Daniel himself was probably of the blood-royal, as we learn in 1 Chronicles 3:1, that David had a son of that name. Anytime something changes in our lives (a new job, a new house, a new school, a new stage of life), we face challenges to our faith. God gave them knowledge, skill, and wisdom, and to Daniel … 3) The likelihood is that we will never be cast into a lion’s den for praying. - Daniel was in a foreign country, at the very heart of the empire that had just destroyed his homeland. If my spiritual life affects my thinking in my life with other people, then there will be pressure to change the way I worship. Whether it is a company, school, or some other institution, we will be asked to change our thinking. 5) Daniel was a slave in a foreign land, but he found a way to obey God. Daniel illustrates how to live when we leave what is familiar to us and encounter new situations. However, ignoring a time to worship God by engaging in other activities is exactly what caused the Israelites to be taken to Babylon for 70 years in the first place. Sermon on Daniel 1. It was known as “the empire on which the sun never sets.”11 Viewed against the larger backdrop of human experience, however, its greatness was relatively short lived. This three friends later would not compromise as well. Even today, we see that the conviction of worshiping on Sunday is being threatened by outside compromise. All four young men were given new names, but it was Daniel who first resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine. By making the choice to follow God, in Daniel’s case it was a healthier choice. In these verses, we see that play out in the life of Daniel. . It was a sad day at Jerusalem … I hear people say: “Let your kids play sports.” And they do. SERMONS ON DANIEL Our sermon ideas on Daniel will help you preach a powerful message on God as the sovereign king, the triumphant One. So he asked permission from the chief official not to defile himself.” (Daniel 1:8, HCSB). 7) He and his friends are spared and Daniel is promoted to the king’s service. Daniel 1:8 A Sermon to Young Men H. W. Battle D.D. He faced this compromise early in life. But even if He does not rescue us, we want you as king to know that we will not serve your gods or worship the gold statue you set up.”” (Daniel 3:16–18, HCSB). Find Top Church Sermons, Illustrations, and Preaching Slides on Daniel 1:1-21. Daniel – Chapter 1 A. 5) He provides for us a wonderful example of one who desired to have a right relationship with God. Sermons from Daniel Dare to be a Daniel (Daniel 1:8-21) The Four Freshmen: How the World Tries to Seduce the Church (Daniel 1:1-7) The World According to God (Daniel 2) But If Not (Daniel 3:17-18) A Time to Disobey (Daniel 3) He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands (Daniel 4) The King Who Went Crazy (Daniel 4) God’s Graffiti (Daniel … The scene of this heroic resolution was Babylon. Browse Sermons on Daniel 1. Daniel would not eat the meat sacrificed to idols. How I choose to live for God can affect myself. 2) We have tremendous blessings at our disposal. It would encourage him to focus on himself and on a life of enjoyment. And yet, "God granted Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the commander of the officials" (Daniel 1… 1) Daniel was taken into Babylonian captivity around 606 B.C. 2) He was a young man at the time. The culture changed their names to honor the culture’s worship practices. Daniel 6 – How Daniels enemies conspired against him to have him killed. Text: Daniel 1:8. 7) But the law was unchangeable under Medopersian rule. By Rev Charles Seet. . 2. Preached at / Published Life BPC 10:45am service, 2012-09-02. He was healthier. - Dan 1: 17-20 a. The God Who Reveals Mysteries. Today, we worship together here. Photo by Otto Adolph Stemler (1872–1953) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Please also opt me in for Exclusive Offers from Patheos’s Partners, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 You Only Live Once for Eternity, "i really gain a lot of insight on how to defend marriage. Browse Sermons on Daniel 1:1-21. 2) Many people today would cry out that their “rights” have been violated. They were taught “the language and literature of the Chaldeans” (Daniel 1:4). But I am not going to have my kids spend almost every waking evening engaged in a cultural activity at the expense of taking them away from the influence of God’s Word. You need to know that that pressure is there. 1. The way I think about the world is also tied to the way I worship. Here's a sermon about Daniel's example from Daniel 6. The Home of Grace to You. By Brian Pepper. One must learn that if one is to follow Christ, there will be costs. “In every matter of wisdom and understanding that the king consulted them about, he found them 10 times better than all the diviner-priests and mediums in his entire kingdom.” (Daniel 1:20, HCSB). There are all kinds of Christian communities. Daniel’s name speaks to the value his parents placed on God. Your parents have an influence on your faith and your future. 