No source stated the height is 186 cm. In addition to this skill, he possesses incredible foresight in a fight, able to clearly see all attacks his opponents throw at him. Unmarked spoilers ahead. Daniel maximizes his dynamic visual acuity and momentary thought process and utilizes his body perfectly[22]), Fear-Inducing Aura, Fear Manipulation (Jerry, a character with great determination[23], sensed something and then felt an instinctive fear of Daniel[7].

Martial Arts Learned: Daniel has mastered numerous martial arts thanks to his unnatural body and capability to copy anything with his sight. 199: God WebJiho Park is a minor antagonist in the webtoon Lookism.

Detainee at Korea's Juvenile Prison (former)High School Student (Graduated)Manager of the 4 major crews (former)Bodyguard for Crystal Choi He also gets stronger; at one point, he was able to crush a phone into pieces with one hand. as a fat boy before , once youe get skinny and toned you look like taller. Gun's most distinguishing trait is his pitch black eyes with white irises, a result of him being constantly in the state of Ultra Instinct. On his chest is a long, horizontal scar given by Eli Jang. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Right from the beginning of the story, Zoe is known to be a flirt, having immediately attempted to flirt with Big Daniel Park upon seeing him.

Being protective of those close to her, Zoe went through a lot of struggles to protect small Daniel. Name: Daniel Park, Park Hyung-Seok Origin: Lookism. She is mainly shown in a school uniform, but can be seen wearing fashionable outfits from time to time. DG school's name has been shown in Episode 176 but its full name was revealed in Episode 396, It is confirmed that DG has a very long PP, able to shock even Daniel. Studio Mir, the company that brought DOTA: Dragon's Blood and The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf, to Netflix, will finally bring the first animation on the streaming giant that is based on a Naver Webtoon story.DOTA: Dragon's Blood and The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf, to Netflix, will Now, when acting as James Lee, he wears an all light pink outfit with a woolen sweatshirt and face mask. He has the perfect body as repeatedly said in the series and can keep on fighting gangsters. 192: Homeless (02) Ep. Unknown He made sure to leave a mark or reminder to each of the Kings by either incising or removing a part of their body. Chinese

This is to the point that he's superior to Johan. Despite the difference in weight and height, his first body gradually begins to resemble his second. 176: The Truth Behind Daniel Park (03) Ep. He tends to watch and observe others silently, but when he talks, he acts quite aloof and distant, only warming up to a few people (some examples are the HNH Chairman and his daughter, Crystal). Appearances

Munseong Middle and High School (former) Status WebLookism react to Daniel Park | Part 1 / Short / NicoEngine; Love murder basketball reacts (cringe, TW. Its been confirmed! Especially concidering the fact that the art style isn't consistent with the size of some characters. Daniel, unable to bear with his school troubles any longer, tearfully accepted. I should pay you for that.". Zoe is a rather tall girl with a curvy figure, very sexy, a noticeable bust, black, shoulder-length black with bangs, fair skin and brown eyes. In his new body, Daniel has no glasses, and he's tall. DG is a very attractive young man who has dyed pink hair and dark colored eyes. However, he is not yet on the level of Jong Gun or Joon Goo, as he was easily defeated by Gun. Gun is stated to be a "pervert" with whom gender is of no concern for his attraction by Goo. Contents 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 4 Fighting Prowess 5 Quotes 6 Trivia 7 References Appearance Zack's height is rather tall, reaching at least 185 cm. He has a unique ability in which he has two bodies.

This is a subreddit dedicated to the Lookism webtoon, written by PTJ Company, Press J to jump to the feed. He aims to crush anything that gets on his way. Birthdate Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Affiliation He wakes up in a cold sweat and races to find himself. Just all the Lookism characters are meant to look "perfect. WebThis key is for his perfect body. He is usually seen wearing dark sunglasses and has a tattoo on his forearm. Estimated to be around 23-26 years old[1] Has been tortured with enough poison to kill a man and had no sleep for many days | Superhuman, Range: Standard Melee Range | Extended Melee Range with whip | Standard Melee Range. 16 -> 17 [1] He appears to have a history in Japan and is recognized by the Yakuza as "White Ghost". Zach was 511 beginning of the series, and Daniel is taller than him.

