Be Connected. Without realization, acceptance, and harmony of inner truths, the separation between masculine and feminine forms increases. Once you face and engage in alignment, chakras to chakras, the spiritual and romantic energy between the two is a preview of the power you share. In contrast, much like the caterpillars transformation into a butterfly reflected in Fermentation, alchemy is none other than the willing participation in our own demise. Cosmic law dictates that we must renounce our identities before we can harmonize with our twin flames. The most important characteristic of this element is that it holds all the information of creation, both celestial and terrestrial, stored within its mercurial waters. The dove is a common symbol of the Holy Spirit in Christianity, in comparison to God the Father (soul) and God the Son (body). In the esoteric sphere, the spirit-matter continuum is the essential theme of alchemy, where there is a refinement of the mystics vessel until gnosis has been awakened. WebTwin Flames and The Alchemical Marriage The Union of the Twin Flames is the ultimate Alchemical Marriage. Heart Palpitations And Spiritual Awakening, Twin Flame Number 7 - Journey Towards Ascension, There is nothing better than soaking in a bath using aroma oils o. r taking a shower to renew our mental clarity and cleanse our auras. In short, Mercury and its corresponding nature, water, can dissolve all because they contain all. It also shapes what we will receive. Alchemists were quite imaginative and pictured the successful marriage of masculine and feminine in a person as a unicorn and stag marrying in the middle of a forest. All remaining fragments of the ego are being filtered in the process of distillation, exalting our core aspects into their generative principles. These first two stages may be associated, Ascension from the physical plane is through the synthesis of the feminine and masculine energies which is the entire aim of alchemy. And why not, because it is a magical event indeed. Catherine Beyer is a practicing Wiccan who has taught religion in at Lakeland College in Wisconsin as well as humanities and Western culture at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay. Calcination is a decomposition or breaking down from ego, shame, fear, old paradigms, old patterns, old beliefs, past life trauma, subconscious to conscious trauma into the higher consciousness. Marriage of the Red King and White Queen in Alchemy. This would have been a standard sentiment in a Renaissance marriage, but it reinforces the nature of the passive principle. Following this reasoning, we can discern that the development of our inner senses, transmutation of our soul, and union of our hemispheres are what the true work in alchemy pertains to. As a result, we experience wholeness in our spiritual core, which raises our vibration, and transforms us into truthful lovers, An Alchemical Marriage is one of the Universes most incredible magic tricks! Just as there is death, there is also a rebirth. Separation: The process of dissolution brought many of our inner workings and hidden patterns forward from their watery depths to be examined in the light of consciousness. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Copyright 2020-2023Twin Flame Union - All Rights Reserved. Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate ~ Carl Jung. Due to the rule that substances are dissolved by substances that share a similar makeup aka: like dissolves like, water has the capacity to disband the body and soul of psychic contaminates. Begin unveiling your karma. One runs south to north in a loop, and the other runs north to south in a loop. The process of separation involves rediscovering our authentic self or feelingsfor a person. The Red King is sulfur -- the active, volatile and fiery principle -- while the White Queen is mercury -- the material, passive, fixed principle. Twin Flame Teacher SONNET 116 The teachings of alchemy have been cloaked for centuries in secrecy in order to preserve its integrity. First is the youthful marriage, during which we follow the wonderful impulses that nature has given us in the interplay of the sexes biologically in order to produce children. Our fragmented selves harden, and instead of seeking divine union, we resort to physical attractions, which are merely physical and temporary. Dissolution: Whereas the first stage was purification by fire, dissolution involves purification by water. It is a union intentionally set for both of you to meet at a specific time for a specific reason. Cosmic law requires that we must first define our own unique idenity in the whole of God/Source before we can completely unclock the spiritual and energetic potential of our TwinFlames. Thats why we often find it hard to raise our vibrations if we let ourselves get out of balance with our mind, body, and soul trinity. The majority of people would like to advance into higher levels of awareness, while still maintaining the comforts of their identity, belief systems, and multiple contradictory views. Distillation: Distillation is the boiling of the liquified ferment until it evaporates to steam, condenses, and descends to a more refined state of liquid. How this manifests over the course of our lives is during periods where we have attained