or supervision. sentenced individuals. Special units in each
Charles L. Brieant Jr. Federal Building & U.S. Conference Solicitation. News & Announcements. Meeting Dates and Times . The Probation Department monitors offenders on probation, ensuring they follow the court-ordered conditions to avoid jail or other punishments. juveniles. #22 at Milford: John T. Walkley. AA Western Colorado; COCourts (Court Records Search) Narconon; Sex Offender Registry; probation services develop, implement, and expand supervision strategies,
A Bankruptcy or Magistrate Judge? The specialized Womens Offender Case Management (WOCM) supervision
These specialized units are: Low risk - Juvenile Probation Officers interview
Office Locations. Probation Supv. cooperate with probation, The child has admitted to being delinquent twice before, The child has a prior Judicial adjudication for either delinquency or being a child from a family with service needs
NEW YORK CITY OFFICE: Daniel Patrick Moynihan U.S. Dir., Commission on Women, Children, Seniors and Equity, Werner Oyanadel, Denise Drummond. 3520; Carl R. Ajello III, Tel., (860) 566-5996; FAX, (860) 566-1458; David C. Warner, Tel., (860) 566-5090; FAX, (860) 566-1619; Bridget Blake, Tel., (860) 952-3543; FAX, (860) 566-2723; MaryAnn Ried-Gill, Tel., (860) 566-6549, ext. Address: 14 West River St., 2nd Flr., Milford CT 06460, Tel., (203) 874-1116; FAX, (203) 874-5233; Jill Driscoll, Tel., (203) 874-1116, ext. 3061; FAX, (203) 596-4210; Kevin Savage, Tel., (203) 591-2332, ext. JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF NEW BRITAIN--(Towns of Berlin, Bristol, Burlington, New Britain, Newington, Plainville, Plymouth, Rocky Hill, Southington, Wethersfield). County Probation and Parole. This site is maintained by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts on behalf of the Federal Judiciary. clients are classified and supervised based on their assessed risk and need. (states attorney) is involved in the case. Offenders are also approved for community supervision under the discretionary powersand jurisdiction of the Board of Parole. #5 at Derby--(Towns of Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Derby, Orange, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton). Address: 300 Grand St., Waterbury CT 06702, Tel., (203) 591-3300; FAX, (203) 596-4032; Richard L. Haas, Jr., Tel., (203) 591-3300; Beth Burns, 300 Grand St., Waterbury CT 06702, Tel., (203) 591-3300; Laura A. Leigh, 400 Grand St., Waterbury CT 06702, Tel., (203) 236-8100; FAX, (203) 236-8090; Maureen Platt, 400 Grand St., Waterbury CT 06702, Tel., (203) 236-8130; FAX, (203) 236-8155; TaShun Bowden-Lewis, 400 Grand St., Waterbury CT 06702, Tel., (203) 236-8188; FAX, (203) 236-8191; Kathleen Montano, 300 Grand St., Waterbury CT 06702, Tel., (203) 591-3325; FAX, (203) 596-8841; Frank J. Guzzardi, 11 Scovill St., 3rd Flr., P.O. 237; Charles M. Stango, Tel., (203) 874-3017; FAX, (203) 283-8268; Mathew Divilio, Tel., (203) 859-0334; FAX, (203) 283-8270; Tiffany Dennis, Tel., (203) 876-1028, ext. #1 at Stamford: Barry Butler. Text Resize. Probation & Parole Division P.O. 302, Torrington CT 06790, Tel., (860) 626-2170; FAX, (860) 626-2171; Diane Euvrard, Tel., (203) 207-8729; FAX, (203) 207-8689; Kristina MacPhail, Tel., (203) 207-8766; FAX, (203) 207-8794; Malgorzata Lipartowska, Tel., (203) 207-8600; Maura K. Coyne, Tel., (203) 579-7237; FAX, (203) 382-8401; Adult Probation Supervisor Office (Chief Probation Officer II). Please enable JavaScript to view the page content.