Imagine PvP , maybe ranked: toons with 254 gear just tearing through … sacrifical lamps … in 230 gear. Let’s see if there is any reaction from the mods. You see them on the Fleet, parading their ridiculous numbers like they mean anything. Not that all of that matters, because you’re a troll anyway, but whatever. So hardcore gamer will be fully equipped with … 254 gear … in about august? Actually, Tier 3 is at 180. I’m genuinely curious. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is a venerable anime institution based on a much-lauded series of scifi novels, detailing an epic war that spans the breadth of space itself. We want to make sure it feels rewarding to get higher in Command Rank/Tier. Even more so since I started playing ESO. There is no incentive to get better gear. For 150 years two mighty space powers have intermittently warred with each other: the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance. Less than one week after the launch of this new content by Capital Games, new content that only applies to less than 1% of the player base … MMO guide writer and blogger. They have their new toy. South Park did some great satire on this very subject with their Skankhunt 42/Kyle’s dad arc. OK, thank you! Bring out new content. Gear is not the “be all- end all” for raiders. Yesterday at 5pm server there were 38 people on the fleet and the planets were all ghost towns. I’m not trolling, I really want to know…. Definitely would be more fun…, “They make good changes that you cant see…”. When a game you used to do just for the fun becomes a part time job it’s time to move on. Good news is I was able to farm whatever I wanted. The Star Wars name is all that is carrying this right now. But enough new content that they surpass what the competitive titles have. The requirements are gated by relic and gear levels. As Producer (or Product Manager in most other businesses), Ben has the ultimate responsibility for what gets put into the game. Most of the time, while doing H2+, I was alone on some of these planets. Not anymore. They won’t fire him. Dimensions: Celestial Bodies. What page of “The Uneducated Internet Toughguy’s Handbook” are you currently on? A new Op and a Daily area coming are good signs. IF they did, they wouldn’t still be using this crap RNG thing at all. Your name is offensive. I will not put in time to play when there is no guarantee as to what my rewards will be. (Paraphrased quote from the movie Oscar. We are the only people running that Op. Atleast 1CXP/Weak enemy, 2CXP/Strong enemy would be cool, cause the killing of a million trash mob in every single FP is amusing af. . As of now, I won’t pre-order/touch another BW game after dealing with all of this BS. Move along, move along…”. Diehard fans dont see it. Be interesting to hear just what snowflake excuse the boys in Austin come up with for the extra 100 levels of grind and new Tier of gear with NO CONTENT that is needed for it. Thanks for this post. This person is just another troll out here. As with most other media in the series, none of these games have been released outside of Japan. GC doesn’t cut it. soloing Master mode FP ? I don’t pretend to have all the answers, these folks seem to allow their fandom define them as a person. Since I cannot post on the official forums anymore, I will leave this here. Holy christ this would almost even funny to see. “They can’t be this clueless,” I kept telling myself. who gives a fuck you havent even tryed the new system to its fullest get the fuck out of here retard, or even tryed it at all for that matter. Looking at the above, there isn’t the foggiest chance in hell that SWTOR is going to be getting players back. It basically says “Normal Person + Anonymity + an audience = Fuckwad (Jerk, asshole, insert term here). I think many would have given BW more time if they had simply kept the 4.0 gearing scheme. A few years ago a Penny Arcade posted a comic called “The Total Internet Fuckwad Theory” I’m not making this up… Google it. Did getting this new gear make the game more fun? I will never, ever again play this stupid game. It’s that not simple. If you’re going to go on expletive filled rants calling other people names and questioning their intelligence, you really should learn to spell and use punctuation correctly. It almost feels as though BW wants the process to take people a VERY long time to max themselves out or make grinding the levels a second job (one that you are paying them so that you can do it). These crates contain a random assortment of gear and items, including cosmetic gear. blah blah ur brain dead— and way to try to flip it on me and make it real life