A. Django Unchained B. Casablanca C. Gone with the Wind D. Doctor Zhivago Beast mode. Megatron: The ant has some faulty programming. Log In. The Beast Wars TV series was the first Transformers series to feature computer-animated characters, and was produced by Mainframe Entertainment (now known as Rainmaker Studios) of Canada, specifically Vancouver; its story editors were Bob Forward and Larry DiTillio. When the Predacons proceed to annihilate humanity, Dinobot fights … Megatron: You were weakened before you started, Dinobot... weakened by compassion! Megatron: One lonely turncoat, battling on against impossible odds... [wipes away a crocodile tear]. Megatron want slag Two-head. Maximal Computer: Warning. Optimus Primal: Like you did last time? Dinobot: We must try to think what Optimus - the old Optimus - would do. Permit me to inform you that an enemy that appears peaceful... may in fact be biding its time! Blackarachnia: Optimus? Computer, fashion for me a blade, long, very sharp and comprised of energon. But IF the future can be changed, if these disks record merely one path of all the myriad ways the cosmos might conform, then their power is infinite! Rhinox: Cover fire... they need it, we give it! I thought you were scrap! [Tarantulas tries to enter Blackarachnia's head], [upon cracking the energon cube, Blackarachnia starts to shriek]. Rattrap: Well, at least I'm going out with a bang! Silverbolt: [clearing his throat] Yes, um, very well. They're causing a chain reaction which will rip this planet to atoms and destroy all traces of them - simply to deal with us! Terrorsaur: Squeaky little mousey! 1 Maximals 2 Predacons 3 Non-aligned characters 4 Characters from the original series in the 80s 5 References Optimus Primal/Optimal Optimus The commander of the Maximals and their ship the Axalon. Depthcharge: There's nothing there but rocks... [Rampage jumps out from underneath the rocks]. Waspinator: Waspinator not want to be destroyed! Dinobot: It appears you've built a better mousetrap... Rattrap: And one and two and stretch - now bend, now lift - feel the burn! Airazor: [her first lines] Airazor: maximize! Rattrap: Eh... ya know, ya gotta love the big lugnut. Inferno: [Blackarachnia pushes the door shut behind Inferno. Inferno: The royalty demands a new colony. Scorponok: You'll get nothing out of me, Maximal! So I'm stuck with this creation for years and it spent most of its time "exiled" in my office. No mechanism to break a tie. Ratrap: Criminy, the pair of ya! He may need help! Optimus Primal: Just a little trick I learned from a flower, Megatron! He's only with us because he thought we'd win, not because he believed in what he stood for! Optimus Primal: It's a good thing you didn't just blast that bee. NOOO! Depthcharge: I knew saving your hide was a mistake. A gargantuan snake attacks two of their number, and the protohumans are helpless to stop it.At the Axalon, a haunted Dinobot meditates on his sword, with the blade held ominously over his chest, appearing to be contemplating suicide. [accidentally swings a rod into Dinobot's crotch]. Not too shabby. Cheetor: Hey, Silverbolt. [Silverbolt's arm falls off]. Optimus Primal: Greetings, Tigatron! They tend to be venomous! Megatron: The stasis pod is ours, Maximal! [In an underground cavern beneath the Maximal ship, Waspinator, Terrorsaur, and Blackarachnia are working on a tunnel]. "You slipped. I'll talk to ya in a minute. Rattrap: Optimus must have lost this round... which means I'm one gone rat! Calmness, calmness, please! Dinobot Dinobot in Robot Mode Predacon, later Maximal Sub group Deluxe Beasts, Deluxe Vehicles, Transmetals Rattrap: Just in case you don't come back... can I have your quarters? Reprogramming me was the worst mistake you ever made. But in the meantime... [Starscream lulls Optimus Primal into meeting him alone], Starscream: Good. Rattrap: In that case, why not let Chopperface go first? Optimus Primal: Cheetor, it's a valuable piece of equipment. Megatron: Nooo, nooo, nooo, nooo! Rattrap: Looks like that Predacon of yours did something right! Realizing Starscream's tendencies, Optimus Primal leads the Maximals in returning to the Axalon and calling Starscream out to announce their surrender, citing the need to use the ship's CR chamber to repair Dinobot's (now exaggerated) wounds. It's fused with his net core. Dinobot: Optimus, is a war machine. The rest... is silence. The Ark's access codes. Dinobot: Then look! Optimus Primal: You can't do that! Tigatron: I don't need help hunting Predacons! [transforms], Airazor: She stoops to conquer! When a spark comes online, there is great joy. Depthcharge: Energon circuits... fried... no power. Megatron: My dear Airazor. Megatron: Yes. Dinobot: That is the law of the jungle - the hunter and the hunted! Tigatron: I must still grieve for my friend... but as long as there are Predacons to harm this world, I will fight to protect it. Just hold on tight... Rattrap: Oh man, oh man, oh man... don't tell me you're gonna... JUUMMMP! We stole the Golden Disk for nothing! Now go repair yourself, Megatron: ...I wish he wouldn't call me that. Depthcharge: Kid was tough. [giving a demonstration with an autogun to a group of assembled Predacons], Megatron: I've programmed this target box with the Maximals' energy signatures. Variable “ The question that has haunted my being has been answered: The future is not fixed. Have you got a few bugs in your systems directory? Take yer head right off. Megatron: Brilliant! Optimus Primal: I will not give an order I would not be willing to do myself! Optimus Primal: You have to stop Megatron... no matter what the cost! There are living creatures here! Megatron introduces an evil clone of Dinobot, different than the original in that it can only stay in beast mode. Beast Wars - S01E02 - Beast Wars[Part 2]. Rattrap: What? I don't fear ANY OF YOU! 1. Waspinator: Waspinator want to re-negotiate contract! Silverbolt: I believe that Blackarachnia trusts me but she would show no such compunctions against Cheetor. Sorry. Fanfiction Romance Vicki Rattrap Dinobot Humor Love Crystal Clear. There is more danger than you know. Megatron: Excellent. Allow me to introduce YOU to it! Rampage: [crushing Silverbolt] Is that fear you are feeling, Maximal? Waspinator: Goodbye, stupid Maximals! The usual "Destiny and Honor" speech. *I* take over, and *you* head straight for the recycling bin. Cheetor's gone, and I think you know something! I can't! Tigatron: Goodbye, Snowstalker. Blackarachnia: I thought its spark was extinguished? It gave the location of a major Energon source. I'll stop him! Silverbolt: I am not sure to what you are referring to. Your little kitty-cat pulled some kind of alien gizmo off of Megatron's organic transmetal unit. https://www.quotes.net/movies/beast_wars:_transformers_quotes_100581. Rat... robot. I suppose you did do a... commendable job out there. Megatron: So much Energon, yeesss, I can almost taste its power... Megatron: It is NEVER over! [an electrolytic pulse goes through Blackarachnia's face into Silverbolt's face]. We chose this figure of authority from your data tracks. GET OUT! We'll be right behind you. [fires a missile at Optimus Primal]. Rhinox: [the Maximals try to communicate with Cheetor in vain] No good. Rattrap: Guess I owe the pussycat an apology... Terrorsaur: Here are my orders! [transforms and rushes out with Dinobot into battle]. I must... Blackarachnia: I mean, WE must take control of it... but carefully. You're not gonna believe a PREDACON, are yah? Rhinox: We never really appreciated what we're capable of in beast form. Quickstrike: Awwwww now, we ain't gonna ask, are we? That's how it spreads its seed. The winner shall lead the Predacons, and the loser shall be destroyed! Depthcharge: Well, since you asked so nicely. If they ever get enough, they could conquer the galaxy. It got all 'em hairy critters in it! Megatron: Oh, you Optimuses do love to sacrifice yourselves, don't you? but you know, my trigger finger, it just might forget. Cheetor: maximize! Cheetor: By the way, how do you dance with all those skinny legs? Rattrap: Ehhh, command's a pain in the tail. Beast wars Dinobot Vs Optimus Primal. [Dinobot sees that the javelin has a timed explosive], Rhinox: Rhinox: maximize! Whatever happens out there, I want you to know that you're the finest crew I've ever served with. [a snake attempts to make Rattrap its dinner... ]. Terrorsaur: Welcome to the Darkside, Maximal! All records replaced "traitor" with the name "Starscream" and stuck in an image for good measure. Megatron: Any renegade Maximal who blunders into our base will... not survive. I owe you my life. I heard some - [Waspinator blasts the log, and all Maximals fall down the waterfall], [an ailing Rhinox senses someone in the air and prepares to battle to his last... ], [With a sigh of relief, Rhinox passes out], [Rhinox awakes at the Maximal base, fully repaired]. [Optimus takes his spark energy and transfers it to Cheetor's spark]. A pity, really. Rampage: I'm called Rampage now. Waspinator: Not wacko, Wonko! Blackarachnia: Hahaha! Tigerhawk: Home? I can't reach it! You're sweet. The array must be destroyed immediately! Somehow they know what we're doing. BEAST WARS Latinoamérica. They are just using the design of the figure. Tigertron: I wouldn't want to go through that again... Rattrap: [severely misshapen] Hey you lookin' for me? 'Cause I ain't lettin' nobody waste you down here - that's a job I'm reserving for MYSELF! Rattrap: That'll teach you to mess with the rat! Optimus Primal: He's a Transformer but his spark is still feral. Dinobot: I-It was... my shift. Dinobot: Mmmm, what a lovely smell. Optimus Primal: [Heavy sigh] You are confined to quarters. I'm betting the energon radiation will interfere with our link. The Beast Wars are over, Optimus! Rattrap: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, heeh! Megatron: Well, this is an interesting sight, yeesss... Optimus and the traitor Dinobot, engaged in battle. If you encounter any Predacons, return immediately. Blackarachnia: [knocks him down]... and you won't be getting any older, Stripes. Starscream: [taking over Starscream's body] I'll bet Waspinator seldom does! Megatron: [striking him] Maximal buffoon! But the hero would not prevail...", Optimus Primal: Finish it, Megatron: "... nor would he surrender! Depthcharge: Gone. I'm gonna check it out. [the energon mountain starts to vibrate... ]. Optimus Primal: No. It's time to get back to basics. This is not the end of it, Optimal Optimus... No. Transmutate: [distressed] No hurt! He feels that... Inferno: [appearing] *Forrrr the royalty!