GLORIA: We do have time for more training. As a professional, its important that you continually reflect on your practise to help you gain insight into and think analytically about your work. Background: The World Health Organisation amongst others recognises the need for the introduction of clinical supervision education in health professional education as a central strategy for improving patient safety and patient care. Each week, our therapists and interns meet with a licensed clinical supervisor who oversees their training and development as well as treatment of clients in their schools. I've seen your skills and feel you have great potential to grow professionally and as an important professional in this agency. You play a role. January 2020 Online and blended learning methods are growing exponentially in use in higher education and the systematic evaluation of these methods will aid understanding of . I'm OK with supervision, and I like the fact that we're both going to have an agenda, so that's fine. How do we deal with our burnout? If it builds the therapeutic alliance with the clients, that's good. [Melissa and Juanita continue to discuss some of her cases and her efforts to work with more challenging clients. If you are looking for more guidance and feedback, the traditional model may be right for you. How will we reconcile these differences? How can we reduce the strain of administrative tasks we all face? It gives us a way of assessing quality. [Carrie discusses how peer supervision and team coaching work.]. It is important for Stan to help her be more aware in future situations with similar clients and dynamics. 529 lessons. Strict observation of private hospital protocols regarding in handling patients' cases. Basically; Stay positive.. I want you to know I'm not sponsoring her. The advantages and disadvantages balance each other out in the end, meaning that it is definitely a give-and-take type of position. Consider the supervisors approach to supervision. LARRY: What I want to be sure of is that we're not moving away from our roots: that this is not taking us away from 12-Step. I'm glad for you, but I'm not happy about the way this was handled, especially how Susan made the announcement. However, anecdotal evidence from RCN members and CPN colleagues has shown that one-to-one clinical supervision in nursing is being eroded, especially in community mental health teams. Each activity has its own agenda: 5:05mins. Through mentorship, personnel can grow professionally, and leadership succession can become a key aspect of the organization and field. Clinical supervision is a It may be helpful to begin with the idea that observation gives us a chance to learn from each other. Then you can move into a discussion about the benefits and cost-effectiveness of certain observation methods. Dr. Rachel Tustin has a PhD in Education focusing on Educational Technology, a Masters in English, and a BS in Marine Science. Below are some examples of the benefits that supervision can have for your professional practice. So, if you are struggling with a case or feeling burned out, your supervisor can offer guidance and support. I'll need to have a sense of what you've learned and where you see your skills. They'd then follow the same individual in small group supervision discussion. =^[iH![o Aj9VD#J1x"5kWV "&(45?c6]$k Tm" UEu8qy&~8!@#5~A=Gl hkk But in addition to these advantages and disadvantages, one specific limitation of online supervision comes to mind which may be worth thinking about before committing to supervision via this modality. Gene had a really good system in place for clinical supervision. How could this situation have been handled differently? STAN: Let's talk about your relationship with Alicia and what the intent is now. Master Supervisor Note: It is important for supervisors to take into account cultural variables that might affect clinical relationships, such as differences in ethnic, religious, and geographic factors and their impact on the counselorclient relationship. But, you know, I'm basically a 12-Step facilitation guy. And I can see what you mean by how a reasonable uninvolved person might view this situation. For example, she would need training in clinical supervision skills and eventually will need to get her certification as a supervisor. MARGIE: Here are some other ideas where you might consider growing professionally: learning about leadership, creating a vision, business and financial management, continuous quality improvement, organizational development, conflict resolution, and on and on. tqX)I)B>== 9. That way, we can explore your specific learning objectives. In either case, the goal of working with a new teacher on data analysis is to help them develop a critical eye for their teaching style, and how that in turn impacts student learning. If you told someone you respected what you did, how would they react? Who has a stake in the decisionmaking? Restriction on performing certain methods of care. The conference's theme is PTSD and substance use disorders. I know that 12-Step facilitation does that. Poor treatment of nursing students is not uncommon in the workplace. It is useful to provide any research data available in the field or from your agency. All STAN: So you have a sense of the potential conflict of interest depending on what hat you're wearing and how that might be perceived. ELLA: Second, we need funding for the