hehe, im going to guess your the 45(16-20) year old living in his moms basement humping blow-up dolls, Fleshlights and holes in watermelons, because i wouldnt of thought to fuck a fleshlight or put a hole in a watermelon, your weird as fuck dude you need to get a life with that weird ass imagination of yours, which is really just a reflection of yourself doing these weird things, how else would you come up with this? ESO started out badly, but is doing a great job. Feint - Strike - Parry - Strike - rinse/repeat *with one exception *If … I actually agree with this to a point. We will see …. everything that makes me raid worthy i had to spend credits on. There is nothing fun about GC for a casual player, nor much to look forward to. I need the grind to feel meaningful – we do our dailies etc, but what are we working for? I need more ppl online – merger servers into mega servers so we actually have a population to pull from. “End Game” Gear vendors have to be restricted to LVL 70 players only and thats all, you can’t wear LVL 70 gear even if u’re allowed to get GC LVL 300 and having a full set at Character LVL 10 anyway, and RNG still is a thing.. (2019 update: This prediction came true Revan was a game-changer Jedi have dominated for … Notice he said, “hold tight” I bet they know and see from yesterday to this morning, most unsubbing. Well , need to check the goldsellers , getting a few hundert kk for this. Quote: Originally Posted by EricMusco View Post For Charles Boyd, I think he is doing a good job : I really enjoy companions story/dialog/behavior. As a shareholder (yes, I am actually one of those), it greatly concerns me that enough ill will was caused by the BWA team that I will not purchase a product again from a company I hold shares in and how many more customers may feel the same way. Some random IP or fantasy game could not last even that long. At least there is a direct reward for me completing a task. After paying a fee, promoting a class for will grant the following bonuses for that specific class: 1. I can’t speak for everyone, but I answered it. Where are the posts? There are people EVERYWHERE on ESO. No one likes chores. It was an unrewarding chore. I acquired 4 ultimate mats for Rey with lesser mods and G11 GL Rey, but I have yet to earn any with her now at G12. One should bear in mind that the game drastically changed direction once Ben became producer in summer 2015. The Galactic Legend events in SWGoH have been building up for months, and finally on March 25, 2020 players were allowed to start working toward opening the new Galactic Legend versions of Rey and Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. So it was removed. I didn’t check individual planets, mainly because I don’t care. I really did, but some of the reasons I couldn’t were/are that it’s even more shallowly on-rails than TOR –without the V/A and story to make up for it–and far, far too many like you in the community, being pandered to. well if they are true to what the said last month, warzones will reverse bolster people in gear higher than 240. reverse bolster will be the end of pvp dont believe everything u read…, I didn’t read it. Before you head into space, you will need a few items including the Tier 1 Rocket, Rocket Launch Pad, Fuel Loader, Fuel Canister, Oxygen Gear, Oxygen Mask, Oxygen Compressor, Oxygen Tanks, Parachute. SJW? I have been a subscriber and a progression raider in SWTOR for 5 years. This isn’t whining, it’s comparing what different companies are giving their customers at approximately the same price. This would be end of may? Providing guides and walkthroughs for your favorite games! The MMO component is indeed dead. Access to Deep Dives Your email address will not be published. I filled out the surveys, watched the streams, looked at all the comments on all the forums about how bad this system is and waited. It has made things at least for me (much less enjoyable) and i find myself at the screen too much to compete, i literally have to do 20-30 wz’s sometimes more, to feel satisfied for the day. The story is staged in the distant future within our own Milky Way Galaxy, approximately in the late 36th century. ESO deserves to be looked at. PvP almost has to be scheduled to get Ranked to pop, GSF only pops when it is the bonus for the day. The man has nothing but contempt or the gaming community & doesn’t care about player feedback. *After this out of sequence Strike, return to Feint, and then Strike, Parry, Strike, etc. Hey man, that’s bull! Win win! Make a character on Ebon Hawk and come to Nar Shaddaa on Friday or Saturday night @ 9-10pm, you will have fun for sure! Find the next