<br/>Your support ID is . Address: 95 Washington St., Hartford CT 06106, Tel., (860) 548-2700; FAX, (860) 548-2783; Joanne Murley, Natalie Erickson, Tel., (860) 548-2700; , 101 Lafayette St., Hartford CT 06106, Tel., (860) 566-1630; FAX, (860) 566-1983; Leanne Kennedy, 90 Washington St., CT Hartford 06106, Tel., (860) 706-5100; FAX, (860) 706-5084; Sharmese L. Walcott, 101 Lafayette St., Hartford 06106, Tel., (860) 566-3190; FAX, (860) 566-2812; Damian Tucker, 101 Lafayette St., Hartford CT 06106, Tel., (860) 566-4284; FAX, (860) 566-4286; Christine Tardette, 90 Washington St., Hartford CT 06106, Tel., (860) 706-5170; FAX, (860) 706-5081; Denis Killeen, 999 Asylum Ave., 4th Flr., Hartford CT 06105, Tel., (860) 566-8723; FAX, (860) 566-8949; Laura Pirro, 101 Lafayette St., Hartford CT 06106, Tel., (860) 566-3400; FAX, (860) 566-1638; Desiree Biggs, Astrid Taveras-Inoa, 90 Washington St., Hartford CT 06106, Tel., (860) 706-5064; FAX, (860) 706-5072; Semona Childs, 309 Wawarme Ave., Hartford CT 06114, Tel., (860) 241-2370; FAX, (860) 566-7443; Bridget Blake, 101 Lafayette St., Hartford CT 06106, Tel., (860) 566-4966, ext. 3024; FAX, (860) 440-5865; Sr. Asst. Fax (617) 727-8483 Get updates Probation newsletters Our organizations News Search this organization Contact us Address Address: 120 School St., Danielson CT 06239, Tel., (860) 779-8480; FAX, (860) 779-8488; Tammy Fluet, Tel., (860) 779-8480, ext. Your support ID is: 6997809458620593255. United States Attorneys Office. #23). responsibility to consider the childs best interest as well as community
The purpose of this site is to provide information from and about the Judicial Branch of the U.S. Government. 1; Adult Probation-Court. Juvenile cases are processed at twelve (12) Juvenile Matters Courts
Probation Officer/Sobriety Court Coordinator: 517-264-4685 Return to Staff Directory. Address: 50 Field St., Torrington CT 06790, Tel., (860) 626-2300; FAX, (860) 626-2301; Jonathan Knight, Tel., (860) 626-2500; FAX, (860) 626-2501; Corrie-Ann L. Mainville, Tel., (860) 626-2602; FAX, (860) 626-2601; Adult Probation-Supervision Office(Chief Probation Officer II). Anthony Niglio, 400 Grand St., Waterbury CT 06702, Tel., (203) 236-8066; FAX, (203) 236-8033; John Hall, Tel., (203) 236-8122; FAX, (203) 236-8166; Christine Santulli, Tel., (203) 236-8196; FAX, (203) 591-3343; G.A. The system's Charter for Excellence (pdf) states the shared professional identity, goals, and values of probation and pretrial services officers. Website: Hon. techniques, and specialized adult supervision programs to change offender
Gender responsive Juvenile
Alex V. Hernandez, Hon. These services are delivered with community-based services and treatment
Domestic Violence Supervision:
probation officers, to persons with psychiatric disabilities, or persons who
Require the child to make restitution or perform community service. For information on Adult Probation please contact
Provides services, by specially trained probation officers, to clients with
JUVENILE MATTERS AT NEW BRITAIN: 20 Franklin Sq., New Britain CT 06051; FAX, (860) 515-5176; vacancy, Tel., (860) 515-5093; FAX, (860) 515-5087; Mark Michaud, Tel., (860) 515-5098, ext. Departments & Divisions Directory; County Manager's Office - (910) 259-1200. Judicial District of Fairfield: Joseph G. Bruckmann. Previously, copies of . more than 2 years older or younger than the juvenile. Historically, the National Crime Act of
G.A. have the services of a public defender or defense attorney and a prosecutor
Interstate Compact: Many probationers
), Placed on Probation, or Vocational Probation/supervision, Ordered to take part in community-based programming, Committed to the Department of Children and Families. Public Defender, Sharon M. Elias, Tel., (203) 596-4179; FAX (203) 596-4180. 2323; FAX, (203) 591-2337; vacancy, Tel., (203) 591-2332, ext. 915 Lafayette Blvd. Telecommunications Relay Service TDD/TT Users: Call 711 or 1-800-842-9710 Voice Callers: Call 711 or 1-800-833-8134 The Connecticut Judicial Branch Directory is provided Youthful Offender Supervision (YO):
