His narrative highlights the fact that the war cannot be understood in simple terms; nor can each individual narrative constituting the war ever be recovered and synthesized. I have been reading a biography on William Tecumseh Sherman and he mentions the fact that Halleck was called The Brain at West Point by his fellow cadets. Hooker sp;it his army into three armies. Some were caught and others were not. It was a great summary/introduction to the events that took place during the Civil War. Since much of the Southern culture had been destroyed with the path of the war, Southerners had to attempt to remember the antebellum culture and begin developing a new culture. Halleck started out with an army so great that it was guarenteed offensive victory before even fighting, but Halleck split his army into detachments giving them different duties and regions to protect and allowing the Confederate army to have the momentum. It serves as a great foundation of information for a topic that is as deep as it is wide. Who had the advantagea the outset of the war? Hooker split his soldiers into three separate parts in an attempt to corner Lee. Please try again. But on the night of April 14 Booth went into Lincolns box at the Fords Theatre and shot him in the back of the head then jumped from the box onto the stage and ran out. As a child living in a small town in Michigan, Catton was stimulated by the reminiscences of the Civil War that he heard from local veterans. 5. He was trying to capture enemy territory. There were several reasons for the different and ultimately disaventageous attitude of the Civil war soldier: officers were either elected by the soldiers themselves or appointed by politicians for political reasons, the generals usually were uneducated and apathetic about his subordinates, and the generals did not give the sodliers enough training. Chapter five talks about naval ships. Him commanding one, and Jackson commanding the other. 1961 First Edition The Coming Fury Bruce Catton Civil War Trilogy #1 Near . Though Davis was surrounded by good men, such as Judah P. Benjamin and Stephen Mallory. Bruce Catton (1899 1978) was a journalist and a notable historian of the American Civil War. How did the failure of Beauregards strategy actually help ensure a Confederate victory? FREE Standard shipping. Imagine a coin so old it was circulated during the Civil War, maybe a general held it in his pocket during a battle. . The Navy had plenty of ships, but none of these ships were going to be helpful in inforcing the blockade. Product Information. He writes from a northern perspective of the war, which I feel provides a fresh examination for students from the South. He left part of his men in Fredericksburg, while taking 45,000 of his men to Chancellorsville to Hooker. 6 Halleck split his huge force. Chapter 2: In response to your answer Bleeding Kansas, you are correct. Unit 3 - Professor Catton, Immigration and Race; Unit 5 - Professor Catton, The Great Depression; Unit 6.1 - Professor Catton, Origin of The Second World War; Unit 6.2 - Professor Catton, World War Two Military Events; Unit 6.3 - Professor Catton, The Cold War At Home 1945-1954; Unit 7 - Professor Catton, Postwar American Society 1945-1960 His army of 45,000 soldiers facing Braggs Confederate army of 37,000 looked good for him. They did not think before the war cotton was being produced so rapidly England and France had plenty of cotton to last them for a while; therefore not all the soldiers were armed. His works, although well-researched, were generally not presented in a rigorous academic style, supported by footnotes. John Wilkes, aboard the U.S.S San Jacinto, heard about their journey, and he took them from the Trent. This battle happened in 1863, and it was at this time that Rosecrans forced Braggs to retreat to New Orleans. Beauregard and Johnston combined their forces in order to save the South from losing western land. As far was the South was concerned this blockade was just a paper blockade until it was enforced. Early again tried to attack Sheridan on October 19 near Winchester, but Sheridan drove the army off and removed the threat of attack from the Shenandoah Valley. Chapter 18 discusses John Wilkes Booth and his assassination of President Lincoln, and the negotiations between Generals Sherman and Johnston. He was normally so full of confidence. Union strategy in the Civil War had been to focus on destroying the armies of the Confederacy, not specific cities or strongholds in the South. The Union army broke the rebels streched lines and forced the Confederates to evacuate Petersburg. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. In what ways were neither the North nor the South prepared for war following the Battle of Fort Sumter? 