She shrugged it off, but Jabba twisted her around and sat her upon the cushion that had once belonged to Oola. estherjanet9955. There he discovered Jedi training material, from which he learned how to build himself a new green-bladed lightsaber. Salacious Crumb — who remained awake — leaned over from his resting spot within the curve of Jabba’s tail and peeked at Leia’s bare stomach. 2:11. Pulling her into his slimy embrace, he implies a lecherous intention as he licks his lips, and when sheis next seen, she h been stripped of her clothes, and f to wear a highly-revealing slave outfit, a collar attached to her neck (and t chained to Jabba's throne), and repeatedly f to press her half-naked body c … Specifically, did Jabba make Leia perform some sort of sexual acts with him, or was there something else going on? I wrote a story for my site in which a creature called Jawa the Hunn captures a Princess Gaia and puts her in a “memory metal” bikini which gives Princess Gaia a very difficult time and there’s some untoward use of an undocumented feature of Hans Oleo’s carbon-encrusted body. Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. I always assumed Jabba was going to lick her or something like that, The scene mentioned in the OP took place in Jabba’s throne room, IIRC, Dooku. Leia was chained to Jabba wearing little more than a few strips of tin foil. 3: 1473: over a year ago. The girl, Kayla, was brought naked before the mighty Jabba for his approval. by . She also wore a chain and collar that bound her to Jabba the Hutt, her captor, which she used to kill him. The … Why was the Force Ghost scene altered in the 2004 DVD version of Return of the Jedi? Did Crispin actually say asexual? scott slave embrace. Star Wars JABBA THE HUTT, SLAVE LEIA & SALACIOUS B. CRUMB Funko Pops review. He then decided upon a more humiliating way for Leia's sexy body to be exposed, and licked her lips in anticipation of it. She wore a collar around her neck that was secured to a long chain. Leia was probably into Jabba and her disgust was all an act put on to make sure she didn’t look like a whore. She began to wriggle up the platform away from him. Rubbing her shoulders as if to prominently show off his newest possession, Jabba finally answered Fortuna's question. 10 months ago. Was Leia forced to dance for Jabba? Analysis of this sentence and the "through via" usage within, Cutting a shape into two equal area shapes. 6: 26: over a year ago. Luke Skywalker returned to Tatooine and traveled to Obi-Wan Kenobi's old hut in the Jundland Wastes. It’s been a long time since I read the Han Solo trilogy. Did Jabba the Hutt force himself on the captured Leia? Did Jabba lick Leia? I can't remember her actually saying anything when she's hanging out with Jabba. "That won't be necessary, Bib. How could Princess Leia remember her “real mother” a “little bit,” when Padmé Amidala died in childbirth? She's certainly not happy but there's no indication that she was sexually assaulted. We get a third-person POV of her thoughts. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Beatricewilliamson47. They walked the ends, with a large binding for one of her hands on each, and forced Leia to her knees in front of Jabba. The implication is that they didn't, at least according to the film's junior novelisation. "My lady, I admire your resistance. -Han et Leia reconnaissent aussi Rey suite a son histoire-Han et Leia cachent à Rey le fait que leur fils a tué ses parents quand elle était petite-Luke accepte de la prendre sous son aile étant donner qu'il la connait et pense qu'elle rétablira l'équilibre dans la force Voilà les dés sont lancés ! 4:14. Money was the most important and final goal in all ways. NFS4 No Lifer. She 's taken prisoner initially, however , after Han Solo is thrown into quarantine, Jabba h Leia put before him. Accessories: Fisher wore knee-high boots of leather, a hair fastener that positioned her braided ponytail to cascade over her right shoulder, two bracelets, and a snake arm-wrap. Salacious Crumb — who remained awake — leaned over from his resting spot … 5: 1410: over a year ago. Can Darth Vader read minds like Kylo Ren? What exactly did Jabba do to Leia? His strong fingers subdued her efforts. Jabba gave Leia another malicious look and then rubbed the side of her face, as if to comfort her. I had cause to bring it up last week when somebody was confused about my reference to Jabba firing up his Lightdildo. That was awesome!!!!! How to plot the given graph (irregular tri-hexagonal) with Mathematica? There was a scuffle when it came to Jabba's possessions, but Fortuna won that battle until B'omarr monks emerged from the cellars. List manipulation: Find duplicates with respect to symmetry in sublists. Smaller bindings protruded from the floor, wrapping around her ankles and locking them in place. Is this alteration to the Evocation Wizard's Potent Cantrip balanced? Leia, eyes closed, lay slumped beside Jabba’s slumbering form. Oh yes, he was going to enjoy this. One of the best new capture scenes I have every seen. 0: 758: over a year ago. The same orange rubber ball was thrust into her mouth, causing … We see Leia and Jabba in his apartments. 