Like any other fish, their lifespan is affected by the quality of water they’re in and their overall living conditions. I had a Red Devil in a 100 gallon with an albino Oscar, a Jack Dempsey, pleco, and two large Bala sharks. We recommend keeping the center of the tank relatively open so that they can move around freely. If you don’t prepare for this behavior, the fish will wreak havoc and ruin the aesthetics of your tank. It’s also a good idea to install some airstones. Fish guide for Red Devil Cichlid, Amphilophus labiatus profile with fish pictures, description and information, Red Devil care, diet, habitat and fish diseases, Red Devil tank mates and compatibility for keeping the cichlid aquarium, Red i'd like to add some tankmates. If other large males Red Devils are put in the tank with another male, they will try to kill each other. Emperor Tetra – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details! Their diet in the wild consists of insects, small fish, snails, and worms. The only way to keep cichlids with other fish is to have a very big tank with caves and natural divisions. Tank Mates The ferocious nature of the Red Devil Cichlid can not be overstated. Males tend to be a bit larger than females. Gravel or tough substrate will only cause harm. Flowerhorn tank mates include Red devil cichlid of Amphilophus genus The common name of Amphilophus labiatus is the red devil cichlid and this name is justified. To avoid these diseases, a clean tank is necessary. It shares this name with another closely related cichlid, Amphilophus citrinellus. Apart from this, there are no other ways to keep cichlids with other fish. This species of fish can reach up to 15 inches and takes around 3 years to attain its maximum size. Generally, Red Devil Cichlids are quite hardy and easy for experienced fishkeepers to care for. When it comes to color, there’s a lot of variety with this fish species. They can be kept with other fish, but you have to start early. Everything was fine for a year(?). These medications are very effective in treating ich. Alison has been interested in fish and aquariums for over five years. When you’re setting up a tank for Red Devil Cichlids, preparation is key. A permanent nuchal hump is formed in male cichlids in captivity, though in the wild, these humps appear in male cichlids only during the breeding process. For multi-fish tanks, we recommend 200 gallons or more. It's important to design the tank It is large and stocky with pointed fins. A temperature of 25 degrees Celsius is ideal for the eggs. I search for information on the RED Devil Cichlid and other fish & aquariums. Know about the red devil cichlid and their behavior. I have had a couple of Oscars for 3 years now. It can be fed various types of living, flake, and fresh foods. They could have red, white, or yellow body color. Since this fish is aggressive, it isn’t such a good idea giving it tank mates. It is not very tolerant of any other fish in the same tank. When it comes to equipment, we recommend utilizing dual filters. In fact, they’re one of the most popular…, Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. With their super-strong jaws … On the other hand, a great habitat will keep them a bit more calm. Ich is a common disease among cichlids, which is easily curable. Tank Mates The ferocious nature of the Red Devil Cichlid can not be overstated. It is, however, extremely aggressive. Red Devil, Midas, & Other Amphilophus Species. If you choose to experiment with tankmates, ensure your tank is large enough. Their lips are usually orange, but black coloration has been observed, too. When she's not writing about fish you can find her hiking, swimming, and doing yoga. Different variations in color for the Red Devil Cichlid have resulted in Banded, Red/Orange, Silver/Red, Yellow marbled Red Devil cichlids are not commonly found in rivers presumably because of their unstable nature. That should provide plenty of room for a single Jaguar Cichlid to roam free and be healthy. A male and a female pair will sometimes tolerate in the same tank. They could cause various problems such as a blockage in the digestive tract and organ trouble. The Red Devil's main background color is peach to yellow with some specimens having a white underside. Yet some are bright red, while others are white or yellow. These fish are usually not consistent in terms of body type and color. (2-4 inches) Various diseases can arise if the cichlid is left in the stale water or of bad quality. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. If you want to learn more about these fish or run any questions by us don’t hesitate to get in touch. I have a fairly new fish tank..Its a 40 gallon and inside I put a baby red devil cichlid with a texas cichlid that the pet store said should be tough enough to handle the red devil. Author Note: Like many other aggressive fish, Red Devil Cichlids can potentially decide to attack exposed equipment. Blood Red Parrot cichlid fish profile and care information such as tank size, tank mates, life span, diet, foods, breeding, behavior, tank setup and temperament. Tank mates are not always recommended with this Cichlid, but it can be done.You can feed Red Devil Cichlids with brine shrimp, freeze- dried bloodworms, and flake food. Buy It Now +$15.00 shipping. I've had my Red Devil since it was about 2 inches long. While the Oscar fish can be aggressive towards other fish, it is mainly against smaller fish; the silver dollar fish is quite big and you don’t need to worry about that. In captivity, however, they exist in various colors such as red, yellow, and white. This mimics the naturally warm waters during the breeding season in the wild. Most fish will reach their full length at about 3 years old. You can also find spotted Red Devil Cichlids with multiple colors. But there are exceptions as well… One of renowned and popular tank fishes is blood parrot cichlid. It can live around 10 to 12 years, depending on the amount of care provided by the owner. Plus, they love to uproot plants while they dig. Growing up is the only time it can be kept with some other predator fish, but the tank needs to be big. Though, there have been reports of some fish living longer with the proper care. It can exist in a variety of water conditions that aren’t extreme. The lakes which they reside in are often populated by bull sharks. These obstacles provide a natural hiding point for the Red Devil Cichlids against bull sharks, making their survival possible. This fish is eager to eat, and the owner would not have much trouble feeding it. right now hes on a 75gal all by himself. Red Devil Cichlid (Amphilophus labiatus) is a charismatic creature. I have a red devil cichlid and am looking for a friend to put in his tank with him. They can be kept with other fish, but you have to start early. Red Zebra Cichlid, FishTankWeb.Com – The species of red zebra cichild has bright color just like the other member of cichlid family. They hunt down and kill any smaller fish species. After about 3 to 4 days, the eggs will hatch. When planning tank mates for this species, it is best to think of the Red Texas Cichlid as a Flowerhorn Cichlid rather than as Texas Cichlid. These are incredibly rewarding fish to keep, so if you think you’re up to the challenge we highly recommend it. Apistogramma Agassizii – Care, Size, Tank Mates & Details! Red Devil Cichlids are quite beefy, which only adds to their intimidating appearance. A single specimen requires a tank of at least seventy-five gallons. Unless it is with a mate, this fish cannot survive with another fish in the same tank due to its highly aggressive nature. There are no special diseases that are exclusive to the Red Devil Cichlid. All species of red devil cichlids reach about a foot at adulthood. Although they can be somewhat aggressive when they are spawning, they are generally not aggressive towards other fish. Tank mates for my Red Devil Cichlid include Rosey Barbs, Albino Shark and a couple of Guppies. In addition to Ich, Red Devil Cichlids are prone to “hole-in-the-head” disease. It’s believed that lip size is determined by their diet, but no conclusive studies have been done to support this. The current category consists of 12 species. Feed the fish plenty of nutrient-rich foods, such as bloodworms. The majority of Red Devil owners will tell you that they can not keep any other fish in the tank with their Amphilophus labiatus cichlid. Now that you understand the essentials of Red Devil Cichlid care it’s time to decide if this fish is right for you. Major water condition problems can lead to health complications and stunted growth. Red Devil Cichlids are notorious for shredding any foliage they can access. The Amphilophus genus is an important one in the aquarium hobby. Red devil cichlid belonging to the cichlid family is a large species indigenous to certain parts of Central America. If you have an aquarium with fish other than a mating pair, you need to separate the pair for mating in a separate aquarium. In the wild, this fish usually has a brown or grey body color. Males and females look very similar, but there are some slight differences. It is usually aggressive to both its species and others. While they do have their challenges, their striking appearance and playful attitudes make them a joy to care for. Red Devil/Midas - Jaguar, Blood Parrot, Flower Horn Dovii - This fish needs a massive tank and needs to be housed alone. They tend to be a bit smaller in captivity than they are in the wild. You can provide a breeding area by creating a subtle hill or introducing driftwood into the tank. The only good tank mates are large, hardy fish that can hold their own. Filtration of water can help prevent this disease. The two cichlids were getting along until I put the sucker fish in there and that is when the red devil became very aggressive. Compatibility