15 Please try again. Lee then split his army into three separate parts to counter Hookers attack. The people of Washington had tagged along to see what they thought would be a great show. This was a good strategy by Johnston as it caught Grant off-guard and forced him and his troops into retreat. This decision by Lee alone probably saved thousands of lives and prevented Union soldiers from having to stay in the South any longer. Cattons thesis is that the war provided growth for the Union economy while driving the Confederates into ruin. (I had to look up the definition for scuttle, and it means to deliberately sink a ship in case anyone else was wondering). The third way was going through the Yazoo River and land north of Vicksburg and attack in force but they ran into Fort Pemberton which turkey-shot the Union boats. Hood wants to attack from the north of Atlants and force Sherman to follow him. 2. I was surprised that both North and South didnt take threats of war seriously. The conflict (I think) was Bleeding Kansas and the surrounding violence over the issue of slavery in Kansas. How did the Confederate navy gain possession of the Merrimac? The cavalry was used for scouting and screening troops, but it was rarely the center of the fighting. Rather they had farmers and other rural folk fight for what they believe a God given right. Booth was boastful of his plans. Johnstons men made the Confederates a much more legitimate threat. Mr. Catton's overview looks at the origins of the War, the major campaigns in the East and West and the politics that defined the conflict. The Union, mostly led into this destruction by General Sherman, decided that they needed to destroy all property, factories, houses, barns, livestock and anything else the South needed. Shipping cost, delivery date, and order total (including tax) shown at checkout. Catton has written many books on the war and this book is a simple, straightforward account. Three armies are introduced: the Patomic, the Army of the Cumberland, and the Army of the Tennessee along the Mississippi River. Lee payed no attention to the first group of troops Hooker sent and went straight to Chancellorsville to fight Hookers main army. In chapter 8, things for the Union army look promising. This book highlights the beginning years of the Civil War especially when General McClellan was . At the Battle of Shiloh, Beauregard and Johnston engaged Grant. The southern Secretary of State offered France and Great Britian abolition of slavery for reginitonin return. Though the Federals forced the Confederates to retreat there was nothing really to show for this victory in the end. By 1865, the South had missed its chance. The Democratic party was opposed to the way of thinking in the Union party they wanted a softer war or no war at all. 12 The soldiers lacked extra clothes and boots and their animals were also lacking materials to keep them upright. 4. 3. Chapter 18 discusses signficant post war events that would impact the reconstruction of the South following the war including Lincolns assassination. Reflections on the Civil War. Ewell let opportunities slip and was not a very good leader, and Longstreet was slow as unhelpful as well. This book is the first book written in a trilogy called: The Army of the Potomac. With Kentucky, he gave time and leisure, knowing the decision was inevitable. It existed from 1861, when the first states began seceding and joining together, until the end of the American Civil War in 1865, . The ship was deemed unseaworthy and therefore scuttled. This was a good overview on the Civil War. Ch. While I agree with you regarding the Radical Reconstruction being a bit much, we will be reading in the text regarding the high level of arrogance on the part of southerners following the war that might make you a little more sympathetic of the closed-minded views of the Radical Republicans regarding a punitive Reconstruction. "Nothing in our time makes the Civil War as alive as the writings of Bruce Catton." Ch. He concludes with a short yet penetrating chapter on the immediate and long-term effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination: how Secretary of War Edwin Stanton took over temporarily and permanently damaged any hope of a true reconciliation between North and South by placing the blame for the assassination squarely on the Confederate Government, when in fact that soon-to-be disbanded body had nothing whatsoever to do with it. Lincoln waited until Antietam to issue the proclamtion because he needed the North to win so, that it would be making a statement not asking for help. Bruce Catton (1899-1978) was a senior editor of American Heritage magazine and won both the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize in 1954 for A Stillness at Appomattox. I believe there were three key battle in this chapter that not only allowed the Union to see winning the war was possible, but showed Lincoln would more than likely win the next election. Chapter 11: In a last desperate attempt to save the Confederacy, what proposition did southern politicians make to France and Great Britain in 1865? The cavalry was mostly used for transportation and scouting of the other army. After he saw how Hookers men were set up, he sent 26,000 men with Stonewall Jackson to flank the Union army. In what ways did the demands of the Union army contribute to growth in specific industries? Though the Union captain of the ship was regarded as a national hero, the British were highly offended and demanded the immediate release of the captured passengers and an apology. What would have been the probable result if Lincoln had lost the election? Chapter 5: After the battle of Fort Sumter neither side was prepared for war because neither side really thought it was going to happen at first and both sides were poorly prepared. How did the Battle of Antietam determine the outcome of this incident? Although I think if they had won, the Southern pride would have been even more prevalent. After losing Atlanta, Hood relized that Sherman had to be forced from the South. 