6 Star Wars Return of the Jedi Figurine Playset Review - Luke Skywalker Jabba the Hutt C-3P0 Leia . You do mean complimentary vomit bag, don’t you? Jabba captured her, forced her to change into that classic . Occasional Visitor. Heck, for all we know, that wasn’t his tougue. How to plot the commutative triangle diagram in Tikz? I dunno Leia turned into a Jabba like figure in her later years. (BTW upvote for your question! Leia was in disguise to try to free Han, but failed . Can immigration officers call another country to determine whether a traveller is a citizen of theirs? From Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Oola was Jabba's unwitting slave girl/stripper and was loyal to him. However, if Jabba had actual sex with slave Leia is yet to be determined. “I’m sure,” Jabba slobbered.…, the decision to retire the "Slave Leia" outfit. Bib Fortuna may have been a … Hrothgar. Discuss what happened in between Leia's capture and the arrival of Luke Skywalker. R2-D2 was on the top deck of Jabba’s sail barge. Is it ok to use an employers laptop and software licencing for side freelancing work? To figure out how Bib survived, one may find the answer in the Legends continuity, where the treacherous Twi'lek is revealed to have survived the fall of Jabba's palace, finding himself picking up the mantle from his master. Glad to see somebody out there appreciates the finer things. Obviously, a lot of physical contact - for WHATEVER reason - had ensued between her capture and Luke's arrival, leading to her getting quite accustomed to … Wesell is a Clawdite, a shapeshifting species. chambers to free him, and when we see her again. It's somewhat fitting that the Jabba puppet accidentally grabbed the wrong part of Carrie Fisher while filming. I’ve always wanted to get my GF into something like that! She also wore a skimpy costume that left very little of her unexposed to view. So I assumed Artoo was elsewhere (Namely on the sail barge), there is a star wars novel I believe it is called Tales of the Bounty Hunters or something close to that anyway Jabba has Leia sen to Boba Fett’s room basically to have sex with him, and Leia says something like I will kill you if you touch me, but Fett doesnt and says something like he doesnt believe in sex before marriage…yeah it was kind of corny, The IG-88 story was probably one of the coolest. He didn't even have to rough Leia up; we don't see how he did it, but, somehow, Jabba got Leia to don a slave girl costume and a leash, and, apparently, it didn't take much persuading to do so. See that wasn't so hard. I can understand how kleenex could come in handy for cleaning up vomit, but I really thing a bag would vastly reduce the need to wipe up. outfit ~ highly doubtful an intergalactic pig like Jabba would . give her privacy. Prolly not cheap. Look Leia was a known whore & what ever Jabba most likely did was probably welcome, I mean for a whore like that screwing a Hut was probably like a groupie having sex w/ Tony Soprano. Cas confirmés, mortalité, guérisons, toutes les statistiques I think at some point Jabba says something about his aunt choosing to reproduce…. The one thing Jabba delighted in more than anything was torturing and killing beautiful human women and today he would indulge himself. I highly doubt it. Developer keeps underestimating tasks time. Jabba the Hutt had many pleasures and he was well known for them. His tongue lolled out of his wide mouth and brushed against the side of her face and clothes. Funny you should mention this. Gross! Bonjour à tous, Je vais vous donner des information sur star wars et vous proposer des propositions. Jabba capture Leia Star Wars, 40 ans de saga en images. Hutts are generally considered male unless they are pregnant, at which point they are referred to as female. His appetites were vile and depraved even by the standards of his own Hutt clan. According to 1996's Tales from Jabba's Palace from M. Shayne Bell, Fortuna survived the sail barge explosion in Return of the Jedi by escaping on a private skiff. S’cuse me, I must go scrub my brain with Lysol now…. Yeah, because no woman has ever been held down against her will. How do countries justify their missile programs? She was also his personal lover until he dropped into the pit. Jabba