MIAA pays for officials for JV & Varsity championship game, Varsity & JV: Winner of Championship Match, Varsity A & B: Top 6 (#6 @ #3 #5 @ #4 #1 & #2 byes). Protective head gear must be worn by both base coaches at all levels. The Mules were picked first in the MIAA Baseball Preseason Coaches' Poll. It is the competence of the Executive Director to determine the arbitrary or intentional nature of a forfeiture. All coaches should carefully read the MIAA Policies and Procedures Handbook each school year specifically noting the areas that directly affect their respective sport. Teams Below (starting with team below tied teams) *, If three teams are tied: Combined record vs. tied teams, Record vs. All waivers will go to the Executive Committee for review. Varsity A & C: Top 6 Double Elimination (Games 1-9 at higher seed), Varsity B: Top 4 from each division Double Elimination (Games 1-13 at higher seed), (Varsity: For the championship game, the home team is the undefeated team. 1 Hope and No. - No. The schools representative should indicate to the prospective student athlete and his parents that further contact by an athletic department representative cannot be made until the admissions department at the member school is contacted by the parents. On Friday night, the team came up short, 58-53 to Hope College in the MIAA Semifinals. Commencing with date of enrollment at a member school, a full-time student, who is in good standing according to the policies of the particular school and subject to the other limitations herein prescribed, is eligible to participate in league competitions in the MIAA. Throw in spots in front court: There are four designated spots: The two spots just outside the lane line on either side of the lane, Modify the basket interference rule by adding the following to the NFHS definition (Rule 4-6) Art. 279 MIAA Championships 12 Men's Soccer MIAA Championships 45 CoSIDA Academic All-Americans 170 Hornets on 2021 MIAA Academic Honor Roll 14 Teams earned the 2021 MIAA Team GPA Award 10 Men's Soccer All-Americans 27 Men's Swimming/Diving MIAA Championships 7 Men's Tennis National Championships 87 Men's Tennis MIAA Championships 2 Trine 66, No. Dates, times and sites may be changed by agreement of both schools any date changes due to holidays, vacations, course availability, etc. Baseball to open up MIAA schedule with Rogers State at home Jets will take on the Hillcats in a 3 game series beginning Friday 2/22/2023 1:15:00 PM By: Jeordon Kuderer Story Links GAMES 11, 12, & 13 Rogers State (9-1, 0-0 MIAA) vs Newman (4-6, 0-0 MIAA) Friday, February 24th-Sunday, February 26th | McCarthy Field | Wichita, Kansas Our coaches understanding and support of these facts and expectations is critical to the smooth operation of the MIAA. Line-ups: Coaches should exchange line-ups five minutes prior to match time. The committee shall advise, work cooperatively with and give guidance to the Association concerning medical and safety issues as they relate to programs and services of the MIAA provided by the National Federation of High Schools (NFHS) and the NCAA. Plaques given to 1st 3rd place and medals given to 4th 10th place at the individual tournament. Schools who fail to submit all conference nominees or ballots in any sport in the required time frame and prior to the actual voting will be fined $100. If less than ten minutes are left in the slot, a 3-minute overtime will be played. The HOME team will get to decide whether they would like to shoot first, or defend first. Athletic Trainers are recommended to be on-site for double practice days. During playoff games, interrupted games are picked up on the next date from the exact point of interruption if the losing team has not had seven complete at bats. F: 508-541-9838. [email protected]. Inform cheerleaders of the importance of proper timing of yells, display of good sportsmanship to visitors, and cooperation with team, band and other activities. If after 5 shooters, there is still a tie, it becomes a sudden death competition. Migration down from upper level to lower-level teams, in conference contests, should only occur if there is a danger of an under-squad team being unable to complete their schedule. The score and lineup shall be the same when it is resumed as they were at the normal suspension. Communicate officials rules interpretation dates. Fall teams Summer begins June 1st and ends seven days prior to the member schools start date for that sport. in which the ball becomes dead (e.g., violation, held ball, etc) the shot clock is set to 20s. Voting is done at the end-of-season meeting. For example, if a teams #2 starter is running late, the opposing coach will be notified of the approximate time that the original starter is to arrive at the course. If a wrestler does not pass any of the three certification attempts, he or she would then have to wait until the final certification date of December 27. Make-Ups: Nov 29 (by appt only) @ Mt. A request for this explanation would not preclude the member school from filing an appeal of the decision as outlined in the appeal process. Rosters need to include name, academic year, transfer student status and date of birth. 