Also, note any questions they have in the form field below for safe keeping. 🔗Access the checklist at (must sign up for a free account to modify the file. If you want to change these elements or add more subjective metrics of your own, feel free to edit this usability testing template to do so. A Usability Test Notes spreadsheet for recording observations during testing. UserZoom is an online UX insight testing company that has run user testing for major brands like Google, Sears, and Oracle. This can be seen as an irreplaceable usability practice, since it gives direct input on how real users use the system. Sign up for a free Hotjar account and use session recordings to start seeing how visitors use your website. Congratulations! ❌What this kit is not good for: most of the documents are geared towards in-person moderated testing, but the notes spreadsheet would be useful for any type of testing. Researchers have the least control over this form of testing, so developing a research framework and solid script is essential. Usability tests help you: 1. While you need to get the participant familiar with the rough idea of the product, you should try to avoid telling them anything which will affect their actions during the test. 🔗Get the template at (note: users can gain access to one document free of charge, although they will need to pay to download or use certain features)✅What this template is good for: this is a professional and compelling template for compiling your usability testing results and identifying the next steps. For example, you could ask their age, whether they use similar products or websites, how experienced they are with said products or websites, their occupation, what they would use your product for, and so on. Now it's time to prepare the pre-test questions which the participant will answer before starting on the scenarios. Self-reported claims are unreliable, as are user speculations about future behavior. It was also developed in 2010, so many of the technology references are out of date. They've created a template for writing moderated usability testing tasks and scenarios. ✅What this dashboard is good for: it’s easy to print out and distribute to make sure everyone is on the same page during testing. Dr. David Travis (see point 7) also provides a fully fleshed out 28-page booklet version of his Usability Test Plan Dashboard. It usually involves observing users as they attempt to complete tasks and can be done for different types of designs. These should have already been set out in your usability test plan, so refer to that if you don't know them off-hand. ➡ About this template: this ten-page, text-heavy template is a blueprint for a comprehensivemoderated usability testing proposal. ✅What the booklet is good for: this all-inclusive resource will help you plan a moderated testing experience. Based on your inputs, the template can generate charts and statistics to support your findings. But you don’t need to reinvent the wheel to get started: you can save time by using resources that are available online as a blueprint for your process. Xtensio is a subscription-based library of modifiable and collaborative templates for a variety of business documents—including testing reports. However, giving details about the features or navigation elements of the site would provide them with knowledge they could use during the test, which defeats the point of getting participants who haven't interacted with your design before. Government-specific, Test Participants, Testing, Usability Evaluation, User Research, User-centered Design Process Stay Connected Accessibility Steve Krug is a user experience expert and the author of Rocket Surgery Made Easy: The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Finding and Fixing Usability Problems. Hotjar is a user feedback and behavior analytics tool that helps people better understand the online behavior and opinions of their website users. ➡ About this checklist: all of Krug’s resources are worth considering, but the most valuable resource here is the collection of usability testing checklists, which guides users through each testing task. Research can be run to understand the use cases and the problems you’re solving, and personas along with empathy maps help you to get a good grasp of who your target audience really is. A Usability Test Consent Form to obtain permission for recording. The better their mood and the more open they are to talking to your team, the smoother your usability test should go and the more accurate the results you gather will be. Use it to map out your objectives, create a step-by-step process, and designate who is responsible for what on the day of testing. Usability testing is a popular UX research methodology. You can start much smaller—and we recommend that you do. If the arrangement was to pay them on location after completion then do so now, otherwise ensure that the participant knows how they are going to receive their payment (if they haven't already) and when that will happen. Sign up for a free Hotjar account, set up recordings, and see how visitors are using your site. Guerilla testing is the simplest form of usability testing. Usability testing is a technique to evaluate how easy or difficult users find a company’s product. This form of testing is also useful for attracting a greater share of users in the market. ➡ About this checklist: this document is derived from Henry's book Just Ask: Integrating Accessibility Throughout Design. There is also a template for taking notes on user feedback and answers. ✅ What this template is good for: use this template to organize your thoughts when creating testing scenarios or in conjunction with other stakeholders to align on testing goals. Next, explain the test to the participant, including what the product is, the purpose of the test, the scenarios they will be working through, and so on. To preserve the integrity of your usability testing results, take a purposeful and methodical approach to testing. However, these errors nonetheless help to highlight areas where your design could do with improvement, as every little helps in smoothing out the friction in your audience's experience. For example, you could act out a sample scenario (completely unrelated to the product) and demonstrate the thought process. Moderated usability testing is most useful in the alpha, beta and live phases to test prototypes or the service you’ve built. A Usability Test Notes spreadsheet for recording observations during testing. What is Usability Testing? While you should know what metrics you'll be measuring already, select the relevant choices from the form field below to show the corresponding tasks in this checklist. A Usability Test Checklist, including universal tasks to complete before, during, and