101, Vernon 06066, Tel., (860) 872-4088; FAX, (860) 875-6972; Robert Brennan, 26 Park St., Rockville CT 06066, Tel., (860) 896-2400; FAX, (860) 871-7520; Sharon Rosato, 20 Park St., Rockville 06066, Tel., (860) 870-3216; FAX, (860) 870-3294; Peter Dwornik, Tel., (860) 896-4945; FAX, (860) 896-4947; Allison Kaas, Tel., (860) 756-7810; FAX, (860) 756-7812; Timothy Kane, 587 East Middle Tpke., Manchester CT 06040, Tel., (860) 649-1650, ext. 3542; FAX, (860) 566-4255; Emily Carney, Tel., (860) 741-3697; FAX, (860) 745-6349. the courts. 4022; FAX, (860) 928-9821; Sara Aliaj, 190 Main St., Danielson CT 06239, Tel., (860) 774-5735; FAX, (860) 774-6277; Katherine McKeon, 108 Valley St., Willimantic CT 06226, Tel., (860) 423-6318, ext. 3028; FAX, (860) 440-5865; Juv. probationers to increase the likelihood that probationers attend and
Ms. Letitia Harris, JDR Probation Supervisor Chesterfield Office Phone: (804) 318-8225 / Fax: (804) 717-2275 Email: [email protected] Program Type: S/A -PT Ms. Jennifer Dennis, Pretrial Supervisor Colonial Heights Office 550 Boulevard Colonial Heights, VA 23834 Phone: (804) 431-2054 / Fax: (804) 524-8718 Email: [email protected] Address: 155 Church St., Putnam CT 06260, Tel., (860) 928-7749; FAX, (860) 928-7076; John Sullivan III, Tel., (860) 928-7749; FAX, (860) 928-7076; Tammy Fluet, 120 School St., Danielson CT 06239, Tel., (860) 779-8474; FAX, (860) 779-8488; Anne F. Mahoney, 120 School St., Danielson CT 06239, Tel., (860) 779-8520; FAX, (860) 779-8521; George Flores, 120 School St., Danielson CT 06239, Tel., (860) 779-8560; FAX, (860) 779-8565; Peter Barbone, 267 Kennedy Dr., Putnam 06260, Tel., (860) 928-0478; FAX, (860) 928-6658; Sylvia Carver, 265 Kennedy Dr., Putnam CT 06260, Tel., (860) 963-2580; FAX, (860) 928-9586; Leslie F. Fialkievicz, 120 School St., Danielson CT 06239, Tel., (860) 779-8508; FAX, (860) 779-8533; Marie-Cecile Sene, 155 Church St., Putnam CT 06260, Tel., (860) 928-7749, ext. 2/24/2023 9:38 . Compact established a National Commission on affairs. services are delivered with the Center for the Treatment of Problem Sexual
The Division is comprised of district offices located in Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven, Norwich and Waterbury . Title: Microsoft Word - 1 Adult Probation Offices list.doc Author: STATE OF CONNECTICUT CHIEF PROBATION OFFICERsince Feb 2007 SAMPLE SHOP FASHION CONSULTANT2008 - 2009. FIELD OPERATIONS. #15 at New Britain--(Towns of Berlin, Bristol, Burlington, New Britain, Newington, Plainville, Plymouth, Rocky Hill, Southington, Wethersfield). Please enable JavaScript to view the page content. %%EOF
Kevin S. Russo (appointed by the Chief Justice on Sept. 29, 2021). 3052; FAX, (860) 870-3291; Mickael Tarantino, Tel., (860) 870-3225, ext. The Division is based in field offices in Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport, Waterbury and New London. These
nolle is entered on the court record and the child is released from
h_HQpm X!hNiAV+|FWbkTHC5("HH^Cii$Rz~r 06zycU(EL)'p+k]_en2FV E JRYZMZb0K*#. G.A. delivered with community-based services and treatment providers. DISTRICT COURT (see also: Kent Probation, Issaquah Probation, Shoreline Probation, Seattle Probation) . CONTACTS. JUVENILE MATTERS AT WATERBURY: 7 Kendrick Ave., Waterbury CT 06702; FAX, (203) 596-4431; Deputy Chief Clerk, Kelly Pinto, Tel., (203) 596-4202; Juv. HOUSING SESSION AT HARTFORD: 80 Washington St., Hartford CT 06106, Tel., (860) 756-7920; FAX, (860) 756-7925; Xhovana Collaku, Tel., (860) 756-7915; Angela Henderson, Tel., (860) 756-7916; Thomas Holman, Tel., (860) 756-7917; Tel., (860) 756-7810; FAX, (860) 756-7812. In Connecticut, courts impose probation as an alternative to incarceration. probation or supervision officers remain involved in additional court
court-based Family Violence Victim Advocates and community-based service and
Douglas R. Gray Chief Probation Officer 6904 S. Lima St. Centennial CO 80112 Directions/Map Phone: 720-213-7800 Address: 70 Huntington St., New London CT 06320, Tel., (860) 443-5363; FAX, (860) 442-7703; Paul J. Narducci, Tel., (860) 443-2835; FAX, (860) 442-3019; Kevin C. Barrs, Tel., (860) 443-0490; FAX, (860) 444-1941; Renee Saltzman, Tel., (860) 443-2826, ext. 10445 0 obj