", Gun and Goo are 178cm and 179cm respectively. Original Body (Game) Japanese The game said his old body's original height was around 5'3 or 160 cm, from the earlier arcs. 196: Daniel Park vs. Logan Lee (2/3) Ep. Bullied since middle school, Daniel Park (Park Hyung Suk) is the main protagonist and is currently a 2nd-year student at Jae Won High School under the TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Goo has stated that Gun is a "pervert" who doesn't concern himself with the gender of the person he is attracted to. Unlock 2000+ Workouts, 50+ Workout Booklets & Cookbooks,Weekly Launches, Access toCoaching,App Functionality & More! Height Changing from a worthless individual he changed for the better, fully discovering the concept of lookism as he now lives life between two bodies. Daniels' ability to copy other people's techniques is so amazing that it's like fighting yourself.

To qioPark Ha Neul Whether or not he is able to dodge the said attacks usually depends on his opponent and Daniel's current body. Gender Hobin had a growth spurt after training with samdak tho. Later on completely outmatched Justin and Chuck together when they overwhelmed him in the past as a duo[14]), Limited Resistance to Electricity (Could tank a Taser that was previously making him pass out[15]), Limited Resistance to Poison (Has been tortured for days with no sleep and has been filled with enough poison to kill a horse and he is still fine. The weaknesses his body had are now gone as his body is faster with the addition of Systema. Now he is really close to Vasco and Zack. Durability: At least Street level+, likely higher (Could tank attacks from Gun)| At least Wall level, likely higher | At least Small Building level, Stamina: Superhuman.

WebA page for describing Characters: Lookism. Height. His hair is shaved on the sides but long on top, and has always been seen with it slicked back. He is also seen countering Yuseong's attack by blocking his fist and using the other leg to kick him into the ground. Gun has a strict level of morality/rules to himself and his successor such as not being involved in any illegal activities. WebDG is a very attractive young man who has dyed pink hair and dark colored eyes. Completely ignores any pain until he loses his UI mode[22]), Instinctive Action, Berserk Mode, Enhanced Senses, Statistics Amplification (In this UI state he is unconscious.

Status Is he still 5'8? He was able to defeat 2 Crew Head (Jake Kim and Samuel Seo) simultaneously. Debut Gun has shown consistently to be one of the strongest characters in the series, and in the entire PTJ verse. Korean [13], A little taller than 190cm (probably 192cm). He has a mixed fighting style with complete mastery of Kyokushin karate, high proficiency in Aikido, and Capoeira as shown when Olly identified one of Johan Seong's copied moves from Gun,[6] his fight with Goo Kim[7] and his Brazilian kick. Though it is implied in the Runaway fam arc he is respectful enough to not interfere in other affairs without permission. While not on par with his second body, his weight does add an incredible amount momentum to his attacks unleashing them with such surprising force that he even forced Euntae (who possesses unbelievable strength) to resort to knocking him out when he felt he could no longer withstand his punches. Daniel uses this body at night to work part-time at a local mini mart, which is why it's usually seen in his work uniform.

Professional Status It is said that Hobin is 5'11 feet tall which shows that he's tall as Daniel, Vasco, Eli Jang, and Johan; and he is also taller than Vin. Mar 11, 2023. Unlike Goo Kim, Gun will remove his glasses when he's about to exhibit his demonic side, causing many to refer to him as a 'Monster'. 191: Homeless (01) Ep. The ones who pose the highest threats include the other fighting legend. . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising.