2022-23 MIAA Men's Indoor Track and Field Schedule. (Medals for 1st 3rd for individual events and relays). Feb 11 (Fri) 2:30 P.M. vs. Pittsburg State University. Changeovers and set-breaks: In accordance with USTA rules, there is a two-minute set-break after each set played, whether it ends in an odd or even number of games. Tie Breakers, if necessary. Hold a meeting on each campus of every coach, chaired by the athletic director and attended by the head of school (or his/her administrative delegate), to bring to the attention of coaching/teachers the proper approach to sportsmanship which would also address the issue of language, fighting, trash talking and respect for officials and opponents. Players may not move more than one position in the lineup from one match to the next unless illness or injury results in the absence of one or more players. Any catcher or other player warming-up any pitcher, who is playing in the game, must wear a helmet or skull cap, catchers mask and a cup. The Association officially recognizes the formation of Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (MIAA-SMAC). FOR JV & Fr/So: If there is a 35-point differential at the end of the first half or any time after, the game will be continued with a running clock. Coaches ejected from game(s) may not be present at the game site both for the day of the ejection and any subsequent game(s). All scores and postponements must be phoned in by both home and visiting teams within 24 hours of the game. Not reporting scores will cause delays in the scheduling of playoffs and result in school fines. Championship Determination; Commissioner's Cup; MIAA Directory; . Filter schedule by selecting a team name from the list. The two technical foul rule in basketball does not warrant an additional game suspension, unless the 2nd technical foul would warrant an ejection on its own. This responsibility does not end until the coach and their team has departed from the practice or game. A student athlete who is by definition a varsity athlete at a member school may not become eligible to participate at another member school in the next academic year by enrolling in a non- member school for a period of less than one full academic year. If the wrestler fails certification in the final attempt, he or she will be ineligible for competition for the remainder of the season. When a player is missing from a match, all players below must move up to fill the opening (there cannot be a default at the open position). It is the competence of the Executive Director, upon his own or any member schools initiative, to judge the eligibility status of a student-athlete. Final Certification Date: December 27 (by appointment only) @ McDonogh. Tuesday, February 21 - First Round No. Discipline or reprimand those students who display unsportsmanlike behavior and if necessary, forfeit the privileges of representing the school. The goal of the committee is to best provide for competitive equality and balance in the athletic conferences. Offcanvas Mobile Standings. Students participating in individual oriented sports will follow provisions as established by the sports committee chairperson for that sport. No member school shall participate in a post season contest without the written approval of the Executive Director. Social media use that promotes hurtful, harmful or negative reflection upon others is not condoned nor supported by the MIAA. Continuing from point of interruption unless the teams mutually agree to terminate the game with the existing score, after the start of the 3rd quarter. Make sure that all facilities are clean and comfortable. The intent to protest must be requested and documented to the official and opposing coach at the point of the infraction before the continuation of the contest. A game suspended after the completion of the first half shall be considered a complete game. (Include band, pep club buses, ), caution spectators about not walking on the field or floor. MIAA schedules baseball finals for June 18, but site still a talking point By Matt Doherty Globe Correspondent, Updated March 8, 2022, 1:51 p.m. The team should go inside and rewarm for 15 minutes then return to the outside for another 30 minutes. Plaque given to winner of regular season. All practices and walk-through sessions must be separated by three hours of continuous rest. If the #1 and #2 foursome ties, the tiebreaker would fall to the #3 and #4 foursome, and if needed, to the #5 and #6 group, until one group wins the hole outright. If Player 6 from Team A scores a 4 and Player 6 from