Download Supportive course policies transcript. Preparation Before looking at the parts of a syllabus or at the language which forms it, let's step way, way back and begin with what might seem like artificially simple basic assumptions about our Please respect each others’ opinions and refrain from personal attacks or demeaning comments of any kind. Overall Syllabus Use positive, welcoming, inviting , and inclusive language in your syllabus. Hostility and disrespectful behavior is not acceptable. Class rosters are provided to the instructor with the student’s legal name. Thus, an important second aim of our course necessarily will be for us to increase our facility with the sometimes difficult conversations that arise inside issues of social justice as we deepen our understandings of multiple perspectives – whatever our backgrounds, experiences, or positions. ). The syllabus is a place where you can make the value of this and other learning tools clear to students. Designing supportive course policies to help students be successful. This Inclusive Teaching resource offers sample language written in an inclusive manner that instructors may adopt and adapt for your own syllabus. However, in this class, our emphasis will be on engaging in the mutual exploration of issues as presented in the course readings as scholars rather than in defending points of view we have formed outside the classroom. Making changes to use more inclusive language offers us a chance to grow and become better communicators while also caring for those we’re communicating with. I encourage you to disagree with the ideas in the readings and lectures as well as the perspectives of your colleagues in the course. The Inventory has four course components: student-instructor interaction, student-student interaction, content, and instructional practices. Honest and respectful dialogue is expected. Vision/Goal Statement ! STRUCTURE OF THE SYLLABUS . Including a statement in your syllabus lets students know that your class is inclusive and you are approachable in regards to their needs. Examples: “Late work is eligible for 60% of the original points,” or “Attendance will benefit you in several ways,” or “ You have what it takes to succeed in this course without engaging in academic misconduct. For a listing of other mental health resources available on and off campus, visit: The LSA Office of Academic Affairs defines plagiarism as “representing someone else’s ideas, words, statements or other work as one’s own without proper acknowledgment or citation” (see The syllabus serves many purposes, including welcoming students to a course. In order to learn, we must be open to the views of people different from ourselves. Entry into force in September 2011 . Language from Natural Science Dean Jim Kirkpatrick and the Council on Diversity & Community (CDC) from statements from spring 2017 Inclusion and diversity are core values of MSU and the College of Natural Science. These are not mandatory statements, but if included, would help to ensure consistency in our … Download inclusive language transcript. Do you want to promote diversity and inclusion? Keep in mind that more than two unexcused absences will begin to affect your final grade. Images of key authors, textbooks ! Finally, remember to keep confidential all issues of a personal or professional nature that are discussed in class. Inclusive Syllabus Language. 3. If you must be absent because of an emergency or illness, please make every effort to speak with me about it beforehand, if possible, or after the next class. If you have a particular need, please arrange a meeting with me so I can best help you learn in this course. Likewise, the lack of inclusive language in syllabi potentially excludes students before class even begins. Using correct gender pronouns is important to me, so I encourage you to share your pronouns with me and correct me if I make a mistake. In general, though, I recommend always the citing sources you have consulted as well as those you borrow from directly. Languages K-10 syllabus familiarisation and planning eCourse ← Priority professional learning ← Priority professional learning This registered eCourse supports language teachers 7-10 to implement the K-10 language syllabuses released by NESA from 2017. This section offers strategies that may be useful in the planning stages, as instructors incorporate inclusive practices into the syllabus, plan course content, and structure classroom interactions. If you go by a different name than what is on the class roster, please let me know. Syllabus Language This webpage contains information that we encourage instructors to consider including in their course syllabi for the upcoming academic year. Tara Wood and Shannon Madden provide an excellent resource called “ Suggested Practices for Syllabus Accessibility Statements ,” which gives examples of inclusive language. The Inclusive Education (Special Education) Graduate Diploma program is offered as a flexible model for practicing teachers. In this episode, we get the chance to discuss her presentation on inclusive syllabus design that is based on UDL principles. The readings, class lecture, and my comments in class will suggest a particular point of view. A syllabus scavenger hunt is a 10-15 minute in-class activity you can do, instead of just reviewing the syllabus for your students. Some aspects of this course, such as the assignments, in-class activities, or the way we teach may be modified to facilitate your participation and progress. Keep in mind that more than two unexcused absences will begin to affect your final grade. UM Sexual Assault and Prevention Center (SAPAC) 24-hour confidential crisis line, UM Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), The LSA Office of Academic Affairs defines plagiarism as “representing someone else’s ideas, words, statements or other work as one’s own without proper acknowledgment or citation” (see. 2. 