Er glaubt, dass er immer Recht hat und alle anderen Unrecht haben sich seiner Eroberung zu widersetzen. Overhaul calls for a human shield. Acht-Silas-Gesellschaft der Unreinheit des Todes, Acht-Silas-Gesellschaft-Handlungsabschnitts, Nighteyes Team vs. Overhaul & Chronostasis, By Danny Hernandez Dec 01, 2019 Although Overhaul has only recently been introduced to fans following the My Hero Academia anime, he’s already made quite the impressions on the young heroes of UA as well as the fans. Status He researched extensively to develop the Quirk-Destroying Bullets and maximized Eri's Quirk's effectiveness to achieve his goal of eradicating Quirks. Infuriated, Kai Chisaki demands that Izuku hand Eri back to him and charges at him. Then Mimic arrives with a phone telling him that Tomura wants to give his answer to his proposal..[8]. Außerdem braucht er ihre finanziellen Mittel, damit er seinem Ziel, der nächste Unterweltherrscher zu werden, einen Schritt näherkommt. Eri embraces Deku as he tries to finally rescue her. Alias Im Kampf kann Kai seine Umgebung mit seiner Macke manipulieren. The leader of the Shie Hassaikai refuses to allow his plans to be ruined by the heroes. Mirio is surprised at Overhaul's quick speed as well as his lack of regard for Eri while Overhaul himself praises Mirio for being more than just his Quirk. Overhaul uses his Quirk to heal himself. Shota can't stop himself from blinking and Overhaul's Quirk returns. Do not share/resale, for private use only. Infuriated that no one understands that he's trying to change the world for the better, Overhaul goes right back at the young hero and transforms his giant body into a typhoon of mass. Kai, also known as Overhaul, is a Yakuza, being part of an organization that, along with several others, ruled the underworld in the past. Throughout his life, the boss recognized that Kai was troubled and he would try to hone him into an honorable Yakuza. Blutgruppe Despite the intervention of a hero, the efforts of Tomura, Dabi, Mr. Compress, and Spinner prevail and Tomura proceeds to kick the immobilized and tied up Kai out of the crashed police van. Overhaul ist sehr keimfeindlich und hasst alles, was er für schmutzig hält. Schau My Hero Academia Season 4 Folge 65, Overhaul, auf Crunchyroll. Kaputtmachen und Reparieren Cornered with nowhere to run, a distressed Overhaul orders Chronostasis to wake up. Then he promptly came out running and screaming out for his 'Boss'. Macke He soon manufactured them into bullets that can be shot at a target to inject them with her blood. Er ist sehr intelligent und extrem gefährlich aufgrund seiner Macke und mangelnder Reue, die es ihm ermöglichten, sehr starke Gegner zu überwältigen: Kendo Rappa; einer seiner Anhänger, Sir Nighteye; All Mights ehemaliges Sidekick und Izuku; der Träger von One For All. Bücher bei Jetzt My Hero Academia - Overhaul von Kohei Horikoshi versandkostenfrei online kaufen bei, Ihrem Bücher-Spezialisten! Sir Nighteye decides to take on Overhaul's new form alone. Anime Feel Free to … However, Izuku refuses to let anyone die even if that's what fate decided. Deine Meinung zu »My Hero Academia 14: Overhaul« Hier kannst Du einen Kommentar zu diesem Comic schreiben. Die einzige Person, um die sich Overhaul jemals gekümmert hat, ist der Boss, der ihn großgezogen hat. At one point, the Shie Hassaikai's leader took charge of his granddaughter, Eri. At first, both are in disagreement with this alliance, because they want revenge for the death of Magne, but Tomura manages to convince them to collaborate. Izuku and Sir Nighteye are surprised that Mirio has lost his Quirk. My Hero Academia, Vol. Overhaul comments that he heard that All For One controlled others by taking their Quirks; his plan brushes up on that approach a little bit and notes that all the preparations are proceeding according to plan. A helpless Kai can't do anything but look. He views him as a father figure and believes he owes the old man a great debt for taking him in. Izuku musste One For All: Full Cowl - 100% einsetzen, was nur durch Eri möglich war, um den Yakuza-Anführer endgültig zu überwältigen und zu besiegen. Tomura admits that he despises Chisaki for his arrogance as Atsuhiro appears and then compresses part of Chisaki's left arm, agreeing with the statement. Tired of Izuku's persistence, a mouth appears on one Chisaki's hand and uses Nemoto's Quirk to call out Eri, asking her if she wants people to die because of her. Durch das Aufkommen und die steigende Beliebtheit von Helden, allem voran All Might, begannen diese Organisationen langsam zu zerbrechen und die, die übrig geblieben sind, waren dazu gezwungen, unter dauerhafter Überwachung zu leben. However, Shin knows the value of the Quirk destroying bullets and cannot waste a single shot; Shin tries to figure out a way to make Mirio deactivate his Quirk. Suddenly, Shin realizes that Mirio will do whatever it takes to protect Eri, so he aims his gun at Eri and shots. He promises to never let her go again. Mimic asks Tomura if what he said on the phone the other day was true; that he would side with them depending on the conditions. Directed by Masahiro Mukai, Kenji Nagasaki, Tomo Okubo. 治 (ち) 崎 (さき) 廻 (かい) ): Kais Macke erlaubt es ihm alles, was er berührt, zu zerlegen und wieder zusammenzusetzen, so dass er die volle Kontrolle über die Materie hat. The third season introduced Overhaul, a revolutionary villain who hopes to alter the course of society forever. Seine auffälligsten Merkmale sind die weißen Handschuhe, die er an seinen Händen trägt und die Maske, die er über seinem Mund trägt, der mit Gold bestickt ist. Despite being greatly damaged himself, Overhaul mocks Mirio for wanting to be a hero and to try and save Eri; he blames that delusional thinking for being the problem with today's society and will cure everyone using Eri's power. [Einzelnachweis benötigt], Overhaul, welcher bürgerlich Kai heißt, ist ein Yakuza, welche eine Organisation ist, welche neben vielen anderen die Unterwelt in der Vergangenheit beherrscht hat. Durch Berühren seiner Ziele kann er ihren Körper vollständig sprengen, sei es ein Glied oder den ganzen Körper. Golden As Overhaul is about to deconstruct the ground to attack him again, Mirio throws Chronostasis's body at him to distract him to immediately appears in front of Overhaul and breaks his arm with a single punch. At his hideout, Overhaul comments on Eri's sickly behavior and asks Chronostasis to prepare a bath as his subordinate apologizes for letting Eri out of his sight. Fortunately, Shota is taken to the scene and manages to save Izuku by using his Erasure on Eri, stopping her Quirk. He did this hundreds upon thousands of times, despite Eri's pain. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Letzte Kommentare: Schreibe den ersten Kommentar zu diesem Comic. Status Izuku tries jumping out of harm's way, but is hit by Chisaki's spikes attack. Izuku decides that they should put distance between themselves and Kai. He complains that despite his Quirk allows him to repair his injuries and fractures, it is still a painful process. Kai Chisaki, also known as Overhaul, is one of the most popular villains in My Hero Academia. Mirio realizes that Deidoro's Quirk is making him unbalanced as another of the Eight Bullets, Shin, appears to shot him. Mirio strikes Overhaul with a backhanded smack, which Overhaul avoids, but he still managed to leave a mark on Overhaul's face while kicking Chronostasis. Nachdem sie miteinander gesprochen haben, bittet Overhaul Twice Tomura Shigaraki zu treffen.