and tank mates This is a territory dependent and aggressive fish species that completely proves one of its names – ‘red terror’. Electric Blue Hap – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details! Red Devil Cichlids are one of our favorite fish so we’re always up for talking about possible tank mates, their diet, and anything about caring for them. Do i have the Males are often a bit bigger as well and have pointed genital papilla. Make sure you have a super good filter. Discus Fish – Care, Breeding, Tank Mates & Details! This guide will go over everything you need to know about Red Devil Cichlid care so you’ll be prepared if you decide to get one yourself. While the Blood Red Parrot is believed to be a cross between the Midas and Redhead Cichlid, this cannot be confirmed definitively. But these are large, feisty fish that require some experience and knowledge to care for. Here’s some crucial information to help keep these fish healthy for years to come. We recommend at least 55 gallons for a single fish. Save red devil cichlid to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. This makes them rather large compared to many other freshwater fish you see in many tanks. Feb 19, 2008 #1 What other fish could I keep with a 8-9 in Red Devil in a 55 gallon Various copper-based medications also exist and can be easily bought. This condition is highly contagious and can lead to death if untreated. It takes a newly hatched cichlid around 6 days to swim by itself. After they’ve reached maturity, most don’t want to share any tank space. Parasitic infestations and skin problems are some other diseases this cichlid could attract. If you want to keep a breeding pair (more on that at the end of the guide), you need to bump up that aquarium size to at least 180 gallons. but what about the females? Red Shoulder Severums are native to lakes and tributaries of the Amazon Basin in South America, which encompasses a wide variety of water ways. The Red Devil Cichlid eats most foods and falls under the category of an omnivore. It matures sexually and spawns at 6 inches. In our opinion, the ideal Jaguar Cichlid tank size is somewhere in the 100 to 125 gallon range. Both of those fins are very pronounced and have a “swept” look to them. Dominated by blue and orange colors, this medium fish is in the list of most favorite pet for aquarist. The fish feeds mainly near the bottom with crustac… The Red Devil is quite aggressive, not easily accepting fish of the same or different species in the tank. However, they do not do well with other fish. Apistogramma Fish – Care, Habitat, Feeding & Details You Need! More specifically, they heavily populate Lake Nicaragua, Lake Managua, and Lake Xiloa. Famous African Cichlid Food Fish – Tilapia and Oscars As Tank Mates In times gone by, the term “tilapia” was a simpler one. It’s believed that the disease is caused by nutrient deficiencies and poor water quality. In general, Red Devil Cichlids need a lot of room to roam. Your email address will not be published. Mayan Cichlid Tank Mates The other species inhabiting the tank need to be of a similar size with similar eating and breeding habits so that there isn’t a clash to aggravate the Mayan cichlid species. If you want to care for a Red Devil Cichlid, be prepared to have a one-fish tank. It is highly recommended that it be kept alone. + ... New Listing tank raised 4 inch red devil cichlid. They have a variety of colors that usually help them blend in with their surroundings. If you want to care for a Red Devil Cichlid, be prepared to have a one-fish tank. The copper, however, needs to be applied at an appropriate amount. In aquariums, Red Devil Cichlids will exhibit the same kinds of behavior. It is common in larger cichlids that might live in stale or poor-quality water. They’re territorial and will attack other fish in the tank. It usually starts a patriarch-matriarch family and prefers to spawn on inclined substrates. A couple of days ago. It was previously classified as Cichlasomalabiatum until 1980. The fish need to be fed several times a day. Poor water quality is the number one cause of illness and shortened lifespans, so take this seriously! As the name itself signifies, this species of cichlids are highly aggressive. Hey, i have a red devil cichlid and a pleco in a 75 gallon tank. However, they’ve since been moved to their own genus as they no longer fit the description of Cichlasoma labiatum. This cichlid has a great deal of variability in its body structure and coloration. It shares this name with another closely related cichlid, Amphilophus citrinellus. Including questions and answers about Red Devil Cichlid. Their dorsal and anal fins are pointed. I currently have a 8-9 inch female red devil in my 55g. It needs clean water and regular oxygenation. It also can be seen as invading species in Singapore waters. J. [email protected] New Member. When they’re not fighting with other fish