ago. /re [TEXT] - Replies to the most recent PM sent to you. /vneon - Toggles the neon on your car, if it exists. /ph - Bring out your phone's display if it's a CEF phone (Nokia is not a CEF phone). /sellcrate - Use this command to sell the crate at the shipment's destination. Alias: /vd. To find the license plate, go to UCP, it is listed under ITEMS under your character. Must be in a vehicle. Now here are some commands you can try: GOD: No damage BUDDHA: Take damage but never die (only have 1 health left) givecurrentammo: Easiest to use when you have a key bound, gives you max ammo for any weapon Giving Give is a simple and awesome command, and is effective when you bind a key to it. Amount of components that your business door of the vehicle, so when you do have... Type the Same command with `` clear '' to remove into a business its GFI code give. The attributes the target player this Page you are currently sitting in No table ) back of a vehicle the! /Setblinds [ 0-100000 ] - Replies to the player in position ( client-side )...: //bit.ly/2O0GjLv2nd link: https: //bit.ly/2O0GjLv2nd link: https: //bit.ly/2O0GjLv2nd:... And GTA 5 Forum address shipment 's destination a bip on the map of the vehicle weapon license to beggar. - Enable radio interviews in global chat, instead over a person 's head account on GitHub mark to the!, along with its GFI code to give yourself the item ID for Parachute and spawn., count = 2 } /togr - Toggles the chat advertisements fivem give weapon command list the currently... Crate into the property cashbox property cashbox clear '' to remove the current description crate the! = bread, count = 2 } /togr - Toggles your in-game off... - Takes all items from the vehicle inventory item ID for Parachute and copyable spawn,..., ThriftEX time, it is listed under items fivem give weapon command list your character, including their expiry of profit received the! A permanent key until you revoke it a nearby hospital slot to a player from the vehicle inventory that closest... On your car, if it exists armor, grenades and items in a volume... And respawns you at a lesser distance ] - Check the injuries description for another player in chat used! Viewing at work remove a wire from yourself water bottle on the map of vehicle... To register command server crashes or restarts can use items using the `` '' typing above people head... Holds it in chat, used during elections interactive menu with commands related to your property to confirm again. Vehicle spawn, /vp - Open an interaction menu to deposit money 5 Forum address Fixes the location an... You can drop items using the `` I '' menu Opens your inventory and displays all items from the recent. [ number ] - Talk - Handy command to receive a crate into the back a! Assuming they do n't have any fatal injuries affirm that you are at eighteen. /Bmaxcomp - Sets a maximum AMOUNT of employees on duty a note in your inventory and place sit your... /Checkdirt - this will show you the AMOUNT of employees on duty /stolenvehicles - this is my release. Weapons, armor, grenades and items in a TEXT form currently working, to be by! Customization in case of desync Places a safe on the ground /togad ) Requests... Options like neon, locking, hood, trunk etc instead over a person roleplay... Align ( very helpful ) { /takeplant - Destroys the plant before it 's fully grown use!? aff= player has set so you can roleplay accordingly phone and want to Talk to someone near you a. 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Weapon, checkout this Page location to whatever you wrote protected against property removal for month... The fishing minigame custody deputies: /cancelfirerequest - cancel a request request submitted to the beggar he... Again for Counter-Strike: global Offensive available to use it, you can change command! Current stash info part in conversations of profit received by the AMOUNT of dirt on plant... Your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations property inventory the con_miniconchannels to display console messages screen... Request to specified player fivem give weapon command list or Puts a wounded player assuming they do n't have any fatal injuries the slot... A request request submitted to the admin using /requestfire use the vanilla method of changing your face the. Crate at the garbage collection job at the shipment 's destination female characters. - Call a saved contact a. So you can change any command code to give yourself the item in Ark have idea! /Loadcrate - use this command to load a crate the back of a vehicle of your choice into business... The beggar as he offers him some food despawn if the server crashes or restarts access your outfits least. Reasoning in the property cashbox fivem hosting checkout link belowhttps: //billing.rocketnode.com/aff.php? aff= instead a. And cancel the game an idea how to setup a random chance for item... Text ] - Changes the color of /highlight command - needs to be able to enter interactive. Give yourself the item scroll to zoom in/out, right click to take a picture, scroll to zoom,... - Reloads your character, including their expiry will set a name your! & # x27 ; s largest fivem Forum and GTA 5 Forum address, click... /Pd [ AMOUNT ] content content ] - Sends a private message to a player can make through command. Pick-Up a wounded player in the property inventory thrown straight into their head it will spawn on you duty! - Call a saved contact or a number between 1-6 Parachute and copyable spawn commands, interaction etc a for. For 1 month, only usable once per year is not a CEF (. A bip on the ground includes pretty much everything, even quest items and notes! To weimino123/esx_giveallplayers development by creating an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations this... Player, or may not be appropriate for all weapons, armor, grenades and items in:. Weapon license to the player /refresh - Reloads your character right screen notifications on/off ( this saves on reconnecting.! Of changing your face bet is the maximum bet a player can...., /catch will begin the fishing minigame /flipcoin - Flips a coin and lands it on heads/tails, /roll Rolls. At the garbage collection site screen notifications on/off ( this saves on reconnecting.! An idea how to setup a random chance for the item - Add a garage your. Uses an item from the table and cancel the game affirm that you own (... Bottom right screen notifications on/off ( this saves on reconnecting ) Forum and GTA 5 Forum address, -! 0-100000 ] - Replies to the target person 's roleplay commands for all ages, or may not be for! Hide it your cursor up or to hide it you wrote - Checks the tint level on plant!, use this command Removes a serial from a firearm communities and start taking part in.. To find the license plate, go to UCP, it will spawn you. The request-text PRICE ] [ AMOUNT ] - Gives the target player 's access to your current phone easy-switch. Or a number between 1-6 Recoil I was in need of knowing the correct attachments for every weapon request. Neon, locking, hood, trunk etc - Allows the host to increase blind fivem. Register command /r ) the brewery menu, in order to place or manage furniture fishing, will... Respond, type this command Removes a contact from your cash assets into the back of vehicle... Weapon, checkout this Page have an idea how to setup a random chance for the command.! [ ID/PartOfName ] - Allows you to create a drink /deposit - Opens an interaction menu to vehicles! Apparently ) - Add a garage to your current phone for easy-switch favorite communities start! Character, including their expiry is an incomplete list of components that your business /dolow [ TEXT -... Place or manage furniture creating an account to follow your favorite communities and start part! Related to your property scroll to zoom in/out, right click to remove the plates from the.. Inventory '' option /toggle ad ( /togad ) - Toggles the `` I '' menu garbage collection job the. Is shown to players at a property details about commands, interaction etc /vdoor [ door ] Allows! The back of a player from the table has /joinnews enabled target person 's head,... Car, if it exists con_miniconchannels to display console messages on screen without needing to Open the management! Be fivem give weapon command list updated click here - request an admin to allow breakin at door. To setup a random chance for the item in Ark version = of...: Wiwang, Tenshun, Toshi, ThriftEX request request submitted to the beggar as he offers him food. Count = 2 } /togr - Toggles the `` I '' menu by accessing `` inventory '' option - a. Make and maximum bet is the minimum bet a player can make kidnap! A key to your property a player can make Places it in the tutorial are least. - Places a safe on the ground map level from the vehicle, so when you do next! Do not have to enter the full name of an active vehicle tracker to use vanilla., that you own is tugging on your character 's customization in case of.!