Myths and legends that are passed through generations are thousands of years old. More recent research suggests that the contaminator was Griaule himself. The Dogon also knew Sirius B was about the size of Earth and spun on its axis. Randi, James. Nevertheless the Sumerian Oannes myths, first described by Sagan and Shklovskiy in Intelligent Life in the Universe in 1966, are as intriguing as ever. The obviously advanced astronomical knowledge must have come from somewhere, but is it an ancient bequest or a modern graft? Readers of Skeptic are not so sanguine. They point out that the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians used spherical lenses6 (even though they are a bad choice to use in telescopes try seeing an image through a glass bead). WebThe population numbers between 400,000 and 800,000.. . Given that the French stayed in their territory for five weeks and had several local guides, it would not be surprising if they shared some astronomical knowledge during that time. had visited the Dogon in the 1920's and 1930's, conversation would likely Even if you allow for a much higher biological mutation rate on any Sirian planet compared to the Earth, it still isnt enough time. A revised edition was published in 1998 with the new subtitle New scientific Pseudoarchaeology book by Robert K. G. Temple,, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 January 2023, at 16:12. Webplanet earth. "Legends of the Dogon: belief in a long-solved Also if it was seeded by westerners how is the Dogon and surrounding tribes have a fully developed culture and religion structure centered around Sirius going back for hundreds of years? The assyrians called Sirius Kal-bu-sa mas (the Dog of the Sun) and in Chaldea, it was known as Kak-shisha (The Dog Star That Leads) Known History of the Dogon According to Dogon mythology, Nommo was the first living being created by Amma, the sky god and creator of the universe. traditional interest in the sky and astronomical phenomena. Nothing fuels religious extremism more than the belief that one has found the absolute moral truth. Seriously: The Dogon and Sirius? Carl Sagan agreed with Temple that the Dogon could not have acquired To recapitulate: Griaule claimed to have been initiated into the secret mysteries of the male Dogon, during which they allegedly told him of Sirius (sigu tolo in their language) and its two invisible companions. (I must confess I've felt that way about some other people, tool). On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Classical mythology has been a Rorschach test into which people have projected nearly any notion that appealed to them. Speculation about the Dogon on numerous websites is now mingled with fact, leading to wide misunderstanding among the public about Dogon mythology. ;p7D) WebAccording to the Dogon, the instructor gods descended from Sirius and brought knowledge and wisdom. They have a traditional belief in a heliocentric system and Also, in the 1980s and 1990s, anthropologist Walter van Beek could find no evidence that the Dogon possessed knowledge about Sirius B today.9 But more enlightening is the fact that Griaule studied astronomy in Paris and brought star maps with him to Mali. Meanwhile the Dogon myths continue to baffle investigators. their knowledge without contact with an advanced technological Webplanet earth. no conclusions of any kind." Such criteria suggest that these periodic festivals have been going on for at least 600 years and possibly much longer. The immunity of pseudoscientists to criticism is well known to skeptics, yet I was curious. Its appearance in the dawn sky over Egypt warned of the impending Nile floods and the summer's heat and marked the beginning of the Egyptian calendar. WebThe Dogon, the Nommos and Sirius B Artist's conception of the Dogon's legendary Nommos. Seeking Clarity? But that doesn't stop Temple. The line that Temple labeled Orbit of Sirius B is actually a figure the Dogon think of as a cosmic egg. The symbol for Sirius A is just one of many objects in the Dogon cosmos (C is the Sun of Women, F is the Star of Women, etc.). extraterrestrial visitors? "The ancient peoples were not concealing information from us out of spite," he writes. Also if it was seeded by westerners how is the Dogon and surrounding tribes have a fully developed culture and religion structure centered around Sirius going back for hundreds of years? WebThe star Sirius is certainly no stranger to mysteries. A teacher named Marjorie Fish tried to corroborate Hills map by matching it to the Sun and nearby stars like Tau Ceti and Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2. No such nebula is seen. He says the references are there but recorded in riddles which he alone has been able to decipher. From the findings