Team B scores a 6 then Player 6 from Team A would win the back. TOPEKA, Kan. - Washburn baseball will begin its MIAA schedule this weekend with three games at Fort Hays State starting with a doubleheader on Saturday. Championship Meet Winner Revolving Cup (Foreman Trophy), MIAA pays for officials at final championship meet. Participation can be as simple or as extravagant as schools want it to be. All goalkeepers and all players from both teams listed on the official game sheet shall be eligible to participate in the shootout. In the event that a school cannot participate in a championship event due to religious restrictions, a new date and venue will be announced as soon as possible. Baseball Position Player of the Week 4/25/22. For clarification, a practice is defined as an organized gathering of student athletes, supervised by a coach or coaches, for the purpose of preparing for an athletic contest or to decide the numerical make-up of a team. Each member school of the MIAA is allowed to enter up to a maximum of six (6) golfers for the individual tournament. The Fall sports start date signifies the end of summer and the beginning of the out of season practice limitations for Winter and Spring teams. Field Restriction Rule: If a game is stopped prior to. MIAA pays for officials at championship meets, Early Certification Date: October 16 (by appointment only) @ McDonogh, General Weight Certification Dates: November 19 & November 21 @ McDonogh. (NOT sudden victory), Each coach will select 5 different players who were also on the field at the end of regulation than the first 5 who already have kicked to take the penalty kicks in a Sudden Victory situation. Latest Events. No substitute player may re-enter in any game. 1 92 = Maximum practice time is 1 h. For All Sports: There must be 20 min of rest breaks distributed throughout the hour of practice. If Players 5 and 6 have completed the seventh (7th) hole then the match will be considered complete. Varsity 5K JV 5K. -Coaches who fail to meet league deadlines will be fined $100. When selecting the teams, each playing position should be represented on the team. 106+ (HI) = Full practices may be held only in air-conditioned spaces at this point. If a team has not rescheduled and has not arrived for the match thirty minutes after it was scheduled, a forfeit may be declared. If any player has not completed seven (7) holes the entire match will be rescheduled from the start. Home teams are required to provide an athletic trainer for all varsity ice hockey games. The official 2023 Baseball schedule for the Washburn University Ichabods . Coaches are not islands unto themselves, but representatives of many. 10s backcourt count: The shot clock is used to determine 10s backcourt violations. The head of that body would be obliged to respond in writing within 3 days to the inquiry. Tag a longs may not participate in any MIAA sanctioned regular season, individual or championship event. Our athletes are the ones who will pay the price for failure to follow procedure. The top 10 players on a team will be varsity, the remainder will be JV. In the case of postponements, all contests (especially baseball and wrestling) must be rescheduled within 48 hours or the Executive Director in conjunction with the Executive Committee president will set the date and time of the game or match. Schools could get their teams involved or ask other groups that serve as ambassadors to your school and community. Courtesy runners may only be used for the pitcher and/or catcher at any time after reaching any base. 10 minutes shared time followed by 4-minute segments of court time for each team. Hammeke is averaging 16.6 points and 3.6 assists per game through 28 contests this season. For playoffs and championship events, a designated member of the schools administrative team (beyond the athletic director) should be present and introduced to appropriate personnel to assist with proper contest management and spectator behavior. 2 periods must be completed (2/3 of game) in order for the match to be official. Individual medals given to single and doubles champions and runners up at individual tournaments. Previous violations shall be a contributing factor in determining the degree of penalty. Items with intrinsic value or considered as gifts (i.e. MIAA Network Radio: Bearcat Radio Network. Coaches may not vote for their own players on these ballots. - Eight different MIAA Champions highlighted the day as the Albion College indoor track and field teams competed at the MIAA Indoor Championship. Coaching: Coaching is allowed only during the two-minute set-break (described above) or during the 90-second odd-game changeovers. -If a meet occurs during Holiday Break, individual results are kept but team standings are not impacted. Teams are not limited to the number of players they may have dress for a game. Proof of