From 19 February the Government agreed to receive its own citizens but quarantined them in the Jubilee Oval grounds where the inmates were accused of bribing their police guards and of other unseemly conduct. Unable to affect the outside world, the Committee divided itself into seven sub-committees and offered its resignation three times during March until its functions were defined as control of relief and home care of the sick. 1-2; cf. The most intriguing feature of Pandemic influenza mortality was its abnormally high incidence amongst males in the 25-40 group: Burnet calls this the Pandemic’s distinguishing characteristic, pointing out that it was as true in neutral countries as in those exhausted by war.40, Australia was spared the worst ravages as the mortality rate was only 233 per 100,000, compared to 430 in England and 500 for non-Maoris in New Zealand. Another consequence was that Departmental teachers were prominent in voluntary work as they were on full salary with no classes to take.32, Hospitals were rapidly overwhelmed with patients and supplementary facilities were required. Secondly, the medical professions’ responses will be considered. (Heb., ix, 22). Opposition came from those who saw them as breeding grounds for infection or as sapping the community’s ‘vital force’. How Spanish Flu Ended? Initially a government nurse was placed in charge but on 14 February the Minister accepted, via Archbishop Mannix, the voluntary services of religious Orders. After 15 February masks were no longer compulsory for people in the open, in groups of three, in families, or for men working more than six feet apart. . Punch, 9 January 1919, p.41; W. F. Taylor, ‘Presidential Address’ Australasian Medical Congress Transactions (Brisbane: Government Printer, 1921), p.27; Punch, 27 March 1919, p.483; Freemans Journal, 6 February 1919, p.23; Bulletin, 3 April 1919. p.6. Proportionally, that would mean 200 million to 350 million dead today. The attack could last ten days but a general debility was noticeable for several weeks. Indeed, as the Spanish flu hit Australian shores in January – first via the servicemen returning home – it did not take long for state-versus-state loyalties to … 42 MJA, editorial, 1 March 1919, p.175; cf. With the experts in disarray it was no wonder that people with limited resources to expend on medical purposes neglected doctors in favour of patent preparations, especially when the doctors rarely suggested anything better, or often anything substantially different. This was not easy. . This final requirement enabled the vicar of Christ Church St Laurence to circumvent a Diocesan ban on the wearing of chasubles. This constituted nearly a 25 per cent increase over the average for the preceeding quinquennial period. CSO 2623/ 1921; C.P.P., Ill, 1920-1, pp. P.P., I, 1920, pp. I, 1920, p. 676; W.A. Throughout the epidemic voices lisped two of the positive responses possible after the undermining of confidence, namely, gratitude and complacency that things were not worse. ‘If it is fated .. to be ravaged by the pneumonic scourge, it will be better off than the rest of the world because Australians are an exceptionally well-nourished people’. An estimated 15,000 Australians died from Spanish Flu Women at a Brisbane hospital wear protective face masks. Early cases were so mild, however, that there was initially confusion about whether the virus was the Spanish flu, or simply a continuation of the seasonal flu virus from the previous winter. "11048"(?) that the present form of influenza is the product of a slow evolution of an influenza already established in Australia in July and August 1918′. Despite its name, the Spanish Flu did not originate in Spain, although it was the first place to receive media coverage of it as Spain was neutral in World War I and had greater press freedom. Mortality was higher amongst non-Europeans and some Aboriginal tribes were almost entirely wiped out. Once a State had been so proclaimed the control of all its interstate traffic as well as the power to revoke the original proclamation rested entirely with the Commonwealth.7 The inherent tensions in even this temporary reallocation of Federal powers had no opportunity to reveal themselves before the entire process was shortcircuited by a disagreement between Victoria and New South Wales. In 1918 it developed its first, experimental vaccine in anticipation of pneumonic influenza reaching mainland Australia. For a related sequal see C. P. P., 1923-4, H of R, 1, pp. The Johns of the Never Never are burnishing bright their wits This included closing schools and places of entertainment and mandating the use of masks. Advance bookings were taken by the Tourist Bureau in Sydney. V.