No lumbar puncture done, but MRI and CT identified an arachnoidal cyst in the right temporal area, size 35x45mm. Makes me sad that some think that is the answer-- just treat the symptoms, never mind the side effects or the root cause. Many of them are young, my son is one of the oldest in our state group, but as we are finding it is a mixed bag for those who have been tested for MTHFR. and then intensive treatment. I live in Georgia, and you can find me through an organization called SEPPA, SE Pans and Pandas Association. We were sent down the mental health track. She presently is a successful critical care nurse, but when she gets run down and fighting a cold... she has some of her original symptoms and struggles. Wish they would test for infection and inflammation and immune and autoimmune system. I am a school nurse and now travel educating other school nurses about recognizing the early signs and symptoms in the school setting. time as an adult, but it has not been fully studied. 2. We are open to suggestions and referral to doctors. I spend my days mostly in bed and take xanax to stop the panic. I am researching adult PANS/PANDAS, and I was wondering if we can open a conversation about your history and current symptoms? No diagnosed strep however. Thanks Criss. PANDAS is an autoimmune disorder. I'm not doing well at all lately. Q������݄iE�sxX=t�J�����G�'�(/���x�G���3v=�.��E�0�hl��F����Og�o������:�)$�i���3{`ӗ����5Y��ʻ"0�;M}f��h�ō����j���3p}t�lPd� I am thinking of removing his tonsils and adneoids. PANDAS is considered a pediatric disorder and typically first appears in childhood from age 3 to puberty. Schools Should Stop Giving Kids BMI Report Cards, How Much Is Too Much? If the tonsils were a line of immunity that was removed, then that seems like the surgery may have made her worse? Did you succeed in finding someone in NY? I am just trying to understand. PANDAS constitutes a subset of children with tics, Tourette syndrome, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The ordeal had a negative effect on my personality and resulted in me having a difficult time communicating with other people. Regards, He is taking chlorprothixene, carbamazepine. Hi. Every night I get up around 5 or 6 times to go to the washroom and often have a difficult time going back to sleep again afterwards. If you have never heard of PANDAS, then that is a good question. I live in Texas if anyone has any connections! We really need a Center like the Cancer Centers where the doctors work together as a team and "Treat the whole person". Antibodies from strep mistakenly attack the part of the brain that controls thought and movement, or the basil ganglia. I would give you the link, but it's not allowed on this website. He is 10 but had showing at age 4. Thank you all for giving me another place to look. My son was an honor student and within two weeks of getting his shots he was having anxiety, rage, hallucinations, insomnia, could not do simple math, handwriting was nearly impossible, OCD, BDD, ADD, his legs felt like bugs were crawling under his yes I know suspect that he was vaccine injured and possible GBS and PANDAS confirmed 7 years later. Good luck and be careful of vaccines. The defining feature of this condition is its immediate onset. Nothing has made a dent. 1. Also, I have sibling patients with PANDAS who fit in all 3 categories. If an adult can acquire Rheumatic Fever or Glomerulonephritis after a strep infection, that adult can acquire PANDAS. He is in so much pain and needs treatment because trying to treat OCD and ADHD isn’t working. However if a patient has PANDAS and develops myocarditis then it may be related, although myocardial biopsy might be necessary to prove it (if source of the PANDAS) is noted. They include behaviors similar to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and Tourette syndrome. PANS is another broad term for this condition that stands for "Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome". I would be happy to continue our conversation there. Anything you use to treat the symptoms while at the same time looking for the deeper cause of infection/inflammation. My son is in the same position you are. This can cause infla mmation of the brain, leading to symptoms such as OCD, Tourettes, focusing problems, or other symptoms. No :(. I want him out of these drugs. She is now flaring to exposure when she hadn't in years. I need help as to what to do and what steps to take. The only recommendation is to get yourself to a bona fide expert for thorough evaluation (Psychiatry, Immunology, etc.) I feared the surgery making things worse, but it wasn't until 3-4 weeks out that the tics appeared. ALL potential sources of infection need to be eradicated or