It is similar to other early civilizations, ancient Egypt was an agricultural society. They were generally considered unskilled laborers. The most important crops they grew for food were wheat and barley. Pharaohs were considered gods and were at the very top of the social pyramid. • What was the typical diet of peasants in ancient Egypt? This picture is thanks to: And that's the daily life of a peasant in ancient Egypt! Peasants had so little power and money that the clothes they had to wear were in bad condition. It was called the flooding season because during this time, the Nile River would flood their fields, ruining all the crops. They worked as husbandmans on the Pharaoh ‘s ‘ and Lords ‘ land. Thanks to:, Farmers planting and picking their plants throughout the planting and harvesting season. Barely having any free time, the peasants had little time to have fun and instead had to work. This background picture is thanks to: Ancient Egyptian clothes refers to clothing worn in ancient Egypt from the end of the Neolithic period (prior to 3100 BC) to the collapse of the Ptolemaic Kingdom with the death of Cleopatra in 30 BC. The Nile River : ( The Egyptian Nile River ) - The longest river in the world ancient Egypt Nile river The Egyptian line is the longe... Temple of Ramses II This temple is by no means the largest of the temples built by Ramses II, nor is it well preserved; in fact some of the... Crafts and Craftsmen in Ancient Egypt Part 1/4, Ptolemaic Dynasty in Ancient Egypt Part 2/3, Ancient Egyptian Nile River | Location , Course , Sources and Aswan Dam, The Peasant Farmers and Workmen in Ancient Egypt, What Survives from the Ancient Egyptian World. The picture/background above is thanks to: Their job was to protect the people while keeping the gods happy. However, Osiris was also known as the god of afterlife and the dead. Having almost no free time, having trouble finding clothes to wear, having a home that could collapse on top of you, and eating mainly bread, simple vegetables, and sometimes even papyrus your whole life is not easy. Since ancient Egypt did not have an endless supply of food, the peasants never got a feast unlike the pharaohs and upper classes. This was mainly due to the Egyptian weather which was hot and dry and resulted in people preferring light clothing. Others sold themselves into slavery to escape their difficult lives. The picture is thanks to:, A clay bowl. It was cooler, and quite lovely sleeping under the stars. You will also learn why furniture was not plentiful in ancient Egyptian homes. They may have had a straw mattress or rug to sleep on if available. Pharaohs are at the top of the social class pyramid with peasants at the bottom. Sewerage from rich and poor was disposed of by digging cess pits, throwing it in the river or in the streets. The Daily Life of a Peasant Peasants spend most of their lives working,but they did have some free time. If you feel that this video content violates the Adobe Terms of Use, you may report this content by filling out this quick form. The annual floods brought a lot of mud which made the construction process easier. The social pyramid may not have been the best way to organize people because the rules were not fair to everyone. Despite being the lowest social class, ancient Egyptian society depended on the peasants. Brick makers molded mud into square shapes using wooden molds after which these were dried and hardened in the sun. They would plant mainly wheat and barley as their form of work. Later on during the history of ancient Egypt metal was introduced in the crafting process, gold was found in its metallic state, silver was used as an adjunct of gold and ore was used after being smelted, they also used copper, tin, and iron. Peasants and Slaves in Ancient Egypt . The ancient Egyptian craftsmen have existed in Egypt since prehistoric times which the main materials used were stones, clay, wood, fibers, ivory, animal skins, bones, and feathers. Clothes during ancient time were scarce due to lack of money, so on a warm, sunny day, the kids sometimes roamed around naked. © Adobe Systems Incorporated. What materials were used to make a home also depended on a person's class. When the upper class ate on gold, silver, and bronze plates, the peasants were forced to eat with clay dishes. Most of Egyptians are peasants and they lived in the countryside and earned their living by farming while some worked as the servants in the homes of wealthy nobles. A peasant’s home was tiny in ancient Egypt. The importance of the Nile River in the ancient Egyptian civilization cannot be overstated. Ancient Egypt was a peasant-based economy and it was not until the Greco-Roman period that slavery became a greater impact. For instance, peasants did not get much free time because of work and they did not even receive comfortable clothes to live and work in. The peasants worked as either reapers or gleaners. Agricultural Slaves in Ancient Greece. Egyptian Peasants. Pharaohs have always been recognized for their great actions, yet think about how Egypt would survive without peasants. Each peasant family had their own home. Many of the slaves in Ancient Egypt were peasants, or poor people. At the time of economic crisis or famine, slaves would lose their rations, but otherwise, domestic servants were mostly paid well and their livelihood was secured. Egyptian clothing from ancient times was quite light and made of flax plant fibres. Farming. In Ancient Egyptian times peasants were buried in the ground. The Greek historian Herodotus is often credited with stating that Egypt was “the gift of the Nile.” Flowing into Egypt from an elevation of 6,000 feet above sea level, Nile waters deposited silt, natural fertilizer, along its banks in Lower Egypt, turning the land green and agriculturally prosperous. Peasants would then help build the pyramids. Peasants would also store things in reed baskets if they were lucky enough to purchase them. Some merchants would exchange native products like gold, papyrus, linen cloth, and jewelry for cedar, ebony wood, and panther skins. The ancient Egyptian houses of the rich were often built around a central courtyard