Off-Campus or Off-Site Research For purposes of this requirement, off-campus or off-site research is defined as data/information/samples being collected off-campus or off-site, such as fieldwork and research activities on vessels and aircraft. RAISE is a type of proposal that may be used to support bold, interdisciplinary projects whose: Scientific advances lie in great part outside the scope of a single program or discipline, such that substantial funding support from more than one program or discipline is necessary. The interdisciplinary and transformative potential of the project will be evaluated within the intellectual merit of the proposal. Costs of entertainment, amusement, diversion, and social activities (such as tickets to shows or sporting events, meals, lodging, rentals, transportation, and gratuities, etc.) Senior personnel are required to update their Current and Pending Support disclosures prior to award, and at any subsequent time the agency determines appropriate during the term of the award. The proposer is not required to submit the meeting organizers policy or code-of-conduct for review by NSF. (See Exhibit II-3 for the definitions of Senior Personnel.) The names of the PI(s), faculty, and other senior personnel and the estimated number of full-time-equivalent person-months for which NSF funding is requested, and the total amount of salaries requested per year, must be listed. In addition, the supplementary documentation section should alert NSF officials to unusual circumstances that require special handling, including, for example, proprietary or other privileged information in the proposal, matters affecting individual privacy, required intergovernmental review under E.O. If included, these resources will not be auditable and must not be included in the proposal budget or budget justification. Costs of publishing the proceedings. List of Suggested Reviewers or Reviewers Not to Include (optional), c. Proprietary or Privileged Information (if applicable), d. Proposal Certifications Provided by the Organization, Government-wide certifications and representations, f. Submission of Proposals by Former NSF Staff, d. Project Description (including Results from Prior NSF Support), For proposals that include funding to an International Branch Campus of a U.S. IHE or to a foreign organization or foreign individual, (ii) Page Limitations and Inclusion of Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) within the Project Description, (i) Salaries and Wages (Lines A and B on the Proposal Budget), (a) Senior Personnel Salaries & Wages Policy, (b) Administrative and Clerical Salaries & Wages Policy, (ii) Fringe Benefits (Line C on the Proposal Budget), (iii) Equipment (Line D on the Proposal Budget), (iv) Travel (Line E on the Proposal Budget), (v) Participant Support (Line F on the Proposal Budget), (vi) Other Direct Costs (Lines G1 through G6 on the Proposal Budget), (b) Publication/Documentation/Dissemination, (d) Computer Services (Line G4 on the Proposal Budget), (vii) Total Direct Costs (Line H on the Proposal Budget), (viii) Indirect Costs (also known as Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A) for Colleges and Universities) (Line I on the Proposal Budget), Domestic proposing organizations that do not have a current negotiated rate agreement with a cognizant Federal agency may choose to apply the, (ix) Total Direct and Indirect Costs (F&A) (Line J on the Proposal Budget), (xi) Amount of This Request (Line L on the Proposal Budget), (xii) Cost Sharing (Line M on the Proposal Budget), (e) Prohibition on Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment, (iii) Collaborators & Other Affiliations Information (Single Copy Document) (See Chapter II.D.1 for additional information on Single Copy Documents. Specification of a desired start date for the project is important and helpful to NSF staff; however, requests for specific start dates may not be met. Any request to support such items must be clearly disclosed in the proposal budget, justified in the budget justification, and be included in the NSF award budget. Sr. Grant & Contract Officer/Federal Team Lead. For some educational projects conducted at local school districts, the participants being trained are employees. No maximum funding amount has been established for such requests. (ii) Certification Regarding Conflict of Interest: The AOR is required to complete certifications stating that the organization has implemented and is enforcing a written policy on conflicts of interest (COI), consistent with the provisions of Chapter IX.A: that, to the best of the AORs knowledge, all financial disclosures required by the conflict of interest policy were made; and that conflicts of interest, if any, were, or prior to the organizations expenditure of any funds under the award, will be, satisfactorily managed, reduced or eliminated in accordance with the organizations conflict of interest policy. For this approval to be accepted by NSF, the organization must have a current Public Health Service (PHS) Approved Assurance. *Source of Support: Identify the entity(ies) that is/are providing the in-kind contribution. As this is a primary concern of Federal agencies, please be clear in your explanations. The cost of computer services, including computer-based retrieval of scientific, technical, and educational information, may be requested only where it is institutional policy to charge such costs as direct charges. This NSF Pre-award and Post-award Disclosures Summary Chart (NSF provided PDF) is a helpful reference outlining information regarding pre-award and post-award disclosure information in the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support proposal sections. NSF does not anticipate renewal of planning awards. Do not submit any personal information in the Biographical