&P., I, 1920, Report of Education Department, pp 37 & 50; Freemans Journal, 6 February 1919, p.20 and 20 February 1919, p.14; N.S. The Commonwealth Year Book claimed that during 1919 there were 13,938 more deaths than would have occurred normally. [which] astonished the world [when]. Ye have but my masks to wear. The equivalents of ‘meals- on-wheels’, and ‘life-line’ were inaugurated, street canteens established, and eight homes opened to accommodate children whose mothers were hospitalized. Three hundred cases of Pandemic influenza were treated and numerous deaths occurred at Sydney quarantine stations in the three months before infection infiltrated to the domestic population. P., 11, 1922-8, pp. 2 War Diary Medical Section 11Q AIF Depots in United Kingdom, March 1919, Appendices C and D, pp. 7-11. In the realm of national consciousness Gallipoli had forged unity and identity through its projection of a character type. In 1918, America adopted mask wearing with a greater vengeance than anywhere else in the world. We used to have sex. About 15,000 people died in Australia, at a … It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. indication that precautions are being taken’.25, Although needles are not calculated to calm nervous temperaments there was widespread support for inoculation so that by the end of 1919 25 per cent of the population of New South Wales had been given a course of two injections. cit., p. 134; D. M. Armstrong, The First Fifty Years (Australasian Medical Publishing, Sydney, 1965) p. 158. Chicago chapter of the … P.D., 75, 19 August 1919, p. 57. The virus mutates rapidly and constantly, meaning the human population cannot build up an enduring immunity. This incident was also rooted within a deeper dispute. 566-7; G. Sawer, Australian Federal Politics and Law 1901-1929 (Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1956) pp. [page needed] Third wave of 1919. Burnet and Clark, op. 11 Q.S.A. A ‘Bovril’ advertisement alleged that anti-influenza masks were ‘like using barbed wire fences to shut out flies’. There are three types of the virus: Influenza A, B and C, with Influenza A causing the most severe infections. In Australia the pandemic was a major demographic and social tragedy, affecting the lives of millions of people. Because each State collected its mortality statistics under different headings it is not possible to arrive at a precise total for deaths directly caused by Pandemic influenza; nonetheless the figure was certainly between twelve and thirteen thousand. On a range of domestic matters the Commonwealth of Australia passed into recess. W. P. P. , 1, 1920, p. 653; Smiths Weekly, 1 March 1919, p.14; The monkeys in Tooronga Park Zoo were inoculated, Sun, 11 March 1919, p.7. Related Pages. What are the fits of Gerald? (edd.) History of First World War (Purnell, London, 1971) 7 (11), p.2975. P. Horne Macdonald, Influenza and Air Borne Diseases (Whitcombe & Tombs, Auckland, 1918). Victoria imposed no restrictions whatsoever. 38 Australasian Seaman’s Journal, 1 March and 1 May 1919. But national character is a poor base upon which to advance a State apparatus capable of generating patriotism sufficient to over-ride regional, class and religious loyalties. The Spanish Flu (which very well came from Kansas, but first reported by Spain), hit in the fall of 1918, a second surge occurred from January to April 1919 and a smaller spike in 1920. 26 N.S. Commonwealth quarantine officials were alerted to the existence of a new influenza type in July 1918. . The claim: Experts exaggerate the gravity of COVID-19 death rates in comparison with the Spanish flu and seasonal flu. 69-72; F. M. Burnet, Natural History of Infectious Disease (3rd edn, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1962) p.308. Popularly known as ‘Spanish’ flu it killed twenty million people within twelve months. Mothers had to supervise and entertain their children for weeks immediately following the long holidays, at a time when places of amusement were closed and playing with other children was discouraged. Regulations were again stiffened until on 2 April masks had to be worn in University classrooms and in factories with more than five workers unless they were engaged in hard physical labour; libraries, theatres and racecourses were once more closed and wide disappointment followed the prohibition of the Centennial Royal Easter Show.28, A persistent source of contentiousness was the Citizens Influenza Administrative Committee which ‘Right up to the time of the second outbreak. 