treated. PANDAS is part of a larger group of autoimmune diseases that affect the brain called pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome (PANS). Hi. Now that he is also detoxing and slowly healing we have gone more natural and he is off all antibiotics, antifungal and antiviral prescription medication. I am on the list of board members and you can reach me through that email. Thanks! At the same time, I had a severe migraine for 3 days and had to stay in bed. PANDAS Syndrome is clinically diagnosed after a person develops a variety of physical and behavioral manifestations following a scarlet fever or strep throat infection. The condition is hypothesized to be the result of autoimmune antibodies mistakenly … In February this year, I changed the work, and I had to take a rotational medical work abroad. I have a young adult son that has been diagnosed in 2012, he was given the 2 shot adult Hep-B at age 14 in order to attend public school in IN. I have put him back on Sulfadiazine 500 mg once a day. PTSD, OCD, GAD, PANIC, as well as physical issues. The symptoms can start suddenly and recovery is slow with frequent relapses. One theory is that it … Blood tests results: betatalasemie, and the rest is normal, toxicological results- negative, biochemical blood tests- normal. Managing inflammation has become very important, as well as nipping anxiety in the bud by using plant based antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiinflammatory supplements. Find the right provider for you in your area using our provider directory. Sad part was he had a sinus infection, black mold allergy (which the HS was infested with black mold because they built the pool under the math and science department which shared the same ventilation system). Thanks for any advice you can provide. His father lives in another country and have very little but good contact with my son. We have now gone back to square one. I took him back to the hospital. Diagnosing PANDAS: 1. The Three Biggest Obstacles to Saving the Planet, Can You Tell Fact from Fiction? Go to Beth Alison Maloney's website where she lists providers and restrict the search to New York. One does not suddenly catch OCD at 32.  Could those explosive tantrums or outbursts be manifestations of Tourette’s?  How come one’s anxiety and panic seem to get worse after a sinus infection?  Are those tics attributed to one’s amphetamines (which help one’s ADHD dramatically)  an unmasking or exacerbation of PANDAS?  What about the refractory Anorexia Nervosa that gets worse after each bout of tonsillitis?  Might it be a brilliant idea if the doc checked your Anti-DNAase B strep antibody, streptozyme, ASO titres, Lyme and Mycoplasma IGG and IGM, ESR, RPR, and a few other things based upon circumstance?  And if the labs aren’t perfect, how about a visit to a knowledgable ENT and an immunologist? He also has had an eye blinking tic that started all of a sudden and within a week he had a febrile seizure. I still haven't fiund proper help. PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome Associated with Streptococcus) is a subset of PANS, specifically Group A Strep (GAS) infections, which can occur in many parts of the body – not just the throat. I really wish there was someone who would actually help. Now I believe that my inability to sleep and urinary frequency issues are caused by my PANDAS condition. I am a 27 year old male who lives in Toronto, Ontario, and I have had a PANDAS infection since I was around twelve years old. So sorry about your son! Physicians I speak with do not even know what I'm alluding to. Can you tell me about yourself and where you are and what you know on this. He was put on abx and Motrin. Attacks adults, too! Kind regards Marscha, You tried to contact me about PANDAS I really feel the medical field needs to start to listen to the parents of these children/teens and listen to the young adults like my son. By the time I received the blood test I was feeling significantly better and was not surprised by the test results being negative. We decided after he had taken antibiotics straight for about a year and a half, to only give him Sulfadiazine as needed, (when he complains of sore throat or around others infected with strep when we have notification). Then he seen a totally different young man post-IVIG and then he seen the total devastation when the IVIG wore off. I left the country and after two weeks, my son catch a cold with coughing. Seriously. Melissa Stutler. I will suggest that many of you look to plasmapheresis as a means of "cleansing" the system. After many doctors visit and hospitals, he was diagnosed with complication from strep infection, Sydenham Chorea. I want my son back. Dr. Harris is in Beverly