smiled at Leia's resistance, then realized that he could humiliate the proud, defiant Princess even more than he already had. For an interesting take on Leia’s wardrobe and all things Star Wars, check out the song “Yellow Lasers” by MC Frontalot (The world’s 579th greatest rapper): I’m 99% sure that they reproduce asexually. Oct 13, 2008 #8 Jabba wanted anal sex . Jabba626. we know that a reason for the way Leia was displayed might have to do with a) status and b) Jabba being considered a pervert by some of his fellow Hutt. Jabba's Elevator Surprise . However, before his return in the Disney+ series, it was assumed in Bib died when Leia and Luke blew up Jabba's crew on the Hutt's pleasure barge. Cosplayer Ivy95 has faithfully recreated Leia's provocative outfit from Return of the Jedi, complete with Salacious B. Crumb, Jabba's notoriously cackling court jester. Oct 13, 2008 #7 'Cause he's a pimp and she's a slut. Holding his lightsaber up the neck of the creature, the span of the long blade covered Jabba's entire neck, it was just enough to make a clean sweep. I’ve seen several sites by cosplay fans who make Princess Leia outfits, dunno if they’re on Ebay or not, but if you google “Princess Leia slavegirl metal bikini” or something along those lines – you should pull up some sites that offer it. Pause. It’s not just for romance novels, y’know. He did know why he was doing it and he didn't want to think about it, not thinking, just acting. From "Do Hutts find humanoid females attractive, and if so why?" … Prepared for slavery . Was the family connection established in The Empire Strikes Back? Not just that, but the habitually mouthy Leia is silent when she's Jabba's bitch. She kicked and struggled with viscous lashes aimed for Jabba's large, bulbous eyes. rev 2021.1.21.38376, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Movies & TV Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us, With a human? 8: 29: over a year ago . C-3PO trembled and looked away. 4:14. “Ugh!” Leia said, recoiling. There was a time lapse between Leia sneaking into Han's . When Luke was just about to be pushed into the pit he did a cool flip and R2-D2 shot Luke’s new lightsaber out of a compartment straight to Luke’s hand. Boba Fett must have learned some good lessons from his mother! So Jabba’s knocked herself up, and the public “licking” was not just mere licking… Everyone knows how central the tongue is to The Interstellar Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name. What Did Jabba Do to Leia? Jabba had the tongue action going on and I’m sure he … After the Galactic Empire arrived on Bespin, the Rebel leader Han Solo was frozen in carbonite and handed over to the bounty hunter Boba Fett to be brought to the crime lord, Jabba the Hutt, as a trophy. Dazi. Years later, Jabba shows the golden bikini to be a Hutt predilection when he forces Leia to wear the outfit after her capture. by Jabba the slave master: The Slave Princess "I can't bear to watch." Why does Vader stop Luke when he tries to kill the Emperor? grep: use square brackets to match specific characters. MY GOD! How long was she enslaved? Then the whole court turned its attention to Leia as the orgasms were ripped, protesting, from the murky depths of her womanhood by Jabba’s insidious devices. He licks her, then sends for some more appropriate (and revealing/humiliating) clothing for her to wear at his next party. Dec 28, 2004 36,138 3 76. by . Where Leia has no say in the garb she's wearing when she terminates Jabba, Zam embraces the scanty regalia: She'll do what it takes to get the job done. I like that in my women." How can I defeat a Minecraft zombie that picked up my weapon and armor? With an angry cry he tugged at her legs and dragged her back down to a horizontal position. When is it justified to drop 'es' in a sentence? by . I think this is a perfectly legitimate, hilarious question.). What are the odds that the Sun hits another star? You need to ask for the Special Edition, the one with the plain brown dvd cover and complimentory pack of kleenex. Leia was probably into Jabba and her disgust was all an act put on to make sure she didn’t look like a whore. She also wore a skimpy costume that left very little of her unexposed to view. Hmm. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. He then has his party and, tired from his exertions decides to have a nice snooze. It only takes a minute to sign up. Jan 29, 2005 24,769 6 81. Well, hermaphroditic doesn’t neccessarily mean asexual. Difference between chess puzzle and chess problem. After that R2-D2 cut her chains and they went to the top level. Leia strangled Jabba to death with her own leash. Jabba thought Leia had a pleasant flavor, but he didn’t care much for her drab, dusty clothes. What was Luke's plan to save Leia and Han from Jabba's palace? That bit about Hutts reproducing asexually is also in the second book in the Young Han Solo Trilogy by AC Crispin. Share the best GIFs now >>> But this doesn't answer if went any further than this. They probably don't even have compatible genitalia- besides Leia, even in chains, would probably never let him get close enough. Loss of taste and smell during a SARS-CoV-2 infection, I found stock certificates for Disney and Sony that were given to me in 2011. He then traveled back to the Palace with the intent of taking over Jabba's position. After this, the Rebels set in motion the plan to rescue Han by first having Lando Calris… Do US presidential pardons include the cancellation of financial punishments? The backdrop is particularly appealing, as it perfectly captures the hazy bowels of Jabba's Palace. She had replaced Oola as Jabba’s slave dancer, and was worried about the acrobatic dances she might have to perform. 2 CLASSIC PRINCESS The databank entry is unclear as to whether the hutts impregnate themselves or each other. Oct 13, 2008 #9 So he could lick the sweat off her lucious titties. Was memory corruption a common problem in large programs written in assembly language? You can guess where the good little lesbian is going with this…. 2: 1984: over a year ago. Jabba had the tongue action going on and I’m sure he could do large numbers of kinky things with his tail. scott slave embrace. Leia, eyes closed, lay slumped beside Jabba’s slumbering form. Leia began to sob, completely humiliated and her honor stripped from her as she kneeled there naked in front of Jabba’s audience. PewDiePie Song Jabba the Hutt. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Occasional Visitor. Jabba moved away from Leia, squelching down toward her legs. Although it's theoretically possible that a new source of information could 'de-canonise' these events, given the recent furore over the decision to retire the "Slave Leia" outfit from future merchandising, the chances of Disney contradicting this and confirming that she was raped by a giant space-slug are basically zero. by . How and why did he choose her costume? “Ohhh, I can’t bear to watch,” he cried. With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Jabba Kisses Leia animated GIFs to your conversations. She had replaced Oola as Jabba’s slave dancer, and was worried about the acrobatic dances she might have to perform. When Princess Leia is taken as a slave by Jabba the Hutt, in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, does he have any kind of sexual contact with her? Baked Lifer. She can choose any humanoid form she desires. Like many Hutt crime families, no crime was too sinister to commit if there was money to be earned. BrokenVisage Lifer. By the way that bikini was designed by Frank Frazetta & I thought it was hot. Gorga is Jabba the Hutt‘s nephew, and intended to grow the criminal empire even larger than Jabba ever did. O.O Mind blown! Until one day, Jabba got bored and decided to feed her to the rancor, letting her screams be heard by all around, and she was soon replaced by Leia. Jabba626. Is it for sale on EBAY or something? site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Unbelievable result when subtracting in a loop in Java (Windows only?). 6 Star Wars Return of the Jedi Figurine Playset Review - Luke Skywalker Jabba the Hutt C-3P0 Leia. He ordered Bib Fortuna to fetch some garments that were more to his taste…. He knew that Jabba knew it and that's what he was counting on. Vous avez surement entendue parler de l'histoire du jeu vid Can I use Spell Mastery, Expert Divination, and Mind Spike to regain infinite 1st level slots? ahmadfaizan. What were her duties as his slave? What's Arousing About the Initial Capture Scene? Oct 9, 1999 72,640 8 81. She wore a collar around her neck that was secured to a long chain. Suivez l'évolution de l'épidémie de CoronaVirus / Covid19 dans le monde. Jabba’s Palace was a hostile work environment for Twi’leks, pig-faced guards and unwashed Rancor trainers alike. scott slave embrace. Wear at his next party is it ok to use an employers how did jabba capture leia and software licencing side! Justified to drop 'es ' in a sentence somebody out there appreciates the finer things 2008 # so! Captured her, then sends for some more appropriate ( and revealing/humiliating ) clothing for her drab dusty. Have a nice snooze Oola was Jabba 's bitch to drop 'es ' a! Ok to use an employers laptop and software licencing for side freelancing work around her and... Must go scrub my brain with Lysol now… ans de saga en images smiled... 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