On the 2nd day of being sick I developed an odd cough, not really a productive cough that brings up chest mucus, but more of a dry, asthmatic, choking type of cough. It sounds like a real bitch. 'Super cold' now going around, not COVID or the flu, reports Andrew Lofholm on Nov. 23, 2021. I had headaches, which I usually never get, and my body ached, including my face, which never happened before. She also worries pandemic lessons on well-being are fading into the background: "In some ways, it's ridiculous we have to have this conversation," she says. Cases of respiratory syncytial virus . It will get so stiff and sore, like someone jammed an iron rod down in my neck. This illness has been classified as the flu. 'All the schools and colleges have gone back, and they are ideal breeding grounds. Even these so called non profits. Its too early to know, I believe. If you do come down with a cold or the flu, then drink plenty of fluids - at least eight glasses of water a day. Thanks R418. I got a flu shot this morning. Of some kind. A cold? Theres no doubt that we will face some challenges this winter, OConnell said. [post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) I had a relapse and treatment again in August. I havent smoked for years. People around the globe are falling prey to a 'super cold', which bears very similar symptoms to coronavirus. Sweating and shivering, too. OP What city are you in? Or were told we just had a cold when we told our doctors that they were so very sick that they were scared. The cough lasted 6 weeks and finally went away, I did NOT have a runny nose or anything nasal. R160, I could have written your exact words. Many of his patients just have the common cold or pneumonia. But they did the test, and my pneumonia is back. Yes R22, Boris came to America to infect us. If mucus production become virulent, you MUST get to the hospital for a chest xray and blood gases. Stranger too is that my sister got sick the day after I did & she was even worse. Its just now dawning on R191 that he shouldnt have participated in that orgy when he visited Wuhan. Hydration is essential to keep the body functioning at all times, but is especially important while youre battling an illness. Attention Editors: Reprint our articles and illustrations in your own publication. So what if they think they're helping 'cure' themselves. Being infected with flu and SARS-CoV-2 at the same time is possible, as is showing symptoms of both. With people returning to workplaces amid relaxing Covid protocols, poor Covid-19 booster uptake and cold and flu season on the way, the office bug is making an unwelcome comeback. June 14, 2022, 7:50 AM PDT By Daryl Austin Flu season typically strikes the U.S. from the late fall to the spring, peaking from December to February, but hospitals across the country are still. Treat yourself (and that includes your body) with love and care. Did any of you who got a flu shot still get this cold? So the mucus and phlegm reducing cough syrups do help with this. that would be better without the dramatic music and the intercutting between kid and mother's testimony. Im interested to see if people who had this also get coronavirus. Vaccine. I also took 2000 milligrams of vitamin C in the winter. 4:30 PM EDT, Fri November 4, 2022, 'It's awful': Doctor explains RSV symptoms as cases surge. My Christmas time visiting older not so wiser brother took Mom to Patient First. Many have rushed to get tested as the virus shares similar symptoms to the coronavirus - such as a sore throat, headaches, body aches, runny nose, and fatigue - but test results repeatedly come back as negative for Covid-19. To make sure you never miss out on your favourite NEW stories, we're happy to send you some reminders, Click 'OK' then 'Allow' to enable notifications, .css-o3g03s{color:black;}Published21:59,23 March 2022 GMT. Another old thread. if you belonged the Costco they sell huge bottles of just guaifenesin and they're ridiculously cheap compared to Mucinex. He was right and I am beyond grateful. If it wasnt, then it is really weird that a different strain of a uniquely strong virus is going around. On the subject of tylenol AKA acetaminophen/paracetamol, I avoid it whenever I can. R377 is a would-be know-it-all. Beaming Prince Harry and Meghan enjoy a date night at exclusive $4,200-A-YEAR Repli-Kate! Avoid crowds. Stop telling people to do stupid things. Fortunately, I stayed home alone through all the holidays and had very little contact, because although I didn't know about COVID-19, I didn't want to give whatever it was to anyone else. Eat right people! In addition to vaccination, Romero reminded people to cover their coughs and sneezes, avoid other individuals who are sick, wash hands frequently and use alcohol-based hand sanitizers. There was a particular formulation of tetracycline that did degrade over time but that type is no longer sold. 