after testing. It won't help you script the task or integrate it into your testing model. It doesn't give much info on developing test questions or specific areas of usability to focus on when testing accessibility. ✅What this framework is good for: for help optimizing your remote usability testing procedure. It's a checklist for conducting usability testing specifically geared towards accessibility issues and focuses on the practical considerations of testing a differently abled or impaired user base. It includes specific language for obtaining recording consent, introducing the testing process, and running through a set of questions. Cost is a major consideration in usability testing. But if you are new to usability testing, you don’t have to go all in and use the templates above. While the former serves as the core of your usability test, questions are a great way to get feedback on … Use the form field below to note the participant's behavior and actions in as much detail as possible. Lead generation or conversion of a sale on a product is generally the goal. Usability testing is a method of testing the functionality of a website, app, or other digital product by observing real users as they attempt to complete tasks on it.The users are usually observed by researchers working for a business. ❌What this template is not good for: you will have to pay extra to download the document as a PDF or remove the Xtensio branding from the report, so this may be best used solely as an example. With tips and instructions on everything from preparing consent forms for your participants to the instructions to give to them before the test and space to hold your notes, this template has everything you need to perform a successful test. If the participant is working through it remotely, this file will need to be saved for easy access so that you can send it to them. Recruiting and management of usability testers can also be expensive; However, these costs pay themselves up in form of higher customer satisfaction, retention and repeat business. Included are detailed sections for explaining methodology and demographics, results and conclusions, as well as sections for reporting on technical bugs and listing out next step action items. - Asif, on behalf of Quovantis, Planning a Usability Test -, How Many Test Users in a Usability Study? If your usability test plan was made by running a checklist from our template here in Process Street, you can automatically push these data points into this checklist using Zapier. When it comes to usability testing, do not neglect people with accessibility issues like visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, and neurological disabilities. Remote usability testing allows for the length of time it took each tester to complete various tasks to be recorded. It's not as useful for other methods of testing, including remote and unmoderated ones. When compared with GUI testing, its relevance is more. If the analytics show that design A or B converted the user at a higher rate, then it is declared the winner, the other design is retired, and we move on to additional split tests—always trying to improv… The goal of usability testing is to reveal areas of confusion and uncover opportunities to improve the overall user experience. Throughout the design process, several techniques can be employed to help you increase the odds of your product being usable. Ho… A Usability Test Consent Form to obtain permission for recording. 7. However, over several participants is can help you build up a more complete picture of how the design is being Received with your core audience, and possibly hint at some underlying problems which need to be addressed. Remember, just because the participant likes, dislikes or recommends something doesn't mean they're correct in their assertion. Use the form fields below to record the participant's rating of each element on a scale of 1 - 5 (with 1 being the lowest or most negative rating and 5 being the highest or most positive rating). It is a good method of testing because the tests are carried out in the normal environment of the user instead of a controlled lab. ✅What this template is good for: this pre-testing document, perfect for creating a usability testing plan (or a testing plan proposal to share for approval), helps ensure everyone is aware of the parameters of the study. Shawn Lawton Henry's website, UIAccess, is focused on user-centered design for accessibility. Fill it in as you put together the goals, methodology, and metrics you will use in your study. Now it's time to ask the participant the pre-test questions you prepared earlier. Once signed, upload a copy of it to the form field below. While it might seem a little redundant, be sure to tell the participant to think out loud while working through the usability test. 8. Their website has many free e-books and webinars about web design, user experience, and product development, and their templates are created based on hundreds of hours of user testing. Now record the amount of time it took for the participant to finish the test - the "time on task" - in the form field below. ❌What this script not good for: the line of questioning is limited to specific software functions, so this template won't be helpful for getting in-depth feedback on overall user experience. Nielsen Norman Group is a leading UX research and consulting firm, widely regarded as a leader in the world of user experience. Receipt Form: Usability Test Compensation (Minor) A receipt to document that a minor child has received compensation for testing. ✅What this script is good for: running a remote usability test focused on a single specific website feature? "To design the best UX, pay attention to what users do, not what they say. Pre-test questions: {{form.Pre-test_questions}}. 🔗 Get this checklist collection at Advanced Common Sense, ✅ What this resource is good for: a very thorough checklist of tasks for in-person tests, the document includes minute details like “find a place for participants to sit when they arrive” and “order lunch for debriefing.”