Gender. His fighting style is described to be very graceful. I'm Mike Romaine and I started Superhero Jacked to help people unleash their inner superhuman. Daniel has also put on more muscle mass, making him look more defined, he looks very similar to his second body in the most recent chapter (424). [8] He is also shown to be proficient enough in weapons to fight using tonfas[9] and to teach Eli Jang how to use stun batons. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. WebHis standard work attire consists of a clean white suit with a blue tie, occasionally with a brown overcoat draped over his shoulders. He also never smoked or intentionally drank before and didn't know how to refuse when putting under pressure to do so. In the intro, BL) (past) Lookism reacts to mainly little Daniel || FLASH AND BL00D WARNING; Past Daniel bullies react to him 1/1 #animes#lookism#danielpark ||WEAK HERO REACTS TO LOOKISM || WIP Occupation So far, Gun has not been defeated by any of his challengers. Standard Tactics: Daniel's fighting style usually has him on the defensive. Alternative body (Manhwa) He covers his exposed skin, such as his neck and hands, with makeup to cover his tattoos. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In this body, he's exposed to the true nature of society. It is implied he might be on the level of Gun himself. Japanese Age Weight He has pale skin and a slim body figure. Moreover, passion and love are the crucial elements he puts into his writings. Relatives Fifthly, Namsoo is a short teen with brown hair and square glasses based on Fandom. No one has ever been stated to surpass Daniel's good looks, and no one retains the center of attention as he does (albeit unintentionally), as a result, his second body is the most popular student at J High. It should be noted that if attacks are executed by non-skilled practitioners, even in this body, he has no problems defending against them. He is a very tall and lean-yet-muscular individual who is always dressed well, usually donning colors of dark fashion and designer brands. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Big daniel is confirmed to be 182cm he's as tall as Zack and vasco are. It is a later confirmed that Gun is also in the Ultra Instinct state though maintaining said state whilst retaining his control and personality. Korean WebEp. He often cries whenever he is reminded of how he treated her, such as when in his second body, he was asked to act out a certain role as a test to see his acting skills only for Daniel to cry while reading the script as the part was similar to a part of his life, he regretted the most. TV.

[4]He also has a scar given by Jerry Kwon.[5]. References PTJ Entertainment1st generation of fists In Chapter 439, Gun Taught him about Subconsciousness by choking Daniel on the neck and gains an ability to use Ultra Instinct again just like his Second Body. 177: The Truth Behind Daniel Park (Conclusion) Ep. Gun is implied to be Pansexual on one occasion. Due to his lack of social interaction with people around him prior to having his second body, he can be naive, much like Euntae, and is unsure how to act when placed under peer pressure.

Daniel has also put on more muscle mass, making him look more defined, he looks very similar to his second body in the most recent chapter (424). Continue with Recommended Cookies. and our Daniel Hamermesh, a leading scholar in this field, observed that an American worker who is among the bottom one-seventh in looks earns about 10 to 15 percent less a year than one in the top third. 180: Juvenile Prison (01) Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Some of the awards includes him being a champion in art, poetry, golf, swimming, tennis, and many more. So, he is probably 5 feet and 3 inches tall. Moreover, Duke is quite similar to Daniel (in his original body) as stated on Lookism Fandom. Later on, he is trained by Gun as a potential successor, making him a far more fearsome fighter, he is shown to easily beat a Workers Executive and even throw Xiaolung, who is known for being a powerful opponent to many. 23m. Episode 4. 172: Daniel Park's Death (1/2) Ep.


Zack grew to 185, judging by recent chapters Warren is around 188-189. WebDaniel Park, the protagonist, has the ability to transfer his consciousness out of his original body into an alternate one when he falls asleep. Gun is usually seen as a highly composed man who is quite dedicated to his job as a bodyguard. How tall are Lookism characters based on your opinion? After being saved from a stalker by Small Daniel, she realizes that she shouldn't just like someone for their looks and begins to have a crush on Small Daniel, which baffles the people around her. Relative to Gun and Goo. Occupation 179: Vasco's Blind Date (2/2) Ep. So, we estimated her height to be the tallest girl among the characters which can be 5 feet and 11 inches tall. Daniel trained his body becoming unrecognizable to most people in this new form looking closer to his second body than his first, even Zoe Park and Logan Lee did not recognize him as the transformation was extreme. Zoe Park ( Park Ha Neul)is a secondary character inLookism. 173: Daniel Park's Death (2/2) Ep. Next, Jasmine Huh is a young teenage girl with straight black hair, black eyes and a pink bow on top of her head and she is also shorter than average according to Lookism Fandom. Lookism Wikia is a FANDOM Anime Community. DG is also very honest, but he doesn't talk much so it's sometimes difficult to know what he is thinking.

propertypal ballymena. Her classmates claim that she does this every time she sees a guy who's good looking. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Manhwa Hobin is 5'6~5'8 feet tall maybe?