'Worrying signs': Omicron 'twin peaks' causing hospitalisation deaths, How to sleep: Magnesium 'helps the neurotransmitters' to promote sleep, Super cold 2022: How to get over a cold fast - five 'tricks' fact checked, Super cold 2022: Honey and lemon are particularly useful for soothing the throat, Muhammad Ali: Boxing legend's 'extreme' septic shock explained, Super cold 2022: The "super cold" has a likeness to Covid, Super cold 2022: Drinking warm fluids will hydrate you while easing congestion, Britons struck down by four illnesses sweeping across UK, How to spot a Covid headache? [quote]I'm leaning towards not going to Vegas, even though my trip is paid for. I have never coughed so much in my life. For junior employees, be explicit about when workers can and should take their sick or PTO days, especially if you have unlimited policies. It's just a covid. Typical treatments include rest, fluids, and over-the-counter medicines. Secondly, the virus has mutated and different variants are going to behave differently," Gounder says. In this study, we used a cellular model of adhesion to investigate whether natural antibodies of the ABO system could block the S protein and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 interaction. Masks continue to be an important tool for stopping the spread of respiratory viruses, such as COVID-19. Without having contact with regular viral infections during that time, Dr Hespe said our bodies had not had the regular reminder to our immune system to have a good response. Ive been on antibiotics since Tuesday and Im only just feeling better. I realize now that it was probably swollen glands fighting off something and putting pressure on my jaw and ear canal. RSV hospitalizations were also significantly higher than usual, according to another weekly update published by the CDC on Thursday. Two-workers and my husband are in their third week. These symptoms can be . [quote]pinpoint the patient zero is extremely hard and virtually impossible in the flu like pandemic. We were at pediatric urgent care at least twice. And while providing sick leave is one thing, it's also important for bosses to take sick time for themselves and proactively encourage their team to do the same. I forgot to add the fever part of my symptoms. I dream of a job where I can take a sick day because I have a cold. Got this 3-4 weeks ago and still coughing a little. Who came up with these SUPER COLDS? You're body builds a tolerance to it and it becomes less effective the more you use it. My encounter with COVID started about the 2nd week of December 2019. I went back to work, weary, but managed. He did a CT to check for cancer & didnt see anything. Lots of people coughing and sneezing, and they also have sore throats. Head cold symptoms usually appear one to three days after you've been . Still have residual congestion. She was in good health otherwise. Our poor old immune system has gone into a bit of shock, and people are being quite symptomatic. R1, my Mother insists that all one needed to conquer Covid was orange juice and Jesus! This system monitors visits for respiratory illness that includes fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI, not laboratory confirmed influenza and may capture patient visits due to other respiratory pathogens that cause similar symptoms. Just as you thought you were feeling better, the second wave came. I started her on the Mucinex/, cough suppressant/ Tylenol regiment. Reminder, the next time you point your finger at someone & claim theyre disgusting for giv8ng this to you youre going to give this to someone else. Bump because I think I may have had the Coronavirus earlier than the pandemic broke out. It's Not COVID, But an Especially Intense Cold Is Going Around People who don't have COVID-19 are reporting more severe upper respiratory illnesses than they usually experience, and doctors say several factors could be at play By Abbey Niezgoda Published December 7, 2021 Updated on December 7, 2021 at 9:03 pm NBC Universal, Inc. "It could well be that now common colds are resurging, because of the decline in social distancing and mask wearing, that they are bouncing back and the respiratory tract has not had enough recent experience of respiratory infections to be able to mount that strong first line defence," Prof Peter Openshaw, at Imperial College London, explained to The Guardian. It wasn't like the flu and it wasn't like an ordinary cold. R330, I live in Las Vegas and I absolutely wouldnt recommend it. Hope you feel better. It would not go away. Also, traveling friend had to return to Chicago from L.A., flying to Dallas, then flying to Chicago. But at my next 3 month visit my WBC were still elevated so I got sent to a hematologist. These days the crap going around clings on for two or more weeks. I drink a lot of teas (fennel, mint, camille), and when I feel even the slightest hint of a flu symptom I get myself an Earl Grey tea with lemon, honey, and lots of rum and go to sleep. Ideally, people should get diagnosed with viruses like Covid-19 and the flu early in the course of illness, Gounder says. If you're experiencing severe symptoms like a drop in your oxygen levels or shortness of breath, she strongly recommends going to the hospital where you will be able to receive medical attention and additional testing. If we'd had testing available we would probably know that there are/were hundreds of thousands of cases already and we've all already been exposed. Take a look at This thread is so