or destroying non-protected items in the tank, Red Devil Cichlids will do a lot of swimming. Name: Red Devil CichlidScientific Name: Amphilophus labiatusFamily: CichlidaeSize: 10 to 15 inchesCare Level: Moderately easyMinimum TANK SIZE: 208 liters (55 gallons)Temperature: 23 to 26 degrees CelsiusWater Conditions: Soft to medium (6.5 to 7.5 pH)Diet: OmnivorousLife Span: 10 years or longerTemperament: Predatory (extremely aggressive). Considering the dark and murky waters of Nicaraguan Lakes, the coloration helps the fish blend into the environment in moments of trouble. Myself William and I love aquarium fishes! Learn more. male red devils are super aggressive, prove me wrong. These fish can become even more aggressive if the tank doesn’t suit their needs. he's always been by himself and i'm not sure which type to cichlid to start with. This classification was later changed to their current scientific name of Amphilophuslabiatus. It is large and can reach up to 15 inches (38 cm). While the focus of this site will be on the Midas Cichlid, it is important to include information on A. labiatus and other Amphilophus species or complexes. Thanks to their monogamous nature, you don’t have to worry about some common breeding issues. In the wild, you’ll usually see brown or grey Red Devil Cichlids. Total in the tank includes about 15 other fish. Both of these species need enough space to be able to avoid each other comfortably. All information, content, materials on this site, or obtained from a website to which the site is linked are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind either express or implied. Artemia nauplii provide the young cichlids with nourishment. The reason is simple: its vibrant color. Here, you can find out everything you need to know about keeping fish and aquarium maintenance. The large size and charismatic nature make this creature quite the exhibit for any aquarium enthusiast. These fish eat a lot. They’re avid swimmers and will quickly outgrow cramped tanks as they get bigger. Interesting Fact: The Red Devil Cichlid is often confused with the saltwater damper fish due to its proximity, but the Red Devil is pure freshwater. While the focus of this site will be on the Midas Cichlid, it … The Red Shoulder Severum is very popular as its one of the most peaceful, larger cichlids in the hobby and generally does not bother their tank mates. I have a red devil approx 12". As for other accessories, make sure to provide plenty of hiding places with rocks and wood. We recommend feeding your fish a nice balance of dry food and live food. In our opinion, the ideal Jaguar Cichlid tank size is somewhere in the 100 to 125 gallon range. The Red Devil Cichlid comes under the category of the open spawner. could it be compatible providing the fact that the red devil is smaller than the oscar, and the oscar is in the tank already? Red Devils do require space, since they grow to around 10 inches. This helps to provide speed and agility in the water. This disease manifests itself in the form of a hole in either the head or the face. Keep in mind that they are shy and will require hiding spaces to get away from the Parrot Fish tankma… It is ferocious and is considered the most aggressive among cichlids. It mostly occupies spaces near the Atlantic slopes. It is found in lakes near Managua and Nicaragua in Central America. These fish are monogamous, so you can keep males and females together in most cases. To start the breeding process, raise the tank temperature to about 77 degrees Fahrenheit. A small tank that doesn’t have the necessary items included will cause them to become grumpy and more prone to aggression. The fish is considered to be first bred in Taiwan and cichlids th… Examples of some compatible The Red Devil requires a tank of 50 gallons or more, with … 5 Benefits of Fish Keeping At Home & Its Brings Wealth Too! They usually eat small organisms and fish. It is found in lakes near Managua and... Care. Welcome to CichlidTips. It responds to interactions and performs playful activities such as showing its speed and colors. Red Devil Cichlid Tank Mates Red devil cichlids are energetic and fiery fish, but they don’t tend to do well with most other fish, including fish from the same species. A few of the characteristics of the Blood Parrot will help you determine parrot fish compatibility in your aquarium. Females lay between 600 and 700 eggs at once. I know dempseys can be good tank mates, I have heard red devils are tough. i'm planning on a SA tank. Red Devil Cichlid Tank Mates. Research and forum searching about possible tank Mates the ferocious nature of the others chase! Any other fish can be easily bought aggressive nature charismatic nature make this creature quite the exhibit for fish. Teeth along with a powerful jaw make this creature quite the exhibit for any aquarium enthusiast fishkeepers who ’ reached! 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