6) Daniel placed his cares and concerns in the hands of the One who could provide relief. Tags: Bible Study. 2 And the Lord delivered … 2) They wanted him out, but they could not find any fault in him. The Sabbath (or time to worship God) was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. 4) Why should he worry about obeying God? 8) So Daniel was cast into the lion’s den. What is it going to be in your case? Out of these three communities (my church, my family, and my personal relationship with God), I will be able to affect other people. This leads me to the ways in which I can prepare to pursue God’s holiness out in the world. The reason that Daniel was in captivity was because God’s people had ignored God’s instruction about worship. 1) Daniel was promoted over all the governors and satraps under Darius. My personal holiness affects me. Eating this kind of meat was against Mosaic Law and it was also food that was sacrificed to idols. When one enters the world, one will be pressured to conform or adapt to that way of thinking. 1. They were to be trained for three years, and at the end of that time they were to serve in the king’s court.” (Daniel 1:5, HCSB), “Daniel determined that he would not defile himself with the king’s food or with the wine he drank. If they did, they were to be case into a den of lions. Today, the idols of our American culture is sports. The pressure on Christians to change their thinking today comes from the print media, movies, and television as well as from teachers.2 The world will try to conform you into their mold. Hear the word; Romans 10:17 “Faith comes by hearing . God works on my heart. The Phoenicians made the first known sea journey around Africa. 3) Many would get angry and respond violently. Daniel 1:1-3: The Captivity: William White. Find Top Church Sermons, Illustrations, and Preaching Slides on Daniel 1. Preaching the Power of the Cross. These free inductive notes are intended as … Get updates from Jim Erwin delivered straight to your inbox, Introduction: Different countries have different cultural norms, and what is appropriate in one culture may be offensive in another culture. - Dan 1:15-16 a. .”, c. Believe with all your heart; Hebrews 11:6 “For without faith it is impossible . a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It had blessed the countenance of Daniel and his friends b. Daniel and his companions are great reminders of how we can remain holy, even in times of distress, pain, and suffering. Daniel’s mind was clear and sharp. For instance Christopher Columbus the discoverer of America, was an ardent student of prophecy especially the Book of Daniel… God was going to teach them what it meant to sing praises to God in a foreign land. If the God we serve exists, then He can rescue us from the furnace of blazing fire, and He can rescue us from the power of you, the king. Instead, we worship on Sunday, which the New Testament calls the Lord’s Day because Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday. Who are you going to be able to influence? The key to this passage is found in the very first verse: “But Daniel resolved …” The King James Version says, “But Daniel purposed in his heart.” Another translation says he “made … 1) Daniel was taken into Babylonian captivity around 606 B.C. My personal choice to follow God can affect me. 2) Death is threatened to those who cannot tell it. The fact some are watching this sermon online tells us that the communities change. God leads me. In Daniel’s case, he was put in a position to influence three successive secular kings. Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission! 1 Robert J. Morgan, Nelson’s Annual Preacher’s Sourcebook, 2006 Edition. 6) But the text says, “But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself” (Dan.1:8). The good life that Daniel was offered was intended by the king to wean him away from the hard life to which God had called him. Preach on topics including the fiery furnace, King Nebuchadnezzar's rule, Daniel and the Lion's Den, and Daniel's … 3 Sinclair B. Ferguson and Lloyd J. Ogilvie, Daniel, vol. It then blessed the rest of the young men under the care of the steward 2. Church and ministry leadership resources to better equip, train and provide ideas for today's church and ministry leaders, like you. As of 2017, the British Empire is now in the process of being in control of only one country – the United Kingdom of one. 1 In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. Some would say that the church needs to adapt its practices to change to the culture. Daniel was a teenager when he was taken captive to Babylon and served under their government. These government leaders were the ministry that God gave to Daniel to influence. Remembering the resolve that Daniel had alone and how he brought them into the test, they then stood firm without compromise before a powerful king in a test bigger than the first.4, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied to the king, “Nebuchadnezzar, we don’t need to give you an answer to this question. It affected the lives of others! OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to relate three stories from Daniel that teach these lessons. My church has an influence on me to prepare me. Other powerful countries of the world today can learn from this example. Vs. 17 calls him and his friends, children. Parents have 18-20 good years to make an influence on their children. But when you look at the Bible, there are serious consequences to ignoring the rule of the Sabbath. 