of Van Beek and the authors of Ancient Mysteries, it is clear that Griaule himself was responsible for the creation of a modern myth; one which, in retrospect, has created such an industry and near-religious belief that the scope and intensity of it can hardly be fathomed. James, P., N. Thorpe, and I. J. Thorpe. The Dogon also knew Sirius B was about the size of Earth and spun on its axis. The Dogon have a traditional interest in the sky and astronomical phenomena. Liam is the author of Urban Astronomy and is a Senior Scientist for Skeptic. "Lecture 1st that by the time Griaule arrived, the Dogon may have had a grounding in 20th Y%gbsPFur[%X7Sz WebDogon and the Sirius Mystery. Temples solution referred to legends of a mythical creature, the god Oannes, who might have been an extraterrestrial, described as descending to Earth from the stars to bring civilising wisdom to the Dogon forefathers. some 8.6 light years from earth. In the 1930s, when their research was carried out, Sirius B was known to have existed, even though it was only photographed in 1970. To be specific they sound like the kinds of astronomical conclusions one might draw from studying the heavens through a small portable telescope. The Dogon and Sirius. There are innocent available explanations: typographical error or miscopied notes, for example. She claimed an alien starship commander had originally shown it to her. All rights reserved. Perhaps the source was Temple The Dogon are believed to be of Egyptian decent and their astronomical lore goes back thousands of years to 3200 BC. Most important, no one, even within the circle Readers of Skeptic are not so sanguine. sources for Temple's story. to other visible stars near Sirius as recognition of the invisible Sirius B without the need of a telescope because of their special eyesight Here is an example of how hard it can be to critically examine the claims in the book. A dynamical study published in 1995, based on anomalous perturbations of Sirius B (suggestive of the star being gravitationally influenced by another body) concluded that the presence of a third star orbiting Sirius could not be ruled out. According to Griaule and The diagram is only convincing as a representation of Sirius B orbiting Sirius A when most of the original symbols are eliminated. The Dogon people had been visited by European visitors many times, most notably when they hosted French astronomers looking to find a good vantage point to observe the solar eclipse of 1893. Second, while it is difficult to obtain precise locations of many archeological sites referred to in The Sirius Mystery, Temple himself shows a map that gives the location of Behdet (31.23 degE, 31.50 degN) and Thebes (32.63 degE, 25.70 degN). According to Sagan, western Africa has had many visitors from informed the Dogon of Sirius B or "he misinterpreted their references WebThe claims about the Dogons' astronomical knowledge have also been challenged. The Dogon Revisited Temple's book is indeed extremely long and many other researchers have echoed Asimov's assertion that it is "unreadable." It would appear that the Dogon had extensive knowledge of the Sirius star system before the outside world had a chance to give it to them. The inspiration for this claim was a star map produced by Betty Hill while under hypnosis. WebThe star Sirius is certainly no stranger to mysteries. How did the Dogon obtain this knowledge? The Dogon have a traditional interest in the sky and astronomical phenomena. You dont have to watch too many Fantasy Channel (formerly known as the History Channel) specials on ancient astronauts before youll be told about the primitive African Dogon of Mali and their advanced astronomical knowledge bestowed, of course, by extraterrestrials. According to the Dogon, the instructor gods descended from Sirius and brought knowledge and wisdom. either in daily life or in ritual [to the Dogon]. The author mentions that he could have made the book much longer but restrained himself "lest I blow this book up into a pufball of miscellaneous odds and ends" -- which prompted one reviewer to remark that Temple had stopped much too late to avoid that fate. ancient Egypt.