age (birth certificate, state issued ID or passport) is required to be submitted with the Eligibility Verification Form. The libero shall wear a solid-colored uniform top. The Competition Committee (with consultation from the sports chairperson) will meet and render a decision within 14 days after the EOS meeting. All schools will be strictly held to seasonal practice start dates. The Executive Director polls the members of the Executive Committee, in consultation with the Sport Chairperson regarding the disposition of the protest. To prove their eligibility, the student athlete must provide: A student who has attained his/her 19th birthday before August 31 of a given academic year is not eligible to participate. Coaches in the MIAA are some of the best coaches in the country. The National Federation of High Schools establishes rules and policies in the best interest of high school sports and the athletes, coaches and officials who participate in them. Total sets won against teams below (starting with team below tied teams) Playoff match to determine who gets in Coin flip only for seeding purposes. MIAA Baseball Position Player of the Week 2/27/23. Executive Committee, in consultation with the Calendar Committee, establishes new start date for playoffs and championship dates/venues. A ten-point Match Tie-break will be played in lieu of a third set if the overall outcome of the match has already been decided when that third set is to begin. If the game is tied or has not gone 5 innings, the games will be continued until a winner can be decided or any continuing action would jeopardize safety of players. The additional penalties are non-appealable. Players may wear a different shirt in following matches but it must have the school name. Fourth 16 ranked players play in the division 4 bracket regardless of school affiliation. We encourage fans to enthusiastically support their team, recognize the outstanding performance of opponents, and always exhibit good sportsmanship in their words and actions. (In the event of a three-way tie for two play-off berths, the three-way tie breaker will only be used to select the first advancing team. If the ball becomes dead for any other reason and the offense retains possession, they get a new 10 seconds. 04 : Albion: UNC-Wilmington . ), JV A & B: Top 4 teams (#4 @ #1 #3 @ #2), Varsity A & B May 21 @ Joe Cannon StadiumVarsity A & B if game May 22 @ Joe Cannon StadiumVarsity C May 22 (& 23) @ TBD, *Dates and venue requested not under contract. Videotaping or filming at all regularly scheduled league or non-league games is permitted. The MIAA does not recognize and will not publish any vote taken to select an outstanding player or coach. Match times set by home team. Our member schools abide by the same rule unless they have either a handheld lightning detector or other lightning technology to warn athletes, spectators, coaches and officials. In the event of a tie the point is split between teams. Arrange for security to prevent fans from getting on the field, around the players bench area, or directly into areas of competition. Remaining sports and multiple team scrimmages should be agreed to by the home school and assigner prior to the event. A player cannot be used as a courtesy runner for both positions during any game; he is limited to either the pitcher or catcher position. The MIAA Conference. Effective January 1, 2020, all balls used in high school baseball competition shall meet the NOCSAE standard at the time of manufacture. The executive directors decision is non- appealable. Practice should be conducted in helmets, shoulder pads and shorts (not full equipment). Once a player competes in three varsity matches, however, he may not compete again at the JV level in the MIAA matches or the MIAA individual tournament. Each wrestler will be given three opportunities to obtain weight certification. If a semifinal playoff match is tied at the end of regulation: If tied after that, the winner is determined based on, Win: 4 PointsLoss: 0Tie: 2 PointsLoss by less than 7: 1 Bonus PointScore 4 tries or more: 1 Bonus Point, (JV Championship game will take place prior to the varsity championship game), Varsity A, B & C Team Semifinals: May 9 @ Higher SeedsVarsity A, B & C Team Championships: May 11 @ Higher SeedsJV Team Semifinals & Championships: May 8 & 10 @ Higher Seeds Varsity A & B Individual Championships: May 15-17 @ McDonogh Varsity C Individual Tournament: May 15-17 @ AACSJV A Individual Tournament: May 15-17 @ TBDJV B Individual Tournament: May 15-17 @ TBD, Rain date for the Individual Championships is Thursday, May 18. It is the responsibility of the schools with the stricter dress codes to provide these restrictions to schools prior to the contest so they can adhere. The committee will monitor, evaluate and disseminate current information to the Association for its membership