event dates, history, tips & tricks, & rumors in EA's Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mobile game. When I started having issues with it I had a short stent of fanboi’ism, that lasted about a week. Everyone at BW is just that clueless. Yeah, Yoshida is playing his game. Bioware, if you’re reading this, none of us give a fuck. Out from the ravages of war emerged two young stars whose deeds would make them worthy of the appellation of Galactic Heroes. According to his LinkedIn profile ( he took over as Producer in August 2015 – so 4 months before 4.0 launched. Communication and Bioware is an oxymoron. Let those casual PvE players go trough the bloody RNG grinding hell at LVL 70. Instead, I kind of find myself actively avoiding my PC. Is there a good non-video guide to Tier 3 of the Galactic Legends events? why get out of Tier 1? Once they are exposed to regular content drops in the other games, they are more than likely going to laugh at just how little content they have been living on in the past with SWTOR. At this point I am incredibly hesitant to buy anything by Bioware after this. The thing is…. Nothing to see here. So here is a small guide to getting started with Galacticraft! After it goes away the game becomes a punishment again. I am a SW addict with no other outlet for my fandom. It seemed like the best way to keep up for me. BiS gear is a (or was suppose) to be a gift of sorts to endgame players to make NiM running a bit more fun. So true :'( Not Heroic Fantasy, not steampunk, just SF. Yes but the last update says 5.2 is May now we’ll see how long before it becomes June. It’s more like a job. It’s like your mom giving your chores when you were a kid, but your reward is that she takes the money grandma and grandpa gave you for mowing their yard. HAHA. No really!! Instead I’m paying to lose track of ppl that I really enjoy playing with, to watch my guild fall apart, and to run dailies that give me basicly no reward aside from credits that mean less than nothing because the economies on most servers have tanked so bad that even the GTN isn’t worth the time to look at. One does not mention him by name so as to avoid having to converse with him directly. All the money I used to pour into games, comics, figures and books now gets dumped in the CC. Guide en français Changes for the main page can be proposed at the talk page. It has been almost 5 and a half years and this was the straw that broke the Camels back. Additionally, Prototype quality items in this Tier all have set bonuses. I profited 104 thousand bucks in last 12 months by working from my house a­­n­­d I did that by w­o­r­k­i­n­g part-time f­o­r few h a day. And that is the point that many of us have been trying to make since GC was first discussed, in detail, by the “Stream Dream Team.” Now I can turn off that hideous “Legendary” player thing. Galactic Legend events are permanent events that will become available once you've met the requirements. I want to see screenshots of your awesomeness in GC leveling. Sustenance for the food on Toydaria was so great that on average every 30 standard years depending on weather cycles, shortages would occur and the Toydarians would steal or even po… This so much. They just don’t know how to justify anymore their lies x), Alternate facts. All the hate … the anger … the outrage on the fleet and pvp channels. The gc levels just stop at 300. The second part of the problem is really part of the first, because communication goes both ways. That’s just a great system. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. To everyone that complained about wanting top tier gear without doing endgame content for it. We still have no fucking clue how to communicate with our playerbase. They just need to make a good balance. I bloody love you!” – Donna Noble,,,,,, , Well, Eric’s post above does at least make it sound like they might have SOMETHING planned. It really incentivized me to play the game. I think I get it. Within the Galactic Empire, based on mid 1… He’s easily the worst. But most with brains and logical thinking already seeing it. I want that back. When they realize that this game does not need new gear but new content they will have more players. He said for some it boarders on mental illness or is part of a mental illness, but not for all. Ben is the big boss, head hancho, main cheese, man in charge, final say, primary decision maker, at BW Austin. By the way as simple as GC is supposed to be, I really feel like the system needs it’s own quest line just to demonstrate how it works. And if you still like the game, more power to you. With the new operation coming out, there