His nuchal hump has decreased in size since he was put in the 220. Keeping a pair of them in a community tank is just asking for trouble. Both parents continue to be involved in protecting the fry from brood predators and engaging in behaviors to help feed such as moving leaves or fin digging (digging the substratum with their fins). Males may have longer dorsal fins. Sexually mature female Convict Cichlid lay eggs in caves. Many cichlids can become quite aggressive with tank mates while spawning. Here are typical lifespans of some well-known fish species, from the Adolfo cory to the zebra danio. Be sure to feed them in smaller portions throughout the day instead of a single large portion when you feed them; this large portion can pollute the tank and destabilize water conditions. Your email address will not be published. Convict Cichlid for Sale A medium size ornery Central American Cichlid. A baby convict cichlid might take about 6 months to mature, during which its parents are fiercely protective of them, to the point of being aggressive towards other fishes if needed. Just make sure you have a sufficiently large tank (50 gallons) with a suitable layout and fry will be on its way! Should you keep convict cichlid in the aquarium? Its coloring intensity may vary. Individuals can grow to 9.1 cm. Convict cichlids prefer moving water, and are most frequently found in habitats with cover in the form of rocks or sunken branches. cichlid fishes, little is known about the effect of temperature change on eggs, or other early life history stages of vertebrates. The great part about breeding them is watching the parental care given to the fry. The Honduran Red Point Convict extends from the south to Costa Rica in Atlantic Honduras. July 3, 2020 by Praful kharade. Managed by Praful Kharade, Convict cichlid fish: Complete care, lifespan and breeding. Marbled, calico, or pink. From the time they were eggs to now I have taken care of them and helped them to thrive (I fed them). Lifespan: Approximately 8 years The biggest problem with Convict Cichlids is that they are easy to care for, easy to breed, produce lots of fry and live for a long time. You may contact us here. There are many different species with the Cichlidae family; one of the most popular members of the family is the Black Convict Cichlid. Omnivore means they will eat plant matter as well as meat. It is an unbelievably hardy fish, easy to care for, making it ideal for beginner fish keepers. The larvae spend another 72 hours absorbing their yolk sacs after hatching and developing their fins before they become free-swimming fry. But if your tank mates have established any kind of dominance they will breed and live together, however. The lifespans of common aquarium fish species span a broad gamut, as you can see. The convict cichlid also is known as Amatitlania nigrofasciata is a fish species of the Cichlidae family, originally from Central America, also known as the cichlid of the zebra. The larvae spend another 72 hours absorbing their yolk sacs after hatching and developing their fins before they become free-swimming fry. ... To separate the territories, use the roots, plants or any other element visually separating the different areas of life. Their different types can be found in countries all along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts such as Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. They are a small fish that requires little tank space; the minimum recommended size is 30 gallons. ... Life Span: Black Convicts can live for several years. The species also consume aquatic plants so it is recommended to use plastic or robust plants such as java fern or water sprite. Blood parrots should not be confused with other parrot cichlids or salt water parrotfish (family Scaridae). All rights reserved. The Convict Cichlid is a fish with a longer lifespan than some of the other aquarium breeds. Don't put them in a community aquarium. 28/12/2020. There is an Albino variety as well. Following human release in the wild and because of its great adaptive skills and fast growth rate, it is also found in the Philippines, Singapore, Israel and Australia. It’s not recommended that you place them with other species due to their territorial nature. Methods The Study species: At four natural habitats of the convict cichlid in Costa Rica, the pH was found to range from 6.6–7.8, while carbonate hardness (KH) ranged from 63 to 77 ppm (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Copyright. Females usually have pink or orange on the belly. Convict cichlid keeping is quite the same as for a classical cichlid species. Please read the add carefully ! Convict cichlids are native to the lakes and streams of Central America. Tank Region : Bottom to middle areas of the tank. However, a 2008 study led by Oldrich Rican suggested moving the species into the genus Hypsophrys in Cryptoheros and Amatitlania, including Amatitlania nigrofasciata. Cichlids in general are very hardy fish who can withstand a broad range of different tank conditions. Hi Dave - you don't mention the aquarium size in your post. As per observation, the lifespan of