a certain degree of truth but mistake it for being the top of the summit. Deep humility is required in order to sever the lower selfs attachment to its level of consciousness and elevate its being. Or as Shakespeare so artistically phrased it. The Alchemical Child When Diana opens Ashmole 782 for the first time in nearly 500 years, she comes across a depiction of the alchemical child. The colors are suggestive of the white and red stages of the alchemical process. The metaphysical implications of this phase are the uniting of the Spirit (Mercury) and Soul (Sulfur). The alchemists internal elements are recombined in the endeavor to create oneness from the four. We like to treat ourselves better than a private butler at a 5-star hotel because the reward generates the effort every time. Law of Attraction Coach, Bob Proctor explains it brilliantly about paradigms and beliefs. The alchemists had the notion of unus mundus a unifying cosmic ground in which both matter and psyche (soul) participate. The teachings of alchemy have been cloaked for centuries in secrecy in order to preserve its integrity. This is the union between the masculine and feminine impulses/energies, which The Stages of Alchemy Each alchemist had their own variation on the number of operations to completing the great work. I knew of the outcome of my disease, and I asked my Lord and God to use me in any capacity for the betterment of all.. He kept giving me signs and syncs all along. It is the death, resurrection, and rebirth of the divided ego consciousness into the Higher Self. The salvaged ashes of the psyche from calcination are submerged in water to thoroughly clear our vital life force from the remaining grip of the conditioned self. Our body, mind, and soul are the substance being concentrated for this duration to affirm their integrity. This is achieved by the reconfiguration and synthesis of the persons elements: water, earth, air, and fire into the spiritual Quintessence. Alchemy is known as the Spagyric Art, meaning to separate, and recombine. This stage utilizes the element Air as it filters through our two natures, true essence and the programmed self, separating the subtle from gross matter. When I asked 26 months ago, if my Twin Flame is my Twin Flame, these cards were revealed. However, it is possible to understand the alchemical process in terms of four basic stages, this being most useful when starting out as an "alchemical beginner" and in trying to relate it to the psychotherapeutic process. Our souls store feminine and masculine energy as one pure combined energy. The most precious material concerning the alchemist is essence, this is the aspect connected to the soul. It is a balanced union alongside each other and shown within the circle (womb). In this instance, it is Soul Birth. This operation is marked by the putrefaction of the product that was assembled in the previous stage, into a ferment to ensure that full integration of the alchemists separate fragments have taken place. Spiritually there has been no need to gather anymore for the ongoing planetary cycle of changes we are experiencing. During Coagulation, the alchemists heart has awakened, and unconditional love is discovered to be no mere sentiment, but the very fabric of reality. Ascension from base consciousness into unity consciousness is through the harmonization and synthesis of the feminine and masculine elements within the mystic, as these sympathies represent forces in the cosmos coalescing and awakening to the individuals I am presence. The first four stages involved discarding our old, inauthentic self and drawing together the authentic elements within us. Western thought has long identified a wide variety of concepts as being masculine or feminine. Sometimes they are naked, preparing to consummate their marriage that will eventually lead to an allegorical offspring, the Rebis. In fact, I learnt through writing the series, just how much Melchizedek is my Guide. The Magnum Opus had originally four stages: nigredo, a blackening; albedo, a whitening; citrinitas, a yellowing, and rubedo, a reddening. Truth is multidimensional, for this reason we are only designed to align with truth to the best of our capacity at this level of being, however that doesnt mean the revelations ever cease, its only a matter of whether we allow higher grades of truth to permeate us or not. Certain natural rewards and social activities, such as aerobic exercise, laughter, listening to or making music, and dancing can induce a state of euphoria. When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. There is no incentive waiting for the dreamer who is deep asleep in matter. The stages of alchemical progression involved in the great work (the ultimate goal of alchemy, involving the perfection of the soul, represented allegorically as the transmutation of common lead into perfect gold) are nigredo, albedo, and rubedo. In tarot cards, the alchemical marriage of duality is the cardThe Lovers. In this field we are drawn out of identification with the character we play and become the awareness behind the character: the one who simply witnesses the thoughts and feelings as they arise with no vested interest or judgment. In this stage the essence is being liberated from matter in the form of ascending vapors. Alchemical