Thirdly, Yui Kim is noted to be very beautiful according to Lookism Fandom. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, If one body is forcefully awakened, the other body will go to sleep, The sleeping body has to be cared for like an actual body, He is conscious at all times (cannot have dreams), In a state of lost consciousness, he cannot change bodies until the other body recovers consciousness, The sleeping body experiences all physiological phenomena normal bodies do. Appearances Nicknames Daniel Park He is a fighter of legendary status and the personal bodyguard of the HNH Chairman's daughter, Crystal Choi. He used to be known as James Lee but discarded this identity after accomplishing his goal, and Daniel Park's second body is using that name instead. Johan's predictions are thwarted by Daniel's adapting attacks [4]), Attack Potency: At least Street level+, likely higher (Not damaged by casual Gun's attacks and stronger than Vasco) | At least Wall level (Could tank attacks from Hudson[20] and should be comparable to Warren), higher with Heat Mode (Becomes much greater in strength and speed[25]. Previous candidates: Johan, Jake, Olly, Samuel and Eli, Potential Candiates/Succesors: Daniel Park. Relationships Episode 4. Later he is 5'11. I think it's just a weird part of the PTJ verse that as you build up your body and increase your strength, You also become taller. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Gun Park has been named by the author as a member of the 1.5th generation, a group of fighters who rose before the 2nd generation but after the 1st generation. Please log in again. He has close ties with the Charles Choi. Not only that he would be dragged into the great clash between Big Deal, Hostel, K-House, and the Workers. 180: Juvenile Prison (01) Real Name: Daniel Park Height: 58 (Real Body), 60 Alternative Body Weight: 179 lbs. However, he began to realize just how much she sacrificed for his sake, filling him with deep feelings of self-loathing and regret for his actions towards his mother to the point of vowing to be a better person. Jake is 6'4". Relationships His face looks near identical to the second body as well. Edit: This is waht the website says, not my interpretations.

He also can't copy the determination that comes from the moves he copies, which makes opponents like Zack hard to fight. 172: Daniel Park's Death (1/2) Ep. He is a student at J High School who recently has awakened a second body. But one day, Rebecca and her cat companion Happy appear at the park's front gates.

He then proceeded to easily defeat Jerry Kwon and Lineman. Gun Park ( Park Jong Geon)is a major character in Lookism. Lack of self-confidence is often Daniel's biggest hindrance slowing his progress on his goal of trying to be a better person.

Despite being able to see the attacks (even once commented on how slow they were), he was still not able to physically dodge them due to this body's lack of agility and reflexes. A little taller than 190cm (probably 192cm)[3] Daniel has two bodies. If he had grown so much taller, I'm sure she would've monologued to herself that he grew so tall before commenting. In the manhwa, the older art showed that he was much shorter than her. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Moreover, Cho Ma looks like a tall high school student so we estimated his height to be 6 feet tall. These are all i remember. School Though it has never been explicitly said that Zoe is attractive, it is hinted at throughout the comic. Gun stated that, although Crystal was heading for a dangerous situation, if she is accompanied by Daniel and Euntae, then she's not in any real danger. DG first appeared in episode 19 in a poster on student's Namsoo Lee's Wall. Relatives So I found a website, and apparently Daniel is 5'10". Episode 25. High school student(2nd year)Streamer at PaprikaTV (former) By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. But after realizing that this world wasn't fair and how he needs to work harder to overcome that unfairness Daniel gets a way better appreciation for his old body and becomes more confident in it. PTJ stopped portraying characters traits through body types and started doing it through actions and body languages.

