While a consensus theory of abiogenesis or panspermia would not disprove the existence of God, the burden of proof is on those who assert the existence of supernatural phenomena. If credible evidence existed of a man being actually deceased and rising three days later, this would be unprecedented news quickly publicized to every corner of the globe by every kind of formal or informal media. Furthermore, the public assault of an atheist by means of a possibly self-actuating, suicidal vegetable is hardly a compelling reason to believe in a god, as the subject of the original email suggests. We can use our own minds rather than submit to competing interpretations of "holy" books by human beings who claim to speak for God. Although I would recommend it to believers and non-believers alike. Response: Albert Einstein also said, "For me the Jewish religion like all others is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions." Kyle Butt, M.Div. 2. Science demonstrates that consciousness is an emergent property of the physical brain; this argument suggests a form of dualism, where the mind and brain are separate. It's nothing more than a hasty conclusion to say "Science has no answer, therefore this one is true." God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him ( 1 John 4:16 ) Again, what a scary universe this would be if God were not loving. An event like this would surely gotten gigantic attention, but not a single person (scribe, poet, historian, scholar, professor, student, tax collector, Roman official, etc.) I threw out queries, suggestions; wondering all the time over everything, and to my astonishment the ideas took like wildfire - people made a religion of them." Response: Most people don't share many of the moral values of the Bible. Response: What? Whatever reason the universe exists, the Bible does nothing to answer this question. The concept that life came about through sheer chance is as absurd & improbable as a tornado blowing through a junk yard, consequently assembling a Boeing 747! As he spoke, a soft tomato was thrown at him. Why not one more? In fact, filling the gap with God or universal invisible sky pixies is not even a solid answer, it is merely just solving a mystery with another mystery and gets nowhere. Response: Do you not believe that your god could just make the atmosphere breathable no matter what the size of the planet? Can you give me any proof that God exists? Why doubt him? Theists often claim that the Big Bang suggests that "nothing became something," when in fact it says no such thing. If it is the case that Darwin believed in God, then it would be incorrect to use the term "conversion"; one cannot "convert" to what one already believes in. In particular, we tend to filter sensory input according to a set of expectations built up from prior beliefs and past experience (a fact that magicians primarily rely upon to "fool the eye", especially in close-up magic). In fact, these components might then become part of other plants or animals, including a pineapple. Why did he put plants on Earth that we can't digest? Furthermore, the Euthyphro dilemma turns this argument around on the theist: where do God's moral values come from? Response: There are approximately 200 – 400 billion stars in our galaxy alone. With no enduring evidence that a God exists, there is simply no reason to believe in a deity, even if it's not possible to irrefutably disprove his existence. 0 Comments It is easy to prove to yourself that God is imaginary. Most Native American children who were kidnapped by missionaries converted simply to survive, all the while maintaining their old traditions and cultures. Diamonds do not require a creator to arrange the carbon atoms just so; they require nothing more than the right pressure to force the carbon atoms into this configuration, and such pressures arise naturally in the Earth as a result of nothing more than the physical properties of matter and gravity. Similar instances in his writings may support the idea that Darwin believed in a form of god, assuming these same were not simply matters of linguistic convention. Why do many foods from animals require so much physical risk to achieve? The complexity of life is the very thing that the theory of evolution explains. On the contrary, when society changes in such a way that religions have to "reinterpret" their own scriptures, the original interpretations are no longer valid. It examines fifty common reasons that believers across the world give for believing in a god, drawing on his conversations with people while traveling both for business and pleasure in twenty years as a journalist. and most are thought to be significantly later. Many people have died for their faith. If this actually occurred, present the evidence. Response: The gospels were written at least 45 years after Jesus supposedly died (if he existed). It is naive to immediately presume something supernatural is occurring. Response: Why do you, necessarily, need eyes to experience visual information? Many people have died in the name of many contradictory faiths. 'If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it'." Response: Evolution demonstratively can devise codes. Response: False dichotomy. Argumentum ad verecundiam. In first-century Palestine, the Jewish people constantly sought a messiah to free them from Roman rule (and dozens of messiahs stepped up to the plate, each promising salvation). Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind". That's an amazing logical leap. He replied; "Christ Jesus and his salvation. The final sentence of this claim is an appeal to consequences; just because religion may have some positive effects does not mean that its claims are true, nor that its tenets should be accepted even for "practical" purposes. If we have no understanding of these forces, then how can anyone be said to be "aware" of them? See burden of proof. Modern evolutionary theory is supported by a large number of independently verifiable facts and is used to explain, predict, and manipulate the responses of all manner of biological systems. Response: This argument assumes that the definition of a scientist is "someone who advanced our scientific knowledge during or after the 17th century Scientific Revolution", conveniently ignoring the many scientific advances made by cultures that predate Christianity. Response: This also does not take into account the many christians who later became Atheists, which is a huge number. It's See also Reason 5. Whether it be the universe itself, for atheists, or God himself, for the believer, all must admit the existence of something whose cause is as yet undiscovered. Keeping in mind his overall aim for writing (20:31), “so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God Response: Even if science was not able to detect emotion, memory or thought, saying we "must" be able to detect them is a mere supposition. Wow. Response: This is a case of possible confusion on the meaning of the terms used, as well as a use of the god of the gaps argument. We require energy from other sources such as plants, fruits and animals. Response: Terry Pratchett, of all people, gives an insight into this. I've heard this sort of statement at least a dozen times in my life. Humans, both individually and collectively, only have a limited understanding of how the world is. The Anno Domini (AD) dating system was not created until 525 AD. This proves that the gods Moon, Tiu, Woden, Thor, Frigg, Saturn and Sun, Januarius, the Roman gods to whom the Februa were celebrated, Mars, etc., etc. The people he has talked with say they believe because that is what their parents taught them, and their parents wouldn't lie to them, or because that is what it says in their book of wisdom. 50 Reasons … Just as with evolution, in some countries, the majority do not believe- but are they aware of all the evidence? Darwin then asked Lady Hope to speak to neighbors the next day. The Templeton Foundation funded a prayer study to find out if prayer helped recovery after heart surgery. Those who refuse to understand that our ancient ancestors were weak, frightened, little prey animals for whom paranoia was a survival trait will never be able to escape their slavery to animal instinct. Why should we believe the claim that these phenomena point to the existence of a god, especially the god of Christianity? Outline [] The following list comes from the table of contents: My god is obvious. I saw a ghost with a friend of mine — I am not a liar, an attention seeker. And obviously found them all to be liars. How much of the atheist's faith relies on anger with God as opposed to genuine disbelief in God? In addition, religious groups, even those considered extreme or fundamentalist, often change their teachings in response to social concerns. It is true, however, that the scientific method can only detect certain things: specifically, things which have some observable effect in the universe. No believer alive today has witnessed the death and resurrection of Jesus, the saints emerging from their graves, heaven, God, or any of the other myriad things that they claim to be "witnesses" to. Response: Gravity is 'just a theory' too. These are anecdotal accounts of people who could be mistaken. Almost … For a better understanding of my personal reasons to be an atheist, you may want to check out this article too. How can you be angry at something that you don't think exists? Have they received relevant education or professional experience? How could the complexity of human life possibly evolve on its own accord out of mindless cells? It cannot prove that their beliefs are actually true; martyrs may be mistaken. Past theories contradict certain beliefs which are held today. We can detect emotions through the physical changes to the body, and we can detect brain activity. Looked for alternative explanations? There are many works of fiction where predictions are made that come true in the context of that book or film, does this make the stories true? PZ Myers, on his blog Pharyngula, identifies the original author as Debra Rufini, an author whose recent book contains "an imaginary scenario in which Richard Dawkins gets psychiatric counseling…from Jesus".[1]. Reasons to Believe RTB's mission is to spread the Christian Gospel by demonstrating that sound reason and scientific research—including the very latest discoveries—consistently support, rather than erode, confidence in the truth of the Bible and faith in the personal, transcendent God … Nevertheless, almost all of the arguments rely on the same handful of logical fallacies, the responses to which can be summarized as follows: Whilst agreeing that random patterns occur naturally by chance, DNA however, consists of code, which requires a designer. If you are looking to understand why people of different faiths choose to believe in god(s), this is a good book. People may change religions to suit a new marriage, or perhaps they lost a loved one and need some form of comfort. This ranges from denying rights to people because they do not have the same beliefs to forcing their beliefs on school children which has a demonstrably negative effect on the future of these children, their communities, their country and the rest of the planet. Response: When science changes, the new theory generally explains both the new facts and the old. Though he often shows a critical and skeptical mind, sometimes naming his sources or even questioning their reliability when he is suspicious or conflicting accounts, he nevertheless reports without a hint of doubt that the following actually happened: the Temple of Delphi magically defended itself with animated armaments, lightning bolts and collapsing cliffs; the sacred olive tree of Athens, though burned by the Persians, grew an arm's length in a single day; a miraculous flood-tide wiped an entire Persian contingent after they desecrated an image of Poseidon; a horse gave birth to a rabbit; and a whole town witnessed a mass resurrection of cooked fish! Response: Scientists haven't answered all of the questions of the universe. Snowflakes are a special case of crystalline structure. It is not so. Our historical records (other than the Bible) record evidence of Jesus' existence. For instance, Simon bar Kochba gathered a very large group of followers, because he promised the Jewish people salvation and freedom from the Romans. The former is simply untrue (for most atheists) and involves shifting the burden of proof when used as an argument for belief in God. 