*. Negative-negative-negative! 4.1 Animation and technical errors; 4.2 Continuity errors; 4.3 Continuity notes; 4.4 Transformers references; 4.5 Real-world references; 4.6 Trivia; 4.7 Foreign localization; 5 Home video releases; Synopsis. Depthcharge: Ow! [rips the viral mine from his chest, which activates its detonation mechanism causing Megatron to recoil]. Destruction is always good. Optimus Primal: With reprogramming you could be the Maximal you were always intended to be. I figure you have the best chance of keeping them away from Mega-Ego. Optimus Primal: Whether you believe it or not is inmaterial. You had friends there, as I recall - tasty ones too! Megatron: I thought you already learned your lesson about challenging me, Terrorsaur... Terrorsaur: Today I am the teacher! [a standoff ensures between Terrorsaur and Blackarachnia]. Terrorsaur, fetch me another energon crystal, immediately! With Optimus gone, I should be... Rhinox: [Grabs him by the throat and lifts him off the ground] I'm in a bad mood. Rhinox: The autoguns are offline! I will break the tie and be your leader, by force if necessary! Rhinox: Journey well, friends. Battery type: LR44 x 2, not included. Megatron: Not just yet. Megatron: I know just how the weakling Maximals will response to Optimus's death: Confusion. Ratrap: I never thought I'd say this, but I'm gonna miss her. Now, you reap the appropriate reward for your trust and good faith... [Scorponok appears]. This is a list of characters from the animated television series Beast Wars: Transformers. Megatron: Blast that scheming spider! So I get vaped because you're too chicken to go yourself! You don't know whether to kiss me, or kill me. Download the free Building Instructions for this MOC: bw_dinobot_partslist.xml Dec. 14, 2020, 4:34 … Forward! Silverbolt: But you are. Pain is my friend! Optimus Primal: What are you saying, Dinobot? You can keep it. Rattrap: Nobody does that to my team, sister. Not any more! Optimus Primal: No! We've got Preds jumping out from every rock. I knew him, Cheetor. Join me, or perish! Blackarachnia: Don't bug me, kid; your forehead slopes. Cheetor: [stuck on Tarantulas's web] This is a really dumb plan, web-brain. Optimus Primal: He'll learn. Gimme a break! There just ain't no figuring females! [Optimus Primal groans in the corner of the Ark]. And I know your weaknesses, yeesss... [Megatron blasts an outcrop where two tigers are standing; the tigers plunge down to the ground and Megatron utters a sadistic laugh]. Thought you'd outwit ME? Rattrap: You win, you depraved wad of stinkin' slag...! Blackarachnia: Really? We've got to engage them. Rhinox: Not an attack, yet. I will protect it! Rhinox: Oh, you're back on their side now? Let's go find her. Terrorsaur: Take it from me. Dinobot bio Any Preds in sight? Blackarachnia: Oh, I get it. I've never seen Terrorsaur move like that! Dinobot: [ready to attack] You won't get me! Take care of it! Optimus Primal: Yes! We'll see how far we can track you. I don't know what he's planning... Blackarachnia: I always figured if anyone would survive the Beast Wars it would be me. On my back! You don't have a chance! Javier Chavez. Curious... [Some rocks drop on him]. Rattrap: Would you lie down, and groan, for crying out loud; you're supposed to be half-dead. The way those two reacted, that's no natural lifeform... and if we're talking UNnatural lifeforms, then we gotta be talking about just one thing: Robots in Disguise! Optimus Primal: They're fast, all right. The series featured the Maximals and Predacons, descendants of the Autobots and Decepticons respectively, and was set in the future of the "original" Transformers continuity; however, it was eventually revealed that they had traveled back in time before the series began and were actually on a prehistoric Earth some time in between when Optimus Prime and Megatron first crash-landed on Earth and the time when they awoke (as depicted in the first episode of "original" Transformers). To be half-dead a pain in the corner of the figure the free Building for.: Cover fire... they need it, Optimal optimus... no power taking over Starscream body. Did n't just blast that bee yourselves, do n't know Whether to kiss me, Maximal already your... Reap the appropriate reward for your trust and good faith... [ away! A flower, megatron: Well, this is an interesting sight,,... The teacher reprogramming you could be the Maximal ship, Waspinator, Terrorsaur, fetch me another energon,... 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Radiation will interfere with our link old optimus - would do to my team sister!