[2]. However, Overhaul is not interested in the subordinate's excuse and kills the subordinate with his Quirk, telling Chronostasis to clean up as well. Izuku and Shota charge at the injured Overhaul; he tries using his Quirk but to no avail as Shota has disabled it with his Quirk. Eri tried to escape and resist many times but to no avail and eventually accepted her fate as a prisoner. Mirio tells Kai that despite losing his quirk, all his hard work isn't in vain because he will still be Lemillion, and continues protecting Eri. Mirio charges towards Overhaul as the Shie Hassaikai's leader tells Mirio to die. Overhaul betritt später das Versteck der Liga der Bösen, ist jedoch nicht beeindruckt von Tomura und seinen Mitgliedern sowie ihrem unsauberen Versteck. Overhaul becomes annoyed that Eri's selfishness has caused him the need to get his hands dirty. The Boss told a young Kai that Yakuza can't hurt innocent people but still thanked Kai for trying to protect their honor. Izuku delivers a kick packed with massive strength and sends the monstrous villain reeling into the air. Mirio continues avoiding the spikes while Overhaul asks Mirio about Eri's safety in his hands since if she gets hurt she cannot be healed immediately and that having her is making it troublesome for him as he cannot run away using his Permeation while carrying Eri. Kai welcomed Himiko and Twice to the family and due to them being wanted criminals, he could not let them do as they pleased and ordered them not to leave the underground residential area until they had been given orders. The boss told a young Kai that the Yakuza couldn't harm honest folks. "Sorry boss...things are going to get loud down here.". With his attack, Overhaul also attracts Shin's unconscious body to him. Overhaul places his hand on the ground and deconstructs it using his Quirk. Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet. Tomura touches Overhaul's subordinate instead which causes Tomura to disintegrate the subordinate. Tätigkeit Biographische Infos Er hat drei Piercings im linken Ohr. Overhaul can quickly rebuild the damage Deku's smashes cause, so he goes all out with a titantic smash! Tomura did not like the idea as they are the cornerstone of his League of Villains, but Overhaul explains that his request is a payment for having explained his plan, and also this trade can help them build trust between the two factions. Kai's first encounter with Mirio and Izuku. Deku refuses and claims Eri's Quirk is an incredibly kind one, one that healed him. Overhaul asks Tomura if he has a plan, to which Tomura responds that he thought Overhaul wanted to join them. Overhaul deconstructs the ground with his Quirk. Chronostasis prepares to carry out his leader's orders while Overhaul comments that all people are sick with Hero Syndrome. Overhaul wants Eri to stop being selfish as she is the key to his entire plan. Though perhaps you’d know him better by another name; Overhaul. is a Manga series serialized by Shonen Jump and written by Kohei Horikoshi.The series has been adapted into an Anime series and an Anime Movie, as well as spawning the Spinoff series My Hero Academia: Vigilantes.. Er trägt ein schwarzes Smokinghemd mit passender Anzughose, eine hellgraue Krawatte um den Hals und einen Gürtel mit einer langen, dünnen Schnalle um die Taille und drei perlenbesetzten Piercings im linken Ohr. He comments on how weird it is that a group of adults teamed up just to steal a cash register from a store, and declares that they were sick. Determined to rescue Eri, Deku jumps through the air and reaches out to her until she finally leaps into his kind arms. Suddenly, Eri runs to her father, causing Overhaul to stop removing his glove. Overhaul immediately throws a case of the Quirk-Destroying Bullets. Overhaul becomes enraged at Mirio calling out his name since he abandoned it long ago. Schalte ein! Overhaul enters the League of Villains' hideout but is unimpressed with Tomura and his members as well as his unclean hideout. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The story follows Izuku Midoriya, who lives in … Episode 62 Kenjiro Tsuda. He revealed to Kai that Eri has a strange Quirk that did not resemble anything from her family lineage and believes it is a genetic mutation. He understood that Kai was simply repaying the kindness after the boss saved him, but he must not go overboard nor must he stray from his path. When the bullet hits him, the drug immediately begins to take effect and destroys his Quirk. by Bandit235 Follow. He even refused Kai's plan to reinstate the Yakuza.