'How' speaks of the mechanism, 'why' speaks of the cause. Response: Straw man argument. In addition to the miracles and supernatural events described in the Bible, for which there is no historical evidence, many of the historical claims which could theoretically be substantiated with archaeological evidence are contradicted by modern historians. In short, they are well understood and explained by science, and this is why they can be utilized in technology. Response: This claim is simply false. That is to say, to call DNA a "code" at all is question-begging. Response: I don't believe you. Science can only be the detector of certain things. 1. Either God has an observable effect on the universe, and can therefore be studied scientifically, or God does not, and therefore is irrelevant. While the Bible does contain major historically incorrect events, one could question whether or not the supernatural events that are written in the Gospels took place. Response: Anthropic principle. Response: It is not naive to seek physiological or psychological explanations for unusual experiences a person may have while their body is recovering from life-threatening trauma or disease; in fact, studies have shown that NDEs can be induced through drugs or trauma, and are almost certain to be a physiological phenomenon. I am not going to deny the existence of the chicken or the egg, merely because I don't understand or know what came first. Either way, he fails at omnipotence. The resurrection claim does not rest solely on the word of low-status women. Necessity of a First Cause (Cosmological Argument). "To believe in God, you just need to believe, to have faith." Why do I say this? If we are the product of evolution - by sheer accident, chance, then we are still evolving. Many people may believe a lie or simply misunderstand a phenomenon. Theists can't cherry-pick physical laws to prove their god's existence. We just haven't found one yet. I could give you many reasons to believe in God—but the most important one can be put into two words: Jesus Christ. What matters when determining if the Bible provides basis for a belief in God is the evidence we can find for its claims of supernatural phenomena, like the resurrection of Jesus. Nothing. Either all my dreams are magical journeys to the furthest edges of reality, or my brain can generate visual information independently from my eyes. But if you use atheism to mean either the lack of a belief in any gods or the belief that no gods exist then, logically, no atheists can be angry at God. These represent some of the more popular reasons to believe that there really is a God who transcends reality and a few that I think stand to reason by the very nature of the way the world works. There are excellent books about it for the lay reader. #12 Improbability is not the same as impossibility. "What shall I speak about?" Response: An uneaten tomato does not "transform" into disorganization. I have no problem with theists sharing their beliefs when they follow established cultural norms in doing so (i.e., ask if I want to hear it, don't try to force your beliefs and opinions on me.). 50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God is a critical look at believing in gods more than religion, but a thought-provoker nonetheless. Similarly, we should not take Darwin's word for it that a god exists (if he did believe that) or that Christianity is the path to salvation. The point is, answering the question with God raises more questions then it solves. Personal Evidence for God: If you want to begin a relationship with God now, you can. Buy 50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God by Guy P. Harrison (ISBN: 9781591025672) from Amazon's Book Store. We are willing to believe in physically unseen waves that exist through the air, operating physical forces & appliances to work [sic], yet not supernatural God forces being responsible for the same. Response: To whom are we morally responsible? In fact, there is no scientific reason to think that the matter and energy of the universe had to be created (which would be a violation of the First Law of Thermodynamics) and have not merely always existed in one form or another. (The Earth is not flat nor the center of the universe; disease is not caused by angry ancestors or bad thoughts; the counting numbers are not the only numbers that are possible; men are not inherently more intelligent than, or morally superior to, women; etc.) Response: The story of Darwin's deathbed conversion is an urban myth. Certainly a loving God would not put such dangers on Earth that could threaten his creation. Response: Argumentum ad ignorantiam. It will transform into mould, into disorganisation. You can hardly say that "many people believe in mediums, therefore medium phenomena is true." In this Q and A session, J. Warner begins to answer a question about Jewish believers and turns to a more significant issue related to Jesus and the existence of God. As stated above, an effect does not require a cause; merely if there was a cause, then it must occur first. Perhaps a different kind of life would have developed — maybe even a kind of life that could wonder how or why it came to exist. There are distances and lengths of time that we cannot measure (see: Planck Units), and the current scientific belief is that we cannot because they are too small. I believe it is and I believe that designer to be God -- the God of the entire universe and everything in it, including us. It is akin to seeing a tidy office, remembering it being untidy, and disregarding the net increase in entropy caused by the act of tidying it. Similar errors and problems exists with most of the other so-called prophecies. This is your decision, no coercion here The atheist needs to put his glasses on. Response: This 'reason' makes the mistake of assuming some inherent worth of humans or reason for humans to exist. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. This is the first book by Guy P. Harrison. Did God change the arrangement of the heavenly bodies in the intervening centuries? But it wasn't - we're left with the historical & Biblical truth. However, often times this is not the case. Response: False dichotomy. The review says that he does this in an unusually understandable way. But we don't know that. http://www.godlessgeeks.com/WhyAtheism.htm, Reason 12: Improbability vs. impossibility, Reason 17: Goldilocks and the habitable planet, part 1, Reason 18: Goldilocks and the habitable planet, part 2, Reason 19: Goldilocks and the habitable planet, part 3, Reason 20: Complementarity of plant and animal life, Reason 22: The invisible and the supernatural, Reason 28: Limitations of science and logic, Reason 35: Christianity and science in harmony, Reason 46: With God all things are possible, 50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, scientific theory about the origin of the universe, Pluto is no longer recognized as a planet, the Gregorian calendar proves that Jesus existed, "countersupportive" evidence as positive evidence, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, 36 Arguments for the Existence of God: A Work of Fiction, http://www.godlessgeeks.com/WhyAtheism.htm, https://religions.wiki/index.php?title=50_reasons_to_believe_in_God&oldid=40857, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5, Disproof of one claim is not proof of another (unless they are, Arguing that the environment was created to fit the needs of humans is getting the order of causality exactly backwards: according to modern, If an argument for the existence of God can be used to argue for the existence of, It is based, at least implicitly, on the archaic concept of the. What's more, even if the "missing link" were really missing, that does not prove it does not exist. If man has evolved from an animal, why doesn't he behave like an animal? Response: Argument from non-belief. For example, the discoveries of leverage and controlled ignition (ie - fire) are generally considered to have been pretty important. All it does is provide a claim of 'what' was created, and 'when', vaguely (and incorrectly) answers the 'how' (magic) but it in no way answers the 'why'. Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes series, wrote Sherlock as saying "Never theorize before one has data, invariably one twists facts to suit theories rather than theories to suit facts." Response: Those prophecies only come true in the context of the bible, which was compiled and edited after the fact. Response: One possible definition of "random" is having no discernible pattern (discernible in principle, not just as a practical matter). We don't have to reconcile biblical contradictions nor deal with the hypocrisies of a schizophrenic deity. The egg came first. [1], Of the fifty reasons, Harrison concludes that the most common reasons people believe are because it is just obvious to them, because everyone is religious so it must be true, or because it brings them happiness. Response: That science cannot detect certain things implies there is a god is a non sequitur. Also a fallacy of division (or composition, equivalently) under a monistic interpretation: "one cell can't reason, so no number of cells can reason/the brain can reason, so any division thereof should be able to reason.". Mainstream Christianity is guilty of the same revisionism: In 1633, Galileo was convicted of heresy by the Catholic Church for promoting heliocentrism, which directly contradicts biblical "evidence" of the organization of the universe. So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. It's hardly fair to say majority wins when many of the majority may not have all the facts. In fact, eggs preceded all birds. Fifty years after the Persian Wars ended in 479 BCE Herodotus the Halicarnassian asked numerous eyewitnesses and their children about the things that happened in those years and then he wrote a book about it. The laws of evolution fall flat. Here are at least 100 reasons to believe that there is no God: A 300 Year Gap A God Who Performs Miracles is Evil Adding Epicycles to God Begging the Question: Miracles and Nature Believing in God is Immoral Can Atheists Response: My typical response is to remind the speaker that they themselves have already taken this liar/lord test on hundreds if not thousands of others who have make the exact same claim. Evidence? Penn Jillette of "Penn & Teller" puts it nicely in one of his videos when he states something to the effect of "if you are a theist and you DON'T proselytize, I have no respect for you." Even if our eyes are "shut to him," an omnipotent being could certainly open them. This is begging the question. Moreover, there need not be a direct cause for all things: there may be no direct cause for the radioactive decay of an individual atom, and yet it happens. And non-believers alike are detectable and predictable describing `` a dream '' through mechanisms. We never hear of the universe could have come about naturally the recorded. Why we 're provided with of eating and digesting is essential not only to,. '' into disorganization to ask the question with God now, or be overtired misinterpret! Claimed that the Bible does not exist, religions do exist with this argument is an! Process of eating and digesting is essential not only to life, but evidence, and we can brain... Assumption that matter is 50 reasons to believe in god to self-organize is wrong: crystals are lot... 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