<>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<198432D22776874C810DE0AB30596B86><754C52D8AB7D9B40A3E48B4BB36FCE96>]/Index[10432 26]/Info 10431 0 R/Length 84/Prev 783689/Root 10433 0 R/Size 10458/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream
Probation Supv. In addition, CSSD operates a number of
Technical Violation Unit (TVU):
Directions Physical Address: View Map.
through a positive reinforcement supervision model. Juvenile Matters at Willimantic: D. Keith Foren. 3024; FAX, (860) 440-5865; Lonnie Braxton II, Tel., (860) 440-5811; FAX, (860) 440-5855; M. Frances Reese, Tel., (860) 440-5811; FAX, (860) 440-5855; D. Keith Foren, Tel., (860) 440-5870; FAX, (860) 440-5875. 3061; FAX, (203) 596-4210; Juv. The first federal probation officer was appointed in 1927 in the District of Massachusetts. Maureen Aquino, Tel., (860) 889-8351, ext. Address: 1 Courthouse Sq., Norwich CT 06360, Tel., (860) 889-7338; FAX, (860) 885-0509; Brittney West, Tel., (860) 889-7338, ext. These services are
Administrative Divisions - PDF Adult Probation Bail Services Connecticut Courts Your support ID is: 6997809458635251589. Administrator's Office 301 N Main Street . #1 at Stamford--(Towns of Darien, Greenwich, Stamford). often move from one state to another, or are convicted in one state while
Probation Officer: 801.535.2825: General Information. III. 309 S Galena Avenue Suite 400 Dixon, IL 61021. Please enable JavaScript to view the page content.<br/>Your support ID is . 3028; FAX, (203) 789-7136; 54 West Main St., Meriden CT 06451, Tel., (203) 238-6666; FAX, (203) 238-6322; Michael Del Santo, 54 West Main St., Meriden CT 06451,Tel., (203) 238-6140, ext. prosequi, which means "no prosecution". Judicial District of New Britain and G.A. 3214; FAX, (860) 870-3291; Sharon Rosato, Tel., (860) 870-3216; FAX, (860) 870-3294; G.A. 319; Amy Anderson, 70 Huntington St., New London CT 06320, Tel., (860) 442-2655. #4 at Waterbury and Judicial District of Waterbury: Theresa M. Dalton. Family with Service Needs (FWSN) - A juvenile
Substance abuse treatment and domestic violence programming are provided to appropriate offenders under the supervision of this Division. #10 at New London--(Towns of East Lyme, Groton, Ledyard, Lyme, New London, North Stonington, Old Lyme, Stonington, Waterford). For information on Juvenile Probation please
Address: 20 Franklin Sq., New Britain CT 06051, Tel., (860) 515-5180; FAX, (860) 515-5185; Cynthia Skorzewski, Tel., (860) 515-5180; Brian W. Preleski, Tel., (860) 515-5270; FAX, (860) 515-5266; Michael Isko, Tel., (860) 515-5370; FAX, (860) 515-5366; Robert Lamontagne, Tel., (860) 515-5115; FAX, (860) 515-5125; Jo-Ann Merrow, Tel., (860) 515-5300; FAX, (860) 515-5299; Bonnie LaRosa, Tel., (860) 515-5387; FAX, (860) 515-5382; Vicky Rivas Mota, Ewa Wojewodzki, Tel., (860) 515-5153; FAX, (860) 515-5156; Tel., (860) 515-5032; FAX, (860) 515-5060; , Charles R. Cyr, Tel., (860) 515-5069; FAX, (860) 515-5033. County of Marin Probation Department Staff Directory. Probation Officer Police Vocational Adviser Councilor Counselor Education Professor Educational Counselor Master of Business Administration Associate in Applied Science Government Administration Professional Community Service Manager, Probation Officer Police Counselor Apprentice Advisor Psychologist Master of Arts Bachelor of Arts Health Services Administrator Medical Services Manager Health Services Manager Psychology Specialist Student Worker, Probation Officer Coordinator Police Managers Advocate Jurist Legal Counsel Government Administration Professional Psychology Specialist Community Service Manager, Probation Officer Social Worker Police Counselor Advisor Social Workers Editor Master of Science Bachelor of Arts Researcher Survey Researcher, Probation Officer Police Government Administration Professional Community Service Manager, Probation Officer Police Music Artist Musician, Probation Officer Police Manager Operations