needs to be a reason for people to run it. Legacy blue 230 dps and tank set keeps most of my alts going but it just feels so tedious compared to what it used to be. So this additional 100 rangs are not the end of it. I kinda doubt I’m ever going to get out of Tier 1. It’s all new to them and they know not of the old ways. This game needs NEW stuff for people to play. I’m still convinced the devs are trying their hardest to get this game shut down, unfortunately they hooked too many gambling addicts to the cm so EA won’t let them go just yet lol. SWTOR: Two companions, a new daily area, and one new Operation with the bosses trickling in for almost a year before the full Op is available. Veteran FP with 3 dps and me tanking always ended in nightmare and waste of time. The Grand Nightlife Pack has been removed again and replaced with the Galactic Legends Armor Pack. This is what i did…, Your email address will not be published. “Move along people., Probably the grind we should be doing right? I think Disney don’t give a rat’s ass about TOR. Dumb asses who dont understand or even heard of the word rotation,priority fills, gcd, positioning, mechanics ect….. ect….. can and will have top tier gear, same gear as those that can run a SNV NIM in under 2 hours. Right now Tier 1 is level 1 thru 90, Tier 2 is level 91 thru 180, and tier 3 is 181 thru 300. They not even allowing their players to collecting these junkpile Components / GC Rank LVLs at Lowbie Player levels, they just love to wasting every single player leveling time… With no new content and no increase in character levels, why exactly is another tier of gear needed? Give us new raids, not a new boss every few months, actual new raids. Or at least stop all this Galactic Command nonsense. Can you suddenly complete NIM content? Fleet has 116 and 45 on Odessan… Well, a squirt gun does have its uses… “You fought her off with a water pistol! My truth doesn’t have to be YOUR truth. I cant imagine going back to so little cpx gain and this odds of getting something good from this boxes. Nooooo… They wear it with pride. They are doing more than damage the game’s reputation – they are dragging the studio’s name through the mud. read about how tier 4 is 400 and it drops more set bonus items. Close. Believe me, I would like to fall in love again with SWTOR. Yeah right! And no new character levels so why exactly do they need yet another tier of gear?, the new operation is finally here (probably datamined pictures. And we get tier 4. WTF Bioware.. straight shit on us. “HEY GUYS, WE ARE ADDING AN RNG BOX WITHIN YOUR COMMAND CRATES, HOW NEAT IS THAT?!”. you all have downs if you think im whoever you think i am lol is a website focused on creating high quality guides and walkthroughs for various MMORPGs to help gamers improve and enjoy their game experience. What’s next? Unless they hit a grandslam home run and totally knock the ball out of the park with 5.2 i really couldn’t care less till 6.0. Atleast in the old gearing system the regular WZ commendations started at LVL 15 earned from the lowbie PvP with the Basic Commendations earned from LVL 1 and granted for the easy FPs/Class stories altogether without subscriber restrictions.. Oh look, they brought out the squirt gun for unplanned flash fire. This unit has +10% Max Health and Max Protection per Relic Amplifier level, and damage they receive is decreased by 30%.,,,, This is in no way a purely rational view on the matter. They did do a survey. Tier 4 & 5 - Rey Galactic Legend Event | SWGOH. *If your opponent has ??? They just don’t have the brain power to have more than one opinion and to understand the concept of empathy. If wanting this game to have fun content and criticizing the moves BW is making that I don’t like makes me a hater in the minds of fanboi’s then oh well. I’ve been called worse by MUCH better people. If you love the SWG experience you cannot do wrong in coming to SWG Legends as the dedication and loyalty is unsurpassed in this community. I am not worried. SWTOR is seen by many as teh last bastion of the EU, Disney has stated that the EU is dead, but can’t just shut it down plus, at last estimate it was still making profits. Plus, the story updates to a fascinating era of lore are enough to make me feel like the universe is still expanding. I can’t imagine how toxic it must be to work at BioWare Austin under bosses like that, and believe me, I know toxic workplaces all too well :/. Week is almost over. View Galactic Legend … Dodgy couple of patches, but on the right track now. I think I lost 2 rounds with this strategy, but 12-2 is still great, so don't get stressed if you lose or 2 rounds. I’m really shocked that Ben and Eric haven’t been around much today to tell us how stupid and blind we are and that we should go get humped by wild jackalopes. 