10 Bruce Catton was a great and talented author, and this book is clearly written as a summary of the main events of the Civil War rather than any in depth review. He divided his army and sent Jackson around to attack Pope from the side. The fifth column did not have a very big outcome on the war. Finally, because they lost the war causing more bitter feelings. Chapter 1: Cavalry provided the South with a fast-paced war, moving from place to place much faster than the infantry could. How did Bragg use topographic features to trap the Union army? he comes up with some little known facts that literally no other author, (that i've read), ever has. The South was definitely impacted in a more negative way than the North was. Chapter 15: The southern troops wanted to take Fort Sumter because it was in the middle of one of the souths most important harbors. The north had a trained army and professionally assembled military weapons. What was the impact of the Wilmot Proviso, the Fugitive Slave Act, and Uncle Toms Cabin on hostility between the North and South? Ch. At that time, no one would have bothered to search him. Catton said that the Emancipation Proclamation was absurd because it was only effective as a rallying cry because it did not free slaves in the North and did not have any power over the seceded states. The South had more soldiers but they were on the west side of the Miss. Keep up the great work! The Democrats were hoping that the nationwide weariness of war would convince people to support their party, but Lincoln ultimately won the election. you are now cleared to comment. Chapter 19: The South being rural, small farms producing cotton, and the North being full of immigration, ctites, and factories; leaving them with two different mind sets. I believe this text would be helpful to someone who has been away from the topic of the Civil War for a long time (as I was) and needs a refresher course, or for someone who has an interest in the war, has gotten into it a little, but wants to get a nice overview so they can appreciate their later explorations on the topic. His book are written in a narrative way, and gives the feel of being personal with the reader. Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin had just sold 300,000 copies in its first year. The publication data are somewhat confusing: Goodreads says this book dates from 1960, the e-book I read via Kobo had 2014 as the only date among its scant bibliographical information. They had begun truly beleiving cotton was king and countries, such as England and France, desperately needed the cotton from the South, and not having it would pressure them to aid the Confederate army with weapons. Ch 3 1. The last army was the Army of Tennessee led by Grant. The North did not make as much money because short-staple cotton grew in the South and the Northern states were mainly used for manufacturing. This chapter explains what happened after the war. When McClellan did not leave the number of troops that they required, Lincoln removed a battalion of troops from McClellans command, leaving him with only 90,000 troops instead of the 130,000 he wanted. Summary; Recently Viewed; Bids/Offers; Watchlist; Purchase History; Buy Again; Selling; . They also were less orderly, and organized, and they also often had to resort to makeshift weapons. Make Shakespeare easier with this student edition featuring Verse by Verse summary and glossary. Bruce Catton (1899-1978) was a senior editor of, magazine and won both the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize in 1954 for. He said himself I was to go for Joe Johnston.. The Arab nations have threateneted to reclaim the Holy Lands for the Palestines since it was established as a homeland for the Jews by Great Britain following World War II. The Northwest Gets Excited XIV. Lee ignored Hookers cavalry raid and used Stuarts cavalry to control all of the roads around Chancellorsville. Lincoln soon realized this was not possible with the Unions Navy. One of the Union victories was Sherman capturing Atlanta. but it also had the deeper story. Free returns are available for the shipping address you chose. Catton believed that Booth was pretty much insane, as did most people at the time. Ch. In 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe threw more fuel on the fire with Uncle Toms Cabin. Douglass main goal was to end the argument over slavery; however, too many people were so passionate over the issue. His strategy was based on the idea that they would continue to fight no matter how much territory was occupied. I read Catton's 'Centennial History of the Civil War' (1961-65) much before getting around to his 'Army of the Potomac' (1951-53) trilogy, thinking that the latter might be too focused to be as interesting. Lee left part of his force in Fredericksburg to occupy Hookers remaining men. The third Union victory was Phil Sheridan and his army taking the Confederates out of the Shenandoah Valley. Tell your mother that I was wrong when I said you were approved to work on the site. An excellent source of education, 1960, 1996-2023, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates, Select a location to see product availability. This particular edition is in a Hardcover format. Entertaining, vivid, and shallow. The Republicans (Lincoln) would continue the war, while the Democrats would end the war and allow the South to secede or try to stop it with diplomacy. For a quick read of the Civil War, Catton is a good introduction into the topic. Lee was later stopped at the Battle of Antietam from taking PA, when some of his orders were lost and taken byt the Union. What were the political consequences? Chapter 7: Cannons couldnt do much damage to the iron exterior. I personally think that the British overreacted because their pride was hurt, especially if they had done this type of thing before. Now for those of you too young to remember, Time-Life used to publish these monthly book series on various topics. Once it was released it obliterated Union ships and was unmatched untill it faced the Monitor, where they tied. Lee surrendered his army completely instead of just letting them fight to the death. 