equipment. Although I must admit, she does remind me of myself when I was in early recovery. Evaluators are there to determine whether or not a teacher should remain in the classroom, while the mentor's role is to help the mentee improve their teaching. Daily live classes. I think that having this classroom set up would be great but I dont believe it should be like that every day though. MELISSA: I hear that you were concerned about missing some sessions so you made a strong effort to reconnect with your clients later. I believe this will help our clients, and that's the bottom line, isn't it? CARRIE: Well Al, I think you'll get comfortable with it, and you'll find it to be very helpful when it comes to areas that you have concerns about. To help the counselor and the supervisor differentiate between therapy and supervision, the supervisor needs to continually ask him- or herself, What does this have to do with your counseling functions? This is often the result of: Staff shortages; increased workload; Lack of teaching skills; Staff feeling threatened by nursing students (Davey, 2003). An individual developing a clinical supervision program for an agency clearly needs to explain to an administrator what is being asked of the organization. The supervisor should also stress the barriers and obstacles to be overcome and how those will be addressed. Today I want to spend time discussing your reservations and how MI can be good for our clients and for the agency. How To Implement a Clinical Supervision System. This is a new role for me, too, so I can use your feedback and suggestions. Through reflection and collaboration, the mentee can become more self-confident and competent in his or her integration and application of the knowledge and skills gained. You're a great asset to the agency. Our relationships with the clients and each other are the most important because that's how we serve the clients. The first tip mentioned was beginning the year tough. I felt disrespected after my years of service to the agency. Regardless of how difficult it may be, the experiences and interactions are well worth the stresses of management. Jonathan has directed Ella to maintain supervisory functions the way your predecessor did. Jonathan does not want to introduce any significant tasks into the workload, especially those that are not billable or revenue generating. Clinical supervision has several benefits, which Walt can offer Carrie at this point: Administrative benefits: ensuring quality care, providing a tool to evaluate the staffs strengths and learning needs, Clinical benefits: improving counselors' knowledge and skills and offering a forum to implement evidence-based practices within an organization, Professional and workforce development: enhancing staff retention, improving morale, providing a benefit to enhance staff recruitment, and upgrading the qualifications and credentials of personnel, Program evaluation and research: providing valuable information to determine program outcome and patient success. It's great that you could step back from the situation and see how your caring deeply for her spilled over in other ways. And all through this process, we've been able to stay true to our 12-Step philosophy. As it is part of normal practice, the evaluation generally falls under existing ethics and data governance practices Cons Drawbacks include: it does not allow for a live comparison group, so. Kevin, also a counselor, is in process of becoming licensed. Yes, there is more dreaded paperwork. Large groups (200+) are a managerial challenge. JONATHAN: Some of the distinction between case management and clinical supervision will hopefully become clearer to me and staff as we implement the system. Al is in recovery, with 5 years of sobriety and 3 years of experience as a counselor. JONATHAN: What else can I tell the board about this supervision system? BETTY: Okay, if you really think I can do this. Alicia reminds me of myself when I was in early recovery. The EAP referral is to address personal life issues that are not the concern of her employer. Perhaps you could tell that board that if we can retain a staff member for 612 months longer, we'll save the agency far more than you've invested in supervision. Staffing costs, such as personnel retention and turnover rates, hiring costs and expenses associated with retraining of personnel, and impact on staff morale. Get smarter at building your thing. So, hopefully this is not about making mistakes but learning from each other. BILL: I'd like to explore that with you. The primary cognitive process of clinical supervision is reflection, that is, thinking back on clinical experiences in order to recount them and deepen understanding and/or identify areas for . We now need to increase the amount of evaluation we give staff, support them in their clinical duties, and train them by watching them work with our clients more closely. In rare . In Asian cultures, it is not uncommon for a client to ask the counselor personal questions as a means of establishing trust. CARRIE: Right. For the mentor, it means reflecting on not just their mentee, but how they perform in the clinical cycle. Twenty participants meet to create a group of leaders for the field in North Carolina. Now you're our boss. However, most states have adopted at least some basic standards for clinical supervision. hmo0_n/T!-&Z+!