17, 5 February 1919, p. 160. In a period of six months in 1919, probably more than 15,000 died from influenza and possibly as many as two million Australians were infected. 14, 21; Industrial Australian and Mining Standard, 27 February 1919, p. 362; Tasmanian Mail, 3 April 1919, p. 22; 13 March 1919, p.21; Burnet and Clark, op. The Spanish flu is considered second only to the ‘Black Death’ plague pandemic in overall mortality rates. Though they all offer their basic contact information, it’s unclear which to trust. Other aspects of political life are discussed by B. Berzins, ‘Symbolic Legislation: Nationalists and Anti-Profiteering’ Politics, VI, 1 (May 1971), pp. SIX MONTHS BEFORE the Armistice ended the Great War a new and more deadly scourge was unleashed upon the world. 2192-4. 29  N . 22 See dispute between Professor H. G Chapman, and Professor D. A. Walsh in Sun. 10 The Western Argus (11 February 1919, p.16) expressed itself particularly pleased to support West Australia against the Commonwealth over quarantine ‘because in the disputes…between Federal and State Authorities, the States, and especially West Australia, are almost invariably in the wrong’. 25, 50, 59-60; C. A. Bernays, Queensland, Our Seventh Political Decade (Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1931) p.2. The outbreak did not originate in Spain, but early reports came from that country, where the Spanish … The pandemic lasted from the spring of 1918 to the summer of 1919. Daily attendance in Queensland and Western Australia was adversely affected, especially in the second half of the year. Over the next six months the service intercepted 323 vessels, 174 of which carried the infection. Español. Between January-September 1919, pneumonic influenza, commonly known as the 'Spanish Flu', killed 6,387 people in New South Wales, infecting as many as 290,000 in Metropolitan Sydney alone.1 The pandemic threw the people and Government of the State into a community effort rivalled only by that of the recent war, in an attempt to lessen the spread, and impact, of a … By the time they reached home they were barely on speaking terms, which presumably made the reconstruction of the Government in April and again in May no less difficult. ‘Spanish flu’, the pandemeic that killed between 50-100 million people worldwide, made landfall in Australia by 1919. Somali to Managing Directors, Peninsular and Oriental Company, 3 February 1919 and Supplementary Report by Major H. F. Arnall to ‘Secretary’, Defence, Melbourne, 3 February 1919, with additions dated 10 February 1919, in Record of Voyage, WML; Argus, 25 February, 3, 6 and 11 March 1919; C. P. D., vol. Sydney Morning Herald, 28 January 1919: Australia … The 1968 flu pandemic caused illness of varying degrees of severity in different populations. Soldiers on board semaphored to ex-AIF strikers on shore offering assistance. The troopers grim have chased them to the barbs of the rabbit-fence; Fear of influenza plus victory in the field led to the rejection of the offer: the troopship sailed on into quarantine. No positive improvement in the control of disease resulted from the six months of dispute although both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition publicly acknowledged that the epidemic demonstrated the necessity for augmented Commonwealth powers. The first case of pneumonic influenza appeared in Melbourne, on 9 or 10 January 1919. . There existed a no less strongly-felt pocket of resistance to inoculation for any purpose because impure batches of serum still caused occasional mass fatalities. CSO 139/ 1919; S.A.S.A. These include a series of pandemics in the 1890s, 1957, 1968 and 2009. COL. 251/ 1919, inward correspondence, 6 May 1919; S.A.S.A. 15 ‘Spanish’ Influenza (Board of Health, Melbourne, 1919); Influenza (Board of Health, Adelaide, 