Sketch. NSF also will not fund research that involves the creation, transfer, or use of enhanced PPPs except under special circumstances where the potential benefits to society far outweigh the risks and all other conditions of the Policy are met. Conduct that is unwelcome, offensive, indecent, obscene, or disorderly. (iii)Collaborators and Other Affiliations (see also PAPPG Chapter II.D.1 for additional information on submission of single copy documents, (i) Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan (if applicable). Anticipated services must be justified, and information furnished on each individuals expertise, primary organizational affiliation, normal daily compensation rate, and number of days of expected service. A lock Certain categories of information that are submitted in conjunction with a proposal are for "NSF Use Only." The NIH Grants Policy Statement, 2.5.1 . (iv) If the project lacks definite plans regarding use of human subjects, their data or their specimens, pursuant to 45 CFR 690.118, the proposer must check the box for "Human Subjects" on the Cover Sheet and enter Pending in the space provided for the approval date. Organizations without a current negotiated indirect cost rate agreement and that wish to request indirect cost rate recovery above 10% should prepare an indirect cost proposal based on expenditures for its most recently ended fiscal year. Investigators and Key Personnel will provide a complete and accurate disclosure on their Biosketch and Current and Pending Support. RAPID is a type of proposal used when there is a severe urgency with regard to availability of or access to, data, facilities or specialized equipment, including quick-response research on natural or anthropogenic events and similar unanticipated occurrences. Proposers also may designate persons they would prefer not to review the proposal. Proposal Budget and Budget Justification: A budget and budget justification for the travel prepared in accordance with Chapter II.D.2.f. Conformance will be strictly enforced unless a written deviation authorization is received in advance of proposal submission from the cognizant NSF Assistant Director/Office Head or designee. NSF prior approval is necessary if the objectives or scope of the project change. NSF needs the information in the current and pending support section of the proposal to assess PI capacity and potential overlap/duplication. Special interest is focused on affording opportunities for: Interdisciplinary IHE-industry teams to conduct collaborative research projects, in which the industry research participant provides critical research expertise, without which the likelihood for success of the project would be diminished; Faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and students to conduct research and gain experience in an industrial setting; and. [16] Travel, meal, and hotel expenses of recipient employees who are not on travel status are unallowable. The email confirming approval to submit a planning proposal must be uploaded by the prospective PI in the Program Officer Concurrence Email section of If any of the following items on the Cover Sheet are applicable to the proposal being submitted, the relevant box(es) must be checked. Work in foreign countries. The purpose of this section is to assist reviewers in assessing the quality of prior work conducted with prior or current NSF funding. These reports should reference the work of the collaborative, while focusing on the distinct work conducted at each funded organization. The Project Summary should be informative to other persons working in the same or related fields, and, insofar as possible, understandable to a broad audience within the scientific domain. EAGER proposals are not eligible for reconsideration, if declined. Proposers are required to have a policy or code-of-conduct that addresses sexual harassment, other forms of harassment[47], and sexual assault, and that includes clear and accessible means of reporting violations of the policy or code-of-conduct. When the individual signs the certification on behalf of themselves, they are certifying that the information is current, accurate, and complete. (v) In order for NSF to comply with Federal Environmental Statutes (including, but not limited to, the National Environmental Policy Act (42 USC 4321, et seq. Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources that includes a description of the physical facility, including floor plans or other appropriate information, where the equipment will be located; a narrative description of the source of funds available for operation and maintenance of the proposed equipment; a brief description of other support services available, and a statement of why the equipment is severable or non-severable from the physical facility (Chapter II.C.2.i should be consulted to prepare this portion of the proposal). to encourage persons with disabilities to pursue careers in science and engineering by stimulating the development and demonstration of special equipment that facilitates their work performance. (g) A separate submission must be provided for each active project/pending proposal as well as in-kind contributions using the format specified below. The box for Potential Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern must be checked on the Cover Sheet if use of select agents or other enhanced potential pandemic pathogens, as defined by the Policy, are envisioned, and those agents or PPPs are used in ways that lead to enhancement of specific properties specified within the Policy. Such as: Detailed information about the content is available in the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG), Chapter, II.C.2.h (NSF website). To access these supercomputers, data storage systems, and other resources, users must apply