. UserZoom (mentioned above) has also developed a checklist to help you prepare a framework for an unmoderated, remote usability test. Two separate designs (A and B) are tested over a period of time. Use the form field below to record any non-critical errors which cropped up during the usability test. A/B testing generally applies to websites or landing pages. They range from planning lists to test scripts to templates for reporting test results; plus, they are all completely free to access. Next, confirm that the participant is being compensated in the appropriate manner for the test. Usability testing is a set of methods for evaluating a product or service by testing with representative users, then iterating based on direct feedback. Now you need the participant to read and sign the consent form. If there's another participant due then reset everything involved with the test and save everything relating to the last one (such as recordings of the session). Compared to remote tests, in-person tests provide extra data points, since researchers can observe and analyze body language and facial expressions. Start off by recording some basic details of the usability test in the form fields below. Note their answers in the form field below. A receipt to document that a participant has received compensation for testing. What is usability testing? It provides valuable insight into the mind of the user, giving us a better understanding of users’ mental models, and it helps to highlight issues that might negatively impact the experience, while also pointing to solutions. Receipt Form: Usability Test Compensation (Minor) A receipt to document that a minor child has received compensation for testing. ❌What it’s not good for: the methodology is specific to moderated lab testing. Guerilla testing. It’s one thing to ask the opinion of users—they’re usually willing to share—but it’s another thing entirely to ask questions that get to the heart of their experience. ✅What this kit is good for: use this kit to create a detailed report of your user testing strategy and results. It's time to iterate on the design and run another usability test to keep the continuous improvement cycle going! Hotjar has numerous useful usability testing tools (called … If the test is over, check that all of your equipment is packed away and accounted for and the location is in the same state as it was when you arrived before leaving. - Jakob Nielsen, Recruiting Usability Test Participants -, Usability test consent form - Berkeley, University of California, Example pre-test questionnaire - University of Minnesota Duluth, WAI Site Usability Testing Questions - W3C, Website Design Client Onboarding Template, Run this checklist to successfully run a usability test on your web design, Ask for their likes, dislikes and recommendations, Zapier (1,000+ Apps) + Process Street Integration, The Ultimate Guide to Business Process Automation, The Ultimate Guide to Small Business Automation with Zapier. Users do not know what they want." Start off by welcoming the participant and thanking them for attending the usability test. Secondly, information is only useful if it is accurate and relevant; if your form is not user … This is mostly for record keeping, and will make it easier to see which participants responded better to certain designs and scenarios. Now it's time to the participant to carry out the scenarios until either the time slot for the test is up or all tasks have been successfully completed. If you don't have one already set up, have a fantastic free consent form template which you can download from the field below. Usability testing is a form of research that helps you understand your users on a deeper level, their needs and expectations, and how they use your app or website. In addition to a number of templates that can be filled in (including a data logging sheet), the booklet has sample usability test questionnaires, letters to participants, and consent forms. ➡ About this booklet: this is an extremely detailed testing plan workbook that advises users on evaluation procedures, researcher duties, testing goals, and data collection methods. To be competed by the parent or guardian in attendance for testing. Why is it important to do usability testing. Take a moment to thank the participant for taking part and spending their time on your usability test. Here is an example test session. Now you need to prepare the participant consent form so that it's ready to be signed and given back to you. It includes in-depth information on selecting the correct format of study, deciding how many and what kind of users to test, and writing testing plans and tasks. If you don't have one already set up, have a fantastic free consent form template which you can download from the field below. Zapier lets you integrate your checklists to automatically handle data management and save time. was created by the US Department of Health and Human Services as a resource for UX best practices and website guidelines. It is often conducted repeatedly, from early development until a product’s release. It takes lots of resources to set up a Usability Test Lab. ❌What this dashboard is not good for: this is a lean test plan by design, which means it doesn't allow for great depth or intricate scenario planning like a longer template would. TSA’s web form includes a Clear Form button, which violates usability guidelines dating back more than 15 years. Usability Testing Disadvantages. A customizable Usability Test Script that you can adapt for use during your moderated tests. Define what you're looking for. ❌ What this template is not good for: this very basic exercise can only help you sketch out the purpose of each task. They offer e-courses, in-person training, and events on UX research, as well as a very useful blog. Usability testing is a technique used in user-centered interaction design to evaluate a product by testing it on users. GUI testing is useful but lesser in priority when compared with usability testing. The site has a huge library of templates and resources, including consent forms, report templates, and sample emails. Learn if participants are able to complete specified tasks successfully and 2. With the explosion of digital products, it’s continued to gain popularity because it’s considered one of the best ways to get input from real users. ➡ About this checklist: the NNgroup’s Usability Test Checklist details nine steps to help researchers determine the goals, parameters, and best methodology for any kind of usability study. If the test is being performed remotely then they will need to send the signed version back to you, which can be immediately uploaded to the form field above. Use the corresponding form fields below to make a record of all three. In a usability-testing session, a researcher (called a “facilitator” or a “moderator”) asks a participant to perform tasks, usually using one or more specific user interfaces. Add the drivers and persona information to the relevant section of the CRO action plan. 👋). Usability Testing on forms is important for two major reasons; firstly, if you have bothered to include a form you must want people to complete it so you can capture the information for the purpose you intend; the less usable a form is the less likely users are to complete. Permission for recording observations during testing below for safe keeping a/b testing generally applies to websites landing. 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