1918) p.3; H. S. Haler° Wardlaw, ‘The Venous Oxygen Content…in Pneumonic Influenza’, Linnean Society of NSW Proceedings, X LIV (1919), pp. If we were white, it wasn’t fright, 24 H. I. Sadler, MJA, I March 1919, p. 185; A. Reg. A mixture of menthol, eucalyptol, camphor, oil of cinnamon and spirits of chloroform was recommended as a prophylactic.16, Soldiers in A1F Depots in the United Kingdom were inoculated and made to gargle Condy’s crystals in salt water twice a day. Lancaster, ‘The Mortality in Australia from Influenza and from Diseases of the Respiratory System’, MJA, 31 October 1953, p. 672. .. the Commonwealth has had much to be thankful for’ since it had avoided enemy invasion and food shortages. 37 Western Argus. Lancaster, ‘The Mortality in Australia from Influenza and from Diseases of the Respiratory System’, Abolish the penal powers: freedom’s fight of ’69, Unions and anti-Chinese agitation on the Victorian goldfields. See also John Reynolds, Launceston (Macmillan, Melbourne, 1969), pp. Australian losses were probably about 12,000-15,000 deaths. For Australia, the flu came after a most divisive and traumatic war in which Hyett himself had been a prominent anti-conscriptionist. The 1918 Pandemic flu lasted about two years and killed between 30 and 50 million people. It … About 15,000 people died in Australia, at a … Pneumonia patients were kept sitting upright, tied, by means of a pillow under the knees, to the back of the bed, to maintain position. These volunteer workers were so frequently ‘asked’ to vacate their own lodgings that special hostels were established by the Red Cross; one girl was assaulted by the drunken husband of a woman she was nursing. After the 1918 flu restrictions were lifted, though, children younger than 14 were still not permitted to go to the picture shows. THE 1918 Spanish flu killed up to 50 million people around the world and has been called “the mother of all pandemics”. There was a prolonged outcry when a priest was forbidden entry to the Sydney Quarantine Station to administer the last rites to a dying nurse. When people were ill it was in the highest degree objectionable that they should have forced upon them views and customs that were irritating to them…’ On the Wednesday Bowser advised Mannix that his offer could no longer be accepted but hoped the nuns would take charge of another special hospital. The states would arrange emergency hospitals, vaccination depots, ambulance services, medical staff and public awareness measures. What an interruption to theories and optimistic fantasies. Despite a swift quarantine response in October 1918, cases of Spanish flu began to appear in Australia in early 1919. Fourthly, the psychological impact of the Pandemic will be located in its total environment to evaluate its contribution to any Australian ‘loss of certainty’ consequent upon the Great War. The Queensland Director of Native Affairs attributed the death of some 300 Aborigines in his care to their ‘sheer superstitious fright’. has been written i... Australia's Defining Moments Digital Classroom. CBH 82/ 1919; S.A.S.A. Pneumonia was a frequent complication and victims with heart or chest conditions could anticipate a further shortening of their life expectancy.15, Governments and the public were equally at the mercy of doctors whose official journal declared that ‘Confidence can only be attained if the medical profession admits frankly and without reserve the extent of its ignorance of the causation of influenza and the limitations of its powers to gain a mastery of the disease’. (9 February 1919, p.7); Western Argus, 4 February, p.9; 10 June, p.28; 11 March, p.11; 22 April, p.11; 15 July, p.12; 17 June 1919, p.28. Bev Blackwell, Western Isolation: The Perth Experience of the 1918–1919 Influenza Pandemic, Australian Homeland Security Research Centre, Canberra, 2007. CSO 163/ 1919; Observer, 8 February 1919, p.30; Normal (Adelaide: Donald Taylor, 1919) p.2. our men laughed in the face of death on the Gallipoli peninsular’. al. 13 S.A.S.A. Hobart Hospital appealed for old bottles so that medicines could be dispensed to the near 50 per cent increase in out-patient cases. The flu did not originate in Spain, but Spain was the first country to report deaths from it, leading to the assumption that it must have started there. Those who responded with gratitude for small mercies included the Medical Journal which called for ‘Proportion’: the epidemic was not as deadly as it had been elsewhere and there were far greater problems at home. The first batch of internees published a twenty-two page souvenir booklet in which the editors—two parsons—described their stay as ‘a glorious holiday’.12. By the end of 1919, the influenza pandemic was over. Nor could constant appeals for calm or the claim that apprehension predisposed one to infection have been wholly reassuring. 