where flowers, fruit and vegetables were grown. They had the simplest houses with uncomfortable furniture and also had a simple diet. The first season took place between June and September. Merchants. They have horrible living conditions. The Peasant Farmers and Workmen The peasant farmers on the estates lived in houses of sun- dried brick or wattle daubed with clay, not much different from the neolithic houses of their ancestors, with a single room (oblong or square), one door and no windows. Peasants were usually farmers. So how did peasants really live back in ancient Egypt? Since the mud, brick houses were pretty cheap, the bricks would sometimes crumble, causing the house to get destroyed. Peasants did not have the money to buy a comfortable living space so they were forced to build a moderate house, with some of the worst conditions possible. ... Tell them which social class in ancient Egyptian society will be the focus of your newscast. The size of this slave workforce is much disputed. The average Egyptian merchant living in Ancient times owned a mud brick house, but would often travel to other nearby countries in order to trade. Peasants and Slaves in Ancient Egypt. Peasants basically did the work. Reed mats were hung from the ancient egyptian … Despite them being the lowest social class, Though they had limited freedom, they did receive wages, had free time, and … Barely having any free time, the peasants had little time to have fun and instead had to work. All rights reserved. However, they had more legal rights, and they could potentially rise through the social classes with a lot of diligence and effort. The pictures are thanks to: AND, The straw mattresses that peasants were forced to sleep on. The story of the Eloquent Peasant, It is a story from ancient Egyptian literature, which is a real historical incident that reveals democracy between the people and the rulers.. Furnishings comprised no more than a rough stool, a box or chest, and perhaps a headrest. Parents doted on their children and celebrated childbirth. As expected, those who were wealthy had much larger homes than those who were poor. Peasants comprised as much as eighty percent of the Egyptian population (David 1998, pg 91). Making the clothes was one of the many chores that women had to take on every day. However Pharaohs were able to … Even though, they had few amenitiess but they normally had adequate nutrient to eat. They sometimes became slaves to pay off their debts. The transaction had to be performed before a local council or officials with a document containing clauses that were used in other valuable sales. Ancient Egyptian Slaves. However, infant mortality was presumed to be high in ancient Egypt because of unsanitary conditions and only a basic understanding of disease. Please contact Adobe Support. We might be shocked to think of slavery today, but in the time of ancient Egyptian slaves is was a common practice in many cultures and countries. Barley and emmer were used to make bread and beer. Some rich people’s houses had bathrooms and indoor toilets. Fun Fact The best loaves of bread in Egypt were grounded with sand. In the cooperatives, village leaders were responsible for guiding and maintaining basic standards of living, whether they opened the granaries during times of famine or helped plant trees. Peasants comprised as much as eighty percent of the Egyptian population (David 1998, pg 91). The reapers went through the fields first and they did work such as plowing the field to loosen the dirt for the seeds to go in or they would winnow. Winnowing means to get the debris off of grain. Peasants were the least appreciated in the social levels of ancient Egypt so they would have to work almost constantly. Peasants spent most of their time working, but they still had time to enjoy themselves. There also was not much furniture at all in Egypt, so the peasants were forced to sit on the ground. Ancient Egypt jobs for peasants were very similar to jobs for slaves. The majority of peasants worked in the fields producing crops, while some worked as servants in the homes of wealthy nobles. As workers, they were paid wage … Peasants were the bulk figure of the whole population stood at the lowest category in the society. Their wealth was earned mostly from agriculture by growing grain, vegetables, and fruit; and raising cattle, goats, pigs and fowl, and catching fish at the Nile River. Government Officials Right underneath the Pharaoh in the hierarchy of ancient Egyptian social classes were government officials. The Life Of Peasants In Ancient Egypt. Peasants mainly only ate bread, simple fruits, honey or sap, and were sometimes forced to eat papyrus because of a food shortage. The peasants made up the lowest and largest class in Egypt's Social Pyramid. Peasants really kept ancient Egypt alive through farming and being construction workers on the pyramids but they still got the worst conditions in the community. Pharaohs were the ultimate leader of both government and religion. In ancient Egyptian times, the higher classes had great houses, but what did the peasants live in? Children respected their parents and gave equal importance to the lineages of their mothers and fathers when tracing their heritage. Where the pharaoh and the upper classes had feasts with tons of food, peasants lived off of a simple diet, and at times were forced to eat papyrus because of famine. Ancient Egypt contained many social classes. They lived in mud, brick houses. People in the higher classes get respect yet for peasant's superior actions, nothing happens. Yet Egyptian Society depended on their work. Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient North Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River, situated in the place that is now the country Egypt.Ancient Egyptian civilization followed prehistoric Egypt and coalesced around 3100 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under Menes (often identified with Narmer). Excessive grain was … Adorned with precious gems and jewels, the fashions of the ancient Egyptians were made for not only beauty but also comfort. Disclaimer: This essay has been written and submitted by students and is not an example of our work. What Did Peasants In Ancient Egypt Eat. Children born to slaves became slaves as well. The final season that determined their job started in March and was called the harvest season. They also grew vegetables such as onion, lettuce and cucumber. Published Date: 23 Mar 2015. This background picture is thanks to: They worked the land on behalf of the noble landowners, served in the army, provided labour to build the temples and monuments dug canals. As a reward for working so hard, they were allowed to gather as much leftovers as they could and keep it for food. During ancient times Egyptians lived in houses made from mud bricks. Some were buried in the mud brick tombs that surround the pyramids if they had died while helping to construct the pyramids. There was a problem submitting your report. Some homes had two stories, some had three or more. Some of the slaves in Egypt were the poor of Egypt who had to sell their children into slavery. 2. Learn more about Greek Mythology: Monsters and Misfits. The majority of peasants worked in the fields producing crops, while some worked as servants in the homes of wealthy nobles. Even though they were at the bottom of the social class, they still took part in festivals honoring the Egyptian gods. Family was very important in ancient Egyptian society, and girls were valued just as highly as boys. When they weren't as busy working in the fields, they helped build monuments like the pyramid. The peasants in ancient Egypt were responsible for feeding the society and providing crops to the temples to honor the dead in the afterlife. The ancient Egyptians were thorough in their cultivation of grain, as it was their main staple. In theory, peasants had historically unprecedented access to social mobility. Peasants are one of the social classes that are not treated well at all. When you opened the door, you entered a courtyard. People often slept on their roofs. Sometimes, slavery was a punishment for committing … The next few paragraphs below will show you how peasants are the people who tie ancient Egypt together. The peasants in ancient Egypt surely had a rough life. Peasants, though, did not work the same jobs all year long; it depended on the three seasons throughout the year. Since the clothing in ancient Egypt was very expensive, the peasants had to make the clothes themselves. This is why the teeth of royals showed serious abrasion. To report a Copyright Violation, please follow Section 17 in the Terms of Use. During the flooding season, which lasted up to three months, peasants often worked on large building projects for the government. Please click this link to view samples of our professional work witten by our professional essay writers. Egyptian clothing was filled with a variety of colors. Peasants lived with the fewest comforts of the social classes, and lived in the simplest mud-brick houses. Peasants were the least appreciated in the social levels of ancient Egypt so they would have to work almost constantly. This name fits the season perfectly because during this time, peasants worked all day long cutting down the plants that they planted from the last season. Peasants were sometimes even considered unskilled laborers. Working Life Peasant life in ancient Egypt was not always enjoyable. Peasants supplied everyone with food. To become a government official, all men had to do was pass a series of exams that were open to everyone. To us, running around naked would be very strange, yet for the Egyptians, it was pretty common, even showing naked children in works of art. When you read the interesting facts and information below, you'll discover how peasant's homes differed from nobles and wealthy people's homes. Peasants, though, did not work the same jobs all year long; it depended on the three seasons throughout the year. However, it was … Slave dealing in Ancient Egypt was done through private dealers and not through a public market. For the poorest Ancient Egyptians, having at least a place to live and food to eat seemed appealing. Every class lived a different life. The Pharaohs were the ancient Egyptian rulers. Mothers often nursed children until they were at least four years old to help p… The background picture is thanks to: The majority of peasants in ancient Egypt were farmers that depended on growing crops near the Nile River in ancient Egypt, moreover; He was regarded as the one that controlled the annual flooding of the Nile River that fertilized the land, where peasants grew crops. They mostly grew wild grain including wheat, barley and flax. The Most important component of Egyptian clothing was linen which was abundantly available. However, Egypt could not survive without peasants there to harvest crops and build monuments. • What were possible punishments or rewards for peasants during harvest time? Next was the planting season which occurred during October. They had to fight all day long for their survival. Like modern families, ancient Egyptians enjoyed an array of leisure pastimes including outdoor activities, partying, dancing and playing games with friends and family. Ramps were used to move from level to level. Created with images by EvelynHill - "Classic", The Egyptian Project- Daily Life of Peasants. Inside the courtyard, a ramp led up to the front door of the house. Live - Breaking News (your Lead Story) with Transparency Ideas to include in your Lead Story: a. The first season took place between June and September. Some would work, some would relax, and some would rule Egypt. Peasants did not even have utensils but instead used their finger tips. This picture is thanks to: , pg 91 ) keeping the gods happy make a home also depended on the Pharaoh in the mud brick... Normally had adequate nutrient to eat if they were n't as busy working in the River in. Poorest ancient Egyptians, having at least a place to live and food to eat even have utensils but used... To … even though, they helped build monuments was one of the were... Buried in the fields, they helped build monuments Egypt so they would plant mainly wheat and.. 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