^ALJ@ $)m aC)T) endobj Since the State now requires our counselors to eventually be certified, will this help in that process? If it would be helpful to discuss your concerns with Susan, either together or alone, I'd be willing to help you with that. They then return to their organizations for 6 months of mentoring and working on their projects. She also invited Alicia. Instead, acknowledge to staff that this is new, that you have things to learn, and that, with their assistance, you can work as a team. I am sorry about how the communication was handled. First, I have six sponsees. Most counselors question how clients will accept it. October 2017 The supervision will address each counselor's skills, what competencies they need to develop further, and how each can best address the needs of the clients. He got me to do things I didn't think I could do. BETTY: And you would be willing to make that kind of investment in me, Margie? However, if you are a clinician, consider seeking out clinical supervision to help you improve your practice. endstream endobj 106 0 obj <> endobj 107 0 obj <> endobj 108 0 obj <>stream Michael E. Townsend Leadership Academy ( %PDF-1.5 With these things in mind, you will be on your way to finding the right clinical supervisor for you. AL: Maybe it would be better if I saw tapes of others doing counseling first. It is useful to remember what it felt like being in that position. To illustrate how work-related stresses and personal problems can interact and affect one another. During the class she learned the importance of making a reasonable effort to supervise, and the legal and ethical obligations of the agency to supervise. Supervisory Skills Types & Examples | What Are Good Supervisory Skills? You and I have had a great relationship over these past few years. Since you should never ask a staff member to do something you are unwilling to do, it might be helpful for you to: Be open to feedback from staff, setting the tone of acceptance and vulnerability to feedback. I think videotaping a session or having a supervisor sit in will make the clients nervous, too. They work very hard and for long hours. Supervision is an invaluable resource for any clinician. JONATHAN: I think I understand the difference. I had a great supervisor, Jackie. Ethical decisionmaking can be difficult at times. But, it was something we just needed to do, and in the end, being smoke free has had significant health benefits to staff and clients, and has reduced the health care premiums for all personnel. Don't try to fake it. If the teacher and students parents have not developed a good rapport, this too may affect language diversity in schools. If you had to do it all over again, how would you react differently? Ella, a Level 2 supervisor, was recently hired to be the clinical supervisor of this agency, overseeing the work of six counselors. Staff morale is lower, too. December 2017 It could be perceived that way. STAN: This is difficult for you. Is there another legal issue waiting for us that we don't know about? And I know there is going to be a shift in our relationship, but I still want us to see ourselves, as well as new staff, as a team, focused on the best patient care we can offer. So, as hard as that will be for me, I'll need to stop doing as much socializing as I did before. So, we'll work on a training plan and I'll suggest times for you to observe a session and videotape. I never thought that would happen. It requires another body of knowledge and skills to be a supervisor. I sat in on several counseling sessions, observed the senior counselor conduct the sessions, and co-led a group and several family sessions. You've worked hard to become an excellent counselor. In the beginning, counselors might be encouraged to choose the section of a session in which they thought they did well. March 2017 WALT: Let's summarize what we've said. The following are steps to ethical decisionmaking: Recognize the ethical issues by asking whether there is potentially something harmful personally, professionally, or clinically. Overall, this article is a great reminder to principals and the influence they have on behavior management and helping new teachers succeed. teachers about teaching, usually. So I'm sure I can learn something from her. The need to recognize a code of ethics and conduct is also very, very important. Clinical supervision systems need the support of staff at all levels of management and in a manner they will understand: how it will benefit them, the agency, and the clients. February 2016 In all of these efforts, basic dynamics of supervision, such as relationship building, managing rapport in stressful situations, giving feedback, assessing, and understanding and responding to the needs expressed by the counselor are demonstrated. Children have their own interests and wants just like adults and are not puppets over controlling they would not result in the expected outcome. For example, we've spoken before about how we'd like to streamline the paperwork process. GLORIA: That's a really excellent point. GLORIA: There are several different ways we can approach the implementation. We'll meet as a group for supervision for an hour a week, and we'll discuss the session that was videotaped or observed that week, with one of you leading the discussion. ELOISE: The last thing I want to do is to hurt her or to act in an unprofessional manner. November 2017 Qf Ml@DEHb!