Helps you locate your plane's Center of Gravity (CG), as well as calculates the Aerodynamic Center (AC), Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC), Neutral Point (NP), Wing loading, Wing Area and Stall Speed. Step 4 - Connect the ends of the lines drawn in steps 2 and 3 with a straight line. Mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) is defined as: MAC = 2 S. {\displaystyle {\mbox {MAC}}= {\frac {2} {S}}} ∫ 0 b 2 c ( y ) 2 d y , {\displaystyle \int _ {0}^ {\frac {b} {2}}c (y)^ {2}dy,} where y is the coordinate along the wing span and c is the chord at the coordinate y. var S=obj.S.value; Then draw the following lines on the plans: At the root of the wing, draw a line parallel to the centerline of the fuselage extending forward from the leading edge and rearward from the trailing edge. The MAC is most often used in the aerodynamic and stability analysis. Reposted with obj.result2.value = Math.round(100*(R2))/100; Helps you locate your plane's Center of Gravity (CG), as well as calculates the Aerodynamic Center (AC), Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC), Neutral Point (NP), Wing Area, Wing loading and Stall Speed. The calculation uses a method where the MAC is defined by an array of chords. Both lines should be the length of the tip chord. For example, imagine that the MAC on a particular airplane is 100″, and the CG falls 20″ behind the leading edge of the MAC. Calculator The form shown below will calculate the percentage of the Mean Aerodynamic Cord (%MAC) of a model airplane wing for a given position of the CG. The MAC represents the width of an equivalent rectangular wing in given conditions. var B=obj.B.value; At the mean aerodynamic chord, the center of pressure has the same aerodynamic force, position, and area as it does on the rest of the wing. Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) The width of the wing, or straight-line distance from the leading edge to the trailing edge, on an airplane is known as the chord. The distance between the leading and trailing edge of the wing, measured parallel to the normal airflow over the wing, is known as the chord. It weighs in at only 3.5 MB to download. } } // end hiding from old browsers -->-->. 25% - 30% MAC is generally accepted as a good starting point for the CG of a conventional tailed aircraft. Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) Calculator [Cal.MAC] is a program that is used to calculate the mean aerodynamic chord of a multi-panel aircraft wing. R2 = (eval(A) - ((2*(eval(A)-eval(B)) * (.5*eval(A)+eval(B))) / (3*(eval(A)+eval(B))))); Most iPhone and iPad are compatible. would like to know the position of the Center of Gravity (CG) as Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. M.A.C. Mean Aerodynamic Chord is a simple application that will help you calculate the mean aerodynamic chord on a multi panel wing and locating the center of lift. The "mean aerodynamic chord" (MAC) for the wing is the chord-squared sum divided by the chord sum. I am performing an initial sizing procedure for my conceptual design project and am trying to determine the zero lift drag coefficient for the tailplane such that I can work out the Lift to Drag Ratio for my initial fuel estimation calculations. Enter 0 (zero) to indicate a straight leading edge. Cm, cg Value . Mean Aerodynamic Chord : A simple mean aerodynamic chord calculator. This Aircraft Calculator is used to calculate the Center of gravity and balance of your aircraft. var bal= obj.BAL.value; }else{