2011). We will treat any information about your disability with the utmost discretion. Language is not neutral. information . (Do not assume, however, that all elderly Indigenous people are 'elders'.) Designing an accessible syllabus. Syllabi function rhetorically. as a powerful tool to achieve an inclusive curriculum – It provides an innovative way of conceiving and organizing the curricular structure and objectives as well as the syllabus, in order to develop autonomous, critical and assertive citizens. To attend to student needs and identities in inclusive ways that are sometimes overlooked in department boilerplate language. This page demonstrates how inclusive pedagogical practices can be implemented in syllabus construction. Particular attention is paid to discussion guidelines that can be used to communicate to students your expectations on how they approach material and one another in the classroom. Be aware that Aboriginal people who hav… This syllabus language is based on language developed by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in 2016. PE 6: Creating an Inclusive School 30-32 PE 7: Health, Yoga and Physical Education 33-36 Section B: Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies CPS 1: Language across the Curriculum 37-39 CPS 2&3: Pedagogy of two School Subjects (Part I &II) Social Science 41-47 Biological Science 48-54 Physical Science 55-60 Mathematics 61-67 Hindi 68-80 To support students whose primary language is not English, services are available on campus including language workshops and individual appointments. You may also consult, The health and safety syllabus language distributed previously has been revised to reflect the change in Iowa State University’s face covering policy. English language I syllabus – Nursery and Primary . Active, thoughtful, and respectful participation in all aspects of the course will make our time together as productive and engaging as possible. An overview of what you can expect from this program Create an inclusive working environment It's no secret that organizations benefit greatly from a diverse workforce. Writing a Syllabus (Cornell University) This site includes advice for creating useful, learner-centered syllabi. Valuing Inclusion and Diversity. For a listing of other mental health resources available on and off campus, visit: (from U-M Faculty Member Evelyn Alsutany, American Culture). If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. The University of Arizona strives to foster inclusive learning environments in which diversity is recognized and valued. Example Syllabus Language for Inclusivity. Discussion Guidelines (multiple examples). definitions)? You will learn how highly inclusive leaders from around the world use processes of social influence to interact effectively with individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds. Thus, an important second aim of our course necessarily will be for us to increase our facility with the sometimes difficult conversations that arise inside issues of social justice as we deepen our understandings of multiple perspectives – whatever our backgrounds, experiences, or positions. Much plagiarism occurs as a result of a lack of care in regard to reading, note taking, and citation practices, or from procrastination, and/or panic. Resources include a course planning decision guide, a syllabus template, and a rubric to help evaluate a syllabus. Our conversations may not always be easy; we sometimes will make mistakes in our speaking and our listening; sometimes we will need patience or courage or imagination or any number of qualities in combination to engage our texts, our classmates, and our own ideas and experiences. If you have questions about whether or not you should give credit to a source in your work, you may clarify it with me. They work in groups to use the syllabus to answer common questions that come up about the course. I will give you midterm feedback on your participation. Brown University Preparation; When crafting a diversity statement you might consider the following questions: • What are your discipline's conventions and assumptions? Here is the contact information for Services for Students with Disabilities: Your success in this class is important to me. The policies we choose to include in our syllabus – and the way we frame required policies – reflect our values, and convey to students how we see them as learners and citizens in our classroom. Tara Wood and Shannon Madden provide an excellent resource called “ Suggested Practices for Syllabus Accessibility Statements ,” which