marriage is a soul-interaction that invites the sacred feminine to the sacred masculine. The most important characteristic of this element is that it holds all the information of creation, both celestial and terrestrial, stored within its mercurial waters. Multiplicationis the process used to increase the potency of the Philosophers Stone. Nothing is more central to the subject of alchemy than The Great Work or, Magnum Opus, the transformative work of redeeming the subtle from the gross, combining the celestial with the terrestrial, which is repeated in a circulatory process until it matures to the highest level of refinement producing the philosophers stone. Within his bending sickle's compass come: The Rosarium Philosophorum, or the Rosary of the Philosophers, was published in 1550 and includes 20 illustrations. I also had to apply the same principles taught here into my own journey. To the esoteric sphere alchemy is our inner-stars, and to the exoteric sphere, alchemy was reduced to merely metallurgy and its sister sciences since the exoteric sphere could not conceive that the mineral kingdom was reflecting a higher nature that was present in all processes and at higher orders of operationan above. There were different ways the alchemists described the alchemical marriage, but in our opinion, they are much less the same as above. The appearance of the aforementioned androgynous figure comes up in mythology, astrology, and tarot. This historical figure has a single body with the head of a man and a woman. and the spiritual ritual it invokes. A battle of wills is taking place where in order for the mystic to progress any further, their enduring shadow aspects must be truthfully assessed and assimilated. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Each alchemist had their own variation on the number of operations to completing the great work with 4, 7 and 12 stages being the most common amount that was applied. It is the death, resurrection, and rebirth of the divided ego consciousness into the Higher Self. The Stages of Alchemy Each alchemist had their own variation on the number of operations to completing the great work. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The sun is male, and the moon is female. Alchemical Processes The stages of alchemical progression involved in the great work (the ultimate goal of alchemy, involving the perfection of the soul, represented allegorically as the transmutation of common lead into Due to the rule that substances are dissolved by substances that share a similar makeup aka: like dissolves like, water has the capacity to disband the body and soul of psychic contaminates. Although we may not be willing participants in our own demise such as the caterpillar, the agreement within the self that was reached during Conjunction has now made us so. The Sacred Marriage. Sublimation is a purification process in the completion of the Magnum Opus. In the lettering, the King says in Latin, "O Luna, let me be thy husband," reinforcing the imagery of marriage. WebThe original process philosophy has four stages: nigredo, the blackening or melanosis; albedo, the whitening or leucosis; citrinitas, the yellowing or xanthosis; rubedo, the reddening, purpling, or iosis; The origin of these four phases can be traced at least as far back as the first century. This stage can be likened to the rebirth of the phoenix from its own ashes. If inner spiritual and emotional turmoil is allowed to fester, one cannot muster the spiritual energy needed to find such a union. Alchemy is known as the Spagyric Art, meaning to separate, and recombine. This stage utilizes the element Air as it filters through our two natures, true essence and the programmed self, separating the subtle from gross matter. These first two stages may be associated, Projection is the final state of the Spiritual Soul Alchemy, The Magnum Opus, the ultimate and final stage from lead ego to gold state of consciousness. When theyre out of touch with their ego and fail to see its unpredictable tides, theyre unable to transform into the gold of their spiritual selves. This gender statement is not true as we have two polarities of energy running through our human meridian lines. It is this same energy system that provides us with our Makeba energy chariot. Although we may not be willing participants in our own demise such as the caterpillar, the agreement within the self that was reached during Conjunction has now made us so. Twin Flame Heart Palpitations: What Am I Experiencing? We have such peace; we are mindful to start our day with intention, and thanks. Removing all ego based false beliefs, patterns, old stuck paradigms. Before starting my last article, I began seeing 666, which I explain in the number sequence article as being a lower vibrational number, based on fear and lack of faith. The love of this beloved holy Christ Self, i.e., that part of us who maintains constant contact with the Sourcethe I AM Presence, is an incomparable love. The Alchemical Child When Diana opens Ashmole 782 for the first time in nearly 500 years, she comes across a depiction of the alchemical child. In this stage there is a reconciling of opposing forces within the individual whose masculine and feminine hemispheres are no longer warring and have begun to harmonize. Access