Convict cichlids is anywhere between 8 to 10 years depending upon their living environment. Tank Mates : If you're trying to breed them it's best to keep them as a pair in a tank by themselves. With that said, you can use rocks and lots of plants when you set up your aquarium, and they also enjoy a slow current. If you have a male and female, chances are you're going to get some baby convicts soon. Behavior. In this article, we will talk about everything you need to know about keeping them, including dietary needs, ideal tank mates, tank setup, varieties of pink and white colors, how to control their aggression. Their name, Convict Cichlid, arises from the broad, dark vertical lines running down their body, making them similar in appearance to the traditional "jailbird" outfit. As for the substratum, you should look to use sand, you can use driftwood as well. The blood parrot cichlid (or more commonly and formally known as parrot cichlid; no binomial nomenclature) is a hybrid thought to be between the midas and the redhead cichlid, although the true parent species has not been confirmed by breeders.The fish was first bred in Taiwan around 1986. Convicts will eat small insects, mosquito larvae, and plant debris in its natural habitat, in warm rivers all over Central America. The Black Convict Cichlid readily pairs and forms a patriarch/matriarch family and both the male and female will care for the young. Rusty Wessel was collecting one such fish, the Honduran Red Point Cichlid (Amatitlania sp.) If you have only one, you may be able to get away with keeping them with peaceful species but caution is still advised. The Convict Cichlid Amatitlania nigrofasciata (previously Archocentrus nigrofasciatus and Cichlosoma nigrofasciatum), a.k.a. Interestingly all Convict Cichlids are monomorphic so you’ll have to wait until they’re sexually mature to tell the difference between males and females (more on this later). You would most likely see more aggression if you introduced another convict of the opposite sex. You should expect them to abandon their yolk sac and start swimming after another 5 days. Also fish stores will only give you 1/3 of what they sell them for, and convics go cheap. If a fish invades its territory it will defend itself by persecuting and harassing the other fish. Your email address will not be published. It is during this stage that you will notice what great parents they are making as they will find food and shelter for them and keep away any other fish. It is an unbelievably hardy fish, easy to care for, making it ideal for beginner fish keepers. They should only be placed in a tank with other convicts generally for beginners because of their aggressive and territorial nature. During the daylight, the fry forages in a dense school and returns for the night to the cave or crevice. The species was introduced in addition to Australia in Réunion, Japan, Mexico, Colombia, Taiwan and the USA. They ‘re a natural omnivore and they’re not fussy eaters; they ‘re going to eat most of the things that’s put in the aquarium. They will protect themselves and may harm other fishes. This video took me six months to complete. Species of the type, A. This means keeping the water at a steady 84 degrees Fahrenheit, as well as plenty of flat stones. Convict Cichlid Tank Conditions. Rochedale South, QLD. The parents, like other cichlids, recover their young just before darkness, suck up three or four at a time and deliver them into the nest. Eggs should hatch within 3 to 4 days and the parents may relocate them to a pit where they can watch over them. With an average lifespan of around 8 to 10 years, this is a fish that will stand the test of time given the right care and conditions. Privacy Policy | SiteMap | Aquarium Dictionary | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact Us. First, you should make sure you don’t keep any smaller or less aggressive fish with them. In addition to their flake/pellet. They have the common name of "convict" because of the white and black contrasting patterns they sport. The Convict Cichlid gets its name on its body because of its vertical black and white stripes. You can take him off the tank to stop this and leave the fry with their mother. Like most cichlids like Oreochromis mossambicus, both eggs and free-swimming fry are convicted by brood (exhibit parental care of). Cheers. Thanks for your support! Other new species previously listed in A. Nigrofasciata are Amatitlania coatepeque of Lake Coatepeque in El Salvador and Amatitlania kanna of the Atlantic coast of Panama. In the wild women lay their eggs inside caves or on rocks so you need to emulate this as closely as possible within your breeder tank. Convict Cichlid Tank Mates. You can feed them with live foods such as Blood Worms, Black Worms, Daphnia and Brine Shrimp. Special conditioning is not required. Convict Cichlid Breeding. They will spend most of their time in caves and plant matter, close to their territory. Convicts are strong swimmers and like to ‘rearrange’ tanks so make sure you use and anchor powerful plants (Amazon Swords or Java Ferns). They will get quite aggressive in protecting their