Hills around the corner from me. ���P�Lj��$�*^C4M5�#A�����(���(�¥8a I don't know what to do anymore and if this is the withdrawal or OCD or both. Hi, it is at once hopeful and devastating to read this, as I can not find the proper help. We tried to get a clinical immunologist to work with him and they said it is an autoimmune problem and to see a rhum....who said it is not autoimmune and to see a Clinical Immunologist. We need much more parametric data, larger groups, to make some more inferences. We got them tested though the 23 and Me ($99 and ran it though the Genetic Genie as I cannot afford Dr. Yasko testing for more than double/triple that. He lives with my mother and myself in Warsaw. This is a general response. Providers who treat PANDAS can be found here, with 15 in Texas. He is the doctor in the book "Brain on Fire", Hi Alex, But with the increase in children’s mental and behavioral disorders, taking a deeper look may be needed. I am desperate for answers and directions. I also have had a Lyme disease diagnosis. He is slowly healing. Sadly because of the tics and the underlying physical infections and viral loads and damage from years of being isolated as his immune system can't fight much it has taken a toll. PANDAS first appears in childhood from age 3 to puberty. Best of luck! I am not an immunologist.  I refer all of my cases to a superb one, Dr. Richard Harris.  He finds all sorts of subtle immune deficiencies that I did not study in medical school because they were not yet known.  IGG subtypes and defective responses and such.  Then he does nifty things with Pneumovax, allergy treatment, IVIG and more. I always thought doctors were supposed to help heal....not mask the problems, but that is just my opinion and being just a mom I guess that thought falls on some deaf ears but I am thankful to those doctors, therapists and scientists that think outside the box, those that want to return their patients to the healthiest they can be. I suspect that effective immunology evaluation and treatment will be very helpful. Specifically, a group A streptococcal infection. Urinary symptoms are often the presenting complaint for children with PANDAS. Panic attacks subsided, but now, almost 4 weeks post-tonsillectomy, she suddenly has constant blinking tics, which we hadn't seen in years. We are working now on a more natural way of treating him, spent thousands out of pocket but have not given up hope. In this crowd, there was little doubt about the link between brain inflammation and OCD, Tourette syndrome and autism. ALL. Don't give up hope or faith, there are some really great PANDAS doctors out there asking the hard questions, now we need this taught in all the med schools and yes even to all those in the mental health field. So as a parent I know there is still something active with the PANDAS not sure what the medical field would say. If an adult can acquire Lyme disease, mycoplasma, and a … She is an identical twin but her sister never had this. The condition is considered rare and is estimated to appear in one out of 2,000 affected individuals although some signs in the diagnosis might be missed due to the typical symptoms related … We have been doing this for about a month and he is starting to notice a slight change in his intrusive thoughts though nothing drastic. Your work is so important. Thank you again and please keep up the important and valuable work! My daughter recently agreed to look into the possibility that she has an autoimmune disorder. How Many People Have Ever Had a Threesome? We have tried the psychiatry route, SSRI's, CBT, ERT, neurotherapy, Microdosing psylicybin, Ketamine infusions. Her sister tested positive for strep on Sunday, and tics started a few days before that. Around two and a half years ago, I started experiencing OCD and an Inability to sleep which once again started destroying my life. I don't know if this is related to pandas? He also started falling while walking and experiencing numbness and temporary inability to move legs and hands in his legs. My 12 yr old daughter seems to be displaying similar symptoms, and I wonder if my 19 yr old, who I lost to suicide almost 5 yrs ago, may have also been affected. He had scarlet fever at the age of 12 and his OCD symptoms started then. Can you recommend anyone in New York City? If strep related a capable immunologist can evaluate the immune system, determine if there is a weakness to strep, and discuss treatment options. I would like to know what direction should we go? I arrived the next day and took him to the hospital. I would love to hear from you with any suggestion. I'm sorry your son is in pain. I am not sure what to do. Thank you for the quick reply. She had ALL the symptoms. Hi Donna, Till the 26 of Feb this year, he was a happy, healthy, smart energetic boy. If your son is interested, I am currently researching adult PANS/PANDAS, and if he is willing to share his story, he is welcome to contact me. Often there is a flare after surgery because a large amount of bacteria may be released during the procedure. After all the SSRI's and mental health treatments failed or made things worse. [�{�t�햸��~'4]�?ew�ǿ~��-�*g#v~��T�_���K,�,i�����q�I?