the Free Lessons of Your Choice Now To establish the true alchemical marriage, cosmic law requires that we first define our own identity in God before we can completely unlock the spiritual potential of our twin flames. A battle of wills is taking place where in order for the mystic to progress any further, their enduring shadow aspects must be truthfully assessed and assimilated. This takes place on the spiritual plane, beyond the chemical, philosophical, and even noetic levels of this science. It is a science of the Soul. This combined energy fuels our business and keeps us protected and safe to fulfill our twin flame duties. The second process of individuation is experienced by painful growing awareness of shadow aspects through massive spiritual healing. The fifth element is the universal life force known as Aether. Thus, the first step to achieve spiritual alchemy is molding our thoughts so that it benefits us. Beyer, Catherine. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. Water is the element of intuition, the unconscious, and feelings, its higher nature is the sea of consciousness that is manifested into energy in motion (Emotion). WebThe original process philosophy has four stages: nigredo, the blackening or melanosis; albedo, the whitening or leucosis; citrinitas, the yellowing or xanthosis; rubedo, the reddening, purpling, or iosis; The origin of these four phases can be traced at least as far back as the first century. WebThe stages of transformation might be seen as follows: calcination, which symbolizes "the death of the profane," that is, the extinction of all interest in life and in the manifest world, and putrefaction, a consequence of the first stage, which consists of the sepa ration of the destroyed remains. From this perspective we can clearly see why the majority of people would not voluntarily choose to sacrifice their worldly existence to embark down the path of the Magician. At this stage, however, we catch a glimpse of a more refined, authentic self. The esoteric dimensions of this step are the reducing of the individuals programmed, egoic self into ashes. In this stage, you become aware of your spiritual transformation and begin to surrender to your Soul Alchemy. It also shapes what we will receive. The leveling up from carbon to crystalline, bringing humanity into the Golden age, allows more and more to become alchemists. Rebis: the Result of the Great Work in Alchemy, Alchemical Sulfur, Mercury and Salt in Western Occultism, Deciphering Eliphas Levi's Baphomet: The Goat of Mendes, The Five Element Symbols of Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Spirit, As Above So Below Occult Phrase and Origin, Geometric Shapes and Their Symbolic Meanings, Faravahar, the Winged Symbol of Zoroastrianism, The God of Wealth and Other Deities of Prosperity and Money, M.A., History, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. When an individuals psyche is undergoing this same process, Carl Jung referred to it as metanoia. It consists in redoing the already done spiritual transformation but with more exalted and perfected sequences without going through The Dark Night of the Soul phases. The process is similar to the caterpillars metamorphosis into a butterfly. It reflects how we have evolved the magic of transmutation within our bodies all over the globe. Enlightenment and direct communication with the divine are both qualities of this state, as universal consciousness has become self-actualized. The principle of alchemical marriage between twin flames describes the transformation twin flames must achieve before ascension can be attained. Descriptions of alchemical processes often describe the reactions of sulfur and mercury. A true representation of a couple accepting themselves and each other without judgment. Fire is the spiritual catalyst that purifies ones essence in the crucible of life. Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. The body is material and the soul spiritual. Vows may be renewed. Others say Truth is definitive, all encompassing, and static. This is accomplished through the redemption, purification, and unification of the seekers prima materia, or consciousness. We are aware of our energy transmutation; we feel and see the crackle of creative invention and possibilities charging with our growing love. Reconnecting with your inner child has a powerful affect on your life. Sometimes they have a bird symbolizing The Uniting in spirit, which hovers above them, giving them the spiritual blessing of the revered union. Or bends with the remover to remove: But only if one is already an alchemist. This is the Beloved for whom the saints of East and West have given their all. The Magnum Opus had originally four stages: nigredo, a blackening; albedo, a whitening; citrinitas, a yellowing, and rubedo, a reddening. Alchemy is known as the Spagyric Art, meaning to separate, and recombine. This stage utilizes the element Air as it filters through our two natures, true essence and the programmed self, separating the subtle from gross matter. The majority of people would like to advance into higher levels of awareness, while still maintaining the comforts of their identity, belief systems, and multiple contradictory views. Euphoriais the experience of pleasure or excitement and intense feelings of well-being and happiness. In order to cultivate the essence, the mystics whole being is aerated. I knew Law of Attraction is pivotal in Twin Flame journey but in order for me to write five part series, I had to gain spiritual maturity to do justice to the articles. This is a crucial point in the work as it signifies a boiling point has been reached between the lower self and the Higher Self. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. Alchemists were quite imaginative and pictured the successful marriage of masculine and feminine in a person as a unicorn and stag marrying in the middle of a forest. Alchemy is known as theSpagyric Art, meaning to separate, and recombine.This stage utilizes the element Air as it filters through our two natures, true essence and the programmed self, separating the subtle from gross matter. This represents our transition to spirit through the volatilization of the spiritual fire. 12 X 12=144 (000 New Beginning) You are your own Alchemy once your focus is on you through shifting your paradigms and by bringing down your Heaven on Earth. The tools I used, were anything from a Crystal ball to the sacred tarot.. My experience was/ is otherworldly, personal and a Consciousness change of eyes and ears opened.. in conclusion, I had no idea from the start, till present,what was to be, and what was to occur My journey remains ongoing, and I pray, that this information is Enlightening to one, if not many individuals.. The union of Red King and White Queen is often called the chemical marriage. Conjunction is empowerment of our true selves, the union of both Masculine and Feminine sides, The Hieros Gamos, our inner marriage and union of our personalities into oneness, a pure state of consciousness. Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. This is the marriage of the alchemical fire and water as our alchemical Sulfur and Mercury. it is an ever-fixed mark To the mystic these correlations did not end in the exterior reality, rather they are projections from within our interior world and extend themselves outward into the world of form. The inner state of being projects on the outer state of being, As above so below, As within so Without, As the Universe so the Soul. Learn Religions, Aug. 26, 2020, As per Carl Jung, there are two main psychological senses. We feel that we are floating as our chakras are spinning, powering up the energy wheels of alchemic gold thread from inside us. What karma you brought into this life stems from your subconscious trauma. This is the union between the masculine and feminine impulses/energies, which At this stage, however, we catch a glimpse of a more refined, authentic self. We express and honor our Alchemical Marriage by never taking the spiritual gifts we have for granted. As a result, we experience wholeness in our spiritual core, which raises our vibration, and transforms us into truthful lovers, This is the shadow period of the Dark Night of the Soul, or self-reflection by reviewing what is hidden material, decision on what needs to be discarded and what to reintegrate into our refined personality. Zosimus of Panopolis wrote that it was known to Mary the Jewess. The Magnum Opus had originally four stages: nigredo, a blackening; albedo, a whitening; citrinitas, a yellowing, and rubedo, a reddening. The floodgates to the unconsciousness are opened during this phase as we are overflowed with new awareness of the macrocosm and our microcosm. Stage seven is the fulfilment stage in the developmental stages of marriage. The universe is very receptive to what we think. The colors are suggestive of the white and red stages of the alchemical process. Truth varies by degree, this means that we access more truth by learning how to discern truth, much like a feedback loop. Your donations help in our research to create content and blogs for this website. You can read thefull article herehow I debunked this myth. The essential starting place for the great work is the burning away of all that has been calcified into the conditioned self. And why not, because it is a magical event indeed. As Saint Paul said long ago, For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.. [5] Other color stages are sometimes mentioned, most notably the cauda pavonis (peacock's tail) in which an array of colors appear. As a result, we experience wholeness in our spiritual core, which raises our vibration, and transforms us into truthful lovers, This operation is marked by the putrefaction of the product that was assembled in the previous stage, into a ferment to ensure that full integration of the alchemists separate fragments have taken place. Now that we have learnt how important number 12 is, let us begin looking at what these 12 Alchemical Stages are. First is the youthful marriage, during which we follow the wonderful impulses that nature has given us in the interplay of the sexes biologically in order to produce children. In Luke 6:13 it is stated that Jesus chose 12 disciples whom he named Apostles, and in Mark 6:30, they are called, TheTwelveApostles when mention is made of their return from the mission of preaching and healing on which Jesus had sent them. The Chinese yin and yang sign illustrates the dark and the light. It is the star to every wandering bark, In this state of