gives examples of inclusive language. Proposed content for UA syllabi that might, one day, be adopted across the campus. COVID-19 health and safety requirements Online resources from other institutions. Guiding Questions . Have you included your pronouns (and a link for . These were compiled under “syllabi” on the Teaching Hub’s external resources page. 12 Suggestions for an Inclusive Syllabus Make it clear to students that you value and respect their diverse backgrounds and identities, and that they are encouraged to share their perspectives in class. • An evidence-based approach can greatly impact misguided perceptions of what works at the Inventory of Inclusive Teaching Strategies, Setting the Tone for Inclusive Classrooms. As Spartans, we are dedicated to respecting people of all backgrounds, beliefs, identity status, and political beliefs. As the syllabus is often the first form of interaction that instructors have with their students, it plays a significant role in engaging students and motivating learning (Harnish et al. This course will empower and equip you to develop inclusive cultures where everyone feels valued and respected. This is an Inclusive Classroom. Brown welcomes students from around the country and the world, and their unique perspectives enrich our learning community. In August 2020, Faculty Senate voted to recommend including a diversity statement in CMU syllabi. Saved from This database allows those internal to Yale to access posted syllabi by course, program/subject as well as through a variety of other search terms. In this video, we will explore how you can design a warm syllabus by considering its tone and rhetoric. English Language Syllabus Statement. You can also model inclusive language and practices in your syllabus. If there are circumstances that may affect your performance in this class, please let me know as soon as possible so that we can work together to develop strategies for adapting assignments to meet both your needs and the requirements of the course. Use 'Aboriginal' or 'Indigenous' as adjectives. Sample Yale syllabi can be found through Yale Course Search. Example 1 (from U-M Faculty Member Evelyn Alsutany, American Culture) The readings, class lecture, and my comments in class will suggest a particular point of view. ... Of course more research is needed, but with a kinder inclusive tone, students might even remember information better. In August 2020, Faculty Senate voted to recommend including a diversity statement in CMU syllabi. Your job as a student is to keep the faith, so to speak, and work through these new domains until you regain confidence. An inclusive syllabus includes policies and resources that help to ensure all students are supported in their learning. Appalachian Inclusive Syllabus Design Framework . by Debie Lohe, Director, Reinert Center Creating an inclusive learning environment begins with the course syllabus. COVID-19 health and safety requirements. Attendance, Participation, and Universal Learning. Following chapters by Candlin, Breen and Allen, the publication ends with the editor Christopher Brumfit’s chapter on syllabuses and English language … What aspects of your syllabus do you want to change? Does your syllabus convey your passion for the discipline and your . Although we include information for creating a syllabus on our preparing a course page, we also believe that it is important to include resources specifically for instructors who wish to create an inclusive classroom climate and acknowledge issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in their syllabi. University of Michigan is committed to advancing the mental health and wellbeing of its students. The importance of inclusive language in your syllabus. A significant part of a college education is learning about the complexity of various issues; therefore, it is important that we listen and respect one another but we do not have to agree. This course provides instruction and strategies to support you in developing a course that is inclusive to students with a wide range of abilities, including students with disabilities. syllabus is a site where our professional integrity is tested and where our professional identity is formed. Our conversations may not always be easy; we sometimes will make mistakes in our speaking and our listening; sometimes we will need patience or courage or imagination or any number of qualities in combination to engage our texts, our classmates, and our own ideas and experiences. This work requires patience, planning, and focus. Checklist of Inclusive Excellence (IE) in Syllabi Questions for Reflection and Discussion 1. Preview an example of an inclusive syllabus. Designing an accessible syllabus. “It’s been incredibly helpful for me to move away from ‘Oh that’s not what I meant, I meant it in this way, you’re reading too much into it’ straight to ‘You’re right. Diversity Statement on a Syllabus. Adapted for use by CRLT, University of Michigan. In our structured and unstructured discussions and dialogues, we also will have many opportunities to explore some challenging, high-stakes issues and increase our understandings of different perspectives. Syllabus 9/1 (2020): Special Issue Bezzerides et al., “Syllabus as Inclusive Practice” 2 one student