(`HPb0dFJ|yygs{. [A discussion continues about Jan's course work in school and her training in the field placement, and how she can continue that learning in the agency. Clinical supervision can be defined as a collaborative relationship between an experienced professional, known as the supervisor, and someone who is receiving or has received services. I'd also like you to introduce the program at our next all-staff meeting. The vignette focuses on how Margie can mentor her successor and the next generation of personnel so they could be promoted upon her retirement. Now you seem to be adding more activities and expenses. I understand that you were interested in the position. Bill acknowledges to himself his feelings of being used by these clinicians in the past. But I didn't know that going to the barbecue was wrong. Depression, Anxiety, Stress or something else - we are here to help! Nursing student perceives clinical experience in private hospitals a hindrance to learning and acquiring skills. Margie has worked with Betty for 3 years as her clinical supervisor but without a mentorship training plan. Copyright 2022 MantraCare Corporation | All Rights Reserved. Recently, we discussed her views on the advantages and disadvantages of being a supervisor. ELOISE: I have a clearer understanding of how my relationship with clients after they're discharged is as important as when they are my active clients. The best part is you've explained the concept in such an innovative way that helped understand me it so well. How do MI and other approaches keep us close to our roots of 12-Step work? I really want to apologize for saying all those things to you about my family and how that is affecting me and all that, and I just want to apologize. JUANITA: Just be there for these sessions. I think that is important and I appreciate your concern for clients. It seems like a possible dual relationship issue for you, and I would like to know what you think about this? JUANITA: Well, first maybe I shouldn't see any more male patients? To demonstrate leadership in the face of staff who are resistant and reluctant to incorporate EBPs into their counseling. Supervisors might need to provide additional time for close supervision of trainees, interns, or counselors needing specific attention. It can be done with two teachers, or with an observer along. To model MI in the supervisor/supervisee relationship. Behavioral Strand Updates Some staff will be quite resistant to the change. MARGIE: So, perhaps we can discuss how you can increase your skills, both clinically and in supervision. If supervision can help me professionally, that's good. (Sergiovanni and Staratt, 1979). Data analysis is the process of looking at instructional data, such as assessments or observations, to discover patterns that can be addressed by refining the teaching strategy. That will ensure we're making a reasonable effort to supervise and will significantly increase our clinical supervision system here. We have to be mindful of not being drawn into relationships that hurt the client or that could be perceived as dual relationships. BETTY: I don't know. STAN: I'm glad we agree on those kinds of extremes because dual relationships are a big concern of our agency and staff. It might be a seasoned teacher working with a student teacher assigned to them by the university and their principal. As you know, counseling is an ever-evolving process, and I think our task is to be able to take what we do well and build on it with new approaches. I don't counsel her anymore. November 2022 The cost benefit for implementing a supervision system, addressing: What's in it for the agency? Supports professional practice and reflection Supports continuing professional development (CPD) Improves patient outcomes Improves wellbeing Improves work environment and culture Take a look at the video below to hear about the benefits supervision has had for some of our registrants. MELISSA: Well, Juanita, I'm sorry you have to cope with all that's going on, but I don't feel you need to apologize for anything last week. I feel like its a lifeline. Jonathan is the agency's CEO and Ella's immediate boss. Supervision involves a different set of skills than being a counselor. ~xo. BETTY: I am honored (and a wee bit embarrassed) that you see that potential in me, and want to invest in my professional growth. I knew there were going to be changes. I was very lucky have a principal who saw my potential. (Glickman, Gordon and Ross-Gordon, 2014, pp. ELOISE: She doesn't call me or come see me. What direct observation did you have? It also gives me great joy to see you grow professionally, and perhaps advance into supervisory and administrative positions here in the future. She is also seeing several clients with co-occurring disorders. Instead of exhorting, arguing with, or threatening the counselor if they do not play ball, seek to understand the counselor's concerns with words such as Yes, this is difficult. Not uncommon in the beginning, counselors might be encouraged to choose the of. Our clinical supervision program for an agency clearly needs to explain to an administrator what is being asked the. Not sponsoring her some staff will be quite resistant to the barbecue wrong! Can use your feedback and suggestions made a strong effort to reconnect with your clients.... English, and co-led a group of leaders for the mentor, it is for... 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