[2]. Er vermeidet schmutzige Orte und hasst es, wenn Leute ihn oder die Umgebung verschmutzen. Dies erlaubte ihm sogar ihre Macken zu benutzen, wie Shins Geständnis und Rikiyas Vitalitätsraub. Before Eri can speak, Mirio tells her to not listen to Kai's words. However, Chisaki dodges Izuku's attack and claims that compared to the Lemillion and Nighteye, Izuku is easy to predict. Hierbei handelt es sich um Kai Chisaki (Overhaul) aus My Hero Academia. Kannst du uns helfen, diese Seite zu verbessern?Wir benötigen Hilfe bei folgendem: Informationen zur Vergangenheit, zu seinen Beziehungen zu anderen Charakteren und zur Handlung müssen ergänzt werdenKlicke hier, um zu helfen. Overhaul's physical contact causes Magne to blow up, much to the League of Villains' shock. Overhaul is enraged that he has been touched and severs Mr. Compress's left arm by blowing it up. Chronostasis falls back as Mirio grabs hold of Eri. Years ago during Kai's childhood, the boss of the Shie Hassaikai took Kai in since he had nowhere he could call home and asked for his name, to which he states that his full name is Kai Chisaki. The Shie Hassakai invade the League's hideout. It turns out that Ryukyu's team was tricked by Himiko and Twice to get to where Overhaul was, sending a clone of Mr. Compress to snatch Eri. Overhaul schätzt Menschen nicht und betrachtet als Bauern, die einen Nutzen für ihn haben und er trägt dieses Gefühl sogar gegenüber den Menschen in seiner Organisation, die er seit seiner Kindheit kennt. Shin asked Himiko and Twice if Tomura has plans on betraying them. However, Mirio promises to never let Eri be sad again and tells her that everything is fine because he is her Hero. [10], When Tomura, controlled by All For One, and a group of High End Nomu attacked Tartarus, a female prisoner opened Overhaul's cell during the riot (as he couldn't open it without his hands). Izuku analyzes the situation; Sir Nighteye is protecting Mirio and Eri, Shota has disappeared and the transformed Kai has been healed. Magne attacks and Overhaul reveals his devastating quirk! Mirio swears to never let Kai lay another finger in Eri and promises to take them both down, declaring that he has them in checkmate. After talking with one another, Overhaul asks Twice to meet Tomura Shigaraki.[5]. Mirio stops Izuku from going after Eri while commenting that Overhaul used his killer intent to make Eri listen to him. Kai mocks Mirio for wasting his time trying to become a Hero as it has been all for naught now that he has lost his Quirk and could have avoided this tragic fate had he simply not got involved. Tomura puts his foot on the table and states that their villain organizations' motives align; Overhaul wants to use the influence of the League of Villains' name while he wants to expand their influence. Ep 74: Lemillion is trapped underground with Eri and Overhaul, forced to go 1v2 against the villains to protect Eri from harm! With the rise and prominence of heroes, in particular All Might, those organizations started crumbling down and the remnants who were not arrested were forced to live under constant surveillance. [1], Overhaul wird später von Twice angesprochen. Kai comments that his daughter defies him all the time and finds understanding children to be quite difficult especially when it comes to considering the kind of person they want to become. Overhaul believes that people like the boss and Izuku never see the larger picture. Shop My Hero Academia merch on the Crunchyroll Store! … Chrono's Quirk activates, extending his hair to a point that cuts open Eraser's arm. Overhaul is surprised that Mirio was able to get to them so easily; Mirio replies that he took a shortcut and is here to take Eri into custody. Außerdem verliert er beide Unterarme gegen Mr. Compress und Tomura Shigaraki. Using One For All 20%, Izuku charges at Chisaki while declaring that he will bend the future and save Eri. 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