and, as a result, influence the class. Inclusive Syllabus Design. A richer discussion will occur when a variety of perspectives are presented in class for discussion. PDF syllabus The syllabus page shows a table-oriented view of the course schedule, and the basics of course grading. The importance of inclusive language in your syllabus. The following language supersedes the template distributed in SVPP COVID-19 Communication #15 on July 22, 2020. Welcome to Episode 31 of the ThinkUDL podcast: Inclusive Syllabus Design with Kirsten Helmer. However, if I do not hear from you by [date], I will assume that you plan to attend all class meetings. We invite you to a drop-in workshop to talk with some faculty who collaborated last summer to create some inclusive syllabus suggestions. Attendance and participation are highly important in this [small, collaborative, seminar-style] class. It is a mark of respect to refer to an Aboriginal person by their language or cultural group, if you know it. Language is a powerful tool for communicating inclusivity or discrimination. Begin with an Inclusive Learning Statement Beginning the syllabus with an inclusive learning statement emphasizes cooperation and flexibility for disabled and nondisabled students. Example 3 (From U. of S. Carolina Center for Teaching Excellence, Title IX makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex and gender is a Civil Rights offense subject to the same kinds of accountability and the same kinds of support applied to offenses against other protected categories such as race, national origin, etc. A significant part of a college education is learning about the complexity of various issues; therefore, it is important that we listen and respect one another but we do not have to agree. So, I’m so glad that inclusive motivating language means that we’re thinking about the diversity of students, the variability of learning, and we are trying to motivate with that language. HG Widdowson relates language syllabus issues to the general educational context. Brown welcomes students from around the country and the world, and their unique perspectives enrich our learning community. . Inclusive Syllabus Examples Table of Contents. Please notify me of absences due to religious observance or University sporting events as soon as you can, or by the third week of the semester. 2011-01-D-59-en-3 2. Some sample syllabus sections that promote inclusivity include Religious/Cultural Observance and Student Mental Health and Well-being. 12 Suggestions for an Inclusive Syllabus. They work in groups to use the syllabus to answer common questions that come up about the course. Cooperative language Redundancy across modes ! Those statements can be supplemented but must be included in their entirety on every syllabus. Care, timeliness, and communication will eliminate most of the risk. I will excuse such absences with a doctor’s note or other form of official documentation. Suggestions for making syllabi inclusive beyond a diversity statement. Jun 26, 2018 - Inclusive Syllabus Language – Inclusive Teaching. For help, contact, during and after hours, on weekends and holidays, or through its counselors physically located in schools on both North and Central Campus. This page offers inclusive language that instructors may adopt and adapt for their own syllabi, such as sample syllabus sections and examples of discussion guidelines. Proposed content for UA syllabi that might, one day, be adopted across the campus. If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted, you can find the appropriate resources here: (734) 763-1131 (or 911 for emergency) *, (734) 764-0332 * Download inclusive language transcript. Always we will need respect for others. The LGBTQ Center has an example inclusive welcome statement on its website which you can use in its entirety or edit as needed. Moreover, syllabus researchers Jeanne Slattery and Janet Carlson describe an interesting unpublished lecture given by V.M. The Inventory of Inclusive Teaching Strategies has 50 concrete strategies to help instructors build an inclusive classroom. If you are having difficulty with an essay, please contact me right away! Mutual respect, civility, and the ability to listen and observe others carefully are crucial to universal learning. We cover effective practices to increase inclusion and avoid some of the common accessibility issues that can arise in an online course. I will excuse such absences with a doctor’s note or other form of official documentation. That’s what my email address and office hours are for. Emphasize Positive over Punishing Language. The LGBTQ Center has an example inclusive welcome statement on its website which you can use in its entirety or edit as needed. • Inviting and engaging tone. Class rosters are provided to the instructor with the student’s legal name. Each student is encouraged to take an active part in class discussions and activities. (from U-M Faculty Member Alisse Portnoy, English). Checklist for Designing an Inclusive Syllabus What and how students will learn: The Learning-Centered UDL Syllabus ! I strongly encourage you to honor your cultural and religious holidays! I also suggest you contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) at the start