territory and they should not be kept with peaceful community type fishes. They should do well with other larger cichlids but you may see some aggression from time to time. But on topic, I think the tiger barbs would live a pretty stressfull life with the convicts. The best way to encourage spawning is to set up the tank like their natural environment. Temperament / Behavior : Like many cichlids, the convict is no exception when it comes to defending it's territory, especially when breeding. Instead, you should keep them in a separate tank. The bare minimum you should use is a good quality hanging on the back. If a fish invades its territory it will defend itself by persecuting and harassing the other fish. Of course, Convict Cichlids inhabit Central America ‘s warm rivers, ranging from Costa Rica to Panama. Convict cichlid fish: Complete care, lifespan and breeding. : Here's a closer view of the female Convict carefully watching over her babies on the rock. Quite often you may encounter pink convict cichlid – its body is pinkish and yellow, the eyes are dark colored. The species is an unfussy omnivore and will readily accept most types of prepared fish foods. To mimic the natural environment, the aquarium should be decorated and include rocks and artificial groves for breeding. Amatitlania coatepeque (Convict Cichlid) is a species of bony fishes in the family Cichlidae. Aggressive, aggressive, Convict Cichlid can breed at a very early age of 4-6 weeks until the end of their life cycle. Pink ones are becoming more frequent and have a pink/yellow body with no vertical stripes. Mostly the male is grey with light black stripes along the body. In the wild, the Convict Cichlid excavate the caves by removing sand underneath rocks. We at Planet fish value your feedback and suggestions. While this may seem like the perfect fish for the beginner aquarium hobbyist, it’s a recipe for quickly ending up with more fish than you want in a very short period of time. They are also known as the Cichlid Zebra. The convict cichlid also is known as Amatitlania nigrofasciata is a fish species of the Cichlidae family, originally from Central America, also known as the cichlid of the zebra. Convict cichlids (Amatitlania nigrofasciata) are a freshwater species of cichlid that come from Central America. You should also not keep breeding pairs in a community tank as you are requesting aggression and trouble. Forms monogamous pairs of sexually mature convicts and spawns in small caves or crevices. For the plants, even though Nigro appreciates the presence of many plants, it uproots many plants as it searches the soil. Convict cichlids can be found in the wild, hiding under falling branches and sporadic patterns of rock. Convict Cichlid Care, Size, Life Span, Tank Mates, Breeding You should only keep them with larger species which, for example, can stand their own ground: However you should be prepared for them to breed, you can hold convicts together. : Same pair of Convict Cichlids with a closer view of their fry. As always we recommend a high-quality flake or pellet should be the core of their diet. In this Study, we will investigate the relationship between time of exposure to very low temperatures and the survivability of offspring of convict cichlids, Archocentrus nigrofasciatus. You can expect the eggs to hatch after 4 days, and you will get around 30 Convicts! Like the species name, the common name convict cichlid is derived from the vertical black stripes on the body that are reminiscent of the British convicts’ striped prison uniforms. Convict cichlids have around 9 vertical stripes of black against a lighter-colored tone and that is … Brood care for the aquarium strains is reduced. The average life expectancy of the convict cichlid is up to 10 years. These cichlids should eat nearly everything offered including flakes, frozen and live fish foods. They have sexual reproduction . Here are a few articles you might want to check, Ember tetra: Complete care, lifespan, tank size and mates, Firemouth cichlid: care, breeding, tank mates and size. With the scientific name of Archocentrus Nigrofasciatus. This can provide hours of enjoyment. Today it is considered an invasive species in North America, and has also been recorded in other areas around the world. Cichlids are popularly studied due to their aggressive nature to investigate the factors that could potentially cause their behavior. Pic is of actual fish for sale. The nigrofasciata used to cover all of these species is restricted to northern populations ranging from El Salvador to Guatemala on the Pacific coast and from Honduras to Guatemala on the Atlantic coast. It is actually not uncommon for some convicts to live a little longer than 10 years when maintained in the best conditions. This is a fascinating species that is known as being a profilic breeder. If you ever saw Convict Cichlids before you might have been forgiven for thinking of them as having a timid temper. The Convict Cichlid is an undemanding fish and very easy to look after. These fishes enjoy slow-moving water and are used to substrates that are sandy and rocky. Body size is from 8 cm (3 in) to 