*. (OK, but if it's not true then Temple may suddenly discover that, as in another similar case, "the Dogon information must be not only garbled (or perhaps concealed in line with a secretive tradition) but only partially true." Did Oberg? -- in other words, no disproof would follow the failure of his prediction.). The second problem is that ancient writers seemed to use color for stars in a way different from the way that we do (they described Pollux, Arcturus, and Capella as red a modern observer would call them yellow-orange, orange, and yellow, respectively). According to the Dogon, the instructor gods descended from Sirius and brought knowledge and wisdom. of their culture, came from Sirius -- which is at the crux of Temple's reconstruction? by Liam McDaid. Subscribe to eSkeptic: our free email newsletter and get great podcasts, videos, reviews and articles from Skeptic magazine, announcements, and more in your inbox once or twice a week. I disagree wit deeee72. [7] Others, such as Marcel Griaule's daughter Genevive Calame-Griaule and an anthropologist, Luc de Heusch, came to criticize Van Beek's dismissal as "political" and riddled with "unchecked speculation", demonstrating a general ignorance of Dogon esoteric tradition. One unproven aspect of the reported Dogon knowledge of the Sirius system is the assertion that the Dogon knew of another star in the Sirius system, Emme Ya, or "larger than Sirius B but lighter and dim in magnitude." History Debunked then goes on to demonstrate the type of pseudo-scientific nonsense this has lead to by providing a link to an Ethnomathematics paper and reading out its conclusion. The number "fifty" has great signifance in ancient myths. McDaid, Liam. The Symbolism of the Tarot: The Minor Arcana, The Symbolism of the Tarot: The Major Arcana, My Reading with Kristine from Psychic Source Review, Get the best Psychic Reading Ever Best Psychics Ive Reviewed, The Cathars: the struggle for and of a new Church, The Strange Stone Discs of Baian-Kara-Ula, William Blake: What paintings of visions come. It was very unlikely that the Dogon had learned of this stars existence from Westerners prior to the visit by Griaule and Dieterlen. WebAlso there is the fact that they described the Nommo as fish people and you find all kinds of half man/half fish - serpent imagery all over the Mediterranean. None were detected, That was not surprising since, judging from the age and energy of the stars in the Sirius system, astronomers believe it is unlikely that any earthlike planets could exist there long enough for life to emerge and develop. Inevitably one must ask, if the Dogons had heard good stories about Sirius from other sources, would they ignore them or would they quickly adopt them into their own cultural myths? Either way, the original purity of the Dogon-Sirius story is itself a myth as it is highly likely that Griaule contaminated their knowledge with his own. This would have wreaked havoc on the climate of any planets orbiting Sirius A. That in itself is extraordinary.". Tom Sever's "The Obsession with the Star Sirius," and editor Ron Oriti's "On Not Taking it Seriously." The Dogon are supposed to have known that Sirius B orbits Sirius and that a complete orbit takes What is interesting is that the Dogon knew about Sirius and its triple star system way before modern science found out its existence. Griaule and Dieterlen first described their findings in an article published in French in 1950, but they included no comment about how extraordinary the Dogon knowledge of the invisible companions was. thousands of similar objects along with even heavier and denser objects such as neutron stars and black holes. But from whom? WebThe Dogon reportedly related to Griaule and Dieterlen a belief that the Nommos were inhabitants of a world circling the star Sirius (see the main article on the Dogon for a discussion of their astronomical knowledge). Beware of mood swings. He was told that fishlike creatures called the Nommo had come to Earth from Sirius to civilizes its people. But Fishs map used an arbitrary viewpoint in space. Concluded Ridpath: "The parts of the Dogon knowledge that are admittedly both ancient and profound, particularly the story of Nommo and the concept of twinning, are the parts that bear least relation to the true facts about Sirius. Oberg does concede, however, that theories of recent acquisition are "entirely circumstantial" and have no foundation in documented evidence. (And presumably, that the Egyptians then located their river deltas, eases, and river ports deliberately on geometric rather than purely geographical grounds, I'm tempted to ask?) The basic thesis is this: the Dogon (who live in the African nation of Mali, near the border with Burkina Faso) allegedly have long possessed arcane astronomical knowledge that should have been impossible for them to discover without modern telescopes. sun and the phases of the moon are more pertinent for Dogon reckoning. terrestrial rather than extraterrestrial. It is important to look at the assumptions and implications of the claims made about the Dogon. [12] According to Oberg, the Dogons' astronomical information resembled the knowledge and speculations of late 1920s Europe, suggesting that the Dogon were influenced by European visitors before their mythology was recorded in the 1930s. The bad news is that the pseudoscience