� s��G��C�� ���Gì˽���_�+�" It seems like the tonsillectomy has done something that has now made her react with tics like she did years ago--this is what I don't understand. Joshua Byer, you have described so much of my 28 yr old son! It is believed that the infection affects a part of the brain that is involved with movement. To recap previous remarks, I cannot diagnose or treat on this blog. PANDAS syndrome is a neurological condition that appears suddenly following a strep infection, such as strep throat. Could an adult develop PANDAS? Generally flares wear off because there no longer is a nidus of chronic sub-acute infection. diagnose PANDAS. I am scare for my son and I don't want further damage to him. Second psychiatrist said that it might be Separation Anxiety as Phobia, might be Asperger Syndrome or might be PANDAS? My personal experience is multiple strep infections in childhood followed by anxiety and trichotillomania. Sorry but I haven't had time to check this blog for a while. The PANDAS hypothesis is unconfirmed and unsupported by data, and two new categories have been proposed: PANS (pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome) and CANS (childhood acute neuropsychiatric syndrome). It's sad, but it's reality. My husband has to attempt to hold him down while he struggles and screams. Thank you for speaking up about your son’s experience with PANDAS. Just trying to understand. I'm not living. I am not familiar with anyone in Poland to whom I can refer. Most sincerely, It may be a predisposing factor but I do not think it either necessary or sufficient to be a cause of PANDAS. Funny you should ask about the MTHFR gene mutation....yes both my boys have tested positive for MTHFR. Regards, Hi. “The body of evidence in favor of a contribution of the immune system on the pathophysiology of [Tourette’s syndrome] and related disorders is constantly growing.” 4. ... PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) is the generally recognized label for the same symptoms in a child without the association of a strep infection. Back to the MTHFR; individuals with it often have a variety of other obscure immunologic issues. He also started being agitated and on two occasions now showing bizzare behaviors, being emotional, difficult, kicking, talking out loud while his eyes closed and unaware. Hi Rose, Does anyone know what state Dr. Richard Harris works out of that was in the article? Tonsils are rarely helpful in PANDAS. Can it be PANDAS? The descriptions people post, as sad as they are, are not detailed enough for internet analysis. Haven't had time to check this blog for a while. %PDF-1.7 %���� Although I wasn't thinking clearly at the time, I was able to do enough research online to conclude that I had a PANDAS infection and have had it since I was a small child. The association between specific bacterial or viral infections, positive antineuronal antibody titers and sudden onset neuropsychiatric I am sorry. Hi. Initially in 2012, his blood test showed Anti-streptolysin O - 559 (High) and DNASE B Antibody 939 (High) He gets blood check every six months and the numbers have been going down, the last check was on 2/10/15 , Anti-streptolysin was 257 and Dnase Bantibody 354. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. In the hospital, he was diagnosed with post-infectious brain edema and treated with mannitol, acyclovir IV, antibiotics IV and dexamethazon IV. Thank you for posting. I cannot recognize my son. My PANDAS/PANS son has a much longer road because his damage went much longer. It took many visits with a psychiatrist in order for me to convince him to get me a blood test for the strep antibody. I have a daughter who has been through a very similar situation. Indeed, many new consultations are very straightforward and do not require more than clinical acumen to arrive at a diagnosis and treatment plan.  Further evaluation becomes necessary when Plan A fails.  Many presentations have histories and or symptoms that demand a work-up.  I won’t go into a litany of them here.  Physicians are supposed to know them.  Serial drug trials and cocktails are not all there is for us to do. There are some good people o the East coast of the U.S. if you can get there. 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