for allocations through NCAR. No NSF funds may be requested or spent for alcoholic beverages. To receive funding as a RAISE-appropriate project, all three criteria must be met. Title: FP Smartform 1.1, #1 Full Title of . In the interim, proposers may continue to prepare and submit this document via use of SciENcv or the NSF fillable PDF. [18] A data deposit cost is a one-time charge paid at the time a data set is deposited into a data repository. Information on planned speakers should be provided, where available, from the conference organizer. Required sections of the proposal differ based on the organizations role. proposal at NSF based on where your work fits into NSF's organizational structure, so that you can match your proposal with NSF's priorities. SciENcv will produce an NSF-compliant PDF version of the Biographical Sketch. (See Chapter II.D.2.h(ii)). Note that not all fields listed above are required. Fringe benefits and associated indirect costs (F&A), but not tuition, may be included in addition to the salary costs, and therefore, the total supplemental funding request may exceed $30,000. endstream endobj 189 0 obj <. If this application is funded, Dr. Y's effort will be adjusted on R01HL567089-07 to remove the overlap. [48] This coverage also applies to symposia and workshop proposals. Do your homework. NIH. Any project proposing use of live vertebrate animals for research or education must comply with the provision in the PHS Assurance for Institutional Commitment (Section II) that requires the submitting organization to establish and maintain a program for activities involving animals in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Guide). The following information regarding the organizations intention to use human subjects as part of the project should be provided on the Cover Sheet: (i) The box for "Human Subjects" must be checked on the Cover Sheet if use of human subjects is envisioned. Admin Login. See also Chapter II.B. *Statement of Potential Overlap: Provide a description of the potential overlap with any pending proposal or award and this proposal in terms of scope, budget, or person-months planned or committed to the project by . All Harvard individuals who are designated as Key Personnel on an NSF award/subaward are required to report all their research support to NSF via the Current and Pending (Other) Support form, which is required at JIT and with each RPPR if their support has changed since the last submission. If requested, the proposer must be able to justify that the proposed rate of pay is reasonable. (vi) Antarctic Proposals to any NSF program require Logistical Requirements and Field Plan supplementary documents to be submitted with the proposal. Enter the number of person-months (even if unsalaried) for the current budget period and enter the proposed person-months for each subsequent budget period. What is the anticipated longer term societal impact coming forth from the GOALI research project if successful? Proposals may include the participation of a "third partner" such as a National Laboratory or a non-profit organization. Proposals Involving Live Vertebrate Animals, Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), 6. An NSF funding opportunity that includes planning proposals will provide specific guidance on submission of Concept Outlines using either email or the ProSPCT form. Collaborative activities that are identified in the budget should follow the instructions in Chapter II.E.3. [44] For purposes of this requirement, off-campus or off-site research is defined as data/information/samples being collected off-campus or off-site, such as fieldwork and research activities on vessels and aircraft. However, inclusion of a subaward or contract in the proposal budget or submission of a request after issuance of an NSF award to add a subaward or contract will document the required organizational determination. ), i. Requests are made in conjunction with regular competitive proposals, or as a supplemental funding request to an existing NSF award. This section of the proposal is used to assess the adequacy of the resources available to perform the effort proposed to satisfy both the Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts review criteria. Statement of Potential Overlap: FP / AWD Activity Update Current and Pending Reporting Data. Consultants travel costs, including subsistence, may be included. Indicate virtual if the project is not based in a physical location. Proposing organizations are responsible for identifying NSF-funded life sciences proposals that could potentially be considered DURC or involve enhanced PPPs as defined in the Policy and for compliance with the requirements established in that Policy therein. Consultant Services and Speaker Fees. [32] In accordance with the NSPM-33 Implementation Guidance, a "Foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment program" is defined as an effort organized, managed, or funded by a foreign government, or a foreign government instrumentality or entity, to recruit science and technology professionals or students (regardless of citizenship or national origin, or whether having a full-time or part-time position). Proposers also should enter the country/countries with which project participants will engage and/or travel to attend international conferences. Note that non-disclosure clauses associated with these contracts are not acceptable exemptions from this disclosure requirement. Current all in-kind contributions obligated from whatever source irrespective of whether such support is provided through the proposing organization or is provided directly to the individual. Authorization to Deviate from NSF Proposal Preparation Requirements (if applicable), b. For one year following separation from the Foundation, any communication with NSF by a former employee or IPA must be done through use of a "substitute negotiator." NSF funds may not be included or spent for meals or coffee breaks for intramural meetings of an organization or any of its components, including, but not limited to, laboratories, departments, and centers, as a direct cost. The description should be narrative in nature and must not include any quantifiable financial information. The awardee organization name, address, NSF organization code, UEI, and Employer Identification Number/Taxpayer Identification Number are derived from the profile information provided by the organization or pulled by NSF from the SAM database and are not entered when preparing the Cover Sheet. At the NSF Program Officers discretion (subject to Division Director concurrence), they may invite none, some, or all of the project ideas as full proposals, with the final funding decision to occur after the full proposals have been received and reviewed. Each train introduces unsteadiness that . When the individual signs the certification on behalf of themselves, they are certifying that the information is current, accurate, and complete. The individuals selected to participate in each of these panels are subject matter experts for the specific topic of the Ideas Lab. The following provides guidance regarding the preparation, review, or administration of RAPID proposals/awards: The Project Description is expected to be brief and must be no more than five pages. The only exceptions to this rule are: (1) when the Program Officers at the relevant Federal agencies have previously agreed to joint review and possible joint funding of the proposal; or (2) proposals for PIs who are beginning investigators (individuals who have not been a PI or co-PI on a Federally funded award with the exception of doctoral dissertation, postdoctoral fellowship or research planning grants). Meal expenses of recipient employees who are not on travel status are unallowable. 3729-3733 and 3802. [24] Unless required by NSF (see the section on Mandatory Cost Sharing below), inclusion of voluntary committed cost sharing is prohibited and Line M on the proposal budget will not be available for use by the proposer. Specific instructions for each type of request are provided below. See Chapter II.D.2.d(iii) for additional instructions on preparation of this section. The role of the Ideas Lab panel is to provide an assessment of the project ideas developed during the Ideas Lab. See Chapter IV.D.2.b. The requisite information is described in the NSF Prospective New Awardee Guide. Incentive payments, for example, payments to human subjects or incentives to promote completion of a survey, should be included on line G.6. No proposer-supplied information may appear in the margins. If the support is in a foreign countrys currency, convert to U.S. dollars at time of submission. The substitute negotiator must be from the same organization as the PI or co-PI for whom the negotiator is required. For purposes of budget preparation, the cumulative cost sharing amount must be entered on Line M of the first years budget. In the Type of Relationship column please specify the personal, family, or business relationship involved. The Other Support download and GMAS resources were originally developed to assist with NIH Other Support disclosures and may be used as a resource for NSF Current and Pending (Other) Support. The Frontera system is among the largest and most powerful supercomputers ever deployed at a U.S. IHE; it offers over 16,000 processors, as well as significant other processing capabilities, to advance research that would not otherwise be possible. The number of participants to be supported must be entered in the parentheses on the proposal budget. These are typically determined by application of a calculated fringe benefit rate for a particular class of employee (full time or part-time) applied to the salaries and wages requested. Current and Pending Support: The support requested or available from other Federal agencies and other sources. For additional information on program income generated from conferences, see Chapter VIII.D.4. PIs will receive an email from the cognizant NSF program officer that specifies whether a full proposal may be submitted. Some programs allow for or encourage continued employment at United States research facilities or receipt of Federal research funds while concurrently working at and/or receiving compensation from a foreign institution, and some direct participants not to disclose their participation to United States entities. See Chapter V for further information. No appendices or supplementary documents may be submitted. Projects involving the care or use of live vertebrate animals at an international organization or international field site also require approval of research protocols by the U.S. recipients IACUC. Please use the links listed below for more information on each submitting offices deadline policies: Informational Training Module (Harvard HTP course), SciENcv tutorials (Harvard HTP course bundle), OSP: Preparing a Proposal (Harvard Website), HMS ORA: Proposal Development (Harvard Website), HSPH SPA: NSF Submissions (Harvard Website). Vi ) Antarctic proposals to any NSF program require Logistical Requirements and Field Plan supplementary documents to be.... May include the participation of a `` third partner '' such as supplemental! Disclosure requirement specify the personal, family, or business Relationship involved,! Information is current, accurate, and complete obscene, or disorderly: Identify the (! The first years budget that specifies whether a Full proposal may be requested or available from Federal. Be evaluated within the intellectual merit of the project Ideas developed during the Lab! 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