5) God gives the dream and interpretation. For example, you should never touch a person’s head in Thailand; the head is considered sacred. 9) The king fasted and prayed that evening. He also gives you these same three communities to help you live out your faith in the world. Our journey through Daniel ends today. We don’t worship on Saturday. This article was ...", "Excellent exposition, Jim -- Yes, and discernment is actually a free gift of the Spirit ...", "Good analysis. We are being encouraged to engage in sports activities that conflict with times of worship. There is some logic to that. 1. When I influence others, it becomes essentially my ministry. 4) Many would simply ignore the problem and leave. 5) His enemies saw him and reported him to the king. I Know It's Disappointing, But You Do Have... Is it really Friday? Sermon series Daniel: Courageous Living in Turbulent Times The Last Days According to Daniel Daniel 12 – March 26, 2000. Introduction. - powered by SermonAudio Sending God’s people to Babylon was an act of judgment. 5) We do no crime against God or against man when we pray. In Portugal you should never write anything in red ink; it is very offensive. After all, there is surely nothing wrong with God’s people studying foreign literature. We can’t always take the easy way out. It was to retrain their minds to think as Babylonians rather than Israelites. If my spiritual life affects my thinking in my life with other people, then there will be pressure to change the way I worship. e. Confess Jesus as the Son of God (Matt.16:16). Daniel 1:1 … 6) Today, we are not slaves of another country, we are free. b. “God gave these four young men knowledge and understanding in every kind of literature and wisdom. But it is more than that. What Daniel perceived (correctly) in this food allotment was an effort to seduce him into the lifestyle of a Babylonian through the enjoyment of pleasures he had never before known. When you live out your life as a Christian, you will have an influence on others. ", "Good study ....but example from ot charater may be inserted". Mark L. Strauss and John H. Walton, Teach the Text Commentary Series (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2015), 27. James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God…”, 8) 1 Peter 5:9 says “casting all of your care upon Him because he cares for you.”, 9) Phil.4:6 “In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”. 2) He was a young man at the time. Summarize Daniel 2 – We read how Daniel used wisdom to save himself and his friends from death. Daniel Chapter 1 Contributed on Feb 21, 2008 based on 14 ratings | 19,814 views. There are different ways they try to do this. Scripture: Daniel 1:1. You will be tested in a similar way. 3) He was likely made to be a eunuch since he reported to the chief of the eunuchs. The same pattern employed by Nebuchadnezzar to draw Daniel and his friends away from the Lord is employed all around us today.3. Let's see how we can learn from their example as we examine Daniel … As Christians, we will face pressure to compromise our faith. It’s ok to engage in those activities, but it is not ok to replace your worship of God by the engagement of culture’s idols. These Hebrew young teenagers were being brainwashed into a Babylonian worldview. 2) What do we do when our buddies gets angry and upset because we choose to go to worship instead of participating in recreational activities with them on Sunday? I would like you to imagine for a … 5) Surely God would understand his situation. Instead of changing the names, our culture is redefining words that matter to our faith and trying to change how we spend our time. 7) When we need wisdom, we should ask. What is certain is that anything that reminded them of their origin and destiny was removed in the change of names given to these four youths. Michael A. Milton. Daniel influenced King Nebuchednazzer, King Nabo, and King Belshazzar until the reign of King Cyrus the Persian king who overthrew the Babylonian empire. Chewing gum is illegal in Singapore and can result in a large fine. Grace Bible Church, NY. Even when we are teenagers, this can happen. In the first place, they were isolated from the influences that would mold their lives and characters in the ways of the Lord. 1) When we encounter a difficult situation, how do we handle it? By 1922 it governed over 450 million people (one-fifth of the earth’s population at that time) and covered more than 13 million square miles. 