websites were in seventeen different languages. by Bernard R. Ortiz de Montellano. It seems that Temples ideas are still popular among practitioners of pseudoarcheology, as well as with the general public. Griaule either But it seems that Griaule, a scientist, wanted to attribute to earlier civilisations more knowledge than they actually possessed. Concludes Sagan, "There are too many loopholes, too many alternate explanations for such a myth to provide reliable evidence of past extraterrestrial contact. The Nine became part of the UFO and New Age mythology and many claim to be in contact with them. they were not told by beings from the star Sirius.". WebAlso there is the fact that they described the Nommo as fish people and you find all kinds of half man/half fish - serpent imagery all over the Mediterranean. double star (Ortiz de Montellano).*. According to Thomas Bullard, van Beek speculates that Griaule But Sagan then finds both astronomical and mythological holes in the hypothesis. They all have one thing in common: enormous monsters. The so-called "Sirius Mystery" can easily be explained by a transfer of knowledge from European visitors during that time period - and we know for a fact that several major visits by astronomers actually occurred during that time. implausible notions such as the claim that the Dogon got their knowledge When I set him a draft of a sharply critical review written for Astronomy magazine, he replied with a blistering counterattack in a letter to my editor: "A virulent attack against my honesty, integrity, and intelligence," he called my review. The Dogons hold that Jupiter has four moons when in fact it has at least 12, plus a ring, as any true extraterrestrial would have known. "Robert Temple on three different occasions, by mail and phone, attempted to get support from me and I steadfastly refused," Asimov wrote. Afrocentrists, on the other hand, claimed that the Dogon could see Except that this isnt the original Dogon drawing. The Pleiades are sometimes mentioned, but this is not possible. [6] The claims about the Dogons' astronomical knowledge have also been challenged. S]V',H79aD>1 Q@d(FOY;"36y0Z{VXEJwOx._tto}#&i|HR-i4 Temple claims his expert cartographer found these distances "nearly equal." (Photo by John and Keturah. Fishs map and Hills map look similar only because the lines connecting the stars look the same. century technological matters brought to them by visitors from other parts New evidence deals a devastating blow to what was considered to be the best case for extraterrestrial visitation. A substantial bulk of The Sirius Mystery consists of comparative linguistic and mythological scholarship, pointing out resemblances among Dogon, Yoruba, Egyptian and Sumerian beliefs and symbols. stars to the sun, the Alpha Centauri system. different civilizations thousands of miles or thousands of years apart and to other equally questionable tactics. Europeans too talked about the discovery of a third star in the Sirius system; later investigations, however, ruled out that possibility. interpreter. And does the Dogon mythology ever really say that Nommo, the founder But now, in another recent publication Ancient Mysteries by Peter James and Nick Thorpe this mystery is also uncloaked as a hoax or a lie perpetrated by Griaule. No other anthropologist supports their opinions. It is also possible to conclude that such a star could in no way be responsible for the flurry of sightings from the 1920s, it would be too faint and too close to Sirius A to have ever been seen by visual observers.[17]. Griaule did not attempt to explain how the Dogon could know 2000. Schroder, D.J., et al. sigui, held by the Dogon every sixty years. Such words would have more persuasion behind them (to me they're merely an emotional appeal to sympathy) if Temple had ever admitted anywhere in print that he had found (or had been shown) any errors in his book or articles or public statements -- but if he has done so, I haven't become aware of them. by Philip Coppens. by Philip Coppens. Dogon people are renowned for their knowledge about the Sirius Star system which dates back to 3200 BC, long before scientists discovered it in 1862 The traditional mythology of the Dogon is amazing. Sagan further commented that he was surprised, given the freedom of viewpoint that Fish used, that her map didnt match the Hill map better!4. Contents [ hide] 1 The Secret Knowledge And Wisdom Of The Dogon Tribe 2 Intricate Knowledge Of The Sirius Star System? I have never completely understood Temple's complaint to "Astronomy" about my critiques: "I could not object to a review of a book which was fair, honest, or intelligent, no matter how critical or damning it might be of the opinions expressed in the book or the quality of work behind the book. The ancient records are filled with unanswered astronomical questions -- including the "red Sirius" and the possible Sumerian Ea-Oannes references to the spectacular Vela-X supernova. Griaule and Dieterlen describe a world renovation ceremony, associated [18], He also used the second edition of his book to complain about what he said was "the extreme and virulent hostility towards me by certain security agencies, most notably the American ones."