depressing. Little did I know when I posted this back in December, that we would be dealing with the Coronavirus, four months later. Yes, R273. It's not the swine flu, because I was tested for it. And if having had the souped-up version (the common cold is a corona virus) provided immunity to the more lethal COVID-19? Charles is evicting Harry and Meghan from Frogmore Cottage 'so he can start after his Coronation with A royal princess at Eton? I have a large bottle and if you only take it for cold relief you're going to have it for a long time. Those suffering with it have done repeated COVID-19 tests and results have been . Was one of those who had the 2019 cold / flu from bell. So I've started taking my allergy medications. Are the original symptoms the same for the Delta variant? Also, the staph explosion a few years ago happened at the same time that most all hospitals were taken over by investment groups, and the non profits consolidated. Why would R7 be you at R2 and R6?? Improving influenza prevention: Modest changes with large effects. r330 You should cancel your trip until the vaccine. At one point since March, I had a 24-hour fever of 101f, with chills, but that passed. And I did not have gastro symptoms. It does not say chicken soup is proven to cure colds and related illnesses as Datalounge fraudom declared in this thread. Got a towel to remove the sweat. They open at 10:00 am. No one in my office has ever called in sick. I added a Western product for those who don't like Chinese medicine. Is this something that could be Covid-related? Europeans tend to believe in letting fevers run their course, when not dangerously high. I'd feel better for about a day or two, then I'd get hit with the next round. Zuniga-Moya JC, Norwood DA, Romero Reyes LE, Barrueto Saavedra E, Diaz R, Fajardo WC, Pineda A, Torres D, Barahona R, Leiva SO, Hernandez PX, Silva H, Leiva CR, Estrada L, Barahona-Campos A, Gordon A. Clin Infect Dis. She thought she was better and didn't pay attention when she started feeling dizzy and short of breath again. Ive had a cough for 2 years & kept telling my dr every 3 months when I visited & she kept treating it as something minor. I wonder if we all had it. [quote] everyone knows there is no cure for the common cold. Wear a mask in indoor public places. I still think it was similar to what I've heard described as Covid symptoms, but as I'm in the middle of the country and Covid was then unknown, that is unlikely. After the second bout, I went to my PCP, embarrassed to be coming in for a damn COLD, but I was miserable. South Dakota reports its first influenza death of the 2021-2022 season And NOTHING I have taken, has alleviated the coughing. Cold and Flu Activity Map and News | WeatherBug 0 Cold and Flu Each year, on average 5% to 20% of the U.S. population get sick from seasonal influenza, commonly called "the flu." The flu can cause severe illness and life-threatening complications in many people, but can you tell the difference between the flu and the common cold? "I, even as an infectious disease specialist who's been practicing for a couple decades now, cannot differentiate just on an exam. And had a clear CAT scan then. Fine now. Cold and flu viruses survive better and are more transmissible if its cooler and if theres lower humidity, Gordon explains. She was weak from coughing, and not to take a cough suppressant? a sore throat. Over the last two years Dr Hespe said weve had a ridiculously respiratory-tract-infection-free zone, and weve become complacent with not having viruses around us. [quote] I have no taste for coffee at all. He took it until his cold went away & pronounced himself cured by it. I'm guessing I caught his cold now smh, [quote] I'm hearing my brother in the next room. If you take vitamin C regularly, your cold symptoms may disappear earlier. They work best if theyre used early in your illness. First off, get your RAT test to see if its COVID, and then preferably do a telehealth call first to decide whether you then need a clinical exam as well, Dr Hespe told 7NEWS.com.au. R392, right? As per the latest Government data, the number of positive Covid tests reported in the seven days up to March 24 has risen by 14.5% compared to the previous seven days. Cough that hasnt quite completely cleared up after almost 4 weeks. These viruses love winter, she said. Corporations have thrown the baby out with the bath water. You were going to get better anyway. "Newer associates who've entered the workforce during the pandemic really have no idea the norms of when it's OK to take time off," Walsh says. No combination of nasal goo and spray keeps my nostrils from being completely scabbed over. My friend's mother was only 56. Dawn OConnell, assistant secretary for preparedness and response, said Friday that her agency was staying in close contact with health care systems and states. Which is why China knows exactly who is patient zero. But they told us the antibodies do not seem to last very long at all. They should rest, make sure they are getting enough water and nutritious food, and get better. I had it starting the Monday before Thanksgiving, and it lasted until some time in January. I find that OTC meds really don't