of the semester. Please respect each others’ opinions and refrain from personal attacks or demeaning comments of any kind. This work requires patience, planning, and focus. APPROVED BY THE JOINT TEACHING COMMITTEE ON 9, 10 AND 11 FEBRUARY 2011 IN BRUSSELS . This means that our classroom, our virtual spaces, our practices, and our interactions be as inclusive as possible. Download Accessible syllabus transcript TOOLS. Inclusive communication that respects and includes all communities is free from sexist, racist and other discriminatory language. In this time we share together over the semester, please honor the uniqueness of your fellow classmates and appreciate the opportunity we have to learn from one another. Offered by University of Colorado System. Each student is encouraged to take an active part in class discussions and activities. This perspective is my own and. and contact . The health and safety syllabus language distributed previously has been revised to reflect the change in Iowa State University’s face covering policy. !! Honest and respectful dialogue is expected. Additionally, the discussion guidelines can be used to communicate expectations to students on how to approach material and one another in the classroom. Use of icons & logos ! Have you conveyed a sense of who you are? My job as instructor in this course is to help you through these obstacles so that you can find your footing as a writer in new domains. University of Michigan is committed to advancing the mental health and wellbeing of its students. “Professional courtesy and sensitivity are especially important with respect to individuals and topics dealing with differences of race, culture, religion, politics, sexual orientation, gender, gender variance, and nationalities. Inclusive language refers to language that makes every attempt to include comprehensively all groups in the community. Example 2 (from U-M Faculty Member Alisse Portnoy, English) To support students whose primary language is not English, services are available on campus including language workshops and individual appointments. Diversity & Inclusion Syllabus Statements . The University of Kansas supports an inclusive learning environment in which diversity and individual differences are understood, respected, and appreciated. Syllabus Language for Diversity and Inclusion Diversity Statement: Respect for Diversity: It is my intent that students from all diverse backgrounds and perspectives be well-served by this course, that students' learning needs be addressed both in and out of class, and that the diversity that students bring to this class be viewed as a resource, strength and benefit. Much plagiarism occurs as a result of a lack of care in regard to reading, note taking, and citation practices, or from procrastination, and/or panic. course? Continuous intake is available for students. In other words, prefer 'a Wurundjeri elder' to 'an Aboriginal woman'. Suggestions for making syllabi inclusive beyond a diversity statement. Including a diversity statement on your syllabus can signal to your students your commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive climate for all students (see a review of research and strategies on teaching inclusively). Since the syllabus is often the first point of contact with new students, it offers you an important opportunity to set the tone of your course by directly addressing your students as competent, engaged learners. Thank you for supporting our EvCC students with disabilities. The syllabus is a foundational document and a critical piece of communication between instructor and student that warrants thoughtful design. Syllabus policies are often written as a response to problems in the classroom and promote an antagonistic tone. This page details five general practices for building inclusivity in the classroom, from syllabus design to interpersonal interactions. Please ask SSD to forward any necessary information to me. The resources in this section will help you as you (re)design your syllabi. In this time we share together over the semester, please honor the uniqueness of your fellow classmates and appreciate the opportunity we have to learn from one another. Please express yourself!! The content of a syllabus normally reflects certain beliefs about language and language learning. Overview . ! 1. 1.1 – Rationale . Including a diversity statement on your syllabus can signal to your students your commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive climate for all students (see a review of research and strategies on teaching inclusively). Concept of Inclusive Education And Understanding The Needs Of Children With Special Needs; Syllabus of Hindi. Preferred Name & Preferred Gender Pronouns “Professional courtesy and sensitivity are especially important with respect to individuals and topics dealing with differences of race, culture, religion, politics, sexual orientation, gender, gender variance, and nationalities. Inclusive Syllabus Language. Example Language: Diversity and Inclusion. We have created a few examples that you may be interested in using: Extended Version. Strategies has 50 concrete Strategies to help students be successful classroom, virtual. 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