1. DISCUSSION: Daniel Gives us a Great Example of . Daniel was able to influence these kings and have an impact because of his devotion to God. Sermon Dare to be a Daniel. There were a group of people coming together to worship, even in Babylon. Daniel also understood visions and dreams of every kind.” (Daniel 1:17, HCSB). Apart from God’s work in my heart, I cannot walk in holiness. At the same time, it was an act of mercy. Daniel 1:4-8 4 Rodney Stortz and R. Kent Hughes, Daniel: The Triumph of God’s Kingdom, Preaching the Word (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2004), 25. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Also, send me the Evangelical Newsletter. 3) He was likely made to be a eunuch since he … 7) Eph.6:18 “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints”. Also, send me the Evangelical Newsletter and special offers. 21, The Preacher’s Commentary Series (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Inc, 1988), 30. His mind worked better than the people around him. August 7, 2011. Daniel’s courage inspired the other three friends. Josephus says he was the son of Zedekiah. Daniel’s was in tune with God and Daniel was able to hear from God. By July 2013 it had been reduced to only one out of twenty-eight countries that constitute the much smaller and less powerful European Union. 1) Evidently the king wanted Daniel to eat things that were prohibited in the Jewish diet. What kind of Christian are you going to be? The example of how to cope when the world wants to fit you into its mould. 4) We are going to look at this prayer in four movements: 1-2, 3, 9-14, and 15-19. The key to this passage is found in the very first verse: “But Daniel resolved …” The King James Version […] Text: Daniel 1:8-21 Sermon Series: Daniel: Courageous … 1) What happens when we come across a situation where man challenges what God has told us to do? The way I grow in my faith can actually help my mind, my spirit, and my body. . My personal faith will affect me in three different areas, “At the end of 10 days they looked better and healthier than all the young men who were eating the king’s food.” (Daniel 1:15, HCSB). 5 Ronald W. Pierce, Daniel, ed. 8) If we do, then let us make the right choices and always put God first. At its height in the beginning of the nineteenth century, the British Empire was the largest world power in history. Not only that but two chapters later in this book we will see these three young men standing all by themselves in front of a fiery furnace facing death. 6) The king did not want to deliver Daniel to the lion’s den. And Daniel’s three friends followed his lead. The New Testament encourages us to spend time together in worship as a group of Christians. It’s not just at the workplace. They had abused the Sabbath. Please turn in your Bibles to Daniel … (If you would like to receive Pastor Harris’ weekly sermons via e-mail, Click Here) (If you would like to download the PowerPoint presentation for this sermon, Click here) Pastor Scott L. Harris. The fourth element in the process of weaning these young men from the truth was the changing of their names. He was not eating all of the rich meat that could affect his body negatively. I will also receive pressure to change the way I live out my faith. 3) After all, he was a slave in a foreign country. How do I live out my faith in the world? 4) Daniel was in a strange land, having strange things done to him, under a strange king, who surrounded himself with strange gods. How To Get Wisdom From God – Here Are The Conditions, Wisdom, Spirituality, Truth, Religion and God, The Three “P’s” In The Lord’s Model Prayer, Sermon on Women's Role | Women Who Worked for God, Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God Sermon Outline (Part 1), Sermon on Death - Death is... - Things Awful and Wonderful about Death, Sermon on the Plumbline - The God of the Plumbline, Sermon on Preaching - Preaching to Bring About Faith, Sermon on "Faith Only" | Why I Am a Member of the Church of Christ #8*. The Dynamics of a Decision, 1:4-8. by Chester McCalley. 9) Hebrews 5:9-Jesus saves those who obey Him. God gave three communities. In other words, they will brainwash you. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. They named their son “God is judge.” It was as if Daniel’s parents knew how important it was to follow God. Sometimes, God takes us out of our comfort zone (mainly because of our own doing) where we learn to trust in Him alone. Daniel’s Training in Babylon. Los Fenicios realizaron el primer viaje marítimo conocido … Affairs in Judea: W A. Scott, D.D. The fact that we remember Daniel’s Hebrew name and not his Babylonian name Belshazzar speaks to the ongoing influence of a name. The Book of Daniel has fascinated many people. Vs. 17 calls him and his friends, children. There is serious pressure in our culture today to replace the worship of God with the worship of culture’s activities. There is education in beauty. 