workAlka Seltzer plus works a bit but nothing else does. His name is Flagg. This may be the greatest thread on DL ever. This migration of WBCs into upper respiratory tract may contribute to the commonly encountered cold symptoms, such as stuffy noses.When the researchers measured the ability of the WBCs to migrate through a filter from one side of a chamber to the other side, they found that fewer cells migrated to the other side of the chamber in the presence of chicken soup. Ugandan health officials say they have controlled the spread of a strain of Ebola that has no proven vaccine, but there are pockets of resistance to health measures among some in rural communities where illiteracy is high and restrictions on movement and business activity have left many bitter. In those regions, RSV cases are falling, even as influenza is spiking. COVID-19 tests are also available at many health centers. Aching muscles. I described mine from the end of November. This is why companies need to bring back maintenance crews and clean their buildings, floors, windows, desks etc. Workshop report: Optimization of animal models to better predict influenza vaccine efficacy. [quote] Who came up with these SUPER COLDS? r176 There aren't enough tests to go around for anyone currently suffering symptoms. They couldn't determine what it was at first, but then a lab test said it was strep throat. Would the antibody test work now? I have no taste for coffee at all. Influenza or the flu, just like COVID-19, is a highly contagious respiratory illness - they can share many of the same symptoms but are born from different viruses. ", Atkinson says she's thankful to work for a company with unlimited sick days and the ability to work from home when needed. April 4, 2022 - While coronavirus cases continue to decline across the U.S., another virus is climbing to its pre-pandemic levels, according to NBC News. No complementary approaches have been shown to be helpful for fighting off flu or COVID-19. That's all that's necessary. Flu vanished. This makes a lot of sense now. Download Then I insisted on more tests, and an X-ray said I was fine. I also had pink eye. I have been taking thc gummies to help me sleep and some nyquil cough works wonders. He's on a Polanski thread saying Sharon Tate was a "whore" who "wasn't really murdered" and on a Barbra thread saying someone should stomp on her neck and shoot her in the head. People who travel are exposed to all sorts of things. A normal cold for her would have "a runny nose, sneezing . Blaming his wife for passing on the virus - the most common disease suffered by humans - he said most colds were picked up at home from close personal contact. I had congestion and a few other symptoms that makes me think my February bug was something else. Then I stayed home for a month. My sister & I both slept & snuggled with her cat & were face to face with it. At one time the coughing was so bad, I think I coughed up what looked like a piece of lung-tissue. I would be hesitant to use any liquid medication long past the expiration date, but I would not hesitate to use old pills. Infected people may not have symptoms, but can still pass along either virus. The claim made here was that chicken soup has been proved to cure colds and related illnesses. You should be careful to avoid caffeine and alcohol as they can leave you hydrated and interfere with your sleep, which is essential for a speedy recovery. The media has noticed these kinds of claims and basically pooh-pooed the idea that they could have been instances of the novel coronavirus, remarking that it cannot be verified. This was when were just hearing about it so it didn't occur to me and thought I just had the flu. but the doctor said it was influenza alpha. Who are these people who can call in sick to work? The stuff you used to be able to get in a bunch of store brands that was made by the Perrigo company is hard to find nowadays, though. The inflammatory response in turn signals white blood cells (WBCs) to migrate to the region. Lost sense of smell or taste. I already told y'all what to do at R7 and R14. I asked for the test twice with my virtual provider but did not meet the criteria. The FDA has also approved one antiviral drug, called remdesivir, to treat COVID-19. Covid is making flu and other common viruses act in unfamiliar ways By Frances Stead Sellers June 13, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EDT A mobile coronavirus and flu testing site is set up in New York on May.. Talk with your doctor about currently available medications. Later, she said she had a very bad flu. R351, thank you for your comment. I had the cough sore throat for awhile, but at work on a Friday, it was bad. When safety doesn't come first! What are some of the most common presenting symptoms of . One of those struck down is Professor Ron Eccles, chairman of the Cold and Flu Council and director of the Common Cold Centre at Cardiff University. Everyone in this thread is describing sinus and congestion issues. I had a lung-rattling cough for about a month that's finally tapering off. Since then, I've had some severe bouts of tiredness and weakness. 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