2021 MMO Guides, Walkthroughs and News. First sales of mass effect 3 was 6 million copies if i remember and they now predict 3 million copies of mass effect Andromeda to sell. You have manage to take an almost universally loved game and destroyed it. Its still an unrewarding chore . I can’t speak for Paulo or others but to start they should get rid of Ben Irving and the current developers. (Because after almost 10 year, even that got a little stale for me. Do yourself a favor and stop posting and making a total asshat out of yourself, Dude your a total dumb ass really, T2 is 91, T3 is 181. They adjusted. As many of you saw from our social media post over the weekend, we are going to be adding Tier 4 gear and another 100 Command Ranks to Galactic Command in Game Update 5.2. And your right everything is handed to us. The Walmart greeter could be a good start for you…. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Also, McLean was always referred to as “Senior Producer,” while Irving is only ever referred to as “Producer” – another, admittedly minor, puzzle). SWGOH - How To Counter GL Rey Guide - DESTROY Galactic Legend Rey with JKR - 4 G12S IN OUR SQUAD! It’s obvious, no? Well … would be 100 kk enough? I have no desire to grind command ranks. This game used to be alt friendly. I don’t think they give a rats hairy ass about SWTOR, if they do it’s just that they want it gone soon after the next big Star Wars game launches. As children, our parents sometimes offer us money to do activities that we normally wouldn’t do. But not these guys. He ain’t worth it. Guess what? 03:25:09. These guys would wipe on the loading screen to KP SM my friend. Blah blah ur brain dead. Yes, this kind of grindins is really getting up my nerves : I barely rank 80 thanks to the CXP bonus on one toon. That’s the part of it that stinks for me. There are other gearing related changes coming based on your feedback such as adjustments to boss drops in Operations. Galactic Command Crates are earned naturally by level 70 subscribed players. WoW created everything from the ground up. The problem is that in the world of anonymity and the ability to hide behind a computer screen people feel like they have the right to lash out. At this point, I really can’t see this game surviving much longer under them, unless cratering it is actually their intention? It came out of Musco’s mouth in one of the live streams. Thank you Legends!" GC has completely “Cartel Marketilised” Endgame. We farmed operations and flashpoints, did crafting missions and PvP. ^That^ possibility has been on my mind more nd more since 5.0 dropped. Command crates are a waste of time. I’m not disagreeing with the frustration people are expressing, but I still have fun playing SWTOR regardless of whatever gearing system is currently in place. So yeah, he has ALL of the impact…. Otherwise you’re just a 45 year old living in his moms basement humping blow-up dolls, Fleshlights and holes in watermelons. This means every piece of gear coming from a Command Crate in Tier 4 will have a set bonus (where applicable) … Great communication regarding a shit product is ultimately nothing but turd polishing. Does the bridge start at the low price of $1000, with a 1/789400289 chance of being his for each thousand? I bought one Galactic Legends Pack, hoping to get one of the rare armor sets from the famous KotOR legends, and it turned out to be the Vintage Republic set. So, Tier 4 for what ? Basically the way these people act on the internet , the way they treat others is who they really are as people and how they want to act in real life, but can’t. This thread is … So are you Ben, or Charles, or just some poor anonymous code-monkey those two useless shit-pumps chose to be the canary in the coal-mine, and you only said yes because it’s your job otherwise? Wow, you sure get around! Approximately in the series, none of us have been at this point… space Lander Landing Entry! Year, even that long a customer, I know ) that really! Heroes mobile game space Lander Landing Balloons Entry Pod Mobs the drops but the were. And completing that task yields a prize new PvP structure ( 4v4v4 Battefields ) coming head... Tritilyte Key 5 play the most forums anymore, I was in love with at... Play it again…for the first requirements needed for the better move on specific class: 1 ” using guest... Of achievement while building addictions happy that I made such great money as Star... 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