3) Do we try to find excuses to go with them? One can see that the pressure to change their worship was enormous. f. Be Baptized for the remission of your sins (Mark 16:15,16). 3) So they devised a way to get him executed by getting the king to sign a law saying that no one could pray for 30 days except to the king. The Jewish youngsters enrolled in Nebuchadnezzar’s school were given “a daily provision of the king’s delicacies and of the wine which he drank” (Daniel 1:5). God blessed Daniel and his three friends even more! Daniel 1:8 - Daniel: A Youth with Solid Convictions. . Christianity is a faith, but it is also a way of life. While this message is focused especially on those graduating from high school, it applies to all of us. For the generational gap the means of information doesn't change the content. In our message today Daniel illustrates for us how to live when we “leave home” or encounter new situations. Daniel may have been isolated, but he had the hope of a community coming together. When we began in November, I noted in my first sermon … The ultimate kingdom of the sovereign God—in which we are privileged to play a small part—is the only one that endures forever.5. The pressure will be there to change about how I think about the world. AIM: To instruct and encourage by studying lessons from the life of Daniel. “The king assigned them daily provisions from the royal food and from the wine that he drank. 2) It would have been easy for Daniel to just do what he was told. 1) We have great freedom in our country and society. One can see that the pressure to change their worship was enormous. and privilege to belong” (Spurgeon, Sermons on the Book of Daniel, 99-100). It would lead him to think of himself no longer as a servile Israelite but as a distinguished courtier. Lifting Up Holy Hands – What Does it Mean? Learn more about us, listen to sermons, get service times, directions, contact information and more. The message of the power of the Cross was preached by Paul to a … PROPOSITION: Daniel is a great example of 1) obedience, 2) wisdom, 3) prayer. Daniel 1:1 … 1 PRESSURES I ENCOUNTER TO COMPROMISE MY FAITH As Christians, we … He was more spiritually in tune and able to listen to God. Daniel illustrates how to live when we leave what is familiar to us and encounter new situations.1. “This fulfilled the word of the Lord through Jeremiah and the land enjoyed its Sabbath rest all the days of the desolation until 70 years were fulfilled.” (2 Chronicles 36:21, HCSB). In Babylon, they were separated from the regular public worship of God, from the teaching of the Word of God, from the fellowship and wisdom of the people of God, and from the daily illustration of what it meant to be a citizen of Jerusalem. The way I think about the world is also tied to the way I worship. And, we will bracket each … That might seem harmless enough. But ultimately, God has an influence on my life. The same pattern employed by Nebuchadnezzar to draw Daniel away from the Lord is employed all around us today. Some will say that we don’t live by the Mosaic Law and we don’t sacrifice meat to idols. Those communities will adapt based on changes in the world. My parents have an influence on me to prepare me. Chapter 1 Outline I. Daniel The Prophet (1:1 … Sermons from Daniel 1 Dare to be a Daniel (Daniel 1:8-21) The Four Freshmen: How the World Tries to Seduce the Church (Daniel 1:1-7) The World According to God (Daniel 2) But If Not (Daniel 3:17-18) A Time to Disobey (Daniel 3) He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands (Daniel 4) The King Who Went Crazy (Daniel 4) God’s Graffiti (Daniel … The aim of this course in Chaldean language and literature, however, was not merely academic. The world is trying to squeeze time away from the opportunity to worship at church. .”. Daniel 1:1-21 How to Live Life Without Compromising My Faith. Daniel 1:3 Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, the chief of his court officials, to bring in some Israelites from the royal family and the nobility--Sermons. 4) After this was passed, Daniel went home, opened his windows, and prayed to God. “Daniel remained there until the first year of King Cyrus.” (Daniel 1:21, HCSB). . 2 Rodney Stortz and R. Kent Hughes, Daniel: The Triumph of God’s Kingdom, Preaching the Word (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2004), 17. We read how Daniel would not defile himself with the king’s meat and wine. It will conflict with the business world. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006), 150. We may not be sacrificing meat to idols, but we are sacrificing our time. Daniel 1 - Sermon on Resolving Not to Compromise Study and Obey The below sermon on Daniel 1 teaches us to resolve not to compromise. Daniel 2:1-30. Daniel is nowhere to be seen. These are the posts in my "On Jesus" series so far. 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