relative to the field of sports medicine. Varsity Individual Tournament: Feb 13-16 at St. Pauls, JV Team Semifinals: Feb 9 at higher seeds, JV Team Championship: Feb 10 at higher seed, (In regards to kinesiology tape, we follow the NFHS rule book. Off campus home events should be covered through communication or where physically practical. The number of athletes named to the teams will be as follows: Football-Up to 35 (minimum of 30 position players & up to 5 specialty players) from the A conference, up to 35 (minimum of 30 position players & up to 5 specialty players) from the B conference & up to 20 (minimum of 18 position players & up to 2 specialty players) from the C conference, Soccer-Up to 27 from A conference, up to 18 from the B conference & up to 23 from the C conference, Volleyball-Up to 15, Water Polo-Up to 14, Basketball-Up to 15 from the A conference, up to 14 from the B conference & up to 9 from the C conference, Ice Hockey-Up to 10 from the A conference & up to 16 from the B conference, Baseball-Up to 17 from the A conference, up to 25 from the B conference & up to 18 from the C conference, Lacrosse-Up to 22 from the A conference, up to 16 from the B conference & up to 18 from the C conference and Rugby-Up to 15. First and foremost is the safety of everyone at the event. This document will be kept for the entire year by each team. Plaque given to winner of championship game. If there is not a corresponding conference for that undersquad team, the team would then be eligible for that conference championship. An organized gathering of student athletes, supervised by a coach or coaches, for the purpose of preparing for an athletic contest or to decide the numerical make-up of a team. Meet will be rescheduled on next available date. Intentional walks must come from a coach. Story Links KANSAS CITY, Mo. Participation, in regards to any transfer policy, is defined as practicing or scrimmaging during the regular season, beginning with the 1st try-out/practice date or playing in any interscholastic competition. Student-athletes suspected with a concussion shall not return to activity for the remainder of that day. Attend the pre-season and post season meetings to assist the chairperson. Plaque given to the winner of the B conference championship meet. The winner of the most holes in this match, including holes 1-8 will receive 1 point; and, in case of a tie, each player will receive point. To facilitate orderly movement of traffic lines, provide directive (local police may help) supervision for cars leaving the parking area. MIAA coaches are the Face of the League. Shower facilities should be made available to participants daily and throughout tournaments. Movement between competitive levels in all sports will be done on a two-year basis. Due to the long term, irreversible, negative effects of performance enhancing drugs on a young athletes physical development, the use of such substances violates our position to ensure the health and safety of our student athletes and the promotion of competitive equity. At the plate conference, the head coach must make it clear and the plate umpire is required to ask if the P/DH is being used. Individual medals given to top 3 finishers in each event at championship. 2022 MIAA Baseball Schedule - Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association Athletics 2022 MIAA Baseball Schedule Filter schedule by selecting a team name from the list Filter events by selecting an event type from the list Sunday February 20, 2022 Alma 7 Centenary (La.) Thomas Sylvester of the Kalamazoo College baseball team was selected as the MIAA Baseball Pitcher of the Week on Monday (Feb. 27). On single practice days, hour of lifting is permitted in addition to the 2 hour session. 61. All weigh-ins will begin one hour prior to the start of the first match. Partners Athletics Brand Guidelines Bods Care Camps Photo Galleries Social Media Directory Mr. Ichabod Requests Ichabod Shop MIAA Network Baseball Football Men's Basketball Soccer Softball Track . Again, the safety of all is the most important consideration. 2 Marietta, Kalamazoo Baseball Headed to Marietta for NCAA III Regional, Eight MIAA Baseball Players Selected to CoSIDA Academic All-District First Team, MIAA Baseball Pitcher of the Week 2/27/23. If the Executive Committee determines the concern is valid enough to warrant a hearing, they will inform the athletic director from the school being investigated. Spencer Baldwin of Kalamazoo College was named MIAA Baseball Position Player of the Week for his performances between May 9-15. For the if game, home team switches from previous game. Starting with the 2012-13 season, all golfers will be allowed to use range finders in MIAA competition, in accordance with Appendix 1 of the USGA rulebook. Do not utilize an accumulation policy of cards over a season, GK must have # on goalie jersey.