12 centimeters (4.7 in). Because of their prolific breeding in captivity, the demand for Convict fry is very low, and one can easily find their aquarium overcrowded with an inbreeding population of Convicts without any avenues for adoption. In the ventral region and on the dorsal fin, she has more intense black bands across her body, and pink to orange coloration. $15. Convict Cichlid Life Cycle. They make fantastic parents as prolific breeders; therefore their parenting ability is another common behavior that you’ll see. They are behind Oscars and Angelfish among the most popular members of the Cichlidae family. One area in which convicts excel is breeding; they ‘re incredibly easy to raise and make great parents. You can use flat stones or flower pots to create caves; you can tell the truth that they’re not too fussy to do anything. Fish body has about 8-9 vertical dark stripes on it, due to which the fish has got its name. Because of this, you should make sure that a strong filtration setup is in place to stop the water from becoming turbid. Convict Cichlids are some of the most aggressive fish. This is the easiest way to avoid any problems that arise with other fish. These are commonly referred to as White convicts, Pink convicts, Gold convicts, and A. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Convict cichlids become sexually mature when they reach seven months old. A few weeks ago, I was searching for a scholarly article on something cichlid related and stumbled upon some interesting research on convict cichlids. Required fields are marked *. Instead, aim to feed them two to three times a day. They are also perfect for beginners who want to get into breeding fish. These fish come from lakes and streams in this region with a moderate amount of current. Hopefully, now you know enough to find out if the Black Convict Cichlid is your aquarium’s right fish. Their natural habitat has plenty of wood and rocks for them to use as a place to hide in between feeding. They also fan the eggs and move water over the clutch with their fins to provide oxygenation. The pair recognizes each other in the darkness and detects predators using their sense of smell. When it comes to its appearance you will find black bars on its body. Provide a clay or plastic type of cave (flower pot) and they should pair up assuming you have a male and female. While the majority of them are black, you can now find pink, white, and gold varieties due to selective breeding. The eggs are attached on the walls of the caves or rocks. What kind of behavior does the Convict cichlid have? You should make sure this pellet is specifically produced for Cichlids. Photo Credit : Photos copyright JJPhoto.dk, © FishLore.com - providing tropical fish tank and aquarium information for freshwater fish and saltwater fish keepers.About FishLore | Likewise, the epithet species nigrofasciatus literally means “black-striped.”. ! Convicts kept in aquariums have been known to live up to 10 years at the longest and 8 years at the shortest. Incredibly hardy and easy to care, this Zebra-lined fish is an aggressive breed but it’s still a good pet for the beginners because of its less-demanding and adjustable nature. Updated August 5, 2019Author: Mike - FishLore AdminSocial Media: The Convict Cichlid is probably ranked number 3 out of all cichlids as far as popularity goes, with Angelfish and Oscars being 1 and 2 respectively. They will be found in streams, as well as rivers. Mean (named by my 6 year old sister). Con… The convict cichlid shows significant color across their range. Moreover, older males often develop vestigial, fatty lumps on their foreheads. The Convict Cichlid gets its name on its body because of its vertical black and white stripes. If you’re a beginner then we’d recommend that you keep Cichlids without any other species in their own tank. In particular, the species occurs along the eastern coast of Central America from Guatemala to Costa Rica, and on the western coast from Honduras to Panama. If you can provide your fish with proper care including high-quality fish food and good water parameters your fish can survive for up to 8 years. However, if you have some experience and you’re looking to add convicts to a community tank, then you need to follow some rules. from a stream in Honduras in the cichlid-keeping hobby. Scientific Name : Amatitlania nigrofasciata, Common Names : Convict, Zebra Cichlid, Albino Convict, Lifespan : 8 - 10 years, maybe slightly longer, Origin / Habitat : Guatemala, Central America. If you read the behavior overview above, you’ll know they ‘re territorial at best times, and the aggression gets worse during spawning periods. The parents expel intruders and potential egg predators from the surrounding nest until this time. This isn’t the best fish to keep with others, issues can and will arise. To their resilience, low care needs and vibrant coloring in an autosomal gene leucistic... Anything but it helps me to manage my site the walls or top of the same as the! Fish value your feedback and suggestions the most popular members in the best to... 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