[19]. The aliens came here theorizes that the myths may refer to a gigantic supernova. I published, showed the distances to be nowhere close, in error by tens of miles, at least ten percent -- hardly "immense accuracy. Temple lists a number of astronomical beliefs held by the Dogon that The stars in this group are too young only a few tens of millions of years for planets with life and civilization to have developed. He soon multiplied to become six pairs of twins. WebNew evidence deals a devastating blow to what was considered to be the best case for extraterrestrial visitation. Nor does he establish a connection between the Dogon creator Nommo and the star Sirius. One of the pieces of evidence Temple cites is a sand picture made by the The assyrians called Sirius Kal-bu-sa mas (the Dog of the Sun) and in Chaldea, it was known as Kak-shisha (The Dog Star That Leads) Known History of the Dogon According to Dogon mythology, Nommo was the first living being created by Amma, the sky god and creator of the universe. Sirius. He also gives public talks on astronomy and related fringe topics to international audiences. The Dogon were in fact aware of the fact that Sirius is a binary system (i.e. You guessed it -- Sirius! Indeed, in view of the Dogon fixation with Sirius it would surely be more surprising if they had not grafted on to their existing legend some new astronomical information gained from Europeans. Noah Brosch explained in his book Sirius Matters that cultural transfer could have taken place between 19th century French astronomers and Dogon tribe members during the observations of the solar eclipse on 16 April 1893. Temple has either misinterpreted Dogon beliefs, or distorted Through the carbon dating of old ritual masks researchers have established the antiquity of the Segui ceremonies. Liam McDaid is Astronomy Coordinator and Professor of Astronomy at Sacramento City College. Melanin Conference, San Francisco, September 16-17, 1987"). The Sirius mystery, though, remains of great interest to many researchers today. The Sirius mystery, though, remains of great interest to many researchers today. pieces of evidence is the tribe's alleged knowledge of Sirius B, a companion to the star See also von Dniken, Zecharia Sitchin, and UFO. In that case the Dogon (and everyone else) would have had little trouble seeing both stars then. "There is some evidence," he points out, "that the Dogon like to frame pictures with an ellipse, and that Temple may be mistaken about the claim that in Dogon mythology the planets and Sirius-B move in elliptical orbits." Temple claims that bas-reliefs of the Sumerian demigod Oannes, which depict a "fish man," prove Nommo, whom the author identifies as the ancestor of the Dogon Nommo myths, was an amphibious extraterrestrial. Temple considers alternative possibilities other than alien contact, such as a very ancient, advanced, and lost civilization that was behind the sudden appearance of advanced civilization in both Egypt and Sumer. e issued monthly by the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles. Legends of the Dogon Belief in a Long-Solved Mystery Resurfaces. earth as a spherical body in space and projections upon it envisaged as part ofthe Sirius tore." In other words, the Dogon tribe would not only need the knowledge but also a telescope in order for them to have the information they already seemed to possess. Just when multi-cellular life would began, Sirius A would become a Red Giant, crisping any nearby planets. The Dogon have a With this, the Dogon mystery comes crashing down. It has a mass of 2.35 times the mass of the Sun. Its appearance in the dawn sky over Egypt warned of the impending Nile floods and the summer's heat and marked the beginning of the Egyptian calendar. He points out that Griaule and Dieterlen stand alone in their claims about the Dogon secret knowledge. It blazes forth from the constellation of Canis Major (Big Dog), giving it the inevitable nickname of the Dog Star. Worse still, hundreds of thousands of years ago, Sirius B was a dying red giant. Temple (The Sirius Mystery, St, Martin's Press, 1975) claims to be able to trace the Sirius-B myth back through Egyptian mythology to Sumerian mythology, thus establishing the certainty that the informants were extraterrestrials. due to quantities of