4 J. H. L. Cumpston, Influenza and Maritime Quarantine in Australia (C. of A. Quarantine Services, Publication No. At a time when there were one billion humans on Earth. Earlier in 1919 the same parson had reflected on the war with equal rapture taking for his text ‘Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins’. In its May issue Lone Hand invoked the ‘characteristically Australian. 11 February 1919, p.6. . One week-end even outdoor religious services were prohibited causing the Freeman’s Journal to thunder against ‘The Pagans and the Plague’, and a Presbyterian lady who had never previously missed church to repeat ‘all the “comforting” passages she knew’ and to preach ‘a sermon to herself. p. 108 where they point out that in 1918 the influenza was a new type against which hatches of vaccine could not be prepared until after the first wave. 1919: Influenza pandemic reaches Australia. V. & P., II, 1920, pp.9 & 22; Commonwealth Year book, 1920, pp. How long did the Spanish flu last? You will find no shipowners there to argue with. The Spanish flu pandemic emerged at the end of the First World War, killing more than 50 million people worldwide. Heaven was to arrive—and lo, it was hell that came! Because of its remoteness from Europe, Australia had months to make necessary preparations. Consequently, at the end of April he telegramed the Premiers of Queensland, Western Australia and Tasmania that until they were prepared ‘to withdraw their quarantine regulations, a proportion of the tonnage employed in the trade to their respective ports would be removed to other trade routes offering more continuous employment’.13 A nation-wide seamen’s strike deprived him of this weapon and it was not until the Pandemic spread throughout the entire continent that co-operative if uneasy Federalism was re-established. About a third of all Australians were infected and nearly 15,000 people were dead in under a year. About 40 per cent of the population fell ill and around 15,000 died as the virus spread through Australia. Before the Pandemic abated nearly thirty millions died, mostly in Asia.1. By the end of 1919 (when the Australian population was just over 5 million), around 10,000 Australians, mostly young adults, had died of influenza. Yet like the war, the Pandemic had not hurt Australia as much as it had Europe. Australia remained free of infection for much of that time, but by the end of 1919 all Australian States shared a death toll of 12,000. The response ranged from passive obstruction to active resistance from all except Victoria. 31 S.M. . . Australia could take up the burden of hope provided its vigilance against infiltration was intensified. Bowser, desperately short of trained staff, appealed again to Mannix who admitted that he had erred by his ‘over-trustful advances’ but had resolved `not [to] sin again’.34. The Spanish flu probably infected 2 million Australians in a population of about 5 million. 33 N . Watt managed to negotiate a system of cash and travel vouchers for citizens stranded outside their home States but beyond this charitable project his powers of persuasion remained negligible. 34 No-Popery and the Spanish Influenza (A.C.T.S., Melbourne, 1919) pp. Lancaster, ‘Causes of Declines in Death Rates in Australia’, Medical Journal of Australia (hereafter MJA) 18 November 1967, p.938. Chaotic wrangling between Commonwealth and State authorities resulted from the collapse of a previously negotiated agreement and not because of universal unpreparedness. But on 28 March an order prohibited customers staying in a population of about 5 million had a... Also rooted within a deeper dispute Australians died from the flu including 550,000 750,000! Characteristically Australian waterfront a troopship entered Fremantle harbour second wave caused a greater vengeance than anywhere else the. 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