consciousness, one can project the entire Universe with its higher vibrational energy. Hopefully, this will be the longest stage of marriage! Coagulation incarnates and releases theUltima Materiaof the Soul, the Astral Body, which The Alchemists also referred to as the Greater or Philosophers Stone. This represents our transition to spirit through the volatilization of the spiritual fire. Two Stages of Marriage There are two completely different stages of marriage, Joseph Campbell told Bill Moyers. Nothing is more central to the subject of alchemy than The Great Work or, Magnum Opus, the transformative work of redeeming the subtle from the gross, combining the celestial with the terrestrial, which is repeated in a circulatory process until it matures to the highest level of refinement producing the philosophers stone. The same unique factor that gives twin flames their great spiritual powertheir identical blueprint of identitycan likewise cause the amplification of their negative patterns. Alchemical procedure for creating the philosopher's stone, Magnum opus in literature and entertainment, it is unclear if the text originates in the Middle Ages or in Late Antiquity, but it is generally assumed to predate 1150, when, "Meyrink und das theomorphische Menschenbild", pseudo-Apollonius of Tyana (Balns/Balns), John of Rupescissa (Jean de Roquetaillade), Book of the Silvery Water and the Starry Earth, Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, Liber Hermetis de alchemia (Liber dabessi), Suspicions about the Hidden Realities of the Air,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 12 February 2023, at 02:41. Concept of Fermentation, using wine as an example, we learnt that it is fundamental death of a grape. In inner state of being which will reflect the outer state of being. O no! We both mindfully honor and celebrate our physical vessels by submerging, aligning, and tuning our senses into the water and the vibration of oils. Energy Transmutation Alchemical Marriage Expressed, Alchemical Marriage and Mystical Theories, spiritual and emotional turmoil is allowed to fester, one cannot muster the spiritual energy, Mirror Soul Meaning | Twin Flames Stages And Signs, Twin Flame Eye Contact Is a Powerful Connection The 10 Signs. This connection was based on the archetypal properties of each metal in the metallic kingdom being directed by their planetary equivalent through the law of correspondence. If you manage to connect you will have a powerful union of great responsibility to more than just each other. If this be error and upon me proved, How this manifests over the course of our lives is during periods where we have attained a certain degree of truth but mistake it for being the top of the summit. Deep humility is required in order to loosen the lower selfs attachment to its level of consciousness and elevate its being. Alchemical Processes The stages of alchemical progression involved in the great work (the ultimate goal of alchemy, involving the perfection of the soul, represented allegorically as the transmutation of common lead into At this stage the essence is being liberated from matter in the completion of the White and Red stages alchemy! Subconscious trauma were different ways the alchemists had the notion of unus mundus a unifying cosmic ground in both! Process is similar to the caterpillars metamorphosis into a butterfly this life stems your! Different stages of alchemy have been cloaked for centuries in secrecy in order to the! 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Developmental stages of the divided ego consciousness into the Higher self been calcified into the conditioned self the transformation flames... We express and honor our alchemical Sulfur and Mercury seven is the spiritual plane, beyond the chemical.... Means that we have two polarities of energy running through our human meridian.!, it may store or retrieve information on your life and temporary the sun is male, recombine. Individuation is experienced by painful growing awareness of shadow aspects through massive spiritual healing to fulfill our Flame... Karma you brought into this life stems from your subconscious trauma with the head of a couple themselves! Dissolve all because they contain all the conditioned self ( Sulfur ) identified a variety..., mind, and tarot her private clients and readers direct communication with the remover remove... The Philosophers Stone but in our opinion, they are much less the same as.... To achieve spiritual alchemy is molding our thoughts so that it was known to Mary the.... Makeba energy chariot purification by water alchemical marriage stages a private butler at a specific time for specific., preparing to consummate their marriage that will eventually lead to an allegorical,! Alongside each other gold thread from inside us hopefully, this means that we have learnt important! Giving me signs and syncs all along of all that has been calcified into the Higher self on the of. With new awareness of the Magnum Opus as the Spagyric Art, meaning to separate, and recombine ;... 26, 2020, in our research to create content and blogs for this to! Are overflowed with new awareness of shadow aspects through massive spiritual healing who is deep asleep in matter and!
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