In Heat Mode, Daniel is willing to fight dirty in order to win such as when he used a belt as a makeshift weapon or brass knuckles | Daniel utilizes everything he has ever known to a level beyond mastery. Height (i explain things badly).

Gender DGOne Man CircleLegend of The First Generation

He can transfer his consciousness between two bodies at will. Is able to beat Hudson Ahn[26]) | At least Small Building level in UI Mode (Was able to beat Gun Park), Speed: At least Transonic+ (Faster than his True Body and Zack) | At least Hypersonic+ (Can fight relative to Samuel), likely higher with Heat Mode | At least High Hypersonic+ (Maximizes his Dynamic visual in UI state. 175: The Truth Behind Daniel Park (02) Ep. This key is for his perfect body. Japanese

On the other hand, he looks taller also so, we estimated his height to be 5 feet and 11 inches tall. Japanese, Episode 176: The Truth Behind Daniel Park (03), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. This is kinda confusing since he looks too short to be 5'11 if you compare him to Lookism characters that have the same height as him.

The heights of some of the characters are mentioned or stated already in their profiles on Lookism Fandom. He has a beautiful voice, which refers to Daniel in real life. He is a friend of James Gong. Firstly, Mira Kim has a slim figure, a lower-than-average stature, and pale skin as stated on Lookism Fandom. So, we estimated his height to be 5 feet and 2 inches tall. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Daniel can still use any ability displayed below on both bodies although to a lesser effectiveness on his True Body compared to his Perfect Body. Occupation 0 Cart. 395: The Kidnapping of Daniel Park (2), Ep. Second Body (Game) Zoe Park Daniel is like 183 cm to 190 cm tall. WebDaniel loses his second body, and his body and James's body are now comatose Jiho is interrogated by police for the incident In order of appearance: As Daniel falls to the ground he has flashbacks to his memories in his second body.

DG is more cool and composed than most, if not all, characters in Lookism. Can detect and intercept ambush attacks[9]), Accelerated Development (Can grow stronger and faster when copying others or when his body is pushed to the limit[10][9][7]), Reactive Evolution (Can develop abilities such as the perfect way to counter someone, weapon mastery, becoming more resistant to electricity, or increasing his speed and strength just by copying someone[10][9][7]), Analytical Prediction (Is stated that he is not just good at watching, but can also read movements to dodge[11]), Resistance to Analytical Prediction (Easily adapted to Chuck's Analytical Prediction early on[12][13]. 189: Daniel Park (2/3) Ep. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. No.NamePricePurchase Link1Pilot h-5005 mechanical pencil 0.5mm$10,000.00eBay.2IJ Instruments PG5 Type Metal Mechanical Pencil 0.5mm Gold Mint$589.00eBay.3PILOT Hi-Mecha Holder mechanical pencil 0.3mm link to Top 10 Most Expensive Collectible Mechanical Pencil you can buy on eBay, Original Body: 5 ft & 3 in Alternative: 6 ft & 6 in. Gender He is known as the legend of the 1st generation. Shiro Oni (White Ghost) [1]Nurture Genius Malyeon Middle School (Graduated)J High School

And yeah, Daniel is a lot shorter than Logan.

He favors using a style similar to Capoeira, and being incredibly quick and swift, to dodge others attacks.

WebDaniel Park is the protagonist of the Lookism webcomic. Anime/Web Comic: Lookism Powers: Yes Daniel Park is slightly above average height compared to male anime characters weve seen; although that range is getting taller as we see more behemoths within our Anime Workouts Database. Upon being attacked by the enemy, he immediately picks the skillset to match against them depending on his knowledge of their fighting style. Both had a day of preparation but no knowledge on each other), Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa) Junko's Profile (Speed was equalized. After that, Taejoon Park is a short male student with pale skin and black hair as mentioned on Lookism Fandom. 193: Homeless (03) Ep. Moreover, she is taller than Zoe Park so, we estimated her height to be 5 feet and 7 inches tall. He has many scars across his body, and tattoos on his arms. She did, but she stated that he had become taller than her. Jiho had a rating system and I believe Daniel's original body had low scores in stats like Both had their standard equipment.