3. What serious error was made by Bragg once the Army of Tennessee surrounded the Army of the Cumberland at Chattanooga? Fort Henry was built on low ground, partly underwater because the Tennessee River was almost at flood levels, and the gunboats obliterated the fort before the infantry even got a chance to really get into the fighting. Lee and Jackson were in Richmond in between McClellens army which was in near the James River and John Popes army which was coming down from the Shenandoah Valley. Neither side was prepared for war, having only a small amount of soldiers, mainly consisting on militia men. By the time he had defeated Hood at Atlanta, he had destroyed much of the Army of Tennessee. The Civil War Summary The Civil War by Bruce Catton. The Federal Government sent Phil Sheridan and 50,000 veterans to the Mexican border as a warning. Can you identify a factor which made it more of a passionate and emotional issue? Food for thought. 3. Who was in command of the Army of the Cumberland at the Battle of Stones River? This chapter explains the post war assassination of Abraham Lincoln. I have never been to another battle site here it was as easy to visualize the fighting. McClellan planned to go down to FT. Monroe by steamboat then advance up the Virginia Peninsula and attack Richmond from behind. 1. Hooker had a much larger army than the Confederate army. The army of the Cumberland was mostly in Tennessee and was led by William S. Rosecrans. What were the three key Union victories during the summer and fall of 1864 which led to Lincolns reelection? Chapter 16 Catton seems to believe that slavery is the sole cause of the Civil War and that the other issues could have been simply solved through politics. You can return the item for any reason in new and unused condition: no shipping charges. I will make my own initial entry for each chapter which will include questions to assist with your discussion. So McDowell decided that he might as well take out a Confederate army if his troops were on the move so he attacked at Bull Run. It showed the weak amount of respect contributed to slaves, and the enormous amount contributed to the wealthy. Sherman was in Savannah at the time, and Hoods plan did work. The commanding officer for the north was Major Robert Anderson and for the south was General P.G.T. Stephen Douglass chief political goal was to stop the long argument about slavery so the country could go on with other business, like the western expansion between the Missouri River and California. This classic, first published in 1953, contains the books Mr. Lincoln's Army, Glory Road, and A Stillness At Appomattox. With 45,000 men, they looked to defeat Braggs 37,000 troops as Murfreesboro. Bruce Catton was a highly distinguished and respected Civil War historian, writing numerous books about the period. The author correctly noted the material, economic, and manpower advantages the North had, but any objective analysis of the war will also identify the moral superiority the Union held over the Confederacy. They bought me a subscription to the Time-Life series on The Civil War. The war was not going to be one from naval battles so the Union decided that they would just blockade the Souths harbors. Stephen, prior to the 1850s, the question of slavery was only a political conflict between North and South over control of Congress. In this chapter we discover Booth makes some dumb mistakes. As president, Andrew Jackson was somewhat of a tea party type guy who wanted to cut way back on federal spending. It has been pointed out to me that I told you I would give you until January 13 to take the quiz. At the beginning of the war the Unions goal was to blockade the entire Confederate coast. The Merrimac destroyed the Congress and Cumberland and drove the Minnesota aground; but, when the Federals occupied Norfolk, she was left without a home port. Bruce Catton: The Army of the Potomac Trilogy Mr. Lincoln's Army | Glory Road | A Stillness at Appomattox Edited by Gary Gallagher Overview add to cart 35.00 List Price: $45.00 (Save: 22%) Free shipping Or buy from our partners Amazon Barnes and Noble Shop Indie Phone orders: 1-800-964-5778 Request product #203754 Lee beat McClellan in the East, giving Lee a clear path inton the Union. How did the institution of slavery handicap the Confederate economy? Faced the Monitor, where they tied Sherman and Johnston engaged Grant or its affiliates, Select a location see. The North was would convince people to support their party, but of! Lost the election the Mississippi River Kansas and the army of the Civil war answer Kansas! Extra clothes and boots and their animals were also lacking materials to keep them upright below or an! 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