Manager, Probation Officer Police Human Resources Specialist Recruitment, Probation Officer Police Intervention Specialist Special Education Professional Special Education Professors Government Administration Professional Psychology Specialist Automobile Mechanic Automotive Specialist Automotive Professional Community Service Manager, Probation Officer Police Associate Professor Lecturer Postsecondary Teacher, Health Information Manager Health Services Administrator Medical Services Manager Health Services Manager Manager Operations Manager, Supporting Member Volunteer Team Member Non-Profit Police Customer Service Client Service Officer Student Worker Construction Specialist Construction Laborer, Executive Office Professional Security Clerical Specialist Health Information Manager Health Services Administrator Medical Services Manager Health Services Manager, Recognition Partner Chief Executive Law Specialist Lawyer, Coordinator Managers Advisor Police Health Information Manager Health Services Administrator Medical Services Manager Health Services Manager Social Workers Bachelor of Science, Probation Officer Police Founder Founding Member Chief Executive Client Service Officer Customer Service, Probation Officer Police Philanthrope Managers Non-Profit Special Education Professional Special Education Professors Bachelor of Science Government Administration Professional Social Workers Community Service Manager, Independent Contractor Organization Management Philanthrope Contractor Non-Profit Managers Advisor Police Independent Business Owners Chief Executive Corporate Executive Operations Manager Chief Executive Officer Educational Manager School Administrator School Principal Business Development Manager Senior Manager Deputy Manager Community Service Manager Government Administration Professional Psychology Specialist Property Manager Real Estate Manager, Information on professionals, their work history and resumes. JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF HARTFORD--(Towns of Avon, Bloomfield, Canton, East Granby, East Hartford, East Windsor, Enfield, Farmington, Glastonbury, Granby, Hartford, Manchester, Marlborough, Simsbury, South Windsor, Suffield, West Hartford, Windsor, Windsor Locks). Administrative Directive Chapter 11 - Parole and Community Services. 7), Tel., (860) 741-3027; FAX, (860) 745-2178, Administrative Office, 90 Washington St., 3rd Flr., Hartford CT 06106, Address: 61 Woodland St., 1st Flr., Hartford CT 06105, Tel., (860) 722-5896; FAX, (860) 722-5899. The Interstate
Federal Probation Journal, published each June, September, and December, presents current thought, research, and practice in corrections, community supervision, and criminal justice. children charged with minor offenses and supervise low risk offenders who
No. Compensation of members, none. 4055; Emmanuel Clemetson, 11 Commerce St., Norwalk CT 06850, Tel., (203) 866-5025, ext. Allison M. Near (appointed by the Governor on July 29, 2021); Hon. Catherine Brannelly Austin, Tel., (203) 236-8160; FAX, (203) 236-8161; Theresa M. Dalton, Tel., (203) 236-8170; FAX, (203) 236-8180; Victor Rinaldi, 400 Grand St., Waterbury CT 06702, Tel., (203) 236-8036; FAX, (203) 236-8038; Adult Probation-Court (Chief Probation Officer I). 307; FAX, (860) 643-4455. case is removed from the official court records and the police remove
Probation officers supervise offenders who are sentenced to a term of probation by the court or who are on parole or supervised release after they're released from prison. may be referred as a FWSN if she or he: Non-Judicial Handling is used for
Auburn Probation Office (206) 205-9200 : KCDC/PSD - DV Court Unit (206) 205-9200 : . Be sure to check other towns near Hartford, CT to get the records of more service providers. 319 Main St., Danbury CT 06810, Tel., (203) 797-4414; Tel., (203) 730-5461; FAX, (203) 731-2835. a serious mental illness. Probation Department | Lansing, MI - Official Website.
FAQs: Filing a Judicial Conduct or Disability Complaint Against a Federal Judge, Archives of the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability, Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation Fees, Federal Court Interpreter Certification Examination, National Court Interpreter Database (NCID) Gateway, Transfer of Excess Judiciary Personal Property, Electronic Public Access Public User Group, Statistical Tables for the Federal Judiciary, Asset Management Planning Process Handbook, Judiciary Conferences That Cost More Than $100,000, Long Range Plan for Information Technology, Proposed Amendments Published for Public Comment, Laws and Procedures Governing the Work of the Rules Committees, How to Suggest a Change to Federal Court Rules and Forms, How to Submit Input on a Pending Proposal, Open Meetings and Hearings of the Rules Committee, Permitted Changes to Official Bankruptcy Forms, Congressional and Supreme Court Rules Packages, Preliminary Drafts of Proposed Rule Amendments, Confidentiality Regulations for Pretrial Services Information, Overview of Probation and Supervised Release Conditions. Departments A through E. 54-A District Court. 3032. Sex Offender Caseload (SO): Provides
JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF FAIRFIELD--(Towns of Bridgeport, Easton, Fairfield, Monroe, Stratford, Trumbull). JUVENILE DETENTION. 10457 0 obj
Juvenile Probation has jurisdiction for handling cases
Mental Health Supervision:
In addition to the standard juvenile probation
Juvenile Matters at New Britain: Karen Hardy-Massaro. 51-10c). Federal Public Defender. throughout the state. Bristol, CT 06010 (860) 584-0073 Danbury 319 Main Street Danbury, CT 06810 (203) 797-4414 Danielson 183 Main Street Danielson, CT 06239 (860) 774-5735 Hartford . FWSN charges. Address: 50 Field St., Torrington 06790, Tel., (860) 626-2100; FAX, (860) 626-2101; Dawn Gallo, Tel., (860) 626-2502; FAX, (860) 626-2503; Corrie-Ann L. Mainville, 50 Field St., Ste. Office Locations. The Probation Department monitors offenders on probation, ensuring they follow the court-ordered conditions to avoid jail or other punishments. recommendations for conditions of probation, program/services referrals,
Address: 410 Center St., Manchester CT 06040, Tel., (860) 647-1091; FAX, (860) 645-7540; Antonio D'Addeo, Tel., (860) 647-1091, ext. If a juvenile does not follow the conditions of his or
Behavior, the Connecticut Sexual Assault Crisis Services Victim Advocates,
living in a different state. Address: 14 West River St., Milford CT 06460, Tel., (203) 877-4293; FAX, (203) 876-8640; Margaret E. Kelley, Tel., (203) 874-3361; FAX, (203) 283-8268; John T. Walkley, Tel., (203) 874-8857; FAX, (203) 874-8089; Leah Fucci, Tel., (203) 877-0001, ext. Directory Listing / Address Telephone; ALZHEIMER'S SUPPORT SERVICES 7251 Mount Zion Circle Morrow, GA 30260 (770) 603-4090: . Place the child in a program for treatment and supervise the child for up to 6 months. Edward Dolan, Commissioner Of Probation Jobs with the Court System Contact us Massachusetts Probation Service Address 1 Ashburton Place Room 405 Boston, MA 02108 Directions Phone (617) 727-5300 Open M-F, 8:30am-4:30pm. evidence of bar membership may bring a cell phone or any other device with wireless communication capabilities into a court facility within the Eastern District of . 3442; James Dinnan, Tel., (203) 238-6125; FAX, (203) 238-6592; John R. Del Barba, Tel., (203) 238-6135; FAX, (203) 238-6319; Maria Lisa Votto, Tel., (203) 238-6140; FAX, (203) 238-6160; Holly Lloyd, 165 Miller St., Meriden CT 06451, Tel., (203) 238-6315, ext. Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and community-based
established to govern interstate movement of offenders. G. Kenneth Bernhard Esq. The 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF LITCHFIELD--(Towns of Barkhamsted, Bethlehem, Bridgewater, Canaan, Colebrook, Cornwall, Goshen, Hartland, Harwinton, Kent, Litchfield, Morris, New Hartford, New Milford, Norfolk, North Canaan, Roxbury, Salisbury, Sharon, Thomaston, Torrington, Warren, Washington, Winchester (Winsted)). Waleska Macklin, Tel., (860) 368-3879; James Casey ONeill, Tel., (860) 368-4393. Probationers with questions are to contact their Probation Officer for additional guidance. Each gender officer has extensive training in the specialized
Probation Department Daniel Delaney, Chief Probation Officer Contacts Springfield District Court Online Email: [email protected] Fax Clerk's Office, Civil (413) 747-4841 Clerk's Office, Criminal (413) 747-4842 Probation Department (413) 734-6665 Springfield Court Service Center Massachusetts Court System Locations
Probation Supv. Phone: 214-653-2862 Misdemeanor Probation / Courts: Frank Crowley Courthouse Misdemeanor Probation 133 N. Riverfront Blvd. court-sentenced individuals while maintaining public safety. Deak, 225 Spring St., 1st and 2nd Flr., Wethersfield CT 06109; William C. Pitt, 121 Elm St., New Haven CT 06510; Tel., (203) 789-7937; FAX, (203) 773-6795; 225 Spring St., 3rd Flr., Wethersfield CT 06109; Tel., (860) 263-2750; FAX, (860) 263-2776; 225 Spring St., 1st Flr., Wethersfield CT 06109; Tel., (860) 263-2710; FAX, (860) 263-2770; Luke Petruzziello, 80 Washington St., Hartford 06106; Tel., (860) 756-7894; FAX, (860) 756-7999; Sean B. Reidy, Tel., (860) 706-5140; FAX, (860) 706-5086; Cheryl Halford, 121 Elm St., New Haven CT 06510; Tel., (203) 773-6738; Tel., (860) 706-5158; FAX, (203) 773-6789. %*X?xK.r4Nnfi3
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SxeQ2. (Probation Officer I). assistance in monitoring and tracking of these individuals. . any further court involvement. Juvenile Matters at Waterford: D. Keith Foren. 999 Asylum Ave., 4th Flr., Ste. Probation Officer. 80 Washington St., Hartford CT 06106, Tel., (860) 756-7020; FAX, (860) 756-7025; Chris Pleasanton, Tel., (860) 263-2734, ext. SENIOR DEP PROBATION OFFICER (415)473-6599: FAY, KATHERINE: JUVENILE HALL: JUVENILE CORR OFFICER I . treatment providers. State's Atty., Jayne Kennedy, Tel., (203) 596-4186; FAX, (203) 596-4252; Supv. Hartford, CT 06106 Directions. Motivational
JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF NEW LONDON--(Towns of Bozrah, Colchester, East Lyme, Franklin, Griswold, Groton, Lebanon, Ledyard, Lisbon, Lyme, Montville, New London, North Stonington, Norwich, Old Lyme, Preston, Salem, Sprague, Stonington, Voluntown, Waterford). Government. 225 Spring St., 2nd Flr., Wethersfield CT 06109; Tel., (860) 263-2734; FAX, (860) 263-2773; Deputy Dir., Court Operations Systems Support. The Division of Parole and Community Services (P&CS) supervises and provides support services to offenders released to the community under the jurisdiction of both the Commissioner of Correction and the Board of Pardons and Paroles. The Trustoria Service Professional Directory gives people all the information needed to find the right professional for every need. Court-based Victim Svs. Box 2775, Waterbury CT 06706, Tel., (203) 596-4188; FAX, (203) 596-4194; Christine Santulli, 300 Grand St., Waterbury CT 06702, Tel., (203) 591-3336; FAX, (203) 591-3343; Gary Allard, 300 Grand St., Waterbury CT 06702, Tel., (203) 591-3308; FAX, (203) 596-4032; Barbara Clark, 400 Grand St., Waterbury CT 06702, Tel., (203) 236-8270; Gregory Sullivan, 11 Scovill St., Waterbury CT 06706, Tel., (203) 596-4195, ext. James M. Malcolm Jr., MPA. These services are
It could be because it is not supported, or that JavaScript is intentionally disabled. Enter a search term Search. Accurate assessment of probationers is the foundation for targeting
Virtual/Zoom Meeting Links. 2; Julia Roberts, Tel., (860) 741-2882, ext. Phone. Juvenile Matters at Waterbury: Sharon M. Elias. 207, Torrington CT 06790, Tel., (860) 626-2602; FAX, (860) 626-2601; Roger Frigon, Tel., (860) 626-2180; FAX, (860) 626-2181; Donna Pedrolini, 50 Field St., Ste. JUVENILE MATTERS AT NEW HAVEN: 239 Whalley Ave., New Haven CT 06511; FAX, (203) 786-0327; Kate Gunning, Tel., (203) 786-0383; FAX, (203) 786-0379; , Noella Mena Dondele, Tel., (203) 786-0322; Vincent A. Duva, Tel., (203) 786-0333; FAX, (203) 752-0257; Renee Cimino, Tel., (203) 786-0346; FAX, (203) 786-0378. Box 27116 Santa Fe, NM 875020116 Phone: (505)8278830 Melanie Martinez , Director Melanie. District of Connecticut. 324; FAX, (860) 646-6252; Sharmaine Abrams, c/o G.A. Judicial District of Waterbury: TaShun Bowden-Lewis. Search form. and community-based service and treatment providers. offender service needs and making appropriate intervention referrals. 2016 CT.gov | Connecticut's Official State Website, (Addresses, directions and telephone numbers for regional Parole and Community Services offices are listed below), regular
If the child stays out of trouble during the 13 months, the
The U.S. providers. 225 Spring St., 4th Flr., Wethersfield CT 06109; Tel., (860) 263-2760; FAX, (860) 263-2777; Tel., 1-888-286-7347; FAX, (860) 263-2780. specialized case management units to focus services for a specified target
Adult probation services develop, implement, and expand supervision strategies, techniques, and specialized adult supervision programs to change offender behavior and reduce recidivism. The 52-3 District Court Probation Division consists of nine (7) full-time probation officers. The Online Directory enables lookup of King County staff and related information. 6336; Michaelangelo Palmieri, 484 Main St., 3rd Flr., Middletown CT 06457, Tel., (860) 343-7185; FAX, (860) 344-3038; , Dawne Castellon, 484 Main St., 3rd Flr., Middletown CT 06457, Tel., (860) 343-7199, ext. The New Haven County Probation Department, located in New Haven, CT, is an agency that oversees court-ordered probations. Central Office - Directory 455 Winding Brook Drive, Glastonbury, CT 06033 The area code for this page is (860). Rules were
#13 at Enfield--(Towns of East Granby, East Windsor, Enfield, Granby, Simsbury, Suffield, Windsor, Windsor Locks). the case from their records. Chief Probation Officer . probation other than a new arrest or conviction. Juvenile Matters at New Haven: Renee Cimino. 3821; Anthony Bochicchio, Tel., (860) 649-4779; FAX, (860) 646-2096; Milton Walsh, Tel., (860) 649-6484; FAX, (860) 645-6092; Deanna Cloutier, Tel., (860) 645-3191, ext. Address: view Map of Technical Violation Unit ( TVU ): Directions Physical Address: view Map and Services! In addition, CSSD operates a number of Technical Violation Unit ( TVU ): Directions Physical:! Behalf of the Federal Judiciary Issaquah Probation, ensuring they follow the conditions... Beacon Falls, Derby, Orange, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton ) ) 591-2337 ; vacancy,,. Meeting Links, Werner Oyanadel, Denise Drummond Julia Roberts, Tel., ( 203 ),! Avenue Suite 400 Dixon, IL 61021 to another, or are convicted in one state another. 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