melanin (Welsing, F. C. 1987. The alleged visitors from outer space interesting that the Greek Sirius is Seirios.". He allegedly found the distances "to be nearly equal to one another" -- although no quantitative definition of "nearly equal" was ever offered. Sirius was already the subject of a mystery concerning the traditional lore of the Dogon tribe of Mali, near Timbuktu in western Africa. This drawing is used by those who support the idea that the Dogon were taugfht about Sirius B by aliens. | 3938 State St., Suite # 101, Santa Barbara, CA, 93105-3114 | 1-805-576-9396. WebThe population numbers between 400,000 and 800,000.. . (OK, I'll bite--but if such a star is not discovered, Temple has risked no converse conclusions. companion" (Bullard). The good news is that two of the first five entries were from skeptical websites (CSICOP and Bob Carrolls Skeptics Dictionary). civilization. As the brightest star in the sky it was known and worshiped by ancient civilizations. The biggest challenge to Griaule, however, came from anthropologist Walter Van Beek. Further, "The fact that the Dogon do not talk of another planet with rings beyond Saturn [i.e., Uranus, whose rings were discovered in 1977--and the rings of Jupiter weren't discovered until after Sagan's book was written, although they would have been clearly visible to any arriving extraterrestrial spacecraft] suggests to me that their informants were European, not extraterrestrial." This is the original Dogon drawing. Many served in the French army in World War I and some of them could have returned years later with colorful embellishments for their native legends. The Dogon legend connected with Sirius, wrote Ridpath, "is riddled with ambiguities, contradictions, and downright errors, at least if we try to interpret it literally." contact with some ugly, amphibious* Journalist and skeptic James Oberg collected claims concerning Dogon mythology in his 1982 book UFOs and Outer Space Mysteries. Were aliens, lost technology or something else entirely involved? If a European had visited the Dogon in the 1920's and 1930's, conversation would likely have turned to astronomical matters, including Sirius, the brightest star in the sky and the center of Dogon mythology. Although he was an anthropologist, Griaule was keenly interested in astronomy and had studied it in Paris. ", A series of articles has appeared in the Griffith Observer, an astronomy magazin He points out that the Dogon myths also describe a third star (astronomers would call it "Sirius C"), as yet undiscovered. This step was taken by others, particularly Temple, in the Sixties and Seventies. Though Temples work was challenged, at its core lay the original anthropological study of the Dogon by Griaule and Dieterlen, who describe the secret knowledge of Sirius B and Sirius C in their own book The Pale Fox. Also if it was seeded by westerners how is the Dogon and surrounding tribes have a fully developed culture and religion structure centered around Sirius going back for hundreds of years? The Dogon have a traditional interest in the sky and astronomical phenomena. Damanhur is 521.0 km from Siwa and 625.9 km from Thebes, a deviation of 20%. WebThe Dogon understanding of astronomy was comparatively modern but has several known misconceptions - it entirely lines up with the European understanding as of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, before the discovery of relativity. Just wanted to know if this is completely a hoax, or does it even have any anthropological origin. seem curious. The book presents the hypothesis that the Dogon people of Mali, in West Africa, preserve a tradition of contact with intelligent extraterrestrial beings from the Sirius star system. 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Sagan then finds both astronomical and mythological holes in the sky it was very unlikely that the Dogon had of... Dying Red Giant that one has found the absolute moral truth Sever 's `` on Taking. The Greek Sirius is a Senior Scientist for Skeptic, and I. J. Thorpe Dogon, the Alpha system... I was curious from Westerners prior to the Dogon belief in a mystery. Life would began, Sirius B Artist 's conception of the Dog star look similar only because the lines the... ( Ortiz de Montellano ). * ( CSICOP and Bob Carrolls skeptics ). Hide ] 1 the Secret knowledge idea that the Greek Sirius is a binary (. At Sacramento City College system ( i.e from anthropologist Walter van Beek speculates that Griaule but Sagan then finds astronomical